Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk
Jul 2, 2021 at 12:57 PM Post #1,561 of 4,908
This thread is awesome for music recommendations 😂 I don’t even own an IE900 but my Odin certainly approves.
Yeah, it’s my job, but I genuinely enjoy hanging out here and discovering music. I also just added Apple Music to my existing Spotify and Tidal premium subscriptions; I have all the musics!!!

I have found that is a great tool for sharing songs or albums when I know the people here subscribe to different services, but I’m also searching for tools to import playlists between services. Right now, I’m adding songs individually, but Odesli at least makes finding those songs easy.
Jul 2, 2021 at 1:06 PM Post #1,562 of 4,908
I had the IE 900 for two weeks, with over 150 hours. They are so aaamaaazing! Not only do they sound great, they are so light and comfortable. The IE 900 is so good that I sold my other IEMs, including the Campfire Audio Polaris II, Dorado 2020, Solaris 2020, and gave my UM Mest II to my dad. All of these IEMs are excellent in certain areas or genres of music, but I feel the IE 900 is the best all-rounder across the board, from musical qualities to comfort. I started this as brief impressions, but it ended up writing a lot more than I though :sweat_smile:

I’m using the Sony WM1A (MrWalkman custom firmware Dawn Plus). DSEE AI on, DC Phase Linearizer Type B Low, low gain, 4.4mm balanced output.

The bass
The IE 900 has the best bass I’ve heard in an IEM. It goes deep when needed, but doesn’t artificially make every bass note deep and big. They are clean, detailed, and beautifully textured. The same goes for bass quantity; there is plenty of it, but only when the music has it, and never interferes with the lower-mids and mids. The bass quality reminds me of my home stereo system (PSAudio DirectStream Jr DAC, Octave V70SE tube integrated amp, Dynaudio Contour S3.4 speakers).

The mids
So beautiful, articulate, and detailed. Both female and male vocals come through strong and natural; never shouty or thin. The small details of familiar singers’ voices come through better and has better textures without overwhelming my ears with too much details. They are much more natural than other IEMs I’ve heard.

The highs
Extended and very smooth. Silky smooth. Some burn-in (either the IEMs or my ears or brain) is needed for the treble to shine. Initially, they seemed bright, even when using foam tips. After about 100 hours, they calmed down and became well extended and smooth. Instruments sound natural and non-fatiguing. This is important for me because I use IEMs when I work, so don’t like IEMs with distracting and fatiguing treble.

Soundstage and imaging
Both the soundstage and imaging are very beautifully done. The soundstage is moderately wide and deep, with a good amount of height. Sounds extend slightly outside my ears and around my head. What I like is that the soundstage is natural. It’s intimate if the music requires it, and extended if the music has it. More importantly, the soundstage doesn’t extend too far out where it can become unnatural, like an artificial 3D effect. Imaging is excellent. Every instrument and vocal has their own space and music rarely sound crowded. But please keep in mind these are not magical IEMs; poorly recorded/mix/mastered music still has poor soundstage and imaging. I would say the IE 900 presents the soundstage and imaging as they are in the music.

One of the most comfortable IEMs I’ve ever had. I can use them throughout my workday and rarely had to take them off or adjust them. I also like how extremely light they are. The comfort and weight don’t distract me from the music, which allows me to get more immersed in it.

The cable
I really like the cable. They are light, hard to tangle, and has a nice neutral color with a slight shimmery look under bright lights. They are more microphonic than other IEM stock cables, and may not be good when you’re using the IE 900 on-the-go. The shirt clip helps a lot. This drawback doesn’t bother to me because I use these in the office or at home.

Accessories and ear tips
Love the small case. The Sennheiser logo on the front looks great. The serial number on the back is a nice touch, and makes me feel special 😊

I’ll write some brief impressions of the ear tips I’ve tried. Keep in mind these are highly subjective (I tend to like sounds can be described as smooth, slightly on the warm side of neutral, and even slightly rolled off highs while retaining airiness). The sound descriptions may not apply to your ears, but hope they will give you an idea of how each tip can change the sound of the IE 900.

