Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Nov 10, 2012 at 1:53 AM Post #11,416 of 24,686
I need to rent Tinker again....I had rented it on Vudu and was eager to see it, but was sick at the time and fell asleep for like 12 hrs straight....the rental period ran out. Probably worth another rental fee to see it in its entirety. 
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:10 AM Post #11,418 of 24,686
Killer Joe
What did I just watch? Mind bending stuff. Either you'll like it, or you'll run away.
Nov 10, 2012 at 3:17 PM Post #11,421 of 24,686
Neverwas, 9/10

Incredible performances from a stellar cast in a very well-written fantasy/drama.
Nov 10, 2012 at 6:24 PM Post #11,422 of 24,686
that's my ONLY complaint about IMAX is that the seats aren't made for a big guy like me....those "larger rocker seats" sound perfect. Can't wait to hear back about your experience!

The UltraAVX seats are a faux leather,have a decent amount of recline,tall backs and are wide enough for me.
I am 6'3" tall,scale in at 300 pounds and wear a 52-54 Tall Jacket.
Knowing the seats recline,it makes sense to splay your knees somewhat and not jam your knees into the seat back of the person in front of you,,,
Had the reclining seat war with the weirdo behind me.
Two more people had to be shouted out by other patrons to shut their cell phones off,damn,I haven't been in a while and this still goes on.
Over the course of the movie,I did start to get restless and reposition myself in the seat.

Everything in the previous post about this theater experience holds true.
I would not look forward to seeing a movie any other way,forever spoiled now.
Always looking for more room in and around the seats,so it's a plus if that happens.

Right on about the booming bass,rattles right through your chair during explosions,fight,gun and chase scenes.
Beautiful panoramic night shots of major cities and excellent distant pan shots of countryside,looks vivid in digital on the huge screen.
I know most people like what D.Craig has done with the Bond franchise but I must confess,despite the best public theater experience,the movie just did not engage my inner spy.
He has brought J.Bond to the streets,nothing fantastic is included in Skyfall,except sharp product placements and marketing.
Best summed up by a young girl with her date on the way out:
Guy: "did you like the movie?"
Girl: "I'm not sure"
Guy: "well,what did you think of it?"
Girl: "umm,it was pretty good,I guess..."

Skyfall (2012) 7.9/10

16 theaters,Palladium Arcade,Burger King,Pizza Pizza,TCBY yogurt and a round mega concession stand.
P.S.-The pre movie trailer for DJango Unchained (Tarantino) looks fun.
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:20 PM Post #11,423 of 24,686
The UltraAVX seats are a faux leather,have a decent amount of recline,tall backs and are wide enough for me.
I am 6'3" tall,scale in at 300 pounds and wear a 52-54 Tall Jacket.
Knowing the seats recline,it makes sense to splay your knees somewhat and not jam your knees into the seat back of the person in front of you,,,
Had the reclining seat war with the weirdo behind me.
Two more people had to be shouted out by other patrons to shut their cell phones off,damn,I haven't been in a while and this still goes on.
Over the course of the movie,I did start to get restless and reposition myself in the seat.
Everything in the previous post about this theater experience holds true.
I would not look forward to seeing a movie any other way,forever spoiled now.
Always looking for more room in and around the seats,so it's a plus if that happens.
Right on about the booming bass,rattles right through your chair during explosions,fight,gun and chase scenes.
Beautiful panoramic night shots of major cities and excellent distant pan shots of countryside,looks vivid in digital on the huge screen.
I know most people like what D.Craig has done with the Bond franchise but I must confess,despite the best public theater experience,the movie just did not engage my inner spy.
He has brought J.Bond to the streets,nothing fantastic is included in Skyfall,except sharp product placements and marketing.
Best summed up by a young girl with her date on the way out:
Guy: "did you like the movie?"
Girl: "I'm not sure"
Guy: "well,what did you think of it?"
Girl: "umm,it was pretty good,I guess..."
Skyfall (2012) 7.9/10

Hell, when I take a date to a movie, actually watching the movie is pretty low on the list of priorities! 
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:32 PM Post #11,424 of 24,686
A lot of movies watched this weekend:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: 7/10

I'd give the crystal skull maybe a 2 but probably a 1.  I found it unwatchable and thought Speilberg should be ashamed.
Saw Skyfall though and did enjoy it.  Thought Javier made the whole movie even if his uncanny 'planning ahead' was a little far fetched.
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:42 PM Post #11,425 of 24,686
Neverwas, 9/10
Incredible performances from a stellar cast in a very well-written fantasy/drama.

X2 Never heard of that movie. Saw it on netflix and yes it was really nice
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #11,426 of 24,686
I'd give the crystal skull maybe a 2 but probably a 1.  I found it unwatchable and thought Speilberg should be ashamed.
Saw Skyfall though and did enjoy it.  Thought Javier made the whole movie even if his uncanny 'planning ahead' was a little far fetched.

Crystal Skull started out so promising.  I loved the opening sequence.  From there the movie went downhill.  The final few scenes were ridiculous camp. It was like Speilberg was mocking his own directing style.  I would give it 3.5/10 
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 9.5/10
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 6/10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8.5/10
Nov 10, 2012 at 9:35 PM Post #11,427 of 24,686
Ip man 1 and 2. If you like great Kung-Fu this is it...
Nov 10, 2012 at 9:58 PM Post #11,428 of 24,686
Crystal Skull started out so promising.  I loved the opening sequence.  From there the movie went downhill.  The final few scenes were ridiculous camp. It was like Speilberg was mocking his own directing style.  I would give it 3.5/10 
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 9.5/10
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 6/10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 8.5/10

That's pretty much exactly how I would rate them. I really was disappointed with Crystal Skull. 
Nov 10, 2012 at 10:39 PM Post #11,429 of 24,686
That's pretty much exactly how I would rate them. I really was disappointed with Crystal Skull. 

Shia LaBoof as a motorcycle-riding greaser.....too funny. 
Nov 10, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #11,430 of 24,686
Shia LaBoof as a motorcycle-riding greaser.....too funny. 

I'm really just tired of that guy...he's the same damn character in every flick. His schtick never changes, and I really thought it was scary how some were saying that he would take over as the main character in the franchise. PLEASE. Harrison Ford has more charisma and acting chops in his left nut than that kid has exhibited over half a dozen films. When Indy is done, so should the franchise be done, as well. 

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