Violectric V222 and V202
Oct 16, 2023 at 3:24 PM Post #901 of 1,920
For me the grounding options and noise resilience of these amps is a huge boon. I love all the custom, boutique stuff too but it can be rage inducing having to accomodate for their various grounding, noise shortcomings.

Now where I live the power isn't perfect as it has some grounding issues in the line but it's no challenge for the Vio stuff, something I appreciate a lot.
Oct 16, 2023 at 3:47 PM Post #902 of 1,920
Oct 16, 2023 at 4:26 PM Post #903 of 1,920
Which one has the most pleasant and warmer sound, the Violectric HPA V202, or the V222? (Please consider that there is quite a significant price difference between the two. There is a promotion in the V202).

And how do these compare to the Schiit Jotunheim 2 (priced similarly to the V202) and the Head Amp GS-XMini (there is a demo unit available near me with a nice price, but still double of the V202 promo price)?

My headphone collection includes the Sennheiser HD600, Grado SR125x, Hifiman Sundara Closed, AKG K712, AKG K371, and B&W P5 Series 2. Each one has qualities I like and some aspects I'm not too fond of. Some of them sound too bright for my taste, as I prefer a warmer sound signature. So, I need an amp that can provide that warmth.

I don't use a balanced connection currently, but in the future, I might try balanced cables for my HD600 (which is why I'm considering the V222/Jot 2/GS-XMini). However, my priority is to enhance the sound quality and warmth of some of my headphones.

My current amp collection includes the Schiit Valhalla (1st gen), Cambridge Audio DacMagic XS, Rega EAR, and Nuforce HDP. None of them are very powerful, I believe. I primarily listen to classical, jazz, and a bit of everything else.

I appreciate Schiit as a brand and enjoy reading their stories. I'm a bit of a fan. However, I don't think their house sound aligns with my preferences because I found the Valhalla too cold when I was expecting a rounder sound from a tube amp. But I still like their brand. I have also read good things about Violectric, and it seems like they might be more to my liking, but I'm not sure. Tomorrow, I will audition the V202.

Thanks for your help and opinions!
Last Friday, I went to listen to the Vioelectric V202, and I compared it with the HeadAmp GS-XMini. I listened to some music I was familiar with and used my regular headphones, the Sennheiser HD600. I quickly found that I preferred the Vioelectric sound because it seemed a bit fuller and warmer to me. The GS-XMini seemed more artificial. The store owner disagreed to some degree with me, but he was okay with my preference. Overall, I enjoyed the Vioelectric very much; the sound seemed very cohesive and natural, as if I could grasp the instruments, if you know what I mean. This was not a very long audition, but I was happy with it.

However, I decided that I also needed to compare it to one of my current amps, so I decided to return this Monday. So this morning, I went to listen to the Vioelectric V202 again, and this time I also took my old Nuforce HDP. I only used the RCA inputs because the Nuforce also has a DAC, but I find it a bit thin-sounding and a bit grainy sometimes (however, it is very detailed). I wanted to keep the comparison straightforward, so I listened to a few CDs with their house CD player (Rega Apollo) and switched the RCA inputs to the amps several times. This time, however, it was harder for me to make a decision about which amp was better to my ears. Through the RCA inputs, the Nuforce seemed equally warm and even. I have to admit, though, the Vioelectric seemed better, especially at very low volumes where the channel imbalance took over the Nuforce, but I don't think I could justify spending 719€ on it (regular price 899€). I believe the Vioelectric is better without question; I just don't know if it is €700 better for me.

Maybe if I could have a longer audition, maybe I could find a justification to take that step. Another thing, I used my Nuforce a lot during the weekend, so I took it warm to the audition. The Vioelectric, I think, is rarely used at the store, and I don't even know if it has finished the break-in. Do you think that matters? I only listened for about an hour between the two.
Oct 16, 2023 at 4:27 PM Post #904 of 1,920
Can you loan it for a few days, maybe even loan the V222 along with it?
Oct 16, 2023 at 4:40 PM Post #905 of 1,920
Can you loan it for a few days, maybe even loan the V222 along with it?
I don't think so... I tried to imply that it was hard to hear the differences between the two amps; in fact, they were there, but they seemed subtle. I didn't feel comfortable asking directly to borrow the amp, but I provided him with some opportunities to suggest such a thing in our subsequent conversation.

