The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

Mar 25, 2019 at 7:06 PM Post #3,196 of 3,220
Hi guys, I recently done the mod with the kit sold by tarkan. I also installed a iflash quad with 2x 200gb sandisk micro sd.
The sound is much clear now, but I have a lot of problems with the music.. after copying the music on the device it sound a lot distorded.
If I listen directly from the ipod or from my computer, directly in vlc, it is the same, sometime is faster, sometimes it skips pieces altogheter, missing word or jumping around.

May I have damaged something while doing the mod? Or those kind of problems are more related to the adapter? I tried with 3x 32gb sandisk card and it's just the same..
The ipod is rockboxed.
Apr 3, 2019 at 4:51 AM Post #3,197 of 3,220
Hi guys, I recently done the mod with the kit sold by tarkan. I also installed a iflash quad with 2x 200gb sandisk micro sd.
The sound is much clear now, but I have a lot of problems with the music.. after copying the music on the device it sound a lot distorded.
If I listen directly from the ipod or from my computer, directly in vlc, it is the same, sometime is faster, sometimes it skips pieces altogheter, missing word or jumping around.

May I have damaged something while doing the mod? Or those kind of problems are more related to the adapter? I tried with 3x 32gb sandisk card and it's just the same..
The ipod is rockboxed.

Wow long time no here and this thread is still alive.
I don't think you have damaged the board. It's possible with the cards (if not genuine such as some of those sold from ebay especially from China). But from my distance memory, it could be something to do with how the files are copied. Try use Rockbox and copy the music files.
Apr 3, 2019 at 4:54 AM Post #3,198 of 3,220
I've read many of the pages in this thread but not all 213 so forgive me if this has been asked already but I'm wondering about making a DAC out of an ipod 5g or maybe just having one that can be used as an ipod and a DAC for other inputs. What would need to be added to allow this? Basically I would want a USB input from a computer or iphone; coaxial or SPDF are not needed for my use. Would it be as simple as a USB jack or input via the 30 pin connector to the Wolfson CODEC or does it need to go through caps and/or resistors? If so, where to connect? And what are the limitations and problems with this DAC?

My reason for this DAC is to have a small portable DAC that sounds great for virtually very little money. I assume that any digital signal going through the ipod wolfson will sound good, especially with the imod caps. Does the imod sound this good? Or are there better paths to take for a DAC?

Also, I read a bunch around pages 172-175 about using Kemet caps for the imod. Are these still the preferred caps to use? Any new info as the info i read is from 5 years ago or more.

Many thanks in advance; this is my first post here. I'm a NOOB to electronics and excited to see what i can build or modify....

From my experience the Kemet caps are excellent.
Apr 8, 2019 at 3:41 AM Post #3,199 of 3,220
Yeah I'm a huge fan of clickwheel and ipod video, can't stand all those touch things, I find them very uncomfortable.
At the very end the problem was rockbox, something related to sata driver. Copying files with apple firmware it's good to go! :ksc75smile:
Aug 13, 2019 at 11:58 AM Post #3,200 of 3,220
Still going strong, 214 pages, wow! I'd have never imagined this to blow up the way it did! 12 years have already passed
Sep 6, 2019 at 5:53 AM Post #3,201 of 3,220
I've noticed a few of the original resource page links no longer work :frowning2:

I still never got around to doing my mod to my gen 5 and my gen 3 LOL and I have a bunch of Caps which I purchased back in 2013 which are still in perfect condition and my IEM and Amp collection has grown over the last years also so im keen to kick this project off again

Where is the most up to date version of the mod for both of these models with the Caps built inside the chassis and NOT in the LOD ??

Also if anyone want some Caps I am willing to sell some :D
Nov 14, 2019 at 8:56 PM Post #3,202 of 3,220
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a clear guide on where to solder with a 4th Gen iPod. I know the output "Z" capacitors/Resistors need to be removed near the DAC, Tha much is clear enough for me. What I'm looking for is where does the other end get soldered to? I'm trying to set this up with a Line Out connection. I'd like to stay away from soldering to the headphone jack. I'm just wondering what capacitors I need to remove and solder to for the 4th Gen "iMod" to work via Line Out Dock.

Any assistance pics, or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Nov 18, 2019 at 10:40 PM Post #3,203 of 3,220
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a clear guide on where to solder with a 4th Gen iPod. I know the output "Z" capacitors/Resistors need to be removed near the DAC, Tha much is clear enough for me. What I'm looking for is where does the other end get soldered to? I'm trying to set this up with a Line Out connection. I'd like to stay away from soldering to the headphone jack. I'm just wondering what capacitors I need to remove and solder to for the 4th Gen "iMod" to work via Line Out Dock.

Any assistance pics, or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Bump, Looking for some quick info. Thanks!!
Dec 11, 2019 at 5:56 PM Post #3,204 of 3,220
Youtube recommended a video yesterday about upgrading iPods with flashcards and scrapping the hard drive. So after finding my old 5th gen iPod Video, which happens to be broken (white screen) and spending an entire evening researching how to upgrade it, I was led to this thread here. I want to load up my lossless collection and add more onto my iPod to have a portable and acceptable hi-fi listening solution. I lke that I can plug it into my car stereo and have access to much better quality songs than what streaming or satellite services offer. So i have an iFlash quad microSD card board, a 512gb microSD card, their capacitor kit, and a 3000mAh battery on the way. Now I have to find a good pair of IEMs to go with this once its built. Anyone has any recommendations to polish the scratches off of the plastic face and metal back of an iPod I would appreciate that.
Dec 11, 2019 at 6:02 PM Post #3,205 of 3,220
Anyone has any recommendations to polish the scratches off of the plastic face and metal back of an iPod I would appreciate that.

For the scratches, it’s waaaay easier to order the rebuild parts and do it yourself. I rebuilt 2 iPod Classics, giving them everything brand new - case, click wheel, headphone jack, battery, front cover, back cover, plastic window. In fact, I even converted one of them into a U2 Special Edition.

I don’t remember the exact prices for everything, but it was very reasonable since the iPod is so old.
Mar 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM Post #3,207 of 3,220
I've noticed a few of the original resource page links no longer work :frowning2:

I still never got around to doing my mod to my gen 5 and my gen 3 LOL and I have a bunch of Caps which I purchased back in 2013 which are still in perfect condition and my IEM and Amp collection has grown over the last years also so im keen to kick this project off again

Where is the most up to date version of the mod for both of these models with the Caps built inside the chassis and NOT in the LOD ??

Also if anyone want some Caps I am willing to sell some :D

I would like to know this as well
Apr 19, 2020 at 6:19 PM Post #3,208 of 3,220
I got a few questions before I do my mod. If I mod the iPod internally with caps, would I also have to mod a LOD with new caps? I plan to use the iPod with an amp. Any recommendations on a amp that works well with the iMod by ALO Audio or Cypher Labs?
Oct 10, 2020 at 9:11 PM Post #3,209 of 3,220
I have a Red Wine Audio iMod iPod.
Run it with aRay Samuels SR71A and SR71B, as well as Triad Audio L3.

It plays well with all three.
Aug 3, 2021 at 9:11 PM Post #3,210 of 3,220
Amazing what a few years does to you....
I finally got around to finishing a project I started many many years ago. thought id share my joy of completing this awesome mod on a gen 3 Classic.
If anyone is looking for some of the black-gate-nx-hi-q-6-3v-47uf-capacitor I still have a bunch left and can post anywhere in the world from Australia.

So glad I finally got around to completing this 11 yr journey !


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