Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:06 AM Post #12,481 of 24,687
I really had high hopes for this one, especially since the RT score was off the charts. I also typically enjoy films that are based on real life events. This one was a bit disappointing for me, though. I felt the first half was drawn out to fill running time, and even though the second half was more interesting, it didn't even come close to living up to some of the descriptors that I saw used, such as "chilling" and "astonishing". Overall it played like a glorified 60 Minutes or 20/20 piece to me...I'm not sure why this needed to be made into a film, and for the most part I found it to be pretty boring.  Most people seemed to really like it, though, so in this case I'll encourage you to not allow my opinion prevent you from seeing it. Even though it didn't do much for me, evidence suggests that most people thought it lived up to expectations. 
The Imposter - 6.2/10

Jan 23, 2013 at 9:32 AM Post #12,482 of 24,687

The Crow 1994      8/10   "Cohesively stylized from the start till the ending."

YES. Another Crow fan. LOVE the first one. LOVE IT. Too bad the other movies and TV series sucked beyond comprehension. The one with Eddie Furlong was so bad I actually wanted to punch my TV.
Jan 23, 2013 at 10:29 AM Post #12,483 of 24,687
YES. Another Crow fan. LOVE the first one. LOVE IT. Too bad the other movies and TV series sucked beyond comprehension. The one with Eddie Furlong was so bad I actually wanted to punch my TV.

I remember seeing it in the theater and there were all these people with black trench coats and Doc Martin boots on. They cheered threw the whole thing! HAHA 1994.

Jan 23, 2013 at 10:32 AM Post #12,484 of 24,687
Had a chance to see Django, and even though it's probably only my fourth or fifth favorite QT film, it was certainly worthy of being among his top offerings. I thought it was a fun ride overall and even given the lengthy running time it held my interest start to finish. 
Django Unchained - 8.6/10

QT will never top Pulp Fiction. How could he?
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:33 PM Post #12,486 of 24,687
To End all Wars - 9/10
This is a WWII POW camp movie from 2001 that totally fell under he radar for most. I saw it back then and it was even better watching this again.
There's just so much stuff in here to think about. It's a very sad movie, but not too depressing.
If you were tortured by your captors could you forgive them or would you let yourself be consumed by hate and getting revenge?
A lot of movies sugar-coat the treatment of POWs during WWII. The Great Escape does this a bit, but it's focus is mostly on escape and not the conditions.
Oh and it doesn't just straight up portray the Japanese soldiers as pure evil or anything like that! Thankfully.
There's lots of interesting info in here about the Code of Bushido during WWII. It explains a lot about the different views of the Japanese, British and American soldiers.
There's lots of stories about soldiers forgiving their enemies during WWII later on in life. Did you know that one of the pilots in the Doolitle Raid met the commander of the attack on Pearl Harbor? They became friends. Fuchida read Jacob De Shazers booklet about how he forgave the guards who tortured him. The two met and Fuchida later became a Christian evangelist and moved to the USA. De Shazer became a missionary in Japan. Jacob had to ditch his plane over China and was captured by the Japanese.
BTW there's a new movie coming out about a similar story of forgiveness. It's based on "Railway Man" the book and is starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman. It's about Eric Lomax tracking down his captors who tortured him during WWII.
Jan 23, 2013 at 11:04 PM Post #12,487 of 24,687
QT will never top Pulp Fiction. How could he?

Right there with you on that one...one of my favorite films of all time, QT or otherwise. 
Jan 24, 2013 at 2:19 AM Post #12,488 of 24,687
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
10/10. Couldn't stop laughing, everything was genius and perfectly executed. I can't give enough praise to SBC for literally breathing as his character every second and doing all the things he did with a straight face... Some parts where real cringe inducing and it requieres big balls to do most of that things. I know I'm extremely late but I was too small to understand the movie when it came out, now it was a good time to enjoy the movie to it's full potential. Not for people easily offended though...

edit: replaced the pic, the one in the swimsuit was perhaps too much...
Jan 24, 2013 at 3:16 AM Post #12,489 of 24,687
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
10/10. Couldn't stop laughing, everything was genius and perfectly executed. I can't give enough praise to SBC for literally breathing as his character every second and doing all the things he did with a straight face... Some parts where real cringe inducing and it requieres big balls to do most of that things. I know I'm extremely late but I was too small to understand the movie when it came out, now it was a good time to enjoy the movie to it's full potential. Not for people easily offended though...
edit: replaced the pic, the one in the swimsuit was perhaps too much...

Wait till you've watched Bruno. 
Borat is nothing compared to Bruno in terms of cringe-worthiness.
Jan 24, 2013 at 9:57 AM Post #12,491 of 24,687
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
10/10. Couldn't stop laughing, everything was genius and perfectly executed. I can't give enough praise to SBC for literally breathing as his character every second and doing all the things he did with a straight face... Some parts where real cringe inducing and it requieres big balls to do most of that things. I know I'm extremely late but I was too small to understand the movie when it came out, now it was a good time to enjoy the movie to it's full potential. Not for people easily offended though...

edit: replaced the pic, the one in the swimsuit was perhaps too much...

Thank you for saving us all from another body thong shot.
Jan 24, 2013 at 11:53 AM Post #12,492 of 24,687
Wait till you've watched Bruno. 
Borat is nothing compared to Bruno in terms of cringe-worthiness.

I didn't care for Bruno much. Nowhere near the hilarity of Borat. Bruno was mostly gay/penis jokes that usually fell flat (except for the ending which was exceptionally gay and pretty hilarious). Plus, most people were in on the joke in Bruno, and you can tell (you really think Paula Abdul would agree to sitting on a Mexican man otherwise?)
...that's what made Borat so special...everyone thought Borat was totally for real.
Jan 24, 2013 at 12:01 PM Post #12,493 of 24,687
Sorry for the horrible writing and overall poor review, I'm not trying to be professional or really expect anyone to read it, just getting my feelings towards the movie off my chest
Ok, after watching Borat I just NEEDED to watch this one... And oh boy was proton007 right when he said Borat is nothing as far a cringe-inducing scenes go when compared to Bruno. Man was this movie "heavy" in a good sense. Again I can never praise SBC for his acting. just like with the previous, You truly feel Bruno as a real person rather than a character, but perhaps he is not as believeable as Borat. Nearly every scene in the movie is almost unwatchable (for me) but yet so entertaining, unlike in Borat, there isn't a single "calmed" second, it's all "screw up" after "screw up" and at some parts you are even expecting him to get shot hahahaha. I was watching it with my smaller brother so the swingers part was just too much man. I still didn't found the story as cohesive as Borat's, while that one really follows a linear story where everything falls nicely into place, I felt that Bruno didn't really have a story, it's just kind of disaster after disaster, all acted really well in my opinion but indeed it may just be a little to offensive to some. Overall It's one of those movies that in the end I liked but I moments I really felt like it was a mistake watching it... If you enjoy Borat this is worth the watch for the shock factor. But unlike Borat, I will probably not watch this again

Jan 25, 2013 at 12:38 AM Post #12,495 of 24,687
You guys should watch the commentary track on Bruno...SBC plays it straight and really shares some interesting details about production. 

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