Three Brand New Earphones: Sony IER-Z1R, IER-M9 and IER-M7
Oct 1, 2018 at 5:22 AM Post #286 of 1,487
Typically Sony iems have a good amount of bass - how do you find the M7? I know they're not on the level of the Z5, but how about the N3?
The M7 is pretty flat with some shine on both ends but not a lot. Both the Z5 and the N3 definitely have more bass. The N3 is kinda V shaped but not to much. The separation is definitely much better on the M7 than on the Z5 and the N3.
The M7 and M9 seem to be exact upgrades to the EX800ST and the EX1000. Both being better than the old models and I like the sound of the M7 more than the EX1000.
For someone searching for a some what flat IEM the M7 should be perfect. M9 might be a bit bright like the EX1000.
Oct 1, 2018 at 5:31 AM Post #287 of 1,487
The M7 is pretty flat with some shine on both ends but not a lot. Both the Z5 and the N3 definitely have more bass. The N3 is kinda V shaped but not to much. The separation is definitely much better on the M7 than on the Z5 and the N3.
The M7 and M9 seem to be exact upgrades to the EX800ST and the EX1000. Both being better than the old models and I like the sound of the M7 more than the EX1000.
For someone searching for a some what flat IEM the M7 should be perfect. M9 might be a bit bright like the EX1000.
Thanks. I'm open to a different sound to my Z5, but I just love the bass impact of them so I may have to look elsewhere.
Oct 1, 2018 at 11:56 AM Post #289 of 1,487
Parking here for impressions of IER-Z1R. To those attending the launch in Singapore, have fun guys!
Oct 3, 2018 at 4:41 AM Post #290 of 1,487
Here are my impression of M9 and M7 after extended listening period.

Contrary to some of the impression here, I didn't find the M9 bright sounding at all. In fact, they are a bit dark. Not because the iem is particulary lacking in treble but because treble are very well control that sometime I think they could be a bit lacking in bite, you get a smooth and lush vocal experience though. Techical ability is great, stage width is kinda just okay but they are fairly deep and have exceptional instrument positioning and layering. Detail retrieval is great on both end. Bass has good heft while maintaing excellent speed although impact and attack is just a bit more of moderate. Overall, I think the M9 is fun sounding iem while still maintaing high level of technicality and well worth its price tag.

The M7 is the more neutral of the two, as many have said. You can immediatly feel the drop in sound quality compare to the M9, not that they shouldn't. I didn't find them too exceptional in any area except maybe positioning and control. The vocal sound more natural than the M9, also. This one is kinda just okay for me.

For anyone curious, bass quantity and impact on both is much less than the Z5 although I do think that this is a positive change.
Oct 8, 2018 at 11:39 AM Post #291 of 1,487
Quite a few IER Z1R impressions on RMAF
One of them:

I made the mistake of listening to these bad boys first. Before listening to their M7 and M9. Mistake as it pretty much ruined the M7 and M9 for me.

These are summit fi earphones from Sony. The IER-Z1R at $2300 MSRP is absolute authority with the type of 3D imaging and full bodied sound which is best described is like listening to floor speakers. These don't sound like earphones or even headphones. The dynamic range on these earphones are 2nd to none. For me easily the star of the show. Start saving your cash fellas these are for real. Substantial progress of Sony sound on these like you have never heard. I was more impressed with these than their flagship headphones Z1Rs. I hope these goes down to a more reasonable price. One to look out for. Oh by the way the fitment in my averaged sized ear was very comfy. Excellent design.

The M9 reminded me of Campfire Audios Andromedas. Similar staging the bass end is no joke on these new BA based Sony earphones the M9 sounds like it has a full on dynamic driver for the bass. Easily matching any dynamic performance. These have wide stage with a spacious sound. Excellent detail and imaging hearing these out of Sonys Flagship player the WM1Z. At $1500 these are definitely compelling.

The M7 is the most neutral tuning out of the 3 and these remind my of my old EX600 monitors. A bit rolled off on the treble but very great even balancing from treble to bass. A bit smooth with a slightly warm tonality. These sound good for the $799 MSRP.

