Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:02 AM Post #111,422 of 153,818
Just ran into this myself. Was going to order the Gjallarhorn and was stimied by having to select 2 plug types.
I see it is fixed. Ordered!
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:03 AM Post #111,423 of 153,818
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:08 AM Post #111,424 of 153,818
@Jason Stoddard --

Thank you!! I can finally retire my desktop Class D amp and stop the ridicule and shaming that I keep inflicting upon myself for owning one. :D

Anxiously awaiting the beautiful PCB / innards shots of the 2 newest Schitty amp additions. :wink:

** And it's made in Texas -- not China!!
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Feb 23, 2023 at 9:10 AM Post #111,425 of 153,818

Nice. ✌🏻😎

Also, this is what I texted to @JamminVMI yesterday:

…linking to this chapter.

Not gonna lie, I'm slightly disappointed that the larger of the two isn't named Sol (the 3rd). Schiit has recycled names before, so why not?! 🤪

But reading that it is actually named Gjallarhorn? After I've read that name for the first time (in the context of Schiit, at least) yesterday? And right next to a few paragraphs talking about the death of a Jotunheim-sized desk amp prototype? Yeah, that actually had me laugh out loud. 🤣
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:22 AM Post #111,426 of 153,818
I've been begging for a desktop amp for a couple of years now and today Schiit delivers. Ok, delivery next week, ordered today though. Come to me Gjallarhorn.
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:27 AM Post #111,427 of 153,818
Hey all ... work threw me a spanner yesterday and it looks like I get to head over to TX end of next week and spend some time helping our team there in Lewisville, just up from DFW. Not sure where I'm staying yet, but will probably be close to either Grapevine Mills or Vista Ridge Malls.

Anyone here nearby there? Any recommendations for food, music, hifi shops etc? Will need some relax time at least :slight_smile:

(Not sure if I want to try TX BBQ, as so far I have been a neutral bystander in the BBQ Wars and I fear if try it I will have to join one side or the other :thinking: )
Since you're not sure if you want to try TX BBQ -
If you're staying near Grapevine Mills it's less than 4 miles and only about 6 from Vista Ridge.
If you get a choice, I'd recommend hanging in Grapevine rather than Lewisville.
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:45 AM Post #111,430 of 153,818
Awesome products @Jason Stoddard.

Rekkr will go nicely into a new/used Schiit stack I'm putting together.


How many watts of Class A are we getting out of Gjallarhorn before it transitions to Continuity? Asking for my Zu.

Also, any chance of seeing Gjallarhorn in silver? I have a silver Bifrost 2, Saga, Asgard 2 that this would be paired with.

Feb 23, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #111,431 of 153,818
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:49 AM Post #111,432 of 153,818 seems Gjallarhorn would be a good match for the KEF Q150s that just went on sale? Or better to start with one Rekkr, and add a second if more volume is required? that's what I just did. Ordered the Gjallarhorn, some KEF q150s, some bluejeans speaker cable and some herbies tenderfeet for stacking. This will replace my Audioengine a5 and be setup with an existing Bifrost and Asgard. Should suffice for my computer audio.
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:58 AM Post #111,433 of 153,818
Ordered the Gjallarhorn for my LS50 Metas I have been auditioning the past week. I had been running them on an SMSL A300 (Class D) which was fine, but had been trying to either integrate my Jot 2 / BiFrost 2 with a Vidar or switch to a Ragnarok 2 and well.... I ordered the Gjallarhorn. I ended up snagging a Saga S as well as I am gonna try my Jot 2 as a preamp, but think I want the remote for the Saga. Going to try both methods and see what works best.
Feb 23, 2023 at 9:59 AM Post #111,434 of 153,818

Expect your desktop speaker sales to peak. I don't need a new system, have nowhere to put one, but am now DESPERATELY trying to figure out how to convince my wife she needs this more than a old Bose iPod dock.
I may have to try a GJallahorn at some point, that would come very close to running the tiny radial speakers I have been known to make. If someone I know buys that amp I would loan them a set just to learn the viability of the combo.
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Feb 23, 2023 at 10:05 AM Post #111,435 of 153,818
@Jason Stoddard --

Thank you!! I can finally retire my desktop Class D amp and stop the ridicule and shaming that I keep inflicting upon myself for owning one. :D

Anxiously awaiting the beautiful PCB / innards shots of the 2 newest Schitty amp additions. :wink:

** And it's made in Texas -- not China!!

+1 for nudies! Heck, I'd display a poster of Schiit board photos.

Just yesterday, I mentioned wanting a desktop amp without so much as guessing Schiit would really release one, much less so soon. Now there's a choice of two? If I weren't expecting an Yggdrasil next week, one of these would be headed my way. I'm at least headed downstairs today to figure out how much power I need. Rekkr would be a good stack with the Modi Multibit that's moving to the basement.

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