Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)
Feb 6, 2019 at 4:26 PM Post #4,051 of 5,993
@Malcolm Riverside
I see you have the Thx 789. How does it stand up to the V281? I have one Thx coming my way. Got really great specs on paper.
Much to my chagrin I’ve had too much else going recently on to reply to this in a timely fashion, but here is my long overdue write-up on these two amps:
Firstly, the THX 789 definitely lives up to its specs. In fact when I first got it and plugged in my Utopias I actually had a moment of wondering if I still needed the V281! The THX has lots of power, clarity, spaciousness, and a linear, uncolored sound. I find the Utopia to be a great pairing because it shares a lot of those characteristics with the amp. I currently use the THX 789 as the amp in my “B” rig so obviously, I will not be replacing my V281 with it, but in terms of quality sound reproduction the two amps are not so far apart as you’d imagine based on the vast price differential between the two (and I have the relay volume control V281 model.) The V281 has more grip on the music if that makes sense, just that little extra oomph and palbable feeling to the notes that I really like in this amp. I found the Massdrop THX amp to have a little more brightness that sometimes gave it an edge in clarity over the V281 with some recordings but other times became a bit grating to me and meant I had to turn my music down or switch amps in the middle of listening sessions. So there can be a listener fatigue factor that I don’t ever get with the Violectric amp.

The V281 is also more versatile in terms of headphone pairings for my money. Despite its impressive power specs I found the THX a bit too polite when paired with my more demanding headphones, like the HE6se and the LCD-4. That said, it is more than capable of handling those beasts and it is nice to have a gain knob on the front to make adjustments, it’s just that the V281 added some real juice to the dynamic swings that I feel are the strength of those headphones while the THX was a bit more of neutral observer. I haven’t given the THX AAA 789 much of a run out with my HD800S or Eikon headphones since they see almost exclusive use with my tube amp nowadays, but I do enjoy listening to my Sony MDR-Z1R’s on it. So you can see that for such a cheap amp the THX AAA scales well with totl headphones, but is still bested in my opinion by the V281’s flexibile, supple sound signature.

In terms of other features besides sound the V281 shows its quality (and price) pretty quickly. It’s build quality is such that I imagine you could drop it from a moving vehicle and have it still work, while the THX 789 would probably explode all over the pavement (though it is well-built). The pre-amp functionality of the V281 is very well implemented and a big plus, the volume knob and power button have a much more quality feel, there’s a 5 year warranty, remote, etc etc. Given the fully upgraded V281 costs about 9 times as much as the THX AAA 789, it damn well better wipe the floor with the cheaper amp on those factors! So from that perspective you get what you pay for, but if we’re just talking about sound... the THX holds its own. Now if anyone has heard the Benchmark HPA4 ($3000 msrp) w/THX AAA technology and can compare it to the V281 I’d love to know what you think.
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Feb 7, 2019 at 7:16 PM Post #4,052 of 5,993
Much to my chagrin I’ve had too much else going recently on to reply to this in a timely fashion, but here is my long overdue write-up on these two amps:
Firstly, the THX 789 definitely lives up to its specs. In fact when I first got it and plugged in my Utopias I actually had a moment of wondering if I still needed the V281! The THX has lots of power, clarity, spaciousness, and a linear, uncolored sound. I find the Utopia to be a great pairing because it shares a lot of those characteristics with the amp. I currently use the THX 789 as the amp in my “B” rig so obviously, I will not be replacing my V281 with it, but in terms of quality sound reproduction the two amps are not so far apart as you’d imagine based on the vast price differential between the two (and I have the relay volume control V281 model.) The V281 has more grip on the music if that makes sense, just that little extra oomph and palbable feeling to the notes that I really like in this amp. I found the Massdrop THX amp to have a little more brightness that sometimes gave it an edge in clarity over the V281 with some recordings but other times became a bit grating to me and meant I had to turn my music down or switch amps in the middle of listening sessions. So there can be a listener fatigue factor that I don’t ever get with the Violectric amp.

The V281 is also more versatile in terms of headphone pairings for my money. Despite its impressive power specs I found the THX a bit too polite when paired with my more demanding headphones, like the HE6se and the LCD-4. That said, it is more than capable of handling those beasts and it is nice to have a gain knob on the front to make adjustments, it’s just that the V281 added some real juice to the dynamic swings that I feel are the strength of those headphones while the THX was a bit more of neutral observer. I haven’t given the THX AAA 789 much of a run out with my HD800S or Eikon headphones since they see almost exclusive use with my tube amp nowadays, but I do enjoy listening to my Sony MDR-Z1R’s on it. So you can see that for such a cheap amp the THX AAA scales well with totl headphones, but is still bested in my opinion by the V281’s flexibile, supple sound signature.

In terms of other features besides sound the V281 shows its quality (and price) pretty quickly. It’s build quality is such that I imagine you could drop it from a moving vehicle and have it still work, while the THX 789 would probably explode all over the pavement (though it is well-built). The pre-amp functionality of the V281 is very well implemented and a big plus, the volume knob and power button have a much more quality feel, there’s a 5 year warranty, remote, etc etc. Given the fully upgraded V281 costs about 9 times as much as the THX AAA 789, it damn well better wipe the floor with the cheaper amp on those factors! So from that perspective you get what you pay for, but if we’re just talking about sound... the THX holds its own. Now if anyone has heard the Benchmark HPA4 ($3000 msrp) w/THX AAA technology and can compare it to the V281 I’d love to know what you think.
This post have nothing to do with V281. I cant compare with it.

