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Nov 11, 2012 at 4:31 PM Post #11,447 of 24,686
Man With the Iron Fists or Wreck it Ralph

Wreck It Ralph in 3D.
Watch IP Man 1 or 2,wait for Man With the Iron Fists at home as well.

The Man with the Iron Fists (2012) 5.9/10

Add an ex-rapper,a dash of Iron Man and a splash of Kill Bill,you get someone trying too hard to make a movie.
Definitely save this one for home,unless you enjoy watching erotic whorehouse scenes with your best buddy.
A strong fascination with being an Afro-Samurai superhero doesn't necessarily translate into a capable production.
Nov 12, 2012 at 1:08 AM Post #11,448 of 24,686
Just got back from Skyfall on IMAX...
I think I now understand why there are a few of you guys who didn't like it....
You're all NUTS!!!!  That movie was awesome!!!!! 

Nov 12, 2012 at 1:30 AM Post #11,449 of 24,686
Just got back from Skyfall on IMAX...
I think I now understand why there are a few of you guys who didn't like it....
You're all NUTS!!!!  That movie was awesome!!!!! 


Exactly. I liked it. My friend didn't. Still he admitted he hadn't looked at his watch in the whole 2.5 hrs.
I guess its a more down to earth Bond, the one that's not a fantasy character.
Nov 12, 2012 at 1:45 AM Post #11,450 of 24,686
Exactly. I liked it. My friend didn't. Still he admitted he hadn't looked at his watch in the whole 2.5 hrs.
I guess its a more down to earth Bond, the one that's not a fantasy character.

I think that's why I liked it so much. It was much more old school Bond, and that was a common theme throughout the film, too. I don't want to see all the gimmicky action that was there with the Brosnan version....I want to see the more gritty, old school type of character that we have currently. I also liked the way this one sort of paid homage to the past films...I pretty much grew up on Bond movies cause it's the one franchise that even my dad loved - and he is not a movie fan at all. This one didn't have the complexity of Casino Royale or QofS, but that's fine...I thought it was a very solid entry to the series, personally. 
Nov 12, 2012 at 2:00 AM Post #11,451 of 24,686
Watched yesterday:
Total Recall (2012) : 6/10
Wasn't very boring, but nothing really interesting either. The mystery is revealed too early, the backdrop is not too engaging, so towards the end I wasn't really paying attention.
Nov 12, 2012 at 4:10 AM Post #11,452 of 24,686
Watched yesterday:
Total Recall (2012) : 6/10
Wasn't very boring, but nothing really interesting either. The mystery is revealed too early, the backdrop is not too engaging, so towards the end I wasn't really paying attention.

watched it couple of days ago. 2/10.
Nov 12, 2012 at 4:10 AM Post #11,453 of 24,686
Is Total Recall like a shot for shot remake just like Footloose was? If so, I'm going to pass. I see absolutely no point in that sort of thing....I hated the Footloose remake. 
Nov 12, 2012 at 4:42 AM Post #11,454 of 24,686
Don't Look Back: 10/10.
Not just saying that as a fan of Bob Dylan, it's an absolutely terrific documentary. It's just really fascinating watching him interact with his friends and fans, since he's such an absurdly strange person. The first time I had watched this was when I was just getting into Dylan, so I don't think I could fully appreciate the movie, but this time it was an absolute thrill.
My favorite scene in the whole movie is just Dylan hunched over, clacking away at his type writer, while Joan Baez is singing. It's just really neat watching his creative process.

I definitely recommend anyone who's interested in learning about one of the most important musicians of all time to watch it.
Nov 12, 2012 at 7:26 AM Post #11,455 of 24,686
Is Total Recall like a shot for shot remake just like Footloose was? If so, I'm going to pass. I see absolutely no point in that sort of thing....I hated the Footloose remake. 

Not really. The basic idea is similar, but the setting is different.
Nov 12, 2012 at 10:38 AM Post #11,456 of 24,686
Just got back from Skyfall on IMAX...

