The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Apr 23, 2024 at 12:01 PM Post #87,391 of 90,474
I have a 1 IV for exactly this reason. It's quite good actually unless it's an Andromeda since it picks up a lot of noise the DSEE audio enhancer introduces - digital noise that lingers after each sound. It's fine with the Supermoon though - if I need to limit my EDC that's my go to. Nevertheless, I end up carrying my SR35/PB5/Xe6/Code24 combo anyway since it's portablish enough and is more than enough for a session at work :)
I have a 10V here. Yeah the 3.5mm is not bad at all. Similar essence to their daps. Disgustingly long battery life & snappier than any dap. I mainly use it as a transport for the DC Elite though.
Apr 23, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #87,392 of 90,474
I similarly have trouble imagining a situation where someone can, say, look at an FR chart and be able to discern whether something has BA or DD bass.

I don't quite see the import of this example.
The “hole punch” example was an effort to illustrate the acoustic impedance and leakage tolerance differences between the two driver types.

BAs are of a higher acoustic output impedance and leakage intolerance. When exposed to leaks, BAs will (on average) lose more bass SPL than dynamic drivers. Which is why punching a hole in the tip will clearly show the difference between a BA and DD IEM; the former will lose more bass.

Additionally, when exposed to a larger total air volume—which will have a lower acoustic input impedance—BAs will (on average) have a harder time producing bass SPL than dynamic drivers.

Both of these are changes that are observable in listening, as well as measurable, though the latter is only accurately measurable on the new ear sim from B&K.

Those who have kept up with the content coming out of regarding IEM measurements will know this, as it’s something we’ve made a ton of content about.

The new ear sim has revealed at least one way our understanding of IEM measurements based on 711 couplers has been incomplete up to now. The new ear sim (B&K 5128) might just have answers for the differences you hear behind driver types, so I’d recommend looking into comparative measurements of some of your favorite sets on the new system to see if any “new” differences are shown.
Last edited: Stay updated on at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 23, 2024 at 12:55 PM Post #87,393 of 90,474
The 622B got real painful for me real quick. First time I’ve been forced to sell due to discomfort alone. Might add the 54 at some point. Tried that briefly and I think that one would be fine for my ears.
This is helpful, and I've heard similar from others with finicky ears like mine, so I will cross 622B off my list. My top uncomfortable UIEMs are Grand Maestro and Maestro SE, and there is no sense giving a shot to something that could join that group.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #87,394 of 90,474
I thought Raven was out of balance because its huge bass shelf that took away the focus from its great mids and treble.

Volür I found slightly thick in the bass (m12), mids a bit veiled and 2 dimensional, and treble to be lacking the last bit of air.

Onyx' bass is too thick for me and lacks definition because of it. It also came across bright, but the rest was awesome.

Haven't heard Spartacus unfortunately so I can't tell.

I have to agree on the Onyx bass and mentioned it once before. Honestly I've been very surprised by the amount of compliments of its bass. Sure it has a bunch of it, it also doesn't bleed much into the mids, but it is like one note bass. The quality is poor. And I didn't just listen to it next to the Volur. A/B'ing the Onyx with other IEM it was so apparent - the bass in the others all had character and texture and layers, the Onyx - just a one note wall of bass. Any other IEM I auditioned at CanJam with the Onyx, pretty much had higher quality bass. For over 3K that seemed crazy to me. Rn6, Volur, Raven, Glacier, Mentor, Trifecta, etc.. all had much better quality bass than the Onyx.
Apr 23, 2024 at 1:03 PM Post #87,395 of 90,474
The Sovereign Symphony cable is straight up voodoo stuff. I love how it manages to remain a mostly neutral and organic sound while boosting perception of detail and image size, and for such a chunky and hefty cable it's surprisingly comfortable. Its synergy with Storm is fantastic but I find it pairing up very well with other sets too.
I found it to be very comfortable too - didn’t feel it weight at all. And despite being rather thick it was kinda soft and pliable, stayed on my ears quite well.
Apr 23, 2024 at 1:04 PM Post #87,396 of 90,474
The Sovereign Symphony cable is straight up voodoo stuff. I love how it manages to remain a mostly neutral and organic sound while boosting perception of detail and image size, and for such a chunky and hefty cable it's surprisingly comfortable. Its synergy with Storm is fantastic but I find it pairing up very well with other sets too.
So wait, I can get a Fukaku or a storm + Ss cable? I know which way I'm going, toward innovation. No but seriously I do hope to hear these some day and respect they are "doing it" but when I consider what else I could get fo 16k in the audio world, the Fukaku or for that matter the storm are suddenly less appealing. I look forward to impressions from those of you who take the plunge, and please some of you do so that I can get an idea as to what these sound like. Take the hit for us. Also they will likely be the cost of the latest UM iteration on the secondary market once they've been out awhile so it's really UM vs Fukaku vs Storm + SS at the top of the price tier.
I'm skeptical that what I consider to be the differences between BA & DD bass (timbre, grip, "feel", movement of air etc.) can be discerned from FR graphs or other common forms of measurements for the same reason that you can't tell the difference between a building made of wood and one made of concrete by looking at its reflection on the ground. I'm not staking my life on this or anything...but I'm skeptical. And there is a difference between something being measureable and said thing being able to be discerned from measurements. You might be able to hook up wires to my brain and correlate all of my thought processes to some measureable thing-- but you would not thus be able to determine the actual content of my thoughts this way. I similarly have trouble imagining a situation where someone can, say, look at an FR chart and be able to discern whether something has BA or DD bass.