In the end, I told him I would think it over and perhaps return for another audition... Actually, I'm not sure if I'll do that.
Oct 17, 2023 at 4:29 AM Post #906 of 1,920
Fast A/B testing is hard and I personally don't do it. You need to listen for a while to get your brain adjusted to the sound and then make a decision. Same with headphones, fast ab with my elites and adx5k does not work at all, depending what you listen first makes the second pair lack in that regard eg. elites first makes adx5k sound thin.
But truth be told, amps and dacs do not matter as much as headphones...V222 is a beast that I can say. Also about power, it is not a good indicator of amp capabilities, most modern amps can easily drive all headphones at a decent volume (I am aware that volume is not the only indicator of power tough). Pick amp that is in your price range and has good reviews AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: is practical.
Don't buy amp that is too big, lacks needed connectors, has complicated on/off , standby or other setup and looks bad.
V222 is perfect as it is small enough, has simple on off switch in the front and has XLR, looks good also.
Simplicity is important as I use it daily, for this reason I sold my RME-ADI2-fs and I am selling my CA-1a.
Oct 19, 2023 at 10:04 PM Post #907 of 1,920
I know from personal experience with my V281 how comprehensive a Violectric warranty is. I wouldn't buy any new Lake People or Violectric component at a discount if it meant doing without the manufacturer's warranty.

That warranty is more than repairs--it means I can email or call your company here in the states to help assess a problem & how to best address it. Some issues can be resolved w/o sending the unit out for service.

Beyond that, I met Fried Reim at shows. At one time we communicated via email & the V281 thread regarding something I was doing with my V281. There's something to be said for knowing & communicating with the people who actually design the gear....

Sorry to talk about the V281 on the V202/V222 thread. But my underlying message is the same for all these modeI.
If you know -- does Violectric offer warranty service in the USA?
Oct 20, 2023 at 8:51 AM Post #908 of 1,920
Just upgraded my RCAs.. Tazzy + V222 sounding unbeatable. The stage depth is enhanced and the placement of instruments is extremely precise. It was already pretty great but these aspects are just silly good now. I can't say enough how the Vyborg cables brings out the best in both of these devices. Stock power cords are really not the way imo. That's just me, YMMV. But I do really feel like you don't really know what your amp/DAC can do until you start making changes. I think I'm done tinkering for a hot min now aha..

Some porn for y'all

So just confirm, you weee feeding the v222 from the ta zh1es? This is what I was looking at doing.
Oct 20, 2023 at 3:52 PM Post #911 of 1,920
202 vs 222 ?
Oct 20, 2023 at 4:04 PM Post #912 of 1,920
202 vs 222 ?
Here's an excerpt of @Ichos 's review of the V222 that explains the major difference between the two. I have mostly balanced gear so I went with the V222.

Single ended output

As discussed earlier, the Violectric V222 is a truly balanced amplifier with four symmetrical power amplifiers. When using the single ended output, only two of them are engaged so you are essentially listening to half part of the amplifier. This doesn’t mean that the single ended output is of much lesser sound quality than the balanced one. The power output is still enough to drive almost everything while the sound quality is very competitive albeit the balanced output is undeniably better.

Violectric V202
Thus said, Violectric has an entry level model, the V202 which is essentially the single ended version of the V222 with the same base circuit design but two power amplifiers instead of four. Moreover its technical parameters and power delivery are better when compared to that of the V222 single ended output. What I am saying here, is that if your collection consists of single ended headphones, then the Violectric V202 is a better option and greater value for money than the V222 which is only recommended if you primarily plan to use balanced headphones and do some occasional mixed usage.
Oct 28, 2023 at 3:19 AM Post #914 of 1,920
Guys I've just bought the v222 a few days, got a beyer dt1990 pro and looking to get another hp. looking for a more warmer sounding for jazz, rock and metal
been listening it with my custom iem which i love so much (64 A18s) it pairs so well with -16 gain
So far i've auditioned hd660s which was good, also interested at hifiman arya organic
Any suggestion? (pls let me know if I should open thread instead) Thanks
Oct 28, 2023 at 4:24 AM Post #915 of 1,920
HE1000V2 if you can still get one

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