*** Notice! Quite the verbose brief notes ahead! ***

Sony: IER-Z1R

This is the best thing I have ever put in my ears. Wow and Wow! It's hard not to talk about this product without overhyping or using expletives. Actually it's impossible for me. This was by far the standout product at the show for me. I was just minding my business when I went past the Sony booth on the last day (Sunday) and thought ok let me check out their weight lifting dumbbell players, but then my eyes caught sight of the new IEMs and I went straight for the top. This Sony IEM gave me an experience that is indelibly written in my mind. 3 dimensionality in spades. Details like crazy without over boosted treble. Actual blackness and air around instruments. This certainly was unlike any IEM or headphone for that matter that I have ever heard, and to boot an inimitable coherency to the sound that makes your music come so alive! I know these are hackneyed statements in these circles, but it was true for me today in that it was like listening to my music for the first time all over again. Though cognizant of time limits to be considerate, I couldn't skip a track. I was enchanted and kept skinning my 44s. There was some serious voodoo going on in those drivers. I don't know how they did it, but I tried to go back and listen to almost everything I had listened to and couldn't stop thinking about these. I predict that this will be a product they try to out do, but will take a while to, if ever. Now for the hypocritical part, I have to get these $2400 IEMs What!

Overall it seems quite hyped :)
Oct 9, 2018 at 9:36 AM Post #295 of 1,487
I got to hear all 3 at this years Can Jam in Denver. I made the mistake of listening to the Z1R first. Lol. To be fair I was impressed with the M9. Not so much the M7. M9 reminds me of the Anromeda tuning. Similar stage and presentation. I want to say the M9 was smoother sounding but otherwise simialr sound sig. Z1R for me was the star of the show. I liked it better than JH Layla and Audio 64s Tia fourte.

If you guys read impression of the can jam I was not the only person who thought the Z1r was the star of the show. I got to hear the headphones as well and I came away more impressed with the earphones.

No exaggeration when I say they sounded like floor speakers and it was in single end out of my lowly Shanling M3s. Lol. I am gonna start saving money to buy one. Out of all the others I heard it was Sonys new flagship that I felt was actually worth the money. The rest. No so much.
Oct 9, 2018 at 4:59 PM Post #297 of 1,487
They image differently. The M9 sounds like a highly detailed very enjoyable wide sound with good dynamics. smooth detailed mids. Bass sounds like a dynamic driver and not a BA they are using. When your hearing the M9 it sounds like an excellent high end earphone. Same vein as something like a Sennheisers IE800s

Z1R is not only more refined in the treble, mids and even the bass end but the imagery is all over the place. Like in front of your hearing. Out of your head. Behind your head. It was crazy. I have never heard anything like them and they sound like this out of single ended. It wasn't like and artificial sounding stage either. The sound projects with a believable depth I have never witnessed in an earphone.
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Oct 9, 2018 at 8:24 PM Post #298 of 1,487
Z1R is not only more refined in the treble, mids and even the bass end but the imagery is all over the place. Like in front of your hearing. Out of your head. Behind your head. It was crazy. I have never heard anything like them and they sound like this out of single ended. It wasn't like and artificial sounding stage either. The sound projects with a believable depth I have never witnessed in an earphone.

Didn’t get a chance to listen to the IER Z1R. Is it like an out of Phase kind of sound? The sound tends to be unfocused and seems to come from everywhere.

The most open sound I experienced is maybe Audeze LCDi4. The soundstage scales nicely with the music and it can go very deep and wide when the music calls for it. Albeit this is a completely open back IEM so little or no sound isolation.
Oct 9, 2018 at 8:29 PM Post #299 of 1,487
heard the IER-Z1r at RAMF over the weekend. What an incredible in-ear, fit and sound. I will be ordering one as soon as it's available.
Oct 9, 2018 at 8:38 PM Post #300 of 1,487
Financially the M7 is a possibility for me, maybe similar to what the then flagship Z5 was (?), but I'm getting a bit depressed hearing how awesome the other 2 are. I loved my A3 but always knew that the better one was the Z5 and it was affordable.
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