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Jul 22, 2014 at 1:18 AM Post #4,471 of 6,972
The original Fallout revolutionized the RPG genre and Fallout 3 really showcased a step-up in open world design.  I'd love to revisit the iconic locations in the first two games in 3D with modern technology.  I wish Obsidian or Bethesda would remake FO1 and FO2 with the gameplay of FO3/New Vegas.  At least someone is trying:

Looks like a great project!
Jul 22, 2014 at 2:43 PM Post #4,472 of 6,972
I'm a big Fan of the Fallout Series and it has a great modding community. They have achieved much over the years, i hope this dream come true soon. 
Jul 24, 2014 at 7:37 PM Post #4,473 of 6,972
No one talking about the Destiny beta? Or am I missing something. Lol.

I would give the beta a solid B. there's some intense moments, but definitely room for improvement. The audio needs work, and I'm not looking forward to doing all this work again when the real game comes out. Lol. But it's fun. Glad I preordered.
Jul 25, 2014 at 4:11 AM Post #4,474 of 6,972
No one talking about the Destiny beta? Or am I missing something. Lol.

I would give the beta a solid B. there's some intense moments, but definitely room for improvement. The audio needs work, and I'm not looking forward to doing all this work again when the real game comes out. Lol. But it's fun. Glad I preordered.

Watched a couple of live gameplay of Destiny. Looks like a pretty solid game. I'm not a fan of the futuristic FPS genre.
Jul 25, 2014 at 4:16 AM Post #4,475 of 6,972
No one talking about the Destiny beta? Or am I missing something. Lol.

I would give the beta a solid B. there's some intense moments, but definitely room for improvement. The audio needs work, and I'm not looking forward to doing all this work again when the real game comes out. Lol. But it's fun. Glad I preordered.

Watched a couple of live gameplay of Destiny. Looks like a pretty solid game. I'm not a fan of the futuristic FPS genre.

I'm gonna bring my x1 to work tomorrow and download/play it. Can't play at home because no ethernet connection and wifi (not really at home)
Jul 25, 2014 at 7:14 AM Post #4,476 of 6,972
I have about 20 or so hours on Divinity Original Sin and it's been pretty entertaining. It's making me want to go back and play Fallout 2 for the 'upteenth' time. It was one of those games that landed right in my teen years and I played it more than I should admit. 
Original Sin has some flaws that are starting to gnaw at me: Loot stat randomization is totally fk'd up. I decided to do a test when I was at a place with multiple chests that are coded for a high chance of legendary and even unique drops. I scumsaved (which I hate and refuse to do) for about 2 hours and made notes on stats assigned to particular types of gear as well as the randomization of stats and number of stats. Their algorithm is balls. That was my conclusion. There are very limited possibilities and scumsaving to get the 'best' gear would be an terrible waste of your time and unnecessary in the first place with crafting/blacksmithing. The chance of you rolling specific stats that you want is either impossible (not available) or has a snowflake's chance in hell. It was good to verify either way. Helps to stop me from any desire to min/max and just play the damn game. 
The story is pretty straight forward. Nothing stands out to me as being special or glaringly bad. The difficulty is average if you don't take advantage of the obvious pairings of talents/skills that can turn the game into an easy mode slaughter-fest. I want more random, make you scream out "bulls***" deaths. Make some of them comical. Only one that really comes to mind atm, but it was lackluster.
There are a few occasional bugs that interrupt the gameplay, but nothing game breaking yet. The most annoying for me are the pathing issues on uneven terrain. One character usually get's stuck and I have to individually select them and find the sweet spot to get them moving again. 
I like that you can't scumsave vendors to reset gold/skill boots, but instead they reset each time to level. Well, I guess you can for the skill books at each level. Storage is easy since none of the general boxes and storage containers reset. Just grab some and place them outside your favorite portal area/crafting area as an alternative to the built in option.
I really enjoy the crafting. I wish they would have taken it a few steps further. Unique book drops that detail ingredients for unique items would have been great and added random fun for multiple playthroughs. The customization options are pretty good in the mid-late game, but more variation would still be good. I like that they don't just hand you a trainer that gives recipes. So refreshing to have to figure stuff out and find the recipes. 
Anyway, it's probably a 6.8/10 for me right now. After a few more months of patches and maybe additional content, it could reach up to an 8.5/10 for me. 
Jul 25, 2014 at 8:32 AM Post #4,477 of 6,972
  I have about 20 or so hours on Divinity Original Sin and it's been pretty entertaining. It's making me want to go back and play Fallout 2 for the 'upteenth' time. It was one of those games that landed right in my teen years and I played it more than I should admit. 
Original Sin has some flaws that are starting to gnaw at me: Loot stat randomization is totally fk'd up. I decided to do a test when I was at a place with multiple chests that are coded for a high chance of legendary and even unique drops. I scumsaved (which I hate and refuse to do) for about 2 hours and made notes on stats assigned to particular types of gear as well as the randomization of stats and number of stats. Their algorithm is balls. That was my conclusion. There are very limited possibilities and scumsaving to get the 'best' gear would be an terrible waste of your time and unnecessary in the first place with crafting/blacksmithing. The chance of you rolling specific stats that you want is either impossible (not available) or has a snowflake's chance in hell. It was good to verify either way. Helps to stop me from any desire to min/max and just play the damn game. 
The story is pretty straight forward. Nothing stands out to me as being special or glaringly bad. The difficulty is average if you don't take advantage of the obvious pairings of talents/skills that can turn the game into an easy mode slaughter-fest. I want more random, make you scream out "bulls***" deaths. Make some of them comical. Only one that really comes to mind atm, but it was lackluster.
There are a few occasional bugs that interrupt the gameplay, but nothing game breaking yet. The most annoying for me are the pathing issues on uneven terrain. One character usually get's stuck and I have to individually select them and find the sweet spot to get them moving again. 
I like that you can't scumsave vendors to reset gold/skill boots, but instead they reset each time to level. Well, I guess you can for the skill books at each level. Storage is easy since none of the general boxes and storage containers reset. Just grab some and place them outside your favorite portal area/crafting area as an alternative to the built in option.
I really enjoy the crafting. I wish they would have taken it a few steps further. Unique book drops that detail ingredients for unique items would have been great and added random fun for multiple playthroughs. The customization options are pretty good in the mid-late game, but more variation would still be good. I like that they don't just hand you a trainer that gives recipes. So refreshing to have to figure stuff out and find the recipes. 
Anyway, it's probably a 6.8/10 for me right now. After a few more months of patches and maybe additional content, it could reach up to an 8.5/10 for me. 

