Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 1, 2021 at 2:30 PM Post #85,216 of 153,859
Which A to D converter do you use??? :thinking:
My mastering is all digital at this point. I'm just getting to a point where I feel like I could start to make use of analog outboard gear (hence why I was looking at mastering EQs to test the waters on that last night). I've been happy with my results until recently. A few months ago it was like a switch flipped and even though my mixes are the same, my tools are the same, something just feels "off" in my masters right now. I upgraded a few of my digital tools for black friday (look up the Softube Weiss bundle). So I'm going to see how I get on with an updated digital chain before I start looking into mastering grade A/D and outboard. Mastering is a hobby for me, and I don't bring in enough money to justify what I think a setup like that is going to cost (from a financial perspective, from an "I can afford to do this and I like it" perspective it might make sense).

I do have a few analog synths, and that stuff I just record with a Focusrite 18i20. TBH even my challenging synths sound good on that, but I'm not clipping those converters either.

Buy 2 of them
And make the inevitable supply issues even worse for the rest of you? What kind of grinch do you take me for?
Dec 1, 2021 at 2:43 PM Post #85,217 of 153,859
It looks like the unit dimensions specified on the website are incorrect, unless space warping is one of its hidden features:nerd:


UPD: The fully inflated size))

Last edited:
Dec 1, 2021 at 2:43 PM Post #85,218 of 153,859
We joked about doing a 2-boards-in-one-box version, at 0.1x the cost of the Cello, indexed to inflation. But that's a bit beyond the pale.

To be clear: we are not working on this. We were just joking around.
No pressure, but with 20 - 40 relays per band and a mid/side/stereo matrix all wrapped up in 4-5u rackmount chassis, the market does currently bear near enough five figures for that, if you're interested. Certainly not in MY wheelhouse to make such a thing. But I do know someone who's halfway there...
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:05 PM Post #85,221 of 153,859
My mastering is all digital at this point. I'm just getting to a point where I feel like I could start to make use of analog outboard gear (hence why I was looking at mastering EQs to test the waters on that last night). I've been happy with my results until recently. A few months ago it was like a switch flipped and even though my mixes are the same, my tools are the same, something just feels "off" in my masters right now. I upgraded a few of my digital tools for black friday (look up the Softube Weiss bundle). So I'm going to see how I get on with an updated digital chain before I start looking into mastering grade A/D and outboard. Mastering is a hobby for me, and I don't bring in enough money to justify what I think a setup like that is going to cost (from a financial perspective, from an "I can afford to do this and I like it" perspective it might make sense).

I do have a few analog synths, and that stuff I just record with a Focusrite 18i20. TBH even my challenging synths sound good on that, but I'm not clipping those converters either.


I did a lot of digital mastering, at one point too. I had a DSP card, plus a bunch of plug-in's. Waves plug-in's as well, which were awesome. An Aardvark Direct Pro Q-10 analog card, that I liked a lot. A shame they went under, and never had drivers past Win XP.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:12 PM Post #85,222 of 153,859
@Jason Stoddard.
Loki Max is 100% not for me, but what a drive you and your team have to pull off such a stunning piece of technical audio gear.
Passion, knowledge and massive determination is the only basis to achieve something like this. Truly impressed.
Eat your heart out top high end $$$$ companies. Look, Listen and Learn.

Looking forward to Tyr.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:13 PM Post #85,223 of 153,859
I am hoping this can be controlled via a Windows software to automatically import EQ profiles, will make things a lot easier if one has a lot of headphones to switch.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:28 PM Post #85,224 of 153,859
My mastering is all digital at this point. I'm just getting to a point where I feel like I could start to make use of analog outboard gear (hence why I was looking at mastering EQs to test the waters on that last night). I've been happy with my results until recently. A few months ago it was like a switch flipped and even though my mixes are the same, my tools are the same, something just feels "off" in my masters right now. I upgraded a few of my digital tools for black friday (look up the Softube Weiss bundle). So I'm going to see how I get on with an updated digital chain before I start looking into mastering grade A/D and outboard. Mastering is a hobby for me, and I don't bring in enough money to justify what I think a setup like that is going to cost (from a financial perspective, from an "I can afford to do this and I like it" perspective it might make sense).

