Mar 14, 2017 at 1:07 PM Post #11,656 of 24,683
After that he said that date did not include the Master, but they should be shipped by the end of the month. As for the Icarus, it says on their site they won't be shipping until April. So, I believe the 24th/25th dates are just for the Hunter, PM6 and Air. I'm not gonna go digging for his posts to support mine, lol, but I'm 98.756% sure I'm remembering what I read correctly. 

I confirm this:
Shipping confirmations:
Definitely this month:
**edit** Everyone should just subscribe to Bob's posts. :p That way we can stop asking questions that already have an answer! haha

YES! Nice work man, lol. 

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:10 PM Post #11,657 of 24,683
In the UK, chips = French Fries (or a fatter version thereof).
I'd much rather have chips too

I like them with mayo, European style. Although I might have to switch back to traditional UK vinegar, post-brexit lol

Yup, this waiting for the IEM's is certainly a 1st world problem.
I don't know what everyone's so stressed about

Troll, troll, troll...
tee hee..

My chips are your crisps, but I prefer both to popcorn anyway so it doesn't really matter
. I'm waiting for 3 IEMs from Trinity, but good news is that my Noble X is also soon to be shipped, so I'm gonna have lots of stuff to listen to soon.
Sorry man, I guess popcorn is a movie night type of thing. :D I personally hate popcorn, makes me nausious if I eat too much. :wink:
Sorry for OT, back to your reguarly scheduled program.

But my regularly scheduled program is OT.....

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:13 PM Post #11,658 of 24,683
I'm pretty sure the graphs would go up on the left, stay close to the middle in the mids, and then go up some on the right. Boom, there we go! 

Glad to see you're sticking with the Trinity 'house signature' lol

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #11,662 of 24,683
I'm pretty sure the graphs would go up on the left, stay close to the middle in the mids, and then go up some on the right. Boom, there we go! 

So U shape, Y shape or >> shape?? :p I'M CONFUSED.

Its actually going to be an upside down isosceles trapezoid. Yeah, thats the stuff. Haha.
Mar 14, 2017 at 1:22 PM Post #11,664 of 24,683
  I am working away this week and won't be home until Friday night.......................and my son has just left a message saying that I have a parcel!!!!!!

I think he's just winding you up; getting revenge for all the times you disciplined him

Ask him to open it. On our behalf.
Take one for the team

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:25 PM Post #11,665 of 24,683
Its actually going to be an upside down isosceles trapezoid. Yeah, thats the stuff. Haha.

That's the graph you get when a cable stops working and the IEM body starts electrocuting you lol (allegedly)

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:29 PM Post #11,667 of 24,683
  I am working away this week and won't be home until Friday night.......................and my son has just left a message saying that I have a parcel!!!!!!

I think he's just winding you up; getting revenge for all the times you disciplined him

Ask him to open it. On our behalf.
Take one for the team

Yes, have him open it, and take a pic, and then you can post it, and we can all bear witness! 

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:33 PM Post #11,669 of 24,683
  I am working away this week and won't be home until Friday night.......................and my son has just left a message saying that I have a parcel!!!!!!

Of nearly as much importance, where are *you* from? lol.
I mean 'which country?'; you don't have to be too specific

From your location description, you might actually be my neighbour, but I somehow doubt that

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:35 PM Post #11,670 of 24,683
  I am working away this week and won't be home until Friday night.......................and my son has just left a message saying that I have a parcel!!!!!!

Not the type of statement I could say here: "Hey guys, I have a parcel!"... The people at my post office currently bundle up all my orders into a special bin and pre-release them so I can pick them up quicker, as I receive on average 10 parcels per week
 I'd end up giving everyone a heart attack.
**edit**: Hahaha, as I wrote this, I got notification that two packages have arrived. 


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