Stock ear tips
Out of all the stock ear tips, my favorite is the foam (size S). I like them with the small foams in them, which gives the sound a very slightly smoother treble.
I got a good fit with the medium silicone ear tips with a shallow insertion. I was not able to get a seal with the small or large sizes no matter the kind of depth of insertion.
+ Light and airy sound.
+ Excellent detailed and deep bass.
+ Very extended highs.
+ Very comfortable. They seem to just sit in my ear and doesn’t exert much pressure.
– Poor isolation (this can be plus if, for example, you’re working in the office and need to hear colleagues when they try to get your attention).
– The highs can get fatiguing for long sessions with poorly recorded music, but it’s fine with well recorded music.

I got a good fit with the small foam ear tips. The medium and large sizes put too much pressure in my ear canals, resulting in discomfort after about 15 minutes.
+ Full bodied sound.
+ Deep bass (but not as detailed as the silicone tips and can sound muddy with bass-heavy music).
+ Fuller sound, especially great for vocals.
+ Very comfortable. Slight pressure but never got uncomfortable.
+ Good isolation.
– Slightly rolled off highs (can be a plus because they are more forgiving of poorly recorded music, and good for long listening sessions).

Third-party ear tips
My favorites are the Final E (size S). I also like the Symbio F (size S).
Final E
+ Deep and bold bass with nice textures (but not as detailed as the stock silicone tips).
+ Full mids (much fuller than the stock silicone tips).
+ Smooth highs (need to have a deep insertion, otherwise the treble rolls off too much and you lose sparkle and air).
+ More body across the board.
+ Comfortable for long sessions.
– Slightly rolled off highs, but can be a plus because it’s more forgiving with poorly recorded music.

Symbio F
+ Detailed mids.
+ Great highs for foam tips; only slightly rolled off (less roll off compared to the stock foam tips).
+ Comfortable.
– Mids can sound grainy depending on the music.
– Bass doesn’t go as deep and there’s less of it.

Campfire Audio Marshmallow
+ Comfortable.
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Rolled off bass and treble.

Symbio W Peel
+ Comfortable
+ Great bass quantity, but I not as textured as the stock silicone or Final E tips.
+ Smooth mids
– Treble doesn’t sound natural.

Azla SednaLight (regular and short versions)
– Easy to lose the seal in my ears.
– Bass sounds strange. I can’t put my finger on what it is.
– Highs can be fatiguing with modern music. More so with the short version.

Spiral Dot ++ and Spiral Dot regular
+ Comfortable
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Diffused imaging. No solid center image. The vocals are too spread out.

Spinfit 145
+ Comfortable
– Muddy bass and midrange

(Photos have the Symbio F ear tips because the orange color looks great in photos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


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Jul 2, 2021 at 1:21 PM Post #1,563 of 4,908
Stimming's new album is brilliant - his DJ sets are always well put together and it has carried over to this album. Well worth a listen!
Hmm. Reminds me of Ray Lynch, but without the bass roll-off. Definitely driven by rhythm, not so unlike Le Sacre..
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Jul 2, 2021 at 1:38 PM Post #1,564 of 4,908
I had the IE 900 for two weeks, with over 150 hours. They are so aaamaaazing! Not only do they sound great, they are so light and comfortable. The IE 900 is so good that I sold my other IEMs, including the Campfire Audio Polaris II, Dorado 2020, Solaris 2020, and gave my UM Mest II to my dad. All of these IEMs are excellent in certain areas or genres of music, but I feel the IE 900 is the best all-rounder across the board, from musical qualities to comfort. I started this as brief impressions, but it ended up writing a lot more than I though :sweat_smile:

I’m using the Sony WM1A (MrWalkman custom firmware Dawn Plus). DSEE AI on, DC Phase Linearizer Type B Low, low gain, 4.4mm balanced output.