I'm also wary of the some of the eliminativist trends I see in some quarters where if some quality isn't considered "measureable" or if it does not readily correlate to something measureable then it is disregarded or treated as though it's not really a thing. I've seen things like resolution and various other domains of technical performance almost dismissed in this way.

I don't quite see the import of this example.
Agreed, it's obvious and discernable, I can tell the difference in every BA vs DD IEM i've heard. I would describe it as oomph.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 1:12 PM Post #87,398 of 90,474
You could probably get a Storm + SS and put $6000 or so towards that fancy blue watch you need to buy before paying off the Fugaku 😉

I could get 2 of all of them for 2/3 the price of that watch and believe it or not, that watch isn't even top end price comparatively, I think it's top end horology but def not top end price that would be hundreds of thounsands to millions. :sweat_smile:
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Apr 23, 2024 at 1:37 PM Post #87,400 of 90,474
How is the review coming along? :relaxed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
It's coming...delayed by two CIEM refits. Should be done by th first half of May. It was actually sounding mighty fine earlier today with this new and rather sexy-looking creature... 😍

Apr 23, 2024 at 1:38 PM Post #87,401 of 90,474

I completed my cable & ear tip trials for the Alter Ego and Monachaa. Thanks to Leo at @MusicTeck for the recs. The Flash Acoustics Thanos is staying with the Monachaa and that combination, along with the R8II, is the chain to beat for me. While I have owned a few $3k+ monitors (Anni23 and Odin among them) I don’t, as a rule, chase after $4K + IEMs so I can’t speak to things I haven’t heard. With that in mind, the Monachaa/Thanos/R8II audio chain is the first chain I have put together that has literally wowed me… as in I found myself saying “wow” to nobody but my cat while digging through my bass heavy electronic and dub library. The Thanos edged out the Beat Audio Cyclone 8-wire (pictured with the AE) as it thickened the lower reaches of the Monachaa while accentuating the already incredible stage width and depth, up and down and across the entire range of the 3D axis.

To be transparent, I also preferred the Thanos with the Alter Ego, but the Cyclone 8-wire is a noticeable improvement to the AE’s stock cable in that it opens up the soundstage a lot. And, I mean, it wasn’t a subtle difference either. I hear improvements in detail retrieval, texture, and space around instrument staging. The clean and strong bass remains, but I hear an increase in body and detail in the already immersive mid range and vocal presentation. I find that this makes the Alter Ego a highly enjoyable monitor for multiple guitar tracked rock and roll, especially music from the 80’s and 90’s that runs lean through the lower frequencies and hot up top. The Cyclone 8-wire is not a cable that I would recommend if you are looking to add treble presence or sparkle. It is, as advertised, relatively dark. But, if you have a monitor that would benefit from the aforementioned changes/improvements, I highly recommend it. And, yes, the aesthetic pairing here is pretty excellent too.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 1:47 PM Post #87,403 of 90,474
For TGX earbuds owners here, I have a stupid question for you: I got my Revelsoke a few weeks ago, and it is staying in the box for most of the time since I cannot make it stay in my ears. The sound quality is good, especially if you try to push the earbuds closer to your ears, the bass is also becoming very impactful. But it just constantly falling out of my ears.
I use earhooks like these to hold my TGX buds in place. They fit around the bud and the right size hook keeps them secure.
Apr 23, 2024 at 1:50 PM Post #87,405 of 90,474
I use earhooks like these to hold my TGX buds in place. They fit around the bud and the right size hook keeps them secure.
Thanks, will try them later.

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