Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
May 21, 2014 at 1:52 AM Post #2,641 of 22,954
I don't recall whether he did or not.  Will have to go back and check.

All I can say is that I am no stranger to danger when it comes to musical volume levels and would have to say that the 846s sound the same at high levels, just louder.  no lose of defintion, no distortion, no clipping....nothing.

What I can also say is that I have deliberately pushed the bass on the SE846s - heavy, deep bass, boosted and EQ'd at near full volume - conditions that would cave so many other IEMs in, and the 846s handle it fine.

A slip of the finger when using EQu led to a slightly scary moment, haha. I think I spiked the lower mids badly. A bit of crackling was the end result before quickly resetting the curve.
May 21, 2014 at 8:54 AM Post #2,643 of 22,954
  I was reading through.....I think the Forbes review, that had nothing but solid praise for the 846 sound but also stated that it (the sound) started falling apart at high volume levels - levels elevated to a near dangerous point.
I don't find that statement true.  Does anyone else agree with the review?

I have spent my first month  pushing the envelope of high volumes "these really to "go to 11". For the most part I found the sound didn't fall apart (if it had I would not have kept pushing the envelope)). Where I did find the sound falling apart at higher volumes was with poorly recorded pop/rock which was in my collection at 128kps. (Like you initially when I ripped my collection I was worried about space constraints and about 25% were done at lower rip rates or were downloaded as such,.)
My higher resolution stuff 192kps 320kps AAC or AIFF stuff only falls apart where there were limitations of the original recordings. A by-product methinks of sound/recording  engineers in the early 1970s showing up to work having had a handful of Quaaludes for breakfast.
However in many cases recordings of this era truly find themselves in the Pantheon of what the 846 can do and where it can take you - what joy can be found in pulsing it to the "Edge."
Frank Zappa, any Steely Dan (Hey Nineteen - " The Cuervo Gold, The fine Colombian Make tonight a wonderful thing" an exceptional example) and of course Pink Floyd - just three of favorites ..Oops drifting OT a bit
As to what are Dangerously elevated levels well to borrow from the late Doctor (HST) himself
"“The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Hunter S. Thompson
In the interest of keeping my hearing and /or not having permanent ringing in my ears a la Pete Townsend I have as of late been limiting my volume to 75% max (except for the odd passage then you got to light the afterburners and let it rip). 
I am pretty certain the that near dangerous point/edge is somewhere before the point where blood starts to flow  freely from your ears.
IF you have blood flowing from the ears  that will interfere with your the sound causing it to "fall apart"  at that point IMO you may you have set the volume a tad to high and might want to turn it down a bit.. But that's just me
May 21, 2014 at 12:30 PM Post #2,644 of 22,954
I have spent my first month  pushing the envelope of high volumes "these really to "go to 11". For the most part I found the sound didn't fall apart (if it had I would not have kept pushing the envelope)). Where I did find the sound falling apart at higher volumes was with poorly recorded pop/rock which was in my collection at 128kps. (Like you initially when I ripped my collection I was worried about space constraints and about 25% were done at lower rip rates or were downloaded as such,.)
My higher resolution stuff 192kps 320kps AAC or AIFF stuff only falls apart where there were limitations of the original recordings. A by-product methinks of sound/recording  engineers in the early 1970s showing up to work having had a handful of Quaaludes for breakfast.
However in many cases recordings of this era truly find themselves in the Pantheon of what the 846 can do and where it can take you - what joy can be found in pulsing it to the "Edge."
Frank Zappa, any Steely Dan (Hey Nineteen - " The Cuervo Gold, The fine Colombian Make tonight a wonderful thing" an exceptional example) and of course Pink Floyd - just three of favorites ..Oops drifting OT a bit
As to what are Dangerously elevated levels well to borrow from the late Doctor (HST) himself
"“The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Hunter S. Thompson
In the interest of keeping my hearing and /or not having permanent ringing in my ears a la Pete Townsend I have as of late been limiting my volume to 75% max (except for the odd passage then you got to light the afterburners and let it rip). 
I am pretty certain the that near dangerous point/edge is somewhere before the point where blood starts to flow  freely from your ears.
IF you have blood flowing from the ears  that will interfere with your the sound causing it to "fall apart"  at that point IMO you may you have set the volume a tad to high and might want to turn it down a bit.. But that's just me