The bass
The IE 900 has the best bass I’ve heard in an IEM. It goes deep when needed, but doesn’t artificially make every bass note deep and big. They are clean, detailed, and beautifully textured. The same goes for bass quantity; there is plenty of it, but only when the music has it, and never interferes with the lower-mids and mids. The bass quality reminds me of my home stereo system (PSAudio DirectStream Jr DAC, Octave V70SE tube integrated amp, Dynaudio Contour S3.4 speakers).

The mids
So beautiful, articulate, and detailed. Both female and male vocals come through strong and natural; never shouty or thin. The small details of familiar singers’ voices come through better and has better textures without overwhelming my ears with too much details. They are much more natural than other IEMs I’ve heard.

The highs
Extended and very smooth. Silky smooth. Some burn-in (either the IEMs or my ears or brain) is needed for the treble to shine. Initially, they seemed bright, even when using foam tips. After about 100 hours, they calmed down and became well extended and smooth. Instruments sound natural and non-fatiguing. This is important for me because I use IEMs when I work, so don’t like IEMs with distracting and fatiguing treble.

Soundstage and imaging
Both the soundstage and imaging are very beautifully done. The soundstage is moderately wide and deep, with a good amount of height. Sounds extend slightly outside my ears and around my head. What I like is that the soundstage is natural. It’s intimate if the music requires it, and extended if the music has it. More importantly, the soundstage doesn’t extend too far out where it can become unnatural, like an artificial 3D effect. Imaging is excellent. Every instrument and vocal has their own space and music rarely sound crowded. But please keep in mind these are not magical IEMs; poorly recorded/mix/mastered music still has poor soundstage and imaging. I would say the IE 900 presents the soundstage and imaging as they are in the music.

One of the most comfortable IEMs I’ve ever had. I can use them throughout my workday and rarely had to take them off or adjust them. I also like how extremely light they are. The comfort and weight don’t distract me from the music, which allows me to get more immersed in it.

The cable
I really like the cable. They are light, hard to tangle, and has a nice neutral color with a slight shimmery look under bright lights. They are more microphonic than other IEM stock cables, and may not be good when you’re using the IE 900 on-the-go. The shirt clip helps a lot. This drawback doesn’t bother to me because I use these in the office or at home.

Accessories and ear tips
Love the small case. The Sennheiser logo on the front looks great. The serial number on the back is a nice touch, and makes me feel special 😊

I’ll write some brief impressions of the ear tips I’ve tried. Keep in mind these are highly subjective (I tend to like sounds can be described as smooth, slightly on the warm side of neutral, and even slightly rolled off highs while retaining airiness). The sound descriptions may not apply to your ears, but hope they will give you an idea of how each tip can change the sound of the IE 900.

Stock ear tips
Out of all the stock ear tips, my favorite is the foam (size S). I like them with the small foams in them, which gives the sound a very slightly smoother treble.
I got a good fit with the medium silicone ear tips with a shallow insertion. I was not able to get a seal with the small or large sizes no matter the kind of depth of insertion.
+ Light and airy sound.
+ Excellent detailed and deep bass.
+ Very extended highs.
+ Very comfortable. They seem to just sit in my ear and doesn’t exert much pressure.
– Poor isolation (this can be plus if, for example, you’re working in the office and need to hear colleagues when they try to get your attention).
– The highs can get fatiguing for long sessions with poorly recorded music, but it’s fine with well recorded music.

I got a good fit with the small foam ear tips. The medium and large sizes put too much pressure in my ear canals, resulting in discomfort after about 15 minutes.
+ Full bodied sound.
+ Deep bass (but not as detailed as the silicone tips and can sound muddy with bass-heavy music).
+ Fuller sound, especially great for vocals.
+ Very comfortable. Slight pressure but never got uncomfortable.
+ Good isolation.
– Slightly rolled off highs (can be a plus because they are more forgiving of poorly recorded music, and good for long listening sessions).

