Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Mar 4, 2017 at 4:27 PM Post #37,891 of 46,554
  The 1840 is one of the worst headphones I've heard that has a high end price. It sounds like a £30 headphone, no joke it's awful. I've had the Utopia on loan for a long time and  I don't find it a night and day differences at all, people exaggerate way too much on the differences between headphones. On the Zana Deux and Black Widow the HD650 wasn't that far behind in technicalities, the bass wasn't on the same level in terms of clarity, texture and pitch and extension but in other areas the HD650 was better tonally balanced, the Utopia is that typical lean, peaky tuning.
I'd take the HD650's natural sound and better tonal balance, smoother treble over the Utopias bit better technical performance.

It's not so much that people exaggerate differences between headphones (although some knowingly do), as it is that we each have a different perception of what constitutes a small vs a big difference.
Mar 4, 2017 at 5:16 PM Post #37,892 of 46,554
It's not so much that people exaggerate differences between headphones (although some knowingly do), as it is that we each have a different perception of what constitutes a small vs a big difference.

It mostly depends on the setup. I have tested some headphones which didn't sound that much difference on a certain setup, but on an other setup the difference was quite big. 
Also amplifiers (which should be called colour boxes by the way) mess up the sound of high-end headphones in particular. Headphones should be judged without an amplifier imo. 
Mar 4, 2017 at 5:27 PM Post #37,893 of 46,554
Also amplifiers (which should be called colour boxes by the way) mess up the sound of high-end headphones in particular. Headphones should be judged without an amplifier imo. 

Fatal mistake. Amps bring the best out of an HP. Can't drive a high-Z HP without ample power, and a good amp provides just that.
Mar 4, 2017 at 5:38 PM Post #37,894 of 46,554
Fatal mistake. Amps bring the best out of an HP. Can't drive a high-Z HP without ample power, and a good amp provides just that.

No it doesn't. The perfect amp can only at best provide the same signal as the DAC which doesn't exist ofcourse. 
Headphones (even the HD 800 S) don't require that much power so an amplifier is pointless.
Mar 4, 2017 at 6:38 PM Post #37,898 of 46,554
Anybody running these off the jotunheim amp with the internal DAC like to hear your impressions on the sound ?

It's pretty much unanimous and very well documented that the Jotunheim as an amp has great synergy with the HD650. Like most good solid state balanced amps, it extends into the lower registers and renders bass with definition and control. This is especially beneficial for the HD650 as the mid-bass bloom that's left unchecked through lesser amps is reigned in. The transition from the midrange to the higher registers is smooth and there is excellent clarity in the treble region, with less of the unpleasant glare evident in lesser amps. This all makes for a cleaner, more balanced presentation across the spectrum, and perfectly counters the HD650's shortcomings.
Don't believe anyone claiming the presentation is thin. This amp with the HD650 renders a clean, textured and full-bodied presentation. It's not rolled-off or polite. It deftly hits hard when called for. It won't hide warts in recordings. With these qualities, the Jotunheim may not be the best option to curtail inherently bright headphones. With the HD650, it's awesome.
Most will also recommend you forego the Jotunheim's internal dac in favour of the multi-bit Modi but as good as that dac is, I question if these folks have actually spent any time with the Jot's internal dac option. The Jot's dac is no slouch. The mb Modi is a great bang-for-buck dac that shames many with much higher price tags, but the Jot's dac option is cheaper still and provides for a much simpler, all-in-one solution. I have the mb Modi in house at the moment and while it trumps the Jot's dac in terms of micro details and imaging, these differences aren't really as pronounced as what some impressions would have you believe - especially when volume matched. Personally, I'm content to stick with the Jot's internal dac until Schiit releases a better, fully balanced multi-bit dac - positioned above the mb Modi but below the mb Gungnir in their lineup - and in a form factor that matches the Jotunheim.

Mar 4, 2017 at 7:40 PM Post #37,903 of 46,554
Okay cuz a lot of the reviews I've read on this on the 650 say that the bas spills into the mids and causes a cold kind of mid sound.

The HD650 is a mid-centric headphone with a mid-bass bloom. The midrange warmth and richness of the HD650 is what most love about it, giving realism and intimacy to vocals and great texture to acoustic instruments. Some will argue that the mid-bass is bloated and the treble is rolled-off, making for a "coloured" signature. Good upstream components like the Jotunheim will remedy those "shortfalls" but it won't turn the HD650 into an HD800. Don't think anyone here would want that either.
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:28 PM Post #37,905 of 46,554
It mostly depends on the setup. I have tested some headphones which didn't sound that much difference on a certain setup, but on an other setup the difference was quite big. 
Also amplifiers (which should be called colour boxes by the way) mess up the sound of high-end headphones in particular. Headphones should be judged without an amplifier imo. 

That's another factor as well, but I've done side by side comparisons of different cans with exactly identical setups, and while I heard obvious differences, my friend said they sounded pretty much the same.  I think perception, bias, and hearing ability, have an even greater effect than the electronics.
BTW, how do you judge a headphone without an amplifier?  You get no sound without an amplifier.

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