The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread
Jan 25, 2018 at 10:55 PM Post #841 of 1,867
Looking for clarification on the SR-L300 Limited: what exactly is it - a hybrid of the L300 and L700? And it has L500 pads? What should it sound like, more like an L700, more like an L500, or something uniquely different?

Interested in getting it, especially since it's a limited edition, but not really sure about it... have heard and liked the L500. Don't want to lose the chance to get it...
Jan 25, 2018 at 11:35 PM Post #842 of 1,867
Stax SR-L300 Limited model is -

L300 drivers, housing, OFC cable & ARC headband.

L700 stators (MLER) - Multi-Layer ElectRode.

L500 pleather pads but not sure, may be L300 pads.

Tiny bit heavier than L300 at extra 37 grams (1 ounce) more. Other specs same.

Gold badging.

800 units made for Stax anniversary.

Looks like cable may be same as L300 until someone gets the Limited & compares it to standard model.

No one has heard it yet that we know of, and we await sound impressions vs L300 standard, L500 & L700. Not able to speculate on sound, although some others have assumed it may be an L300 upgrade soundwise.

There was initially some erroneous info floating about regarding drivers, likely due to translation of language.

Others may know more, but it's all I know so far. Hope this helps !
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Jan 26, 2018 at 5:03 AM Post #845 of 1,867
Looking for clarification on the SR-L300 Limited: what exactly is it - a hybrid of the L300 and L700? And it has L500 pads? What should it sound like, more like an L700, more like an L500, or something uniquely different?

Interested in getting it, especially since it's a limited edition, but not really sure about it... have heard and liked the L500. Don't want to lose the chance to get it...
Pretty sure they are the L500 pads - at first glance thought they were L700 pads, but they are listed as artificial leather. Way thicker looking than the L300 pads.
I haven't heard anything except my personal 207's and L700's. But based on our similar tastes with our modded Purplehearts, I think Stax will be right up your alley!

I'd love to welcome you into the Stax family, dude, no matter which one you choose.
Jan 26, 2018 at 9:14 AM Post #846 of 1,867
I haven't heard anything except my personal 207's and L700's. But based on our similar tastes with our modded Purplehearts, I think Stax will be right up your alley!

I'd love to welcome you into the Stax family, dude, no matter which one you choose.

Thanks. I actually made my decision before going to bed...went ahead and ordered the SR-L300 Limited. Good thing too because this is their availability status after my order:

Was planning on waiting for a used L700 deal around a $900 pricepoint, but for basically the price of an L500 I figured why not go with the L300 Limited. STAX are special, and a hybrid L300/L700 one should be interesting. Probably will end up modding it like every other headphone I own. Already thinking of getting the SR-009/L500/L700 headband arc, making custom 3D printed yokes, and maybe the L700 leather pads... LOL
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Jan 26, 2018 at 4:40 PM Post #847 of 1,867
Probably will end up modding it like every other headphone I own. Already thinking of getting the SR-009/L500/L700 headband arc, making custom 3D printed yokes, and maybe the L700 leather pads... LOL
Congrats!! And ROFL, of course you are :p

My'll be excited to make initial impressions when you receive them, like the first day or two. Go ahead and do that, but make fairly detailed notes to yourself.

Then listen to your Stax exclusively for around 2 weeks. Go back and re-do your comparisons, paying special attention to your notes to yourself and your new impressions. I think you'll see a fairly large change in that time, and for the better.

And yeah, I was lucky to find an almost-new L700 for something like that price when I was looking a year ago. I had no choice but to buy them at that deal.

Feel free to PM me anytime so we don't clutter up this thread. And welcome to the Stax world :)


*edit* The 2-week timeframe is just what happened to me personally. YMMV. And I attribute it to brain burn-in on my part.
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Jan 26, 2018 at 7:56 PM Post #848 of 1,867

Congratulations on your acquisition. Let us know how you're liking them when you have time.

