The discovery thread!
Sep 29, 2022 at 8:39 PM Post #65,296 of 140,181
I was thinking S8 but the lack of DD drivers puts me off from getting one.

I've seen them go used for around 500 USD.

I kind of lose faith in BA woofers nowadays. Unless there is some kind of “magic” going on (64 Audio U12t and U6t, for example), BA bass does not sound good to me.

Not a universally accepted opinion, but I think Meze Advar is a worthy upgrade over B2, unless you must have the same kind of tuning or mid treble (8k) annoys you a lot.
Sep 29, 2022 at 8:55 PM Post #65,297 of 140,181
Unfortunately the right decision is usually not to buy it. Even if the new shiny thing is the "best", in this hobby it will remain there for a very short space of time. Too easy to keep blowing cash on tiny incremental improvements that are barely discernable!

My wallet doesn't believe in my sincerity. It keeps raising the point that I have three IEMs and four cables in the mail! :ksc75smile:

this, i agree :ksc75smile:

for these couple of years i haven't purchased anything significant after i found my current endgame, though i admit i still made a few purchase of some low budget earphones out of curiosity of how far they've come along l(like the KZ EDAs being one of the pleasant surprise).

in my current collection, I already have earphones for their specific needs (for music at home, for movies, for outdoor use, etc), so nowadays i would only purchase something to replace what i currently have if they break, or i found something better that could replace them in their current category of usage.
Sep 29, 2022 at 10:31 PM Post #65,299 of 140,181
I kind of lose faith in BA woofers nowadays. Unless there is some kind of “magic” going on (64 Audio U12t and U6t, for example), BA bass does not sound good to me.

Not a universally accepted opinion, but I think Meze Advar is a worthy upgrade over B2, unless you must have the same kind of tuning or mid treble (8k) annoys you a lot.
Advar is too hot in the lower treble for my taste though it looks to be reasonably well tuned otherwise.

Was also thinking about getting a Dusk sidegrade or something, maybe the Shouer EJ07m but it brings the question if this is worth getting over a Planar IEM which are much cheaper than an EJ07m.

I think the two EMs that would make the most sense to get is the FatFreq Maestro Mini or Symphonium Meteor just because I don't have anything with boombastic bass sub bass.

The Meteor is expensive enough to maybe be a slight Dusk upgrade.
Sep 29, 2022 at 10:45 PM Post #65,300 of 140,181
Advar is too hot in the lower treble for my taste though it looks to be reasonably well tuned otherwise.

Was also thinking about getting a Dusk sidegrade or something, maybe the Shouer EJ07m but it brings the question if this is worth getting over a Planar IEM which are much cheaper than an EJ07m.

I think the two EMs that would make the most sense to get is the FatFreq Maestro Mini or Symphonium Meteor just because I don't have anything with boombastic bass sub bass.

The Meteor is expensive enough to maybe be a slight Dusk upgrade.

I picked up the EJ07Ms instead of the Blessing 2s. I think they're an interesting option as un upgrade to the Blessing 2s for sure. Overall, they're a great pair of IEMs that fill the upgrade gap between the best low cost planars/B2/B2D and the $1k IEMs which is full of, IMO, overpriced and underperforming options. The EJ07M was the first offering in that range that I found truly impressive and worth the cash.
Sep 30, 2022 at 12:34 AM Post #65,302 of 140,181
I'm so very tempted to get the S8, but the Variations feels like the most bang for buck after the B2, and I have Variations and B2 already, so I'm as of yet undecided.
How do B2 compare to Variations? I’m always on the fence about that tribrid.
Sep 30, 2022 at 12:48 AM Post #65,303 of 140,181
You said it yourself. There is a lot to write, but it is the least I can do for the community, to write my humble opinion as best I can. There are people who trust me to do this and I can't let them down.
Well, this is what we do, at least some of us.
Just sharing our humble opinion with the community and not earning money acting the influencer...
Sep 30, 2022 at 2:34 AM Post #65,305 of 140,181
I kind of lose faith in BA woofers nowadays. Unless there is some kind of “magic” going on (64 Audio U12t and U6t, for example), BA bass does not sound good to me.

Not a universally accepted opinion, but I think Meze Advar is a worthy upgrade over B2, unless you must have the same kind of tuning or mid treble (8k) annoys you a lot.
Ive been very surprised by the bass of some of the all-BA sets that i have heard...


And i hear great things from reliable and reputable ears about the bass on some of the all-BA sets i havent heard yet such as...

Hidition Violet

I dont think you should quite give up on BA woofers quite yet.

They arent going to beat the best of DD bass like from the Z1R and Trio but they definitely make some sets tokening a DD for bass like the Blessing 2 Dusk sweat... some (like myself) even think the bass (at least on these sets that i have heard) surpass the B2D in quality. :)

Dont give up yet on BA. :)
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Sep 30, 2022 at 2:55 AM Post #65,306 of 140,181
Ive been very surprised by some of the all-BA sets that i have heard...


