The Thank You Jude thread
May 25, 2011 at 8:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 29, 2008
Thank you Jude for creating and maintaining this website! A lot of us the knowledge gained from here and use our knowledge of specific parts of audio to extend and teach knowledge onto others. Also thank you for creating a highly functional website that a lot of websites don't offer, like a decent search function! All while done without using the default skins of free tools etc... i.e. making this website his own.
Thank Jude here!
May 25, 2011 at 10:04 PM Post #2 of 15
Thanks Jude!
I have not regretted the hundreds of hours reading the forums in my 5+ years here.
You da man

May 25, 2011 at 10:50 PM Post #3 of 15
Hey Jude .... (could break into song :)
For all you have done and continue to do in advancement of our multifaceted hobby(s) networking and plain ol' fun being had while doing so, you have my sincere thanx and continued appreciation !
BTW, when is my contribution due's due, dude $
// See ya at my house for an impromptu "End of the world (listening) Party" any time Now :wink:
May 26, 2011 at 12:51 AM Post #4 of 15
Thanks Jude, 
Without head-fi, my life would be different and boring.
This is the place for all headphone lovers, nice forum with fantastic features (oh and nice people too)
Keep rocking!! 
May 26, 2011 at 1:09 AM Post #5 of 15
Thank you, Jude. Finding Head-Fi was one of the most enjoyable unexpected situations I've ever faced. It acts as a bright shining light, a guiding beacon for people from all over the world to gather and exchange ideas, information, likes and dislikes, cultural exchange itself. And all this in a way that I had thought not possible on the interwebs.
I could go on and on about how Head-Fi is now a par of my daily life, but that's not necessary, just the wish that this community will last longer than any of us can imagine.
What I've ended up realizing is that I'm most definitely not sorry for my wallet

Be well, Master Head-Fier.
May 26, 2011 at 2:56 PM Post #6 of 15
Yes indeed, Thank You Jude - this forum is easily the one forum on all topics of interest to me that I have spent the most time in and posted the most prolifically in.
Thank You!
May 26, 2011 at 4:57 PM Post #7 of 15
May 26, 2011 at 5:43 PM Post #8 of 15
Thanks indeed! I can't honestly recall the series of events that lead me here, but what ever they may have been I'm glad they happened. I look forward to getting on here daily, and without the help of the great people on this site, I wouldn't be enjoying my music nearly as much as I am. Thanks again!
May 28, 2011 at 4:59 AM Post #9 of 15
yes thanks very much Jude for all your time and effort in keeping head-fi up and running. finding this website was actually pretty easy. all i had to type in was shure srh750dj review into google and i found head-fi. i joined immediately after reading the impressions of members and i saw the intelligence of these forums. i have been here for 5 months now and i have enjoyed every minute of it. this is one of the most welcoming forums i have ever visited. the members remember you and you remember them. we get to know each other yet not know each other. and we help each other out on these forums. i have gone to other forums for other topics on the Internet (computer forums, anime forums, music forums, etc) and none of them were as pleasant to visit as head-fi. i look forward to the nest few years as i am able to upgrade my system and provide assistance and advice to all the newer members or those who need it. i hope to learn and take my experiences to heart. i hope to right reviews on products and i am deeply grateful for all this forum has done for me. i will say it once again Thank You Jude for all you have done for all of us head-fiers and thank you for our empty wallets.
Jun 3, 2011 at 3:56 PM Post #10 of 15
yep, muchos thank yous! too bad about the new forum, but that was nevermind. still a killer forum to share knowledge between OCD'ed audiophiles

Jun 5, 2011 at 12:17 AM Post #12 of 15
I started off just inquiring about headphones.
Now I use the forum for pure entertainment as well.  Additionally, when I want an opinion on anything, there is a wealth of opinions and ideas on this forum.  It is a one stop shop for me.
Jun 5, 2011 at 10:49 PM Post #13 of 15
Hey Jude ....don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better.
Jun 6, 2011 at 2:44 AM Post #15 of 15
Thank you!  I am forever grateful of this excellent site of yours.  I've met so many people and learned so many things about headphones.  This has made audio fun again.  Previously, I had been heavily in to buying speakers and amps - lots of money going into gear that I couldn't play very loud or appreciate in all the rooms of my house.  However, my headphones, I can take virtually anywhere and comfortably listen to them.
Thanks again ...

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