Third-party ear tips
My favorites are the Final E (size S). I also like the Symbio F (size S).
Final E
+ Deep and bold bass with nice textures (but not as detailed as the stock silicone tips).
+ Full mids (much fuller than the stock silicone tips).
+ Smooth highs (need to have a deep insertion, otherwise the treble rolls off too much and you lose sparkle and air).
+ More body across the board.
+ Comfortable for long sessions.
– Slightly rolled off highs, but can be a plus because it’s more forgiving with poorly recorded music.

Symbio F
+ Detailed mids.
+ Great highs for foam tips; only slightly rolled off (less roll off compared to the stock foam tips).
+ Comfortable.
– Mids can sound grainy depending on the music.
– Bass doesn’t go as deep and there’s less of it.

Campfire Audio Marshmallow
+ Comfortable.
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Rolled off bass and treble.

Symbio W Peel
+ Comfortable
+ Great bass quantity, but I not as textured as the stock silicone or Final E tips.
+ Smooth mids
– Treble doesn’t sound natural.

Azla SednaLight (regular and short versions)
– Easy to lose the seal in my ears.
– Bass sounds strange. I can’t put my finger on what it is.
– Highs can be fatiguing with modern music. More so with the short version.

Spiral Dot ++ and Spiral Dot regular
+ Comfortable
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Diffused imaging. No solid center image. The vocals are too spread out.

Spinfit 145
+ Comfortable
– Muddy bass and midrange

(Photos have the Symbio F ear tips because the orange color looks great in photos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
This is MORE than good enough to copy/paste into the IE 900 reviews section, and I’m sure people will want to easily find your impressions of the tips without it getting buried in this thread!
Jul 2, 2021 at 1:40 PM Post #1,565 of 4,908
I had the IE 900 for two weeks, with over 150 hours. They are so aaamaaazing! Not only do they sound great, they are so light and comfortable. The IE 900 is so good that I sold my other IEMs, including the Campfire Audio Polaris II, Dorado 2020, Solaris 2020, and gave my UM Mest II to my dad. All of these IEMs are excellent in certain areas or genres of music, but I feel the IE 900 is the best all-rounder across the board, from musical qualities to comfort. I started this as brief impressions, but it ended up writing a lot more than I though :sweat_smile:

I’m using the Sony WM1A (MrWalkman custom firmware Dawn Plus). DSEE AI on, DC Phase Linearizer Type B Low, low gain, 4.4mm balanced output.

The bass
The IE 900 has the best bass I’ve heard in an IEM. It goes deep when needed, but doesn’t artificially make every bass note deep and big. They are clean, detailed, and beautifully textured. The same goes for bass quantity; there is plenty of it, but only when the music has it, and never interferes with the lower-mids and mids. The bass quality reminds me of my home stereo system (PSAudio DirectStream Jr DAC, Octave V70SE tube integrated amp, Dynaudio Contour S3.4 speakers).

The mids
So beautiful, articulate, and detailed. Both female and male vocals come through strong and natural; never shouty or thin. The small details of familiar singers’ voices come through better and has better textures without overwhelming my ears with too much details. They are much more natural than other IEMs I’ve heard.

The highs
Extended and very smooth. Silky smooth. Some burn-in (either the IEMs or my ears or brain) is needed for the treble to shine. Initially, they seemed bright, even when using foam tips. After about 100 hours, they calmed down and became well extended and smooth. Instruments sound natural and non-fatiguing. This is important for me because I use IEMs when I work, so don’t like IEMs with distracting and fatiguing treble.

Soundstage and imaging
Both the soundstage and imaging are very beautifully done. The soundstage is moderately wide and deep, with a good amount of height. Sounds extend slightly outside my ears and around my head. What I like is that the soundstage is natural. It’s intimate if the music requires it, and extended if the music has it. More importantly, the soundstage doesn’t extend too far out where it can become unnatural, like an artificial 3D effect. Imaging is excellent. Every instrument and vocal has their own space and music rarely sound crowded. But please keep in mind these are not magical IEMs; poorly recorded/mix/mastered music still has poor soundstage and imaging. I would say the IE 900 presents the soundstage and imaging as they are in the music.