And i hear great things from reliable and reputable ears about the bass on some of the all-BA sets i havent heard yet such as...

Hidition Violet

I dont think you should quite give up on BA woofers quite yet.

They arent going to beat the best of DD bass like from the Z1R and Trio but they definitely make some sets tokening a DD for bass like the Blessing 2 Dusk sweat... some (like myself) even think the bass (at least on these sets that i have heard) surpass the B2D in quality. :)

Dont give up yet on BA. :)

U12t is a favourite IEM that I unlikely buy (AUD $3200. I rather get Arya V2 and a desktop DAC/AMP combo). I love its bass. Personally, I don't think B2 / B2: Dusk have good bass quality. The best bass quality that I have heard recently from Z1R and a humble pair of earbuds called Fiio FF3.

Anyhow, what I was saying is not that there is no all-BA set with good bass. It's just that they are rare and expensive.

You have heard Meteor? How does it compare to Helios?
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Sep 30, 2022 at 3:14 AM Post #65,307 of 140,181
U12t is a favourite IEM that I unlikely buy (AUD $3200. I rather get Arya V2 and a desktop DAC/AMP combo). I love its bass. Personally, I don't think B2 / B2:D have good bass quality. The best bass quality that I have heard recently from Z1R and a humble pair of earbuds called Fiio FF3.

Anyhow, what I was saying is not that there is no all-BA set with good bass. It's just that they are rare and expensive.

You have heard Meteor? How does it compare to Helios?

My IER M7 have very good bass that came from BA, but the sony new BA on IER series is similar with 64audio TIA system BA, that shaped like open BA, without small nozzle on the opening. the M7 and M9 have great bass, snappy, speed, with good decay that mimics DD bass, texture also great too. The only thing that missing is "air moving" feeling from a DD. As very picky person with bass quality, I rated their bass 7.5 / 10 (could be higher if they tuned the bass shelf better), better than Kato bass (7 / 10) and for me better than Blessings 2 bass.
@tfaduh was right, dont give up on BA bass yet, but I admit finding great BA bass is difficult especially on budget - midfi level. IER M7 BA bass is one of them. And BA bass can be addictive too
Sep 30, 2022 at 3:57 AM Post #65,308 of 140,181
U12t is a favourite IEM that I unlikely buy (AUD $3200. I rather get Arya V2 and a desktop DAC/AMP combo). I love its bass. Personally, I don't think B2 / B2: Dusk have good bass quality. The best bass quality that I have heard recently from Z1R and a humble pair of earbuds called Fiio FF3.

Anyhow, what I was saying is not that there is no all-BA set with good bass. It's just that they are rare and expensive.

You have heard Meteor? How does it compare to Helios?
Oh Ive been recommended the FF3 by the young genius @nymz and the earbud connoisseur and aficionado @drewbadour. I think i will have to bite.

Unfortunately I have not heard the Meteor and Helios though im extremely curious to hear them. I will summon a couple of guys (who i respect a lot and more importantly whose ears i trust) who have heard both of them (and subsequently bought one or both IEMs) to court their opinion on these two.

Arise @DavidLovesIEMs and @theflyingtoad !
Hear my call!

On a sidenote, im truly very grateful for the wonderful people i have met in my audio journey. I continue to be surprised at what gems of people there are in this community. Thanks for being wonderful you guys!
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Sep 30, 2022 at 4:00 AM Post #65,309 of 140,181
How good is KATO, technically? Is it close to Blessing 2? From the review of Precog, I have the impression that it is not that good, still plagued by the over dampening (pillowy bass, slightly mushy note attacks)

Kato tech is on the Titan S level to me. Far away from the B2.
And yeah, it might be overdampened for some, lacking in dynamics and texture overall.

DynamicEars IEM 001 (1254).jpg

So, talking about Kato, technically they are below Blessing 2 for sure, pillowy bass i can approve that wording, but actually still better than lot of DD on that class. Kato for me is like complete package that have no major flaws, but also dont have any speciality on any department, they are just good as what they are, very good overall as 1 package but also not excell on anything, the jack of all trade master of none thingy.
But from my experience, the Spring tips given by moondrop killing the high extension, I tried with many different eartips, with other earphone too, the Spring is bad for high extension, they don't put 15-16khz high extension correctly like sony eartips, or spinfit cp100 / cp 100+. I have better experience with Kato using cp100+ (the new cp100 with tackier materials)

Moondrop Kato Silver Nozzle with spring, sony, cp360 eartips.jpg

And now the nozzle filter debate. The silver and gold / brass nozzles have been put in debate from what I read, somebody said silver is brighter but other said the opposite way. So which one is "correct"?
Funny thing, they are more similar than different. I spent a day with Kato filters and depend on the eartips, the nozzle can act differently.

