The Endgame Amp for Headphones - tell us yours
Nov 17, 2015 at 7:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Headphoneus Supremus
Nov 24, 2012
Devon UK
My third and final Endgame thread - I am looking for the best of the best . The Amp can be part of a Dac/Amp or could be a Speaker Amp that you have adapted for your phones or it could be a posh Headphone Amp of the glowing tube variety. Solid states are welcome too of course.
There are a few variants out there all doing great things but for an endgame amp we have to have some rules.
Firstly, it is your go to Amp at home for your special listening. Secondly , you are SO SATISFIED that you have given up looking for the next newcomer and it's amazing claims. This is it. No more swapping one model for another , no more tube rolling, the cables won't be replaced until they break. That sort of thing. Flagship or near flagship models are what we seek here, nothing cheap and cheerful. This is headfi!
And lastly, and this is the catch, the deal breaker - you have to have this Amp for at least 1 WHOLE YEAR!
Endgamers from my old thread made in 2013 , please come back to me! It was time for a change as there is a lot of new product out there. The thread was also confusing because it had speaker set ups in there etc.
Amp lovers who are in a minority a special place because they are done, let's hear from you . What you have, what you traded in or sold off or threw in the bin. Most importantly why this is as good as you need, in other words what more does it give than what you've compared it to?
Once I get a feel for the best of the best I will put a poll up and endgamers can show us the most popular out there.
Nov 21, 2015 at 1:50 AM Post #2 of 5
Violectric V281 since August 2014. Sold a couple of amps afterwards, haven't bought any and not even following the amp threads as I used to, let alone thinking of upgrading it. I'm over tubes so that's not a temptation any more either.
Nov 22, 2015 at 8:54 PM Post #3 of 5
Great ! Thank you very much for starting us off. 

"The V281/HD800 combo made the hair on my neck stand up when it came to approximating a true live performance, with all the authority that entails. Brightness? Thin low end? Nope, not here. It struck me that the HD800 has been on the market for over 6 years now, and has yet to be definitively surpassed or even matched in the case of some competitors. I can sympathize with folks who don't love it but I also feel they perhaps need to hear what the Sennheiser is capable of when really driven to the limit. V281 does just that"
From Tyll himself......

Dec 8, 2015 at 6:54 AM Post #4 of 5
Luxman P-700u since decenber 2014, I don't recommend this amp because it has some tad too warm sound signature. absolutely need to audition before to buy coz its too expensive. I love ultra rich nuance reproduction capability of this amp. Thank you very much.

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