It should be OK in this thread, as the L300 Limited shares L700 electrodes, and thus related.
Feb 3, 2018 at 9:32 AM Post #849 of 1,867
I need purchase advice. I am looking at buying:

Sr007 & t1 amp used
Or l700 new
Or Lambda Pro with accompanying amp used

I currently have srs 3100, so the question is really how bad the t1 and 007 pairing is vs 252 and l700 pairing (I can upgrade amp in future either way)

And lastly how the old lambda pros stack up against the l700

Fyi : i love my l300s, any upgrade really will be touching on endgame worthy I reckon.
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Feb 3, 2018 at 10:42 AM Post #850 of 1,867

It is a little tuff question to address, especially considering the great bang for buck L300/SRM-252 you own now, but...there is a lot involved...and upgrading can be costly...

I would not get the Lambda Pro (and not sure which amp accompanies it), as at best it does exemplify the original Lambda presentation (attribute many like, I like both original & new) and first Lambda to exhibit good bass, but it also has quirky mid-range characteristics if you're into critical listening or some classical music, which may be bothersome. When paired with ED-1 (costly & sorta rare) it smoothed out the EQ finely (I have this combo) and then achieved its best, with that EQ function importance predominant over soundstaging effects. If the price of the Pro plus whichever amp is paired with it is really, really low, then it is an option, but likely will not get you past what you already have sonically.

Then, then bigger question is, the L700 and 007 are different in presentation, and half love one, the other half love the other, some enjoy both. But, both excel with as much amp as you can throw at them, especially 007. Plus there are a few versions of 007, so they are all good, but a tiny bit different (see Inexxon site translated for basic details). Any 007 will be above L300 as most also hear the upgrade with L700 also. But you will want to eventually move upward in amping to maximize their benefits. Others can chime in on T1/007 combo specifically. The 007 models and L700 may also reach their best potential with much different amps.

Plus, the 252 is SS and T1 is tubes, so there are other variables in the choices, and what you enjoy. The big question posed is how 007/T1 or L700/252 compare, which is hard to say for me, as have not heard the 007/T1 combo, but tend to think the 007 combo may synergise, not sure, if others can weigh in. The L700 & 007 both scale upward nicely with upgraded amps, yet there are some that have said they like L700 better than 007 flat out, so it depends on what you like. Most may choose 007 over L700. With both headphones properly amped to achieve their best, it's up to your preference in sound presentation, as Staxen goes.

Considering a used 007 & new L700 are close in dollars, the often overlooked factor is that a L700 can be driven with a moderate amp, but a 007 needs much more to excel and enjoy its potential. You actually can get away with driving a 007 with a SRM-717, as was the combo match some years ago & used mint 717 go for about a grand usd. Yet, they will sound better with more costly amps.

If we can get some others here to input on the 007 plus T1 combo, it can help you moreso. Either way, with L700 or 007, you are into handful, less than 10, of the best Stax. With either type, amping upward will get you there; but, the 2 hp's are different in presentation, so that is likely most important in what you like best. If the 007/T1 combo price is really great, it may be hard to turn down. As you said, amp upgrades are a future endeavor, so if the 007 alone is under a grand in good shape, it's a buy. Not leaning either way, the 007 & L700 present differently.

Hope of some help.
Feb 3, 2018 at 12:00 PM Post #851 of 1,867
Thank you for the awesome reply. I amhave at work so gotta keep it short, but the new l700 and the 007+t1 is the same price at approx 1400usd (norway is expensive:
Feb 3, 2018 at 12:47 PM Post #852 of 1,867
I own an L700 with SRM353X since August 2017.
I own other headphones and have auditioned pretty much every other high-end headphones, except the ZMF Eikon.

To my amateur ears, the L700 beats them all. With an EQ, they produce enough bass for most genres, including EDM and rap. The exception is limited to the most bass-heavy tracks, like amateur rap or dub (a form of reggae).

But the L700 is not perfect. First, the design is ugly as sin. And too big. My significant other laughed the first time she saw me wearing them. I couldn’t be mad at her - I looked in a mirror and laughed myself. I looked ridiculous!

