Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
Apr 15, 2018 at 1:35 PM Post #7,967 of 12,406
Sorry for the confusion, it was not upgraded for free. I figured I may as well pay for the Analog 2 + Gen 5 since my unit was in for repair, I was not put in a queue for the upgrade though, it was done w/ the repair in one fell swoop.

Thanks for the reply and that it worked out so well for you.
Apr 15, 2018 at 1:36 PM Post #7,968 of 12,406
I doubt that they are going to stock the old analog boards so that older yggys can be repaired with out a free upgrade.

Also since it's a warrantee/paid service/quality issue and not an intended upgrade it makes total sense he was never put in the upgrade queue.

I would certainly agree that repairs should go first.
Apr 15, 2018 at 2:10 PM Post #7,970 of 12,406
He never once mentioned they did it for free.
Oh ok sorry for my confusion/misunderstanding.
I was also getting same thing done a week B4 him in my repair,
but they didn't have more new boards in at the time.
That's probably it then.
Apr 15, 2018 at 2:29 PM Post #7,972 of 12,406
I doubt that they are going to stock the old analog boards so that older yggys can be repaired with out a free upgrade.......

Or, *maybe* they could simply use/stock the old analog board from those who do pay for the upgrade. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :grin:
Apr 16, 2018 at 2:59 PM Post #7,973 of 12,406
I've noticed that whenever I switch on a piece of gear in my room (regardless of whether or not they're running on the same power strip as Yggy), I momentarily lose the two sample rate LEDs on the front of Yggy. Is this normal behaviour?

Maybe. I write this because while I have not experienced the same behavior as you describe, I have experienced something similar. My Oppo is connected to the Yggy via RCA coax. I power on my Yggy first, and let it boot up completely. No, I do not leave my Yggy on 24/7. Bootup completely means the VCO/VCXO lights stop flashing. Once booted completely only the source input light remains on. When I then power on the Oppo, during its startup cycle, the bit rate / sample rate indicator lights on the Yggy both flash and then go dim. However, sometimes, the lights flash once, other times the lights flash twice. I can also hear the relays in the Yggy activate/deactivate. I'm unable to determine why in some cases the lights flash once and other times they flash twice. I wouldn't even think to pose this question to Schiit, as they wouldn't know, wouldn't care, or wouldn't answer the inquiry.

here is a suggestion for you, if you care to experiment. Disconnect all inputs from the Yggy, Then do your power cycling. See if that changes the behavior in any way. My guess is, it will.

This is an issue for service.

I had this issue of the LEDs blinking to outside sources, intermittently at first,
then increased to occurring for any little thing.

It got so sensitive, that the kitchen stove far away, (on a separate AC line & other room) caused it to click/blink at same time (and rate/speed) as the clicks when starting up the stove (electric click igniter for gas stove).

The repair stated it was an internal grounding issue, and was fixed quite quickly.

My yggy was an older unit bought first day available,
Which may have played a factor.

My troubleshooting so far indicates that the blinking sample rates happen when I power on other devices at the wall receptacles (computer, TV, lamp, etc), when the Yggy's coax input is selected. It doesn't happen on USB. This would suggest an issue with the Coax input or, perhaps more likely, an issue with the coax source (Eitr). Next step is to dig out my old Pioneer CD player and connect it to Yggy via coax to see if I can replicate the issue with Eitr removed from the chain.
Apr 16, 2018 at 5:28 PM Post #7,974 of 12,406
My troubleshooting so far indicates that the blinking sample rates happen when I power on other devices at the wall receptacles (computer, TV, lamp, etc), when the Yggy's coax input is selected. It doesn't happen on USB. This would suggest an issue with the Coax input or, perhaps more likely, an issue with the coax source (Eitr). Next step is to dig out my old Pioneer CD player and connect it to Yggy via coax to see if I can replicate the issue with Eitr removed from the chain.

ToTo Man, respectfully I believe you are over-thinking this and in fact may not have any issue at all (with the Yggy lights). I think your next step is to sit back and listen and draw a conclusion as to how the Yggy sounds.

