Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Sep 23, 2015 at 3:10 PM Post #5,251 of 9,342
Do you think Litz is better than other material? don't u think it just makes the treble too bright?
i don't know honestly. I just think that's to much money for a cable. I paid $126.00 for my hd800 cable. I don't notice any difference in sound.
Sep 23, 2015 at 5:19 PM Post #5,252 of 9,342
  Thanks alot, already took down my ebay listing for HD700. 1 min late  and i could be regretting 
What would recommend to get more for my current set up . Schiit Valhalla (tube rollable) as amp and ZX2 as source. Also Would someone here recommend me a good upgrade cable maker? i wonder what would be the best, silver-plated cooper, hybrid or Litz pure silver. Thanks in advance

For me the Ember is a much better match for the HD-700, tried it on my Lyr2 and like you it can be bright, with a BH Crack its good but the Ember is still better.  I've been using a Bifrost as the DAC.
If you think the HD-700 is bright I would not get a silver-plated/silver cable as some say that silver in cables tend to make the sound brighter.  Before I started to build my own cables I've gotten some decent cables from this eb vendor:
Sep 24, 2015 at 12:03 AM Post #5,253 of 9,342
It's amazing how well the HD-700s replicate the "feeling" of speakers.
I was at a local dealer, last night, listening to the new Magnepan .7 speakers and found myself thinking: ", these really sound like my HD-700s.
These are great 'phones.
Sep 26, 2015 at 9:48 AM Post #5,256 of 9,342
Congrats! The HD700 is badly let down by its stock cable. I had toxic cables make an adapter for me so I can use my LCD and Abyss cables with the HD700: that's when you realise what outstanding Drivers the HD700 has.
Sep 26, 2015 at 9:56 AM Post #5,257 of 9,342
Congrats! The HD700 is badly let down by its stock cable. I had toxic cables make an adapter for me so I can use my LCD and Abyss cables with the HD700: that's when you realise what outstanding Drivers the HD700 has.

Me no comprende, picture please 

Sep 26, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #5,258 of 9,342
Sep 26, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #5,260 of 9,342
Wow, that is nice l admit... Does that affect/impairs the comfort in any way? l guess, using LCD cables can only improve the overall comfort as it's a more flexible cable... 

Thanks for the pictures! 

No issue with comfort. I mean I use aftermarket cables that I have terminated in mini xlr connectors. Like the toxic cables Black widow, Silver Widow 22 or the Tralucent Uber cables. :)
Sep 26, 2015 at 12:34 PM Post #5,263 of 9,342
Just came back where I gave the HD700 with the HDVD 800 a listen. I didn't notice the so called "treble spike" at all? Sounded quite wide and warm to me.

What were you using for amplification?
Sep 26, 2015 at 12:56 PM Post #5,265 of 9,342
  Just came back  where I gave the HD700 with the HDVD 800 a listen. I didn't notice the so called "treble spike" at all? Sounded quite wide and warm to me.

In some songs, the treble is like going on its own, as if the music is on one side and the treble on its own side, kind of playing a 'solo' :)) That is mainly the only 'spike' l'd say l've ever heard. Otherwise, as some say, l must be deaf (specifically, 'spike-deaf'... because other than that my audition is in optimal condition!).
l'm enjoying the HD-700 a lot, especially the bass and soundstage. 
If only those who only heard a 'spike' on the treble had paid more attention to the bass this HP offers... 

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