It only just came out of beta, so give it a chance. Have you played Divine Divinity?
Me and my cousins spent weekends playing FO2 and then FOT afterwards. Hours I wouldn't give back for anything! =D 
Jul 25, 2014 at 1:53 PM Post #4,478 of 6,972
I'm done with Divinity: Original Sin for a while, as I encountered a broken main quest that prohibits me from moving forward.  Broken quests were fixed but I'd have to start a new game which I don't feel like doing right now.  So... back to my second playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy.
Jul 25, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #4,479 of 6,972
It only just came out of beta, so give it a chance. Have you played Divine Divinity?

Me and my cousins spent weekends playing FO2 and then FOT afterwards. Hours I wouldn't give back for anything! =D 

Yeah, like I said, in a few months worth of patches it should definitely improve.

Never played Divine Divinity. I have a large enough backlog that it's hard to want to add anymore.

I normally don't give many games a second chance after release. I'm really tired of the current standard for games at release date. Many releases are barely at closed beta levels when released. It didn't use to be that way.

Games that do open, paid alpha and beta access are even bigger jokes 99% of the time. I love how people defend them with the excuse, "it's still alpha/beta, it'll get better." Horse****. You are paying for a mediocre game so that a few guys can sustain themselves while gaining experience and building a portfolio in the best case scenario. Sometimes it's a simple money grab. Most of these games go no where.
The one exception I make is for crowd funding campaigns for a legitimate development team.

I do miss the days of actually having to fill out applications for alpha and closed beta.

I realize that the current environment for making games heavily favors those with money. Yes, it's complicated. The fact remains that both the big and little fish seem to have significantly lower standards than developers/publishers of the past. Not that the past was all roses and unicorns either.

Anyway, I'm going to finish out this play through and maybe come back in 6 months for another round when my memory has had time to forget.
Jul 27, 2014 at 11:23 AM Post #4,480 of 6,972
Been playing Child of Light lately, and I'm simply blown away. From the art to the soundtrack and everything in between, this game is just a masterpiece. And to think, big-name dev and publisher Ubisoft made this otherwise indie-looking game. 
Oh yeah, I decided to make a video playthrough series, too -- just about 45 minutes in, but I just got started. Linx here for anyone interested. 

Also grabbed WATCH_DOGS for the fun of it. The hacking is cool, but not that cool. Also, I really hate Aiden's sister -- especially how she's so obvlivious to the fact that her brother is the Vigilante. I mean, just look at him! I love that Nemesis outfit, though -- great way to stay hidden in the dark and look pretty badass beating up people with a stick. I'm on the fence about the story, though. It seems cliched and like your regular action movie, but the game pretty much is a regular action movie.
Jul 27, 2014 at 11:40 PM Post #4,481 of 6,972
Also grabbed WATCH_DOGS for the fun of it. The hacking is cool, but not that cool. Also, I really hate Aiden's sister -- especially how she's so obvlivious to the fact that her brother is the Vigilante. I mean, just look at him! I love that Nemesis outfit, though -- great way to stay hidden in the dark and look pretty badass beating up people with a stick. I'm on the fence about the story, though. It seems cliched and like your regular action movie, but the game pretty much is a regular action movie.