I would venture to say that perhaps 'blood flowing from the ears' may indicate a problem volume levels.  But that's me, and since my ex sucked all the life blood out of me anyway, I don't bleed so excessive volume levels are a non issue.  I say 'smoke em if you got em'. 
I am just glad that the 846s stay together during those 'after burner' moments when maximum volume is a requirement.
Ludes for breakfast....oh, the memories.
May 21, 2014 at 12:54 PM Post #2,645 of 22,954
If you don't sleep on your sides, then the Shure SE846 should be fine. Else I would look elsewhere if you want IEM's for sleeping.

I can sleep on my sides with no problems. Try it out before you consider other TOTL's, most of the other phones are much bigger. 
May 21, 2014 at 1:12 PM Post #2,647 of 22,954
I was afraid of this.
I bought my 846s 1 day after stlrman, from the same place and now I am having problems as well.
The left side goes completely out.  Thinking maybe it was the phone or amp, I tried an alternate pair of earphones but no such luck.  It's the shures.  Sometimes the sound will slightly come back in the left, but then both left and right are greatly distorted, and both sides are at a greatly reduced volume level.  At this moment both sides are playing but the sound is horrific. I tried everything - tapping the shells themselves, disconnecting and reconnecting the cables, twisting the cable this way and that, especially at the plug, but nothing is working.
Called shure and they told me to call the dealer I purchased them from.  Luckily the service at sweetwater is excellent so hopefully I will have a new pair tomorrow.  Still, this does not give me a good feeling because, as I first suggested, the dealer's entire stock may be affected, all units having been manufactured in the same problematic production run.
I explained my concern to Mike, the Shure rep I spoke to, regarding a replacement from a dealer who may have a defective inventory.  His reply was that he felt it coincidental - that the two sets of 846s purchased from the same place were defective.  He also told me that if the replacement set developed a problem that I was to contact Shure rather than the dealer.
I have been listening to them as I have typed this and at this point, the problem has cleared up.  Both sides sound as they should. 
Funny thing is, is that I listened to them last night for a few hours before going to bed and they sounded fine.  Woke this morning, got some coffee, plugged them in and - nothing.  The left side was dead.  I've had them about a week now and have put a little over 40 hours on them.
Has anyone besides stlrman had this problem?
I am waiting for the dealer to call me back and at a loss as to what to do.  I would really hate to send them back like this, working fine, but where electronics are concerned, I know that problems simply do not go away like magic.  If it happened once, it will happen again.  There is something wrong.  Bottom line is that for 1000.00, I really don't want to settle for IEMs that have a problem, even if it is only occasionally.  What's more is, in 2 years when Shure comes out with the 925's (or whatever new model they introduce that far exceeds the 846) and I want to sell these to buy the new ones but can't without possibly having major problems (new owner gets them, left side fails, etc.)
Maybe its like they say - if it sounds to good to be true, it's because it is.  I've read too many posts here about people having problems with the 846's and I am beginning to wonder what the failure rate is.
May 21, 2014 at 1:29 PM Post #2,648 of 22,954
  Funny thing is, is that I listened to them last night for a few hours before going to bed and they sounded fine.  Woke this morning, got some coffee, plugged them in and - nothing.  The left side was dead.  I've had them about a week now and have put a little over 40 hours on them.