That said.... if you want to troubleshoot further by all means.... try this.... power off Yggy (heavens no :) .... then power on... inspect the VCO/VCXO light and count how many flashes (including the initial steady on) before it goes out. I shall compare your number to mine....
Apr 16, 2018 at 6:28 PM Post #7,975 of 12,406
Today the Yggy was clicking a lot when i turned my computer on today and replugged my outputs as I had switched out amps and after starting Tidal and told it to use the Gen 3 usb as was good and then went to re attach the balanced connectors and noticed that the usb cable was crooked and went to straighten in the plug and it slide inside the unit . I guess the connector has broke. Still under warranty so no big deal but was wondering is the new Analog 2 worth getting as it will be in for work ? Bad timing for me as my wife was in a car accident that totaled our car (not her fault and she was not hurt) so had to get another car then my MacBook Pro laptop went wonky so bought a new laptop and then the fridge started acting up so had to order a new one of those then the furnace quit so had to have that repaired and to top it all off heading out this coming weekend for almost 2 weeks in Greece for our 25th wedding anniversary so I'm kind of tapped out at the moment . Just wanted to know if that upgrade is something that i should sell a pair of headphones for or just wait a bit? Going to do the Gen 5 update for sure but was wondering if it was that good that i needed to bite the bullet and dodge some from the wife and go ahead and do ?
Apr 16, 2018 at 6:35 PM Post #7,976 of 12,406
Wow, I felt like I went through a life journey reading that. But I'm glad no one was hurt in the accident and sucks that stuff has started to act up but sometimes that's just life :frowning2: I also had to recently replace a laptop.

In my opinion, in terms of efficiency, if you need to send it in for repair, you might as well do the upgrade so you won't have be without it again by doing the upgrade in the future. I don't have any personal experience going from gen 1 to gen 2 Analog as I just joined the Yggy club last week. From other reviews and impressions I've read, the upgrade seems to be quite substantial.

Today the Yggy was clicking a lot when i turned my computer on today and replugged my outputs as I had switched out amps and after starting Tidal and told it to use the Gen 3 usb as was good and then went to re attach the balanced connectors and noticed that the usb cable was crooked and went to straighten in the plug and it slide inside the unit . I guess the connector has broke. Still under warranty so no big deal but was wondering is the new Analog 2 worth getting as it will be in for work ? Bad timing for me as my wife was in a car accident that totaled our car (not her fault and she was not hurt) so had to get another car then my MacBook Pro laptop went wonky so bought a new laptop and then the fridge started acting up so had to order a new one of those then the furnace quit so had to have that repaired and to top it all off heading out this coming weekend for almost 2 weeks in Greece for our 25th wedding anniversary so I'm kind of tapped out at the moment . Just wanted to know if that upgrade is something that i should sell a pair of headphones for or just wait a bit? Going to do the Gen 5 update for sure but was wondering if it was that good that i needed to bite the bullet and dodge some from the wife and go ahead and do ?
Apr 16, 2018 at 7:03 PM Post #7,978 of 12,406
OMG! The only thing you left out was the hot water tank, roof and HVAC!

Go for it !!!!
No Schiit 7 months ago put a new heating element in the water heater and mid summer had to have a new AC unit installed . Yes i could use a new roof (16 years old now).
Apr 16, 2018 at 7:15 PM Post #7,979 of 12,406
Wow, I felt like I went through a life journey reading that. But I'm glad no one was hurt in the accident and sucks that stuff has started to act up but sometimes that's just life :frowning2: I also had to recently replace a laptop.

In my opinion, in terms of efficiency, if you need to send it in for repair, you might as well do the upgrade so you won't have be without it again by doing the upgrade in the future. I don't have any personal experience going from gen 1 to gen 2 Analog as I just joined the Yggy club last week. From other reviews and impressions I've read, the upgrade seems to be quite substantial.
Thanks for that (no one hurt in the crash). Still might have to wait on the Analog upgrade. I've loved my yggy for over two years now and if it gets better with the Gen 5 might have to live with that for a bit. Do have a few headphones that i don't listen to that much so it could happen but all will wait till i get back from vacation have a Mojo to hold me over.

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