I do have a few analog synths, and that stuff I just record with a Focusrite 18i20. TBH even my challenging synths sound good on that, but I'm not clipping those converters either.

And make the inevitable supply issues even worse for the rest of you? What kind of grinch do you take me for?
I saw a video on Manley's site -using a Massive Passive in the Mastering chain.....
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:34 PM Post #85,226 of 153,859
I am hoping this can be controlled via a Windows software to automatically import EQ profiles, will make things a lot easier if one has a lot of headphones to switch.
Doubtful, since there is no PC interface on it.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:55 PM Post #85,227 of 153,859
Someone seriously needs to open a side business to convert all of our old silver Schiit to black so that we can buy new Schiit without feeling guilty about the aesthetics of the stack. I'd love to get my whole Schiit stack painted black so that I could add a black Lokius to the pile.
Dec 1, 2021 at 3:56 PM Post #85,228 of 153,859
Send an email to, not to this forum.
From personal experience, I think the forum is a much better place to ask a question like this. When I have sent direct emails asking similar questions, I either never received a reply at all or I received a reply many weeks later. Which is fine, I don't like answering emails either. On here the Schiity guys seem a lot more responsive, detailed and informative. Case in point- I was about to order a Schiit Lokius and then learned of the pending launch of the Loki Max. I sent THREE emails to Schiit relaying my genuine excitement for the new Max. I asked if they had a release date for the Max and I got ZERO replies. Not even a middle finger. :relaxed: Also if you ask on here the replies benefit other people who may have similar questions.

will freya s ever be available in black and will vidar be out of back order soon for US plug ?
So for your own benefit and perhaps the benefit of others, ask away. Anywhere you want. If other people don't like you asking questions, they probably don't work for Schiit and they don't understand the purpose of a forum in the first place. If they don't like it, they don't have to read your questions or the replies to those questions.
Dec 1, 2021 at 4:12 PM Post #85,229 of 153,859
LOL! I like the extended version of that song:

One bourbon, one Scotch, one beer.

From memory I think it goes like this

One bourbon, one Scotch, one beer.
One pourbon, one Scotch, one beer.
One pourbon, one Sblotch, one beer.
One proourbon, one Sblotch, one veer.
Dec 1, 2021 at 4:25 PM Post #85,230 of 153,859
I did a lot of digital mastering, at one point too. I had a DSP card, plus a bunch of plug-in's. Waves plug-in's as well, which were awesome. An Aardvark Direct Pro Q-10 analog card, that I liked a lot. A shame they went under, and never had drivers past Win XP.
I started with Izotope Ozone, figured out signal routings I liked and such, and since then I've been replacing the individual modules in there with more specialized tools when I feel it's needed. So these days instead of the IIRC limiter in Ozone, I mostly would run Newfangled Elevate. Instead of Izotope's EQ, I would now run something like the Weiss EQ1 when I want to do EQ. And so on... I still have the Izotope stuff to fall back on if I need a more familiar tool, but I have more advanced versions of most of those modules now as well. Thankfully, I've only been taken for an ilock dongle to get all the stuff I've wanted so far for authorization, most stuff runs natively on a normal CPU these days. There's still Universal Audio that runs on extra DSP, but all that is included in their audio interfaces now, so for the most part you don't have to modify your PC anymore.

Bummer to hear about driver issues. I think it's a bit better now between Windows not changing so much from Win7 on, Mac has Rosetta when needed, and companies are more aware that driver support is an issue. I think my Focusrite is 7-8 years old now and it still has support, only weird thing is my computer doesn't see it in one USB port. I also have a Midi hub from MOTU that's like 11 years old and that still works too. RME is my dream converter and I think they still do driver support for products that are like 15 years old.

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