You're sure it's not a funky jack in your DAC or source? Jacks can be intermittent, too.
May 21, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #2,649 of 22,954
Just picked up my 846s today, and was wondering something. Are you supposed to push the earphone tips down as far as they will go until they are flush up against the headphone, or are you just supposed to push them down until they cover the little indentation?
May 21, 2014 at 4:20 PM Post #2,651 of 22,954
Thank you for your replies.
It seems that there is no conscientious on the sleeping matter, as always the YMMV seems to rule...
Unfortunately I do not live close enough to a Shure Dealer and try them on to see whether they are comfortable enough for me to sleep with.
Can someone please measure their length and width even height so I could make some kind of Playdo dummie ?

May 21, 2014 at 5:20 PM Post #2,653 of 22,954
SHURE Customer Service: As always - Above and Beyond
UPS just dropped off a massive box from SHURE inside beneath a whack load of bubble wrap a replacement Soft square zipper case for the 846.
The one that came with mine was stitched just a little crooked (the zipper was off and the two pieces were not sitting 100% square.). Off just enough to bother my eye each and every time I saw the case.
I called SHURE and explained the situation. 
Shure's response; send them a digital copy of my bill (email) and Boom .
The box was a bit large for the job but I have my perfect case AND I have enough bubble paper to pop for months to come.
What customer service. And everyone you speak to is engaged helpful and enthusiastic about their jobs and the company they work for. 
I have found be it a Flagship 846  or an E3 back in their day SHURE always listens to their customers and is always above and beyond.
Considering this is a company that does not have a history (compared to its long life) of dealing so much with the general public but rather musicians and industry professionals it is all the more impressive. SO not like dealing with Apple
Side note: I am back on the Blue tips for a while. Loving every minute
May 21, 2014 at 6:15 PM Post #2,655 of 22,954
I was afraid of this.

I bought my 846s 1 day after stlrman, from the same place and now I am having problems as well.

The left side goes completely out.  Thinking maybe it was the phone or amp, I tried an alternate pair of earphones but no such luck.  It's the shures.  Sometimes the sound will slightly come back in the left, but then both left and right are greatly distorted, and both sides are at a greatly reduced volume level.  At this moment both sides are playing but the sound is horrific. I tried everything - tapping the shells themselves, disconnecting and reconnecting the cables, twisting the cable this way and that, especially at the plug, but nothing is working.

Called shure and they told me to call the dealer I purchased them from.  Luckily the service at sweetwater is excellent so hopefully I will have a new pair tomorrow.  Still, this does not give me a good feeling because, as I first suggested, the dealer's entire stock may be affected, all units having been manufactured in the same problematic production run.

I explained my concern to Mike, the Shure rep I spoke to, regarding a replacement from a dealer who may have a defective inventory.  His reply was that he felt it coincidental - that the two sets of 846s purchased from the same place were defective.  He also told me that if the replacement set developed a problem that I was to contact Shure rather than the dealer.

I have been listening to them as I have typed this and at this point, the problem has cleared up.  Both sides sound as they should. 

Funny thing is, is that I listened to them last night for a few hours before going to bed and they sounded fine.  Woke this morning, got some coffee, plugged them in and - nothing.  The left side was dead.  I've had them about a week now and have put a little over 40 hours on them.

Has anyone besides stlrman had this problem?

I am waiting for the dealer to call me back and at a loss as to what to do.  I would really hate to send them back like this, working fine, but where electronics are concerned, I know that problems simply do not go away like magic.  If it happened once, it will happen again.  There is something wrong.  Bottom line is that for 1000.00, I really don't want to settle for IEMs that have a problem, even if it is only occasionally.  What's more is, in 2 years when Shure comes out with the 925's (or whatever new model they introduce that far exceeds the 846) and I want to sell these to buy the new ones but can't without possibly having major problems (new owner gets them, left side fails, etc.)

Maybe its like they say - if it sounds to good to be true, it's because it is.  I've read too many posts here about people having problems with the 846's and I am beginning to wonder for the failure rate is.

Brutal. I would assume that you and your dealer were unlucky enough to receive a batch of faulty units. I would hold tight until a new shipment arrives, as frustrating and patience-testing as that might be.

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