Shure 750DJ (180$) vs ATH-M50 (238$)
Sep 8, 2011 at 8:31 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Apr 5, 2011
Greetings! I have been looking for headphones to replace my Steelseries Siberia V2 which I drive with my computer using the audio card Asus Xonar D1, and possibly my CAL! which I use for my Sansa Clip+ 8GB (I bought it after my Cowon D2 broke, but admittedly the Clip+ does not have the best AQ or drive the headphones very well).
I have two viable choices: The Shure 750DJ for circa 180$ and the Audio Technica M50 for circa 238$, and now my question is, which two of them gives the most bang for the buck?
I live in Sweden where most audio equipment doesn't come cheap, so that's why the M50s might seem a bit expensive, but the cheapest I can find them for is 238 dollars and the same goes for the Shure 750DJ for 180 dollars.
I would REALLY appreciate it if anyone could waste some time helping me out in this mild dilemma.
Sep 8, 2011 at 8:45 AM Post #2 of 12
Do you have a store with a link we can look at what headphones are available, or is this in-store some where over there?
I would try to find other headphones honestly than a $240 M50. And the Shure is great, but it's quite bassy. Really bassy. But not sure if it's quality is overall worth $180 so to speak.
By the way, what music do you listen to mostly? Looking for a bassy can or a neutral/flat can?
Very best,
Sep 8, 2011 at 8:52 AM Post #3 of 12
Sorry, should have provided with more information :)
These are the links:
I use to determine where headphones are the cheapest. Prisjakt lists nearly every store that sell the product you are searching for.
Shure 750DJ:
(935 SEK without shipping)
(1589 SEK including shipping)
I like neutral sounding headphones as I don't constantly listen to the same genre of music, but it's mostly: Rock, blues, punk, alternative rock, country and a bit of electronica like Daft Punk.
I have tried the 750DJs before as my brother purchased them a few months ago, and I absolutely love the bass, so that might be a viable option too. Neutral cans with powerful bass!
Sep 8, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #4 of 12
Well, neither of those cans are really neutral. The 750DJ is pretty bass headphone with a lowered high end. Typical of DJ headphone signatures. The M50's have some bass presence too, and treble, with slightly recessed mids. Of the two, the M50 is more balanced. But I'd still look for another can. Something like the SRH840, KRK KNS8400 or 6400, FA-003, if possible, etc.
Very best,
Sep 8, 2011 at 9:38 AM Post #8 of 12

Really :wink:? So you think these are even better than the 750DJ which costs more?
Also thank you so much for replying, too!

Didn't see your edit. Said you already heard the DJ750. It's not a neutral can at all. It's very bassy, and has recessed mids and even more recessed highs. That's the DJ can sound signature that is typical. But if this is what you liked, then by all means, get that headphone. If you want a more actual neutral headphone, the 6400 would be the way to go. But again, if you already heard the DJ750 and liked it--what's stopping you from getting it?
Very best,
Sep 8, 2011 at 9:45 AM Post #9 of 12

Didn't see your edit. Said you already heard the DJ750. It's not a neutral can at all. It's very bassy, and has recessed mids and even more recessed highs. That's the DJ can sound signature that is typical. But if this is what you liked, then by all means, get that headphone. If you want a more actual neutral headphone, the 6400 would be the way to go. But again, if you already heard the DJ750 and liked it--what's stopping you from getting it?
Very best,

Ah, well then my brother has a different definition on what sounds neutral. He claimed himself that they sounded neutral so I thought they would be excellent for all-around use (movies, television shows and most music). But, I have indeed tried them and when I listened to one of Aphex Twin's ambient tracks from his ambient album, I absolutely fell in love. And you really can't stop love. However, I will look into the 6400 as well. Thanks for your help!
Sep 12, 2011 at 3:06 PM Post #12 of 12
I just got them today and I am very satisfied with them! At first I considered them to be extremely mediocre and flat but after listening to more music (3-4 hours) it got considerably better. I also considered listening to albums with better recordings, comparing them to the same bitrate and coming to the conclusion that it's not the headphones that sound like crap, it's the recording.
Anyway, very much detail, very nice mids and highs, the bass is a bit weak but I can definitely live with it and I sure won't switch them with 750DJ.
Thanks for the help!

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