The Little Dot Mk IV / SE Impressions Thread
Aug 6, 2013 at 12:47 AM Post #331 of 584
Quick question could I run a High Impedance can like the Dt 880 600 ohm and a Low Impedance can like teh w1000x out of the LD MK IV? Does it have some kinda of Gain or power adjustment setting 
also $459 for the LD MK IV Se, shipped doesn't sound bad at all :D. I wonder what the differance between the SE and non SE where, and well high quality interconnectors sold me! I've had a few amps have Interconnectors go bad on me q.q 

 I have the MkIII not the IV, but I have some Grados and some HD650's and at gain 5, they both sound really super good out of this amp. The more I listen to it the more I like it and that is with the stock tubes even.
Aug 6, 2013 at 12:51 AM Post #332 of 584
Thanks amham, I'm going to buy one. I think I'm right in saying that one can be ordered with better tubes supplied? Where do you buy your favourite tubes from,  an eBay dealer?  Maybe they will also be a treat with my new Sony MD-1Rs as well, though they are far more efficient and lower impedance than the Senn HD650s. 

Yes you can order it with the good tubes already installed from David. I looked at buying some from Tube-Depot but the money you save isn't really all that much. So when I go to upgrade my MkIII to the IVse I am just going to get them directly from him and avoid the hassle.
Aug 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM Post #333 of 584
I'm getting the littledot mkiv soon and I have a fostex t50rp ortho 50ohms I should set it to x5 or x10 gain iirc? I was also wondering why higher gain for lower impedance phones? I thought gain was to make low volumes higher, but low impedance phones can have decent volumes at lower gain could someone explain this part I dont understand haha sorry.
Aug 6, 2013 at 7:43 PM Post #334 of 584
Brilliant, thank you 
  PS, which address do you buy the amp from directly from David?
Aug 9, 2013 at 9:08 AM Post #335 of 584
Yes you can order it with the good tubes already installed from David. I looked at buying some from Tube-Depot but the money you save isn't really all that much. So when I go to upgrade my MkIII to the IVse I am just going to get them directly from him and avoid the hassle.

That's good to know... I wonder though any reomendation on Extra Lean Tubes for this amp... I like the sound of my Hybrid Tube with Clear Top RCAs and I'm hoping [and pretty certain] that this would be a GREAT upgrade in sound quality to my crummy little Millet Hybrid, my concern though is how Warm are those mids going to be... I wouldn't want them too much warmer than the Hybrid Tube, but I assume they will be seeing as the MKIV is a full Tube. That being said I'm sure the extra mid warmth would still be cleaner and tighter due to the superior contrustion quality of the MKIV over my little millet.
Still any good extra LEAN tubes for this amp!  
Aug 15, 2013 at 6:35 AM Post #336 of 584
Hi all. I joined head fi just to share my appreciation of my little dot mark ivSE and sennheiser HD 600 combo. I genuinely listen to a broad range of music - mostly hi def through my iPhone. Both the amp and the headphone represent awesome value on their own, but they fit together beautifully - hitting the sweet spot between detail and musicality. It's a setup I would recommend to anyone who's looking for the best value at around $800.
Aug 28, 2013 at 9:39 AM Post #337 of 584
I've been having periodic episodes of wanting to sell my mkiv/se and tube collection .......  could be my acquisition of the Burson Conductor has something to do with it ......
And now, switching gears completely......
Has anyone had an opportunity to compare the MkIV with the often-mentioned Bottlehead Crack with Speedball?  Do these OTL amps go head to head?
Aug 29, 2013 at 11:44 AM Post #338 of 584
Also off topic here....considering selling my LD IV SE and getting the Burson Soloist....I am listening with new Audeze 3's and not sure if I need more power. Would appreciate advice on the best LD settings for these cans....seem to be more switch settings than in the manual. Thank you.
Aug 30, 2013 at 9:10 AM Post #339 of 584
you can try Gain 10 which is set using the dip switches, but an OTL amp is not ideal for orthos.
I think you would be much happier with the soloist for those cans IMO. Some people like the LD with the HE-500 which has a similar power requirement so maybe upping the gain would help you out.
Personally I would look for a hybrid amp such as the Schiit Lyr which outputs 4w into 32 ohms and has a Solid state amp stage and tube gain stage.
I plan on purchasing the Little Dot MK VI+ with the HE-500 in the future which has a much higher power output then the MK IV/III.
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:56 PM Post #340 of 584
Thank you for the LD advice, the setting of 10 did give noticeable improvement. The whole issue with the switches has been confusing to me: I have two separate red switch 'blocks' - each has two switches, numbered 1 and 2, so the reference in the manual to switch 1or 2 is ambiguous (to me!). Anyway, all on "off" and sounds better. Could you give me a simple explanation to something - are my Audeze 3' s " high impedance with low sensitivity loads". Thank you so hearing ain't too bad, but my comprehension....well, not so great!
Sep 2, 2013 at 9:19 PM Post #341 of 584
Just listed my 5 month old LDMKIV SE on e bay for $340 plus shipping (fair price?)....if it sells will try the Burson Soloist or the LD VIII to pair with recent Audeze 3's - I think they will do well with the additional power.
Sep 4, 2013 at 4:47 AM Post #342 of 584
Hi all,
Quick question; does anyone have any experience pairing the mk4 with headphones such as the Audio Technica W1000x? I read a lot about user experiences with higher impedence cans but not many with lower.
Sep 4, 2013 at 4:01 PM Post #343 of 584
After setting the red switches on my little dot 4 on gain setting 10 and listening for a few sessions (audeze 3's), it seemed that yes there was more volume with a lower dial setting....but the sound seemed 'thinner', the soundstage not so full and three dimensional, as when on factory default setting
Of 3 with both switches on. Sound definatly seemed better on this setting, with the dial turned up to a higher position. I will leave it to technically savvy to explain.....or tell me is my imagination!
Sep 4, 2013 at 4:07 PM Post #344 of 584
My LD Mark 4 SE is on e bay.. if any forum members interested, contact me and I will lower price. Currently at $330 plus shipping. Will do what I can to hook you u up - let me know what would work for you, within reason.

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