The ZMF Weight Project
Jul 10, 2021 at 4:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 140


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 13, 2020
Hi folks!

If you're insane like me and buy and sell ZMFs as some form of a demented hobby, and you happen to be weight sensitive, you may be interested in a spreadsheet I created:

* I've seeded it with both the official ZMF info, as well as headphones I weighed personally, and from a few historic listings I've scanned
* The goal is for people to add entries so over time we could figure out the average weight for a given model & wood
* I know the weight of the different rod options & the chassis - just missing the weight on the grills. Knowing this info would allow you to pick a model, wood, chassis and hardware material and know the projected weight. It would also allow us to account for it when averaging out the weight for a model & wood combo


How can you help? Reply here OR in the spreadsheet (using a comment) with your headphone model, hardware material, chassis material, wood, and weight, and I'll add it!
Jul 10, 2021 at 11:38 PM Post #5 of 140
I don't have the most accurate scale, but my Aeolus regular black grill is 6 grams each

Cocobolo Aeolus with brass rods and brass grills was 556 grams
Zebrawood Aeolus with what I think is regular black rods/chassis/grills is 472 grams
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Jul 11, 2021 at 12:26 AM Post #6 of 140
I have a pair of mahogany aeolus that weighs ~434g. However, I do not have the cover for the metal headband. So if you know how much that weighs you can add that to my measurement. Regular black rods / chassis / grills.
Jul 11, 2021 at 2:24 AM Post #7 of 140
the zmf i owned previously:

Verite Open
LTD Desert Ironwood
Magnesium Chassis
Brass metalware
suede + leather combo headband
on the dot 600g
Jul 11, 2021 at 7:04 AM Post #8 of 140
Verite Open
LTD Desert Ironwood
Aluminum Chassis
Polished Steel
All Leather
Universe Lambskin
BE2 Lambskin
Jul 12, 2021 at 10:46 PM Post #12 of 140
@Junglebook3 I noticed that you took down the measurement I had for the mahogany aeolus without adding the weight for the headband cover. I just wanted to point that out so that it doesn't skew things too much. I can make a note of it on the document.

If anyone can weigh just the leather / suede headband cover (not the strap but the bit that goes cover the flexible metal), that would be great.

I don't have one due to a misunderstanding when purchasing it second hand. Waiting until I commit to ordering a new cable / pads to have Zach ship it out.
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Jul 15, 2021 at 8:43 PM Post #13 of 140
Verite Open
LTD Purpleheart
Magnesium Black Chassis
Black Aluminum rod & grill
All Leather
Universe Perf. Lambskin
478 gr

Verite Closed
LTD Desert Ironwood
Magnesium Charcoal Chassis
Steel rod
All Leather
Auteur Lambskin
644 gr
Aug 18, 2021 at 5:16 AM Post #14 of 140
Aluminum Black Chassis
Black Aluminum rod & grill
suede + leather combo headband
BE2 Lambskin

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