I don't know what it is, but I just can't get into this game. I borrowed it from a coworker (thankfully, would've been sad if I bought it), and have played 6-8 hours? Probably more. But it's not grabbing me. At all. I have no interest in playing it when I fire the X1 up. I would rather play tomb raider for the third time, or power star golf. Even killer instinct online, which brings out the nerd rage in me like no other. It's too bad because it looks so good, and plays smooth, and has some new things in it, but...I don't know.
Jul 28, 2014 at 9:48 AM Post #4,482 of 6,972
  I'm done with Divinity: Original Sin for a while, as I encountered a broken main quest that prohibits me from moving forward.  Broken quests were fixed but I'd have to start a new game which I don't feel like doing right now.  So... back to my second playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy.

After the third part of ME, I cannot force myself to start over again.... I need a modder to change the ending so that I can try it again. Thou truth be told I didnt enjoy the 3rd part at all. I felt too forced to continue the main quest in order to do anything (I liked more the open galaxy, and doing missions when i wanted. This was especially important for me at my second playthrou when i found out that other squad mates would say different things in the same situation.... how would Jack respond to that.... or Grunt.... etc).
Jul 28, 2014 at 2:40 PM Post #4,483 of 6,972
  After the third part of ME, I cannot force myself to start over again.... I need a modder to change the ending so that I can try it again. Thou truth be told I didnt enjoy the 3rd part at all. I felt too forced to continue the main quest in order to do anything (I liked more the open galaxy, and doing missions when i wanted. This was especially important for me at my second playthrou when i found out that other squad mates would say different things in the same situation.... how would Jack respond to that.... or Grunt.... etc).

The ending with Leviathan and Extended Cut is not that bad.  Did you only play it without the DLC?  If not, what didn't you like about it?  
ME3's galaxy is just as open as the other games really, you can generally do missions when you want and it retains the hub-based, sandbox gameplay for the most part.  Squad mates still say very different things in the same situations, depending on how you handle the situation.  ME3 continues the formula used in ME2, improving upon it mechanically.  I always found it strange that people treat it like a vastly different game just because they didn't like the ending.
Jul 28, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #4,484 of 6,972
No one talking about the Destiny beta? Or am I missing something. Lol.

I would give the beta a solid B. there's some intense moments, but definitely room for improvement. The audio needs work, and I'm not looking forward to doing all this work again when the real game comes out. Lol. But it's fun. Glad I preordered.

I got in on the tail end of the beta. made it to level 8. Fantastic game so far. 7/10.
It takes the best of Borderlands, Halo's design choices, and MMO scheme and does very good things with them as just an off the cuff observation. The writing is a little dull and the story is nothing spectacular but the game play makes up for most of that. The combat is hand over foot better than Borderlands 1 and 2 I blame Gearox...and BURCH! for this (jokes on the Burch) and the class system seems interesting. I'm going to be picking it up for sure after playing the beta; it was just so enjoyable its hard not to like.
Jul 29, 2014 at 3:29 AM Post #4,485 of 6,972
The ending with Leviathan and Extended Cut is not that bad.  Did you only play it without the DLC?  If not, what didn't you like about it?  
ME3's galaxy is just as open as the other games really, you can generally do missions when you want and it retains the hub-based, sandbox gameplay for the most part.  Squad mates still say very different things in the same situations, depending on how you handle the situation.  ME3 continues the formula used in ME2, improving upon it mechanically.  I always found it strange that people treat it like a vastly different game just because they didn't like the ending.

The ending actually bothered me from a different point of view.
To be clear, I really disliked the game (the only exception was geth consensus and geth/quarian conflict). In fact, I felt so out of place in ME3, that at some point I just youtubed the ending to figure out how it ends, because I really didnt want to play it anymore.
Nah, I played without the DLC (thhou I did watch the extended endings, they felt a bit lackluster. Hell, I even decided Its better to belive the Indoctrination Thoery). My problem wasent exactly "main story" beeing weak, but both in ME1 and ME2 you start small and you build up (weapons upgrades, more squad mates, etc). Then, when you reach a mid boss it feels like an epic battle. In between you get to romance, or fly around helping someone.... etc. The world feels bigger, with more in it.
IN ME3, I felt like all enemies were kinda the same. Except the banshees at the asari ardak-jasi (or something like that) temple where it felt more dreadful.
Also, no final boss in ME3 (This was something I just dont understand).
Perhaps the problem is that in both ME1 and 2 there was something that really impressed me, and I overlooked the things that would bother me.
Ofc thats my view of it, not a fact in itself.
In a way I felt like ME3 was more like Call of Duty, less like Mass effect (Many cool scenes to make it feel like a movie instead of a nice challange to make you feel like you are the one doing the great stuff).

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