One of the most comfortable IEMs I’ve ever had. I can use them throughout my workday and rarely had to take them off or adjust them. I also like how extremely light they are. The comfort and weight don’t distract me from the music, which allows me to get more immersed in it.

The cable
I really like the cable. They are light, hard to tangle, and has a nice neutral color with a slight shimmery look under bright lights. They are more microphonic than other IEM stock cables, and may not be good when you’re using the IE 900 on-the-go. The shirt clip helps a lot. This drawback doesn’t bother to me because I use these in the office or at home.

Accessories and ear tips
Love the small case. The Sennheiser logo on the front looks great. The serial number on the back is a nice touch, and makes me feel special 😊

I’ll write some brief impressions of the ear tips I’ve tried. Keep in mind these are highly subjective (I tend to like sounds can be described as smooth, slightly on the warm side of neutral, and even slightly rolled off highs while retaining airiness). The sound descriptions may not apply to your ears, but hope they will give you an idea of how each tip can change the sound of the IE 900.

Stock ear tips
Out of all the stock ear tips, my favorite is the foam (size S). I like them with the small foams in them, which gives the sound a very slightly smoother treble.
I got a good fit with the medium silicone ear tips with a shallow insertion. I was not able to get a seal with the small or large sizes no matter the kind of depth of insertion.
+ Light and airy sound.
+ Excellent detailed and deep bass.
+ Very extended highs.
+ Very comfortable. They seem to just sit in my ear and doesn’t exert much pressure.
– Poor isolation (this can be plus if, for example, you’re working in the office and need to hear colleagues when they try to get your attention).
– The highs can get fatiguing for long sessions with poorly recorded music, but it’s fine with well recorded music.

I got a good fit with the small foam ear tips. The medium and large sizes put too much pressure in my ear canals, resulting in discomfort after about 15 minutes.
+ Full bodied sound.
+ Deep bass (but not as detailed as the silicone tips and can sound muddy with bass-heavy music).
+ Fuller sound, especially great for vocals.
+ Very comfortable. Slight pressure but never got uncomfortable.
+ Good isolation.
– Slightly rolled off highs (can be a plus because they are more forgiving of poorly recorded music, and good for long listening sessions).

Third-party ear tips
My favorites are the Final E (size S). I also like the Symbio F (size S).
Final E
+ Deep and bold bass with nice textures (but not as detailed as the stock silicone tips).
+ Full mids (much fuller than the stock silicone tips).
+ Smooth highs (need to have a deep insertion, otherwise the treble rolls off too much and you lose sparkle and air).
+ More body across the board.
+ Comfortable for long sessions.
– Slightly rolled off highs, but can be a plus because it’s more forgiving with poorly recorded music.

Symbio F
+ Detailed mids.
+ Great highs for foam tips; only slightly rolled off (less roll off compared to the stock foam tips).
+ Comfortable.
– Mids can sound grainy depending on the music.
– Bass doesn’t go as deep and there’s less of it.

Campfire Audio Marshmallow
+ Comfortable.
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Rolled off bass and treble.

Symbio W Peel
+ Comfortable
+ Great bass quantity, but I not as textured as the stock silicone or Final E tips.
+ Smooth mids
– Treble doesn’t sound natural.

Azla SednaLight (regular and short versions)
– Easy to lose the seal in my ears.
– Bass sounds strange. I can’t put my finger on what it is.
– Highs can be fatiguing with modern music. More so with the short version.

Spiral Dot ++ and Spiral Dot regular
+ Comfortable
+ Forgiving sound for modern pop music.
– Diffused imaging. No solid center image. The vocals are too spread out.

