I'm using Double Helix Peptide hybrid SPC cable, balanced with Eidolic connectors (built by PeterK) with the U18t and Fourte, I do notice a slight change, they're a bit more 'forward' sounding. But more than that the quality of the cable is outstanding, I thought the cables that came with the Tour Fourte and U18t detracted from the whole package.
I'd highly recommend looking into the Double Helix cables, well worth the price.
Thanks lotech. I think I'd actually prefer a cable that tilts slightly warm. I find the SP1000 a slightly dry with m15 module on certain albums - so it could potentially give me the flexibility to use that as well at the M20.
Any thoughts on PWA No. 5 anyone - either with the A18/U18 or any other IEM? Would be getting a 2.5 mm balanced. Also is there any effect on the sound going between 4 strand and 8 strand - with this cable and in general?