Monday morning and the verdict is clearly in after opening weekend in North America :

1. Skyfall, $87.8 million.
2. Wreck-It Ralph, $33.1 million.
3. Flight , $15.1 million.
4. Argo, $6.7 million.
5. Taken 2, $4 million.

One thing in common is we all went on opening weekend and like it or not,wanted to believe this would be the best Bond movie ever...
Caution - do not let The Man with the Iron Fists take your hard earned cash.
Let the writer,producer and self styled star of the movie suck up the $20,000,000 poured into this.
Best comment:
"A would be defining moment comes when our hero clangs his two fists together,ready to take on the world.
But he does it looking like an 8 year boy pretending to be the Hulk,banging his over sized foam fists together"
Nov 12, 2012 at 11:34 AM Post #11,457 of 24,686
Always amazes me how much a well oiled franchise means. It´s not like Avengers is the best movie ever. I haven´t seen Skyfall but from my friends nobody claim it´s the best movie ever... The last bond movie was actually pretty awful. I don´t even remember the name.
Nov 12, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #11,458 of 24,686
Man with the Iron Fists[/U][/I] take your hard earned cash.
Let the writer,producer and self styled star of the movie suck up the $20,000,000 poured into this.
Best comment:
"A would be defining moment comes when our hero clangs his two fists together,ready to take on the world.
But he does it looking like an 8 year boy pretending to be the Hulk,banging his over sized foam fists together"

^ 3/10
Wish i had this advice yesterday. Too late. Outrageous fight scenes were the ONLY thing that kept me from walking out. Wish i wlda logged on here yesterday, someone else was saying the same thing.

Also saw amazing spiderman yesterday 6/10. My only question for this movie is.....WHY? I was hoping they made a new one so quick to make it possibly darker like the batman series. Just only a tad bit less cheezy and made for the children teenage audience that the other 3.
Nov 12, 2012 at 4:16 PM Post #11,459 of 24,686
Alright alright I'll wait for the DVD release, but I'm still buying the OST on vinyl. Seriously...If nothing else the soundtrack for this movie is amazing.
^ 3/10
Wish i had this advice yesterday. Too late. Outrageous fight scenes were the ONLY thing that kept me from walking out. Wish i wlda logged on here yesterday, someone else was saying the same thing.
Also saw amazing spiderman yesterday 6/10. My only question for this movie is.....WHY? I was hoping they made a new one so quick to make it possibly darker like the batman series. Just only a tad bit less cheezy and made for the children teenage audience that the other 3.

Nov 12, 2012 at 4:43 PM Post #11,460 of 24,686
Ok just saw the Werewolf "the Beast among us"

Wow.... Wow.... Where do I start. This one was so bad that it deserves more words than just the 1/10 rating I am going to give it.

Bad in every way. Acting, camera angles, lighting, make up, costumes, story -- OH! the story, not to mention the many inconsistencies including but not limited to:

-Your main character being a blonde, blue eyed, american accented 20 year old living in an early 19th century english village has a mother that is undoubtedly HISPANIC? (honestly you have no idea WHERE this film is based I just read english somewhere. I don't think 2 accents in the entire lot of actors were the same. Some American, some almost Hungarian, some English, some idunnowhat.

-Your main hero/leader of the werewolf hunters is a dirty-hary wanna be cowboy (complete with a quasi english leather cowboy hat and southern accent. Yes again it is based in England.).

-Includes a guy who conveniently is all of a sudden a vampire when his vampire powers are needed to fight a werewolf. Mind you he never seems to drink blood, or get harmed by sunlight, or do any other vampire-like things (except stake through the heart seems to work on him..... oops sorry spoiler alert too late :)).

-Oh man, I won't tell you the silly ending to this movie but I am tempted.

The real question that I would be asking me if I were you is "why did you sit through it?" I still don't know the answer to that so don't bother.

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