Spinfit 145
+ Comfortable
– Muddy bass and midrange

(Photos have the Symbio F ear tips because the orange color looks great in photos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
Fantastic write up, thank you! Welcome to the #IE900Club .. definitely appreciate the depth of your tip rolling, too. Cheers!
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 2, 2021 at 3:39 PM Post #1,566 of 4,908
I've been listening for a week to my new IE900 and I just absolutely adore them.

Listening is split pretty evenly between a Bifrost2/Asgrard3 at home and a Drangonfly Cobalt or Sony DAP at work. They have this sound profile that is just mystifying in that it can be so detailed and airy, but at the same time just refuses to be even slightly impolite.

I feel like I don't have good words to describe these things, but the texture and detail of the sound... the kick of a base drum sounds super-physical like you're in the room hearing the actual instrument. The ability to distinguish several voices singing at the same's incredible. Hearing the breath of the singer or the sound of a pick striking several strings on the's great.

I'm very new at the audio hobby, but I wanted to call out a previous experience which was years ago when I first heard a set of wired Bose soundsport IEMs. At the time I'd just had various cheap earbuds and compared to them, the Bose were fantastic. I ended up owning something like 4 pairs until they stopped making them. Those IEMs seemed to have this magical property of extreme inoffensiveness and were/are extremely easy to listen to.

I feel like the IE900 is like the ultimate evolution of that property. I can already feel myself just not wanting to listen to other stuff that I know will have some offensive peaks.

These are the most expensive piece of audio gear I've bought to date and I'm sorry for not being able to do a better job and describing them well, but I can tell you during the first listening session they passed the test of that feeling you can sometimes get of "crap, did I really spend this much money on headphone stuff?" with flying colors.
Jul 2, 2021 at 4:25 PM Post #1,567 of 4,908
This is MORE than good enough to copy/paste into the IE 900 reviews section, and I’m sure people will want to easily find your impressions of the tips without it getting buried in this thread!
Thank you! I didn't even think of that. Just posted in the reviews section with some minor edits.
Jul 2, 2021 at 4:34 PM Post #1,568 of 4,908
Fantastic write up, thank you! Welcome to the #IE900Club .. definitely appreciate the depth of your tip rolling, too. Cheers!
Thank you! It's great to be part of the #IE900Club !!
Glad I took notes during my tip rolling experiments. Tip rolling can be fun, but at times frustrating :sweat_smile:
Jul 2, 2021 at 4:50 PM Post #1,569 of 4,908
FWIW, I have found terrific synergy with the Spinfit CP100+ ear tips. I've tried Spinfit since they first hit the scene here on head-fi, like circa 2014, I think? Back then, there was a head-fi'er who bought large quantities and would sell them via PM here, LOL.

Anyway, I say that only to highlight how significant it is for me that the CP100+ work so great for me, as they are the first Spinfits I've ever loved on any set of IEMs I've ever tried them with.

Still gonna tip roll some more in the coming weeks to see if something else stands out. But I am surprised to see my standby of AZLA Sednaearfit (regular) be displaced so handily, and by a brand that over dozens of previous use attempts, never had worked for me.
Jul 2, 2021 at 5:09 PM Post #1,570 of 4,908
I've been listening for a week to my new IE900 and I just absolutely adore them.

Listening is split pretty evenly between a Bifrost2/Asgrard3 at home and a Drangonfly Cobalt or Sony DAP at work. They have this sound profile that is just mystifying in that it can be so detailed and airy, but at the same time just refuses to be even slightly impolite.

I feel like I don't have good words to describe these things, but the texture and detail of the sound... the kick of a base drum sounds super-physical like you're in the room hearing the actual instrument. The ability to distinguish several voices singing at the same's incredible. Hearing the breath of the singer or the sound of a pick striking several strings on the's great.

I'm very new at the audio hobby, but I wanted to call out a previous experience which was years ago when I first heard a set of wired Bose soundsport IEMs. At the time I'd just had various cheap earbuds and compared to them, the Bose were fantastic. I ended up owning something like 4 pairs until they stopped making them. Those IEMs seemed to have this magical property of extreme inoffensiveness and were/are extremely easy to listen to.

