Mar 29, 2024 at 8:29 AM Post #2,611 of 2,793
how is the sound of this compared to say cayin n6II a01?
I don't think it would be fair to compare the sound of a $600-800 dap to a $1200, especially with the latter having swappable boards.

That said, I think it all boils down to your preferences. From a biased perspective, I prefer Sony's house sounds compared to a vast majority of chi-fi DAPs out on the market.

I tried it but can't hear a difference (both direct and non direct source)
Don't forget to place the micro sd card in the freezer, the cold adds extra bits to spice up the language change
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Mar 29, 2024 at 1:25 PM Post #2,612 of 2,793
Don't forget to place the micro sd card in the freezer, the cold adds extra bits to spice up the language change
Nah, bits are bits, so no extra bits. They don't multiply like rabbits. They do move more "fluidly" after a cryo treatment, though.
The language tends to confuse them, so slows them down, just a little bit, which gives just the right inflection to the music.
Though doesn't quite work for Italian, as the bits have no hands to gesture with, while they vocalize.
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:14 PM Post #2,615 of 2,793
Nah, bits are bits, so no extra bits. They don't multiply like rabbits. They do move more "fluidly" after a cryo treatment, though.
The language tends to confuse them, so slows them down, just a little bit, which gives just the right inflection to the music.
Though doesn't quite work for Italian, as the bits have no hands to gesture with, while they vocalize.

A Bit Is A Bit Is A Bit. Or… Is It?

Apr 2, 2024 at 2:27 PM Post #2,616 of 2,793
This could be the lead in to a play. Like the famous line by Shakespeare:

"To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. "

Though if we cast audiophiles in this play, and follow the same storyline, most of the cast would be dead by the end of the play.
A fitting ending?
Apr 3, 2024 at 12:41 AM Post #2,618 of 2,793
Is the ZX707 able to drive full size cans like HD600’s? I heard the US version doesn’t have the high gain option so does the Japanese version have enough juice to push it without cranking the volume to almost max? WM1AM2 looks like better in this case but that’s a stretch atm.
Apr 3, 2024 at 3:51 AM Post #2,619 of 2,793
i noticed some sound effects/filters but they are only in the walkman player? does that mean they do not work with a 3rd party app such as power amp?
They also work if you play on DAC mode but I don’t know about other apps.
Apr 3, 2024 at 9:18 AM Post #2,621 of 2,793
Can someone explain to me what the different dsp options do (dsd, vivnyl, etc.)? I really can’t hear a difference.
My take on the settings.

Equalizer: Lame fixed band EQ. Avoid. It's embarrassing not to ship pEQ in a product these days.

DSEE Ultimate: Since I don't listen to MP3s I don't bother with this. It will kill the battery for little to no effect. On one of the last upgrades, I noticed it introduces weird artifacts to the sound.

DC Phase Linearizer: In practice, introduces a slight sub bass roll-off that increases the perceived impact (since most people spend too much time sniffing at graphs on most IEMs have too much sub <40Hz for their own good). It's nice to try, but it's a bit hit or miss depending on the IEM.

Dynamic Normalizer: Avoid like the plague.

Vinyl Processor: Arm resonance adds a lovely distortion on the sub bass frequencies and is BY FAR my favorite filter. Specially if you have a deep reaching IEM like the IER-M9. The other settings you can avoid as they introduce weird bass resonances, but maybe that's what you want. Judge with your ears.

DSD: Converts PCM to DSD. It's a gimmick and for me personally doesn't make a difference. Save your battery.

Personally I dislike tweaker nervosa and I simply use Direct Source exclusively.
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Apr 3, 2024 at 10:15 AM Post #2,622 of 2,793
Can someone explain to me what the different dsp options do (dsd, vivnyl, etc.)? I really can’t hear a difference.
You won’t hear any difference if you’re streaming because most of these settings only work when using the built-in Walkman player and don’t really do anything when using 3rd party apps.
Apr 3, 2024 at 2:07 PM Post #2,624 of 2,793
One combo I've found quite pleasant is to use Vinyl Emulation in Standard mode with the Audio Technica AWAS. The AWAS is generally a midrange/treble-focused headphone and Vinyl Emulation adds a bit more rumble to the bass and adds a bit more body to the lower frequencies. Think of the reverb of a bass guitar string being plucked, that deep "rrrrr" after the initial sound of the pluck. That aspect gets emphasized - just slightly - with Vinyl Emulation. Vinyl also works well when outputting to a Stax amp and using it with the L700mk2. Any headphone that benefits from a bit more body to the bass and lower midrange benefits nicely from Vinyl Emulation.

DSEE is a bit like the audio equivalent of what Nvidia DLSS does for computer graphics. DSEE can work well, but as with AI-based anything, it really depends on what trained the AI. It works better on recorded instruments rather than synthesized effects (so EDM and the like tend not to benefit as much), and the effect is most felt on content that's less than CD quality, which I still have a good bit of in my collection. In general, I find that recorded instruments with a lot of high frequency content (percussion in particular, but also some brass instruments) benefit the most with more texture being added to the notes. Like on some poorly-recorded or heavily-compressed songs with rapidly tapped hi-hats, the hits can blur into this mess of "ssssss" with each note becoming indistinct. DSEE can add a bit more definition to each note and reduce the monotone sizzle that happens in the upper treble. High frequencies are what get cut off or distorted the most in lossy compression, so it makes sense that they're what benefit most from DSEE reconstruction.

I also like DSD Remastering. It generally has the effect of slightly softening the upper treble without losing detail. It can get rid of the "glare" on high-frequency transients like cymbal or hi-hat hits. If you use the Slow DSD filter, it also adds a more physical sense of rumble to deep bass while the Sharp filter gives you a crisper impact on the initial transient of each note but less body/rumble to the rest of the note. Note that this only works with the balanced output! If you enable DSD Remastering when using the unbalanced output, it does nothing.
Apr 6, 2024 at 6:46 PM Post #2,625 of 2,793
I've got a lot of catching up to do in this thread. I just received a US version :frowning2: booo, but it was only $90 :) Yeah! Listed on the "bay" as "no power, as is" but I did get it working and there was no PIN to deal with. I've had an NW-A105 in the past so everything is pretty familiar to me. I also have a Cayin N3Pro so it will be fun to compare the two, even though the Cayin has WAY more power than this thing. I've been impressed with the software so far. The Cayin is pretty lacking in that dept. Looking forward to relaxing with me IEMs again.

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