Second, they are heavy - not as bad as the Audezes but just as bulky. Therefore, the L700 doesn’t sit still on the head, requiring frequent adjustments. However, this is not distracting from the joy flowing out from them.

Third, the cable is twisted the wrong way as it enters one of the cans!!! One of the weirdest flaws I’ve seen on a modern product! There’s a YouTube clip on how how to fix this, but it’s close to brain surgery! Yes, the cable is fixed and is heavy.

Frankly, who cares about these irritants when the L700 cost “only” $1,425 compared to the Susvara at $6,000, Audeze LCD-4 at $4,000 or the Utopia at 4,000.
Feb 3, 2018 at 1:07 PM Post #853 of 1,867

A thing I am considering also is the fact that the 007 has to be purchased used online unseen. So I can be completely scammed or its condition worse than advertised. The owner says the t1 amp is being repared but will hopefully be fully functional next week. While the l700 would cost the same brand new from aa reputable store.

Sonically, I know both will please me. I like the though of a tad bit darker sound from the 007, as I love hd650 - at the same time my l300 are almost flawless and a direct upgrade from them would be fantastic as well. My only complaint is that the treble can get a bit hard in certain recordings.

I know peoplr who have driven the l700 frol the 252, while I know many people say the 007 really need powerful amplification. So yeah... I am leaning towards the l700 unless you wouød say there are leagues difference sonically
Feb 3, 2018 at 3:17 PM Post #854 of 1,867
So I've finally had the opportunity to audition the 700s and I'm like wow to the amount of detail and balance they have. The bass seems a bit lacking tho and honestly I couldn't shake the feeling of dryness after hearing them - maybe it's that they're rather neutral with a warm tilt or my love for warm headphones but other than the detail, imaging, and speed of an electrostat I'm not entirerly sold yet. Anyone else think the same?
Feb 3, 2018 at 9:16 PM Post #855 of 1,867

It's a really difficult decision to make and don't want to sway you either way.

The price of the 007 combo is very good, but if the T1 needs repair, it might be cautiously approached. Also, what the repair involves & trusting the integrity of seller is important. It may be why the price is good, and the T1 is a fine amp. T1 amps can be found mint at reasonable prices, and Stax amps should last long, so I wonder what's wrong with it, and I myself might wait on that deal, unless the repair is ultra-minor (power cord or tubes replaced, etc.). If a major repair, I personally would stay away. That said, if the repair is insignificant, it is a very good deal, but as you said it's not sure if description of condition is accurate. I would ask for photos of both pieces & their history of use & repair details.

If you are keeping your L300, then adding a 007 is complimentary unless you only want 1 headphone. Seems the sound preference you like leans toward 007, but also L300 appeals to you and I get's OK to enjoy 2 different signatures. If you are selling the L300, then it makes the decision harder, because then it's flat out L700 vs 007 to take it's place.

Maybe waiting is the best option. It may be hard to hear Stax in your area before buying - happens everywhere. If that store allows an audition, try to hear the L700 there without commitment to buy, to see if the difference is worthwhile to you from L300 sound. Maybe he also has a 007 to demonstrate too. Meets may be far from you, but if close driving, you may ask ahead of a meet if anyone can bring a L700 and 007 to hear them yourself, best even if you can A-B test them too.

Also, check with others before jumping in, I think the 007/T1 combo works, but haven't heard that combo. The T1 has the warmth you like, so as long as it allows the upper mids and highs on the 007 to come through well, then it may work well. I would bounce to the specific threads on 007, T1 and big Stax threads I-II-III here and search the combo to see if it is recommended or not. Also, same on HeadCase in particular. All have their own opinion, but if a combo does not synergise, and is known not to play well together, it is good to know.

Another option while waiting is to see if a used L700 comes up for sale, more will sell used as time passes and even a fine used amp can be added too, just a thought.

Have been in your shoes, as often thought if I would buy a used 007 before I got L700 new & it is a really tuff decision. For me, it came down to 2 things (YMMV), I knew if bought 007 would then want a very costly amp to get the 007 performing their best, not wanting to spend that amount, and also, I really enjoy Lambda models overall.
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