I feel like the IE900 is like the ultimate evolution of that property. I can already feel myself just not wanting to listen to other stuff that I know will have some offensive peaks.

These are the most expensive piece of audio gear I've bought to date and I'm sorry for not being able to do a better job and describing them well, but I can tell you during the first listening session they passed the test of that feeling you can sometimes get of "crap, did I really spend this much money on headphone stuff?" with flying colors.
Hey! I know you!
I think you did a great job answering the first question that many people have about high end audio. I believe many here will appreciate what you said, and/or agree with you.

Thank you! It's great to be part of the #IE900Club !!
Glad I took notes during my tip rolling experiments. Tip rolling can be fun, but at times frustrating :sweat_smile:
With such a talent for splitting hairs, we shall call you the Ear Tip Samurai 🌾🗡
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Jul 2, 2021 at 5:15 PM Post #1,571 of 4,908
I've been listening for a week to my new IE900 and I just absolutely adore them.

Listening is split pretty evenly between a Bifrost2/Asgrard3 at home and a Drangonfly Cobalt or Sony DAP at work. They have this sound profile that is just mystifying in that it can be so detailed and airy, but at the same time just refuses to be even slightly impolite.

I feel like I don't have good words to describe these things, but the texture and detail of the sound... the kick of a base drum sounds super-physical like you're in the room hearing the actual instrument. The ability to distinguish several voices singing at the same's incredible. Hearing the breath of the singer or the sound of a pick striking several strings on the's great.

I'm very new at the audio hobby, but I wanted to call out a previous experience which was years ago when I first heard a set of wired Bose soundsport IEMs. At the time I'd just had various cheap earbuds and compared to them, the Bose were fantastic. I ended up owning something like 4 pairs until they stopped making them. Those IEMs seemed to have this magical property of extreme inoffensiveness and were/are extremely easy to listen to.

I feel like the IE900 is like the ultimate evolution of that property. I can already feel myself just not wanting to listen to other stuff that I know will have some offensive peaks.

These are the most expensive piece of audio gear I've bought to date and I'm sorry for not being able to do a better job and describing them well, but I can tell you during the first listening session they passed the test of that feeling you can sometimes get of "crap, did I really spend this much money on headphone stuff?" with flying colors.
Believe it or not other readers look for the exact cues you provided. Welcome to the #IE900club and great impressions!
Sennheiser Stay updated on Sennheiser at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 2, 2021 at 7:58 PM Post #1,573 of 4,908
Has anyone paired this with the Sony zx507 4.4 uncapped? Curious how easy or difficult it is to power the 900's from it. thanks!

Yes I do and pairs very well.
Jul 2, 2021 at 8:12 PM Post #1,574 of 4,908
Has anyone paired this with the Sony zx507 4.4 uncapped? Curious how easy or difficult it is to power the 900's from it. thanks!
Well, my ZX300 drives the IE 900 just fine from the single ended port, at the 53 volume setting and normal gain. Noooo power problems. The ZX300 provides 50 mW of power from this single-ended output… Most amps will not be short of power. However, 4.4mm balanced takes full advantage of the DAP’s amp design, and of course the the IE 900 will benefit from any high quality circuit design.
Jul 3, 2021 at 3:59 AM Post #1,575 of 4,908
This is bliss on IE900. The blurb from Bandcamp describes it far better than I can.

"With twelve elaborate pieces of music, he creates a burning plea to preserve the breathtaking biodiversity of nature and at the same time warns of the threat posed to it by humans. It is a detailed record that demands close listening and showcases Eulberg's considerable synth craft, with drawn out pads and delicate keys laid over undulating rhythms that slowly take you through a wide range of emotions. Elements of ambient, downtempo, electronica, pop and minimal are infused with the sounds of nature, a choral sense of musicality and wistful air of grace across all the majestically composed pieces."


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