Moondrop Kato Nozzle comparison with Spring eartips.jpg

With default Spring eartips, the Gold / brass nozzle seems brighter by a very small margin

Moondrop Kato Nozzle comparison with Sony eartips.jpg

With small bores eartips like sony's or spindfit cp100+, the silver is tend to be brighter.

So depends on eartips used, someone can have different impressions, but the differences is very subtle.

In fact, I did zoom the paper damper and the gold / brass is a little bit tighter on pores (with macro lenses, shot in front of bright light).

And speaking of over dampered IEM, Im agree to mention that Kato is dampered, but the bass still better than majority of over dampered IEM with nylon / paper damper out there.
For those who curious, here the RAW measurement of Kato without paper damper ( I took of the paper damper on gold / brass nozzle to measure this)

Moondrop Kato Filterless.jpg

So for me Kato is good as overall package, sounded good in every aspect, with nothing excell on any department, they are good as what they are as single DD midfi. They are not bad at all to be honest, but didnt wow me with the price. It's a good standard for the $200 mark.
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:08 AM Post #65,310 of 140,181
Oh Ive been recommended the FF3 by the young genius @nymz and the earbud connoisseur and aficionado @drewbadour. I think i will have to bite.

Unfortunately I have not heard the Meteor and Helios though im extremely curious to hear them. I will summon a couple of guys (who i respect a lot and more importantly whose ears i trust) who have heard both of them (and subsequently bought one or both IEMs) to court their opinion on these two.

Arise @DavidLovesIEMs and @theflyingtoad !
Hear my call!

On a sidenote, im truly very grateful for the wonderful people i have met in my audio journey. I continue to be surprised at what gems of people there are in this community. Thanks for being wonderful you guys!

FF3 has my recommendation as well (Head-Fi review here).

My conclusion:
In the head-fi journey, you sometimes come across a piece of gear that shakes your dogma. Fiio FF3 shows me that it is possible to get excellent sound with a large soundstage and impactful and textured bass without spending a fortune on TOTL IEMs.

Would flat-head earbuds replace IEMs for me? No, because flat-head is ultimately an illogical form factor, being portable gear but does not have the necessary fit and isolation for mobile uses. However, FF3 and other earbuds are my preferred options when I don't need isolation. Due to the outstanding sound quality and price/performance ratio, Fiio FF3 receives the first-ever IEGems seal-of-approval and recommendation without reservation from this reviewer.
This is the highest rate I have ever given to any gear review on Head-Fi, btw.

DynamicEars IEM 001 (1254).jpg

So, talking about Kato, technically they are below Blessing 2 for sure, pillowy bass i can approve that wording, but actually still better than lot of DD on that class. Kato for me is like complete package that have no major flaws, but also dont have any speciality on any department, they are just good as what they are, very good overall as 1 package but also not excell on anything, the jack of all trade master of none thingy.
But from my experience, the Spring tips given by moondrop killing the high extension, I tried with many different eartips, with other earphone too, the Spring is bad for high extension, they don't put 15-16khz high extension correctly like sony eartips, or spinfit cp100 / cp 100+. I have better experience with Kato using cp100+ (the new cp100 with tackier materials)

Moondrop Kato Silver Nozzle with spring, sony, cp360 eartips.jpg

And now the nozzle filter debate. The silver and gold / brass nozzles have been put in debate from what I read, somebody said silver is brighter but other said the opposite way. So which one is "correct"?
Funny thing, they are more similar than different. I spent a day with Kato filters and depend on the eartips, the nozzle can act differently.

Moondrop Kato Nozzle comparison with Spring eartips.jpg
With default Spring eartips, the Gold / brass nozzle seems brighter by a very small margin

Moondrop Kato Nozzle comparison with Sony eartips.jpg
With small bores eartips like sony's or spindfit cp100+, the silver is tend to be brighter.

So depends on eartips used, someone can have different impressions, but the differences is very subtle.

In fact, I did zoom the paper damper and the gold / brass is a little bit tighter on pores (with macro lenses, shot in front of bright light).

And speaking of over dampered IEM, Im agree to mention that Kato is dampered, but the bass still better than majority of over dampered IEM with nylon / paper damper out there.
For those who curious, here the RAW measurement of Kato without paper damper ( I took of the paper damper on gold / brass nozzle to measure this)

Moondrop Kato Filterless.jpg

So for me Kato is good as overall package, sounded good in every aspect, with nothing excell on any department, they are good as what they are as single DD midfi. They are not bad at all to be honest, but didnt wow me with the price. It's a good standard for the $200 mark.

Thanks for the very detailed analysis!

Was that you who told me about the over-dampening issue of the BLON BL03? Your logo looks familiar

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