Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 6, 2018 at 7:37 PM Post #28,128 of 153,856

Needs a red light. VU Meters would be icing on the cake but reality is, there is nothing wrong with plain cake. And I know it is not going to happen so I will keep my Emotiva XDA-2. I listened to music through it for a couple of hours yesterday. It works. I bumped the rate to 192 and heard no difference, just music. I listened to music through \it in the dark and thought, "Cool..." My brother should enjoy his Vali 2 and that will make me happier than me buying one for my self.

I suppose that I could put some stupid translucent red tape across the white light. UGH. That would be a disservice to not only Schiit but me. May be Schiit will make a special edition "K-Mart Blue-Light Special" and a special blacked-out "Red Light District Edition". Or not. Regard less, Schiit got my business for my brother's sake and because they are a good Amurican company that makes excellent stuff. When he gets around to telling me about it I will post his thoughts here.


That really does look nice in black!
Jan 6, 2018 at 11:03 PM Post #28,131 of 153,856
That might look good too! All though I must admit to liking the contrasted silver volume knob against the black body of the amp. A red or blue light would look cool too. Oddly enough, green is my favorite color but I rarely buy any thing green. Normally I like silver equipment as it is very rare here in the states to see, say...An Onkyo receiver in silver. Most receivers are the ubiquitous black so in the case of the black case Valhalla, I am probably just being toadishly weird.

Which brings me to the primary reason for my liking the Valhalla - It has QuadTube® PoweR. It looks Groovy. Very tube-ish. I like tube-ish, especially when it works well and looks toadishly tube-ish. So mayhap Sir Jason of Stoddard will one day put in a RED or BLUE light instead of the more plebian light of non-colour (note high class European spelling and PC speak!).

I suppose his dislike of VU Meters is never going away, but really now. How can one not like a RED or BLUE light. Given the hysterically historical back ground of both colours (!) of light, i.e., KMART and Red Light Districts, it seems paying homage to totally different forms of commerce might be a new pitch for Schiit.:ksc75smile:

Or not.:floatsmile: I put this smilie here because it reminded me of the character of Linus in the old "Charlie Brown Christmas" TV special. It made me think of when Linus wrapped his blanket around his head in the shape of a Kufiya. Behold!

Yeah...I can be odd some times but that is because my mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

Hint: Some one say, "Ditto!"

Your schiit looks good!
Jan 6, 2018 at 11:33 PM Post #28,132 of 153,856

Yeah...I can be odd some times but that is because my mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

Hint: Some one say, "Ditto!"

Or as Headly Lamarr once said, "My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
And of course the resultant come back was a source of much additional jocularity… :wink:

Jan 7, 2018 at 4:26 AM Post #28,138 of 153,856
Hey Toad,
Those white lasers on front of your Schiit are easily turned red.
Get some red transparant plastic and punch a hole with a perforator. Look for the little round piece of plastic inside the perforator and stick it to your Schiit.
And voila, your Schiit now belongs to the dark side.

They also sell these little round stickers to dim leds in different colours but I couldn`t find any right now.
Jan 7, 2018 at 6:16 AM Post #28,140 of 153,856
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