Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:11 AM Post #22,501 of 154,513
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:13 AM Post #22,502 of 154,513
For any one upset or worried about the name of the company or the inevitable jokes that follow, I recommend re-reading Chapter 4 of this book. Then get your Schiit together and get over yourself.
I thought that was mainly about cases and parts ...?

I have no problem with early obvious Schiit jokes , or original, topical or witty ones, but dragging the dumb stuff out for three and a half years on this thread - that I find tiresome.
I believe there have been complaints about the signal to noise on this thread and if that stuff is the signal What is the noise?
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:24 AM Post #22,503 of 154,513
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:24 AM Post #22,504 of 154,513
Just unboxed and plugged in a Vidar. It is replacing a Parasound 2125 v.2 THX amp that is rated at 150 watts at 8 ohms. First impressions are very good. Seems to have more depth and some oomph behind the sound. Soundstage is comparable and detail is outstanding. Will look forward to burning this puppy in and seeing if it improves. Oddly enough with a db meter it almost identically match's the volume of the Parasound rated at 150w. Chain is MHDT Pagoda> Freya (tube mode) > Wharfdale Jade 3 . Have some Song-3's inbound shortly. Only bummer is wifey got to the door before me. She asked the Fed Ex dude..... "what now?"
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:39 AM Post #22,505 of 154,513
sheldaze said:
Post #15245 in this thread

Unfortunately I dont understand all that is in that post. Maybe you can try to clarify it for me. For example what does this exactly mean: "The only advantage of toroid geometric cores is a controlled field interfering less than traditional power transformers". What is controlled field, and what interferes with what?
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:40 AM Post #22,506 of 154,513
If you saw an Aztek on the road today, you wouldn't even notice it. It was ugly, yes, and it had its issues, but a lot of the design was very forward-looking. It share an overall shape that isn't out of place among today's CUVs.

There are few statements I've read in my lifetime that I disagree with as much as this one.

To this day, when I see an Aztek, I still re-taste my last meal.
Jul 22, 2017 at 10:45 AM Post #22,507 of 154,513
Unfortunately I dont understand all that is in that post. Maybe you can try to clarify it for me. For example what does this exactly mean: "The only advantage of toroid geometric cores is a controlled field interfering less than traditional power transformers". What is controlled field, and what interferes with what?

I don't have an EE degree.

The basic gist of what he says is toroids are expensive, and for the most part applied incorrectly. If you read his counter arguments, he is saying they understand what toroids solve, and have solutions for these issues, in Schiit products, at lower cost than a toroid. A lot of what Schiit does is to attempt to bring audio quality, at reasonable cost. As such, a toroid would simply not work. It solves too few issues for its cost.
Jul 22, 2017 at 11:01 AM Post #22,509 of 154,513
Just unboxed and plugged in a Vidar. It is replacing a Parasound 2125 v.2 THX amp that is rated at 150 watts at 8 ohms.
Parasound makes good stuff, both sonically and physically, and their support is very good. If the Vidar is comparable and almost 20% cheaper that's very good news (not for Parasound).

I just replaced my Parasound 5-channel amp with another make and I am also finding that the Parasounds are not as detailed as I thought.

My chain is balanced so I need Schiit to offer a bulk discount :) 7 Vidars for 80% of retail would be excellent. Or, include a rack for stacking 7 Vidars at full retail...

I suppose it would be "more cost effective" to go 3x and find good XLR->RCA transformers. But excess is so much fun!
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Jul 22, 2017 at 11:09 AM Post #22,510 of 154,513
For your reading pleasure. Scroll to the last section of this chapter:

If you find it tiresome or childish that's fine. I do too sometimes. But it is in keeping with the spirit of the company's founder.

I agree some can get old. But as time went by then Jason came up with the Schiitr. And product launches there. A little thought in the pun side of the brain led to the "double flusher".

It's Jason's thread.

My wife and I have a decades long family friend. She's in her 50's now. She is a very happy and positive person. Never brooding about stuff, never taking offense. Great blood pressure. Laughter and her are synonymous. After 30 years she still laughs if we're around a fire and someone says go get the whoopee cushion.....
Jul 22, 2017 at 11:26 AM Post #22,511 of 154,513
Unfortunately I dont understand all that is in that post. Maybe you can try to clarify it for me. For example what does this exactly mean: "The only advantage of toroid geometric cores is a controlled field interfering less than traditional power transformers". What is controlled field, and what interferes with what?

Interesting, where is this counter argument, and what are the things toroids solve?

You are new here so I'll ask a few basic questions.
1. Do you know enough about audio engineering to recognize a satisfactory answer to your question?
2. Do you have google or access to a library?
3. Did you read all the info already on this forum by Jason and Mike?

Edit: There where a few more points here but those where deleted by a moderator.
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Jul 22, 2017 at 11:27 AM Post #22,512 of 154,513
Interesting, where is this counter argument, and what are the things toroids solve?
Transformers are transformers. They are simple coils of wire that couple with each other magnetically to transfer energy from one coil to another. In power supply circuits they are primarily used to create the voltages needed by the circuit from whatever is the incoming power voltage. The only difference between a toroid and any other transformer is the shape of the core and therefor the arrangement of the windings. The "advantages" to a toroid from a design perspective is they can be made lighter for the same power output as they are slightly more efficient than a conventional core. Also there is some stray field magnetic advantage to be had especially at higher power levels, but this is not usually a real issue in power supply design. Toroids cost a lot more than conventional transformers because they are more difficult to manufacture. One type is really neither better nor worse than another, choosing one or the other is more about meeting application design goals.
Jul 22, 2017 at 11:29 AM Post #22,513 of 154,513

My rack is getting full of Schiit
Jul 22, 2017 at 11:32 AM Post #22,514 of 154,513
Maybe some of you Schiit fans can help me here:

Since Schiit does not use toroidal transformers, and maybe you have read why the manufacturer thinks its a good thing, then your knowledge is appreciated.

Basic toroidal transformer advantages. Lower stray magnetic field. so less likely to induce AC hum into nearby components. Less tendency to have mechanical buzz or hum. Generally somewhat greater efficiency due to reduced core losses.

These differences have been somewhat reduced by better materials and construction techniques.

For a more complete and in-depth description try this link.

Hope this helps, stled

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