I have had the Thx 789 for some time now and its certainly great for its price. I have listened with it exclusively with HD800S tried HD 650 quick with it. I am a one system guy. I can only compare it with Lake People RS 02 (€583) or from memory Sennheiser HDV 820. I cant say Thx 789 is better then RS 02.

What i like with the Thx 789 is the clarity and transparent sound, here i think it wins over RS 02. Thx has better articulation and less congestion and less confussion of sounds. I consider RS 02 very transparent still though. Thx can be slightly thin with HD800S imo.

RS 02 wins with more fullbodied sound, warmer bass lines, more powerfull sound, i think it has better synergy with HD800S, more tube like and less fatiguing, i can play it louder. Thx can be to harsh on certain recordings with HD800S, with HD 650 it was less harsh. So maybe a headphone like Focal Clear would pair better with Thx 789. Or just a warmer headphone.

I will know the true outcome when i will switch back to RS 02 as amp in my system in a month or two. Will i miss the clarity and articulation then too much? Or just think i am home. I will probebly switch between these amps now and then and have them running for some months. Both are great.
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Feb 8, 2019 at 6:14 PM Post #4,053 of 5,993
can i ask how the v281 compares in sound signature to ifi ican pro, i will use my chord qutest with it

especially details, bass, and mids, i am looking for an euphoric full bodied and detailed amp that pairs well with audeze cans. Something tonally did not play well with my cans when using ifi ican pro, it was lack of details and musicality. If v281 will not fit the my criteria, what else can I look into. I like amps that can provide great full bodies sound and are at the same time detailed but not harsh or cold sounding
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Feb 8, 2019 at 6:38 PM Post #4,054 of 5,993
can i ask how the v281 compares in sound signature to ifi ican pro, i will use my chord qutest with it

especially details, bass, and mids, i am looking for an euphoric full bodied and detailed amp that pairs well with audeze cans. Something tonally did not play well with my cans when using ifi ican pro, it was lack of details and musicality. If v281 will not fit the my criteria, what else can I look into. I like amps that can provide great full bodies sound and are at the same time detailed but not harsh or cold sounding
Violectric pairs well with Audeze cans. Sound via my i4s and previous LCD-2s were rich and full bodied. Haven't heard the ican pro.
Feb 9, 2019 at 5:53 AM Post #4,056 of 5,993
That’s what the pre-gain setting is for. So you can use a broad selection of headphones with different requirements. At - 14db pre-gain (the lowest setting) I can use He-500 (89db), He-4 (86db), HD 800 (102db), TH-900 (100db), Hd650 (103db) without having to raise a dip or go beyond 2 o'clock. Not even with the Th-900 will you run even nearly into any channel imbalance unless you listen to the air inside their cups.
So even when I ignored sensivity vs efficiency the TH-900 should be a clear (ha!) indicator that you will not run into any problems.
Feb 9, 2019 at 8:12 AM Post #4,057 of 5,993
That’s what the pre-gain setting is for. So you can use a broad selection of headphones with different requirements. At - 14db pre-gain (the lowest setting) I can use He-500 (89db), He-4 (86db), HD 800 (102db), TH-900 (100db), Hd650 (103db) without having to raise a dip or go beyond 2 o'clock. Not even with the Th-900 will you run even nearly into any channel imbalance unless you listen to the air inside their cups.
So even when I ignored sensivity vs efficiency the TH-900 should be a clear (ha!) indicator that you will not run into any problems.
Thx, With experimentation. The low impedance Clears. Sound best with +12. Better bass. I would think low impedance headphones needs -12
Feb 9, 2019 at 4:19 PM Post #4,058 of 5,993
I have listened to the susvara balanced with the chord dave with the 281 set to -12 without an issue.....this amp can drive anything without issue although i will say i would find it difficult to use the amp balanced with any efficient HP like the Utopia or LCD-4Z which both are driven easily by the dave alone
Feb 9, 2019 at 5:08 PM Post #4,059 of 5,993
Violectric pairs well with Audeze cans. Sound via my i4s and previous LCD-2s were rich and full bodied. Haven't heard the ican pro.

I had a pre-fazor LCD-3 (recently sold) & a pre-fazor LCD-2.1, an early one. Both sound(ed) terrific on the V281. Just about everything sounds at least very good on the V281...authoritative, dynamic, great bass--a big sound that's not tiring/fatiguing.

A friend has the iCan Pro. I have yet to hear that, but he tells me it's good, but not quite V281-good. On the other hand, it has some real flexibility for tonal adjustment (bass boost, 3D simulator, 3 blends of SS+/- tubes). Depending on your setup, that could be an endgame amp.
Feb 10, 2019 at 12:22 AM Post #4,060 of 5,993
281 is better but the ican is quite good and is small and versatile
Feb 12, 2019 at 3:32 PM Post #4,061 of 5,993
Anyone paired the 281 with Focal Clear headphones? Could this amp be to strong for a 55 ohm headphone? Thanks

I listen to Clears via balanced headphone output from a V281 with the volume pot around 3 o’clock. Here’s my chain:
ADI-2 DAC @ +13dB >>XLR>> V281 @ -6dB

I could reduce the dB to get more movement in the volume pot, but I’m content with the sound as things stand.
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Feb 12, 2019 at 5:08 PM Post #4,063 of 5,993
It's a Chinese knock-off. Buyer beware.
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:20 PM Post #4,065 of 5,993
Why would you want to waste $800 buying something that's clearly a copy with no design initiative?

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