Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware
Jan 26, 2015 at 4:07 AM Post #1,547 of 2,020
  Another new build for testing. I did not test it properly. It starts and playback works.
ArgelErx has been very successful by optimizing 2 new points:
  1. reorganisation of pcm-buffer fill -> in a own thread. That means that timers are not slowed down anymore! Stopwatch plugin for example can now be used, all scrolling is done in the speed it is intened. Great job! I thought that this would stay a bug forever with the ibasso port
  2. selectable sampling rate 44.1kHz/48kHz -> you can select the frequency of the resampler/native output. It makes sense if you have more 48kHz files than 44.1kHz or if you are resampling hi-res files (88.2 96 192 kHz). For the moment this will be the maximum qualitiy to get from our DX50. I would recommend to resample hi-res files to 48kHz on your computer and put them on the dx50 (probably better result than on-device resampling)
Note: There are also 3 new sound effect settings from the main branch (perceptual bass enhancement, auditory fatigue reduction, haas surround). I'm not sure if they work. When playback is active and you change the settings of them, rockbox gets restarted. you can change while player is on stop or pause. Please try it out.
The build includes following changes: PS9 PS9 PS9 PS14 PS8 PS10 PS7
ArgelErx's cleanup ps14
And if you want additionally the "modern ui" (power button-display off) PS10
Download it from here:
ArgelErx's cleanup ps14 + "modern ui"
If something does not work, you can go back to the build from jan 17 by overwriting all files on your player from this older build.

So, we can use 48kHz sample rate now? Is the bit-depth still 16? Or does it support 24 as well? Unfortunately more of my files are 44.1kHz, so I was sort of hoping it would be able to select the right sample rate automatically...
Jan 26, 2015 at 5:39 AM Post #1,548 of 2,020
Foolish question... I'm currently running rockbox_2014-11-22_DX50_g1043-4 (found on page 1). If I wanted to update to this latest version, do I have to do a complete restore and reinstall or do I just copy these new files to overwrite the old ones?
Jan 26, 2015 at 6:43 AM Post #1,549 of 2,020
  So, we can use 48kHz sample rate now? Is the bit-depth still 16? Or does it support 24 as well? Unfortunately more of my files are 44.1kHz, so I was sort of hoping it would be able to select the right sample rate automatically...

Yes. Yes. Not yet, maybe never.
Rockbox uses 32 Bit inernally. These are clipped to 16 Bit on PCM output. This clipping coud be changed to 24 Bit but that would require some effort.
We are currently close to getting the rework of this port (what cholero is distributing) accepted into the mainline Rockbox source code repository. Maybe after that someone will work on 24 Bit output ...
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:14 AM Post #1,550 of 2,020
Yes. Yes. Not yet, maybe never.

Rockbox uses 32 Bit inernally. These are clipped to 16 Bit on PCM output. This clipping coud be changed to 24 Bit but that would require some effort.

We are currently close to getting the rework of this port (what cholero is distributing) accepted into the mainline Rockbox source code repository. Maybe after that someone will work on 24 Bit output ...

Supporting native 24 bit playback requires a ton of work with almost zero benefit on music playback. The simplest way I can think of is to completely bypass DSP which effectively cripples RB. In the end converting 24 bit files to 16 bit is the best way to go.
Jan 26, 2015 at 1:22 PM Post #1,551 of 2,020
  Foolish question... I'm currently running rockbox_2014-11-22_DX50_g1043-4 (found on page 1). If I wanted to update to this latest version, do I have to do a complete restore and reinstall or do I just copy these new files to overwrite the old ones?

Yes, just copy these new files to overwrite the old ones.
Jan 28, 2015 at 11:32 PM Post #1,553 of 2,020
I've been running ArgelErx's cleanup ps14 for a few days now and it seems to work really well. Not getting those start up bumps I was getting before. I haven't tested much of anything besides basic functionality, but everything I've tried seems to work smoothly. Definitely haven't tried the bass bump, the surround thing, or the ear fatigue reducer yet - don't think I'll have much use for these. But will give them a spin at some point. Thanks for the efforts in developing this!
Jan 29, 2015 at 1:12 PM Post #1,554 of 2,020

I am sure that some of you have noticed that medmitry posted a Rockbox version in the general Ibasso DX50 thread: do you have an idea about the differences between all versions ? What I noticed is that using this new version I have no more stuttering at the start of any song I play...

Thank you to bring our music player to is best quality !
Jan 29, 2015 at 2:02 PM Post #1,555 of 2,020

I am sure that some of you have noticed that medmitry posted a Rockbox version in the general Ibasso DX50 thread: do you have an idea about the differences between all versions ? 

medmitry is refusing to document his releases. That is why no one will be able to answer this question here.
ArgelErx is the only developer actively working on the DX50 port. His main goals are not sound quality experiments. He is working on stabilization of the port (also removing dirty tweaks) and source code structure clean up.
Jan 29, 2015 at 2:49 PM Post #1,556 of 2,020
Hello Cholero,

Thank you to make it clear (I admit that it is a pity that for some reasons medmitry does not want to make available his findings: we know that he already did lot for the iBasso Dx50, so he could easily support your work and ArgelErx 's one).
Jan 30, 2015 at 4:15 AM Post #1,557 of 2,020
Not getting those start up bumps I was getting before.

What I noticed is that using this new version I have no more stuttering at the start of any song I play...

PCM playback interface has changed from a timer driven API to a fully threaded one. Basically playback is no longer dependent on other parts of the system beeing fast enough to support the necessary transfer rate for 16Bit/44.1kHz/48kHz playback.
I am sure that some of you have noticed that medmitry posted a Rockbox version in the general Ibasso DX50 thread: do you have an idea about the differences between all versions ?

AFAIK: roll off frequencies and iir bandwidth. See
Jan 30, 2015 at 11:13 PM Post #1,558 of 2,020
I'm trying to find the most current version of Rockbox at the moment. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I know there are newer ones than the one in the first post of this thread.
Also, I have a question. When trying to update using the stock recovery it never works. It says that there is no file found. I've heard it's because my SD card is formatted with exFat. Is this true? I really don't want to reformat my SD card because putting my music back on there will take forever! I've also heard that FAT32 doesn't work well with 64GB.
Jan 31, 2015 at 12:01 AM Post #1,559 of 2,020
I had to put the stock recovery zip file in the internal sd memory - it didn't work when I put it on the external one. And it didn't work the first 2 or 3 times I tried doing it, but it finally worked eventually - I don't know what I did differently, if anything. 
And the newest version is the one you quoted above - originally posted in post #1543 of this thread, a page back - but I thought you already had this one? Cholero says it's for testing, but it's as good as a daily build in regular rockbox land. Works superbly - much smoother than the previous ones. 
Jan 31, 2015 at 12:19 AM Post #1,560 of 2,020
  I had to put the stock recovery zip file in the internal sd memory - it didn't work when I put it on the external one. And it didn't work the first 2 or 3 times I tried doing it, but it finally worked eventually - I don't know what I did differently, if anything. 
And the newest version is the one you quoted above - originally posted in post #1543 of this thread, a page back - but I thought you already had this one? Cholero says it's for testing, but it's as good as a daily build in regular rockbox land. Works superbly - much smoother than the previous ones. 

I never got around to trying this one, so I figured I would! I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood my question. I have no problem switching to Stock Recovery. I have problems flashing an image using the Stock Recovery.

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