Westone UM3X Thread
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #3,963 of 4,413
After a lot of research, I decided to take the plunge and get the UM3X's by Westone because it seemed like it had the sound signature I was looking for: strong bass, evenly strong mids, slightly softened highs, good separation.  Well, I got my UM3X's today.  Here's a few first impressions from an amateur listener.
Since I'm going to be doing 90% of my listening on the road, I thought I would use my phone so I could see what I was going to get 90% of the time.  All songs were played from my HTC Incredible.  Some are 320kbs, some are 192kbs.  I listen to all kinds of music except rap, however I picked these 3 songs to listen to first on purpose, as I will explain below.
Song 1:  8Bit by Deadmau5 - This is the first song I play every time I try a new pair of headphones.  I use this song first because it's just one of my favorites and I know it the best.  For me, I can tell a lot about the sound signature with this song.  My first impression?  The bass is solid and crisp.  It's not lacking anywhere, but this isn't a huge bass song.  I wait a little longer for the chorus to kick in so I can get a grasp on where the mids stand.  When it does, a smile only comes over my face.  The Mids are normal!  Oh praise Jesus! =D  Coming from the TF10's, this is HUGE.  They're not overshadowed by the treble and bass.  I continue to listen and enjoy the balance when my first moment of shock happens.  At 2:19 in the song, the music cuts out, and for the first time I've ever heard, the music just STOPPED.  I don't know if this is called roll off or not, but in every other IEM I've tried, the music sort of faded away.  In these, the music was suppose to cut out and CUT out it did.  I'm impressed.
Song 2:  Faxing Berlin (Original Mix) by Deadmau5 - I play this song next because this is the most bass heavy song I have.  It's one of my favorites, but I've had problems with it before, especially at the beginning.  With my MEElectronics M6's, the bass is over powering.  It's just too much and my ears can't take it.  With these, not so.  It's strong, it's got punch, but for some reason, it doesn't hurt, it's controlled.  By the time the chorus starts to come in and the bass is lessened, I'm normally starting to feel a headache come on.  Even in my TF10's.  With these, while the bass seemed just as good in every area, it wasn't the case.  And then again, when the chorus came in, the mids were more prominent than I was used to, which was nice. =)
Song 3:  Yellow, by Coldplay - I play this song third because I've had more problems listening to this song than any other.  It was this song that taught me that I was sensitive to sibilance and certain high frequencies.  The constant bashing of cymbals is absolutely brutal to me.  As always with a new pair of headphones, I go into this song scared, because personally, I don't like feeling a shrill pain.  I turn the volume down low and wait for the major whammy to come in like 5 measures in or so and then I realize... hey... I think this might be okay!  I slowly turn the volume up and further amazement follows.  The cymbals don't hurt!  They're kind of annoying, but that's my problem with the song.  This is also where I first noticed the amazing instrument separation that everyone was talking about.  Its so true!  I'm hearing things that I've never heard before!  I may have heard them with my TF10's, but the music is just more appearing with these.
I think the only down side I've found so far is that some higher notes hit by the singers is kind of shrill like the cymbals usually are for me.  But this is far and few between and I expect it to get better over time.  I'm incredibly impressed.  I love the fit.  I know they'll fit under my helmet and not give me any problems.  The separation & clarity is the some of the best I've personally ever heard, the bass is solid, the highs are slightly backed off simply so they don't hurt, and the mids are perfectly balanced with the bass.  I think I'm in love.
With other headphones, I had to focus on how great that particular headphone did a certain particular thing well.  With these I get to focus on my favorite part: the music.

Are u sure ?   I will trust you then!  lol  U know the diff btw the UM3 and UM3x (what the x for?)
thx! Good post!!
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:26 PM Post #3,964 of 4,413
Tightening the cord behind my head helps to alleviate the problem but of course I can't do that all the time. Yes, connections are tight. I've tried the original UM3x before and I much prefer wire-less. 

It's a stage, musician monitoring device! Usely used that ways! :)  sorry, wire-less? A UM3x WireLess is comming out ? U know, u can order cable w/o memory things!  Maybe sometime is the type of tips using , that make that kind of issues append?!
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:42 PM Post #3,965 of 4,413
Join the club! :)) These are an incredible pair of IEMs :) It's stopped my search for IEMs. I don't think I'll be looking for another pair until these truly break :D The wire is incredible as well. It can take some abuse compared to other IEM wires that easily break. I can afford to be quite careless with these and be confident that it won't break :D and yes, that feeling of hearing things you've never heard before is always a great :D

Nice to hear this!  For howlong you have your's? So, comme back here in 90 days to comments again! It will be more interesting! With time, cable will torn and other issues maybe hapens...  Are you Musician or artist something?
If not, I was thinking, have read that, this UM series, are for on-stage musician! Signature spécialy for this use!?! And, the W series, more neutral, balanced, for audiophyle purpose! Is that all right?  thx!!
Dec 13, 2012 at 3:56 PM Post #3,966 of 4,413
I took it off (I only had this for 3 days) and went downstairs for some cake. I came back and the left side stopped working. I bought this from EarphoneSolution but I don't have any sort of "serial number". I got this CD which I didn't open yet, I hope that CD contains serial number and such.

... this append to me either when i have soak my UM3x in the cake! Not a good idea! It hate humidity!
Dec 13, 2012 at 4:58 PM Post #3,967 of 4,413
I got some new olives and they fit and sound good except bass impact has decreased a lot compared to the grey silicones. Its so hard finding the right tips, I have no idea what to do now.

Just try without then!  :)
Dec 13, 2012 at 5:02 PM Post #3,968 of 4,413
I got some new olives and they fit and sound good except bass impact has decreased a lot compared to the grey silicones. Its so hard finding the right tips, I have no idea what to do now.

... Upgrade to W4r ? or order UM56 mold, then! Good luck!
Dec 13, 2012 at 5:15 PM Post #3,969 of 4,413
yeah the grey silicones gives a lot of bass a long with the biflange tips. However olives gives the most balanced and natural sound out of all frequencies. Once you get to the point where its impossible to find the right tips, then your only answer is Customs. If you do take that route, try the UM56 custom tips or go straight to Custom IEMS.


Yeah, agree!  try UM56 mold first B4 go with custom, it will be little shipper, 130$ (ES5 or JH13...950$/1200$) Or your last step will B go 4 an sidegrade with W4r. His nozzle lenth and direction patern are diff than the UM series...
Good luck! :)
Dec 13, 2012 at 5:34 PM Post #3,970 of 4,413
Seems like um3x isn't all that hot anymore. I got these recently and absolutely love them for metal music.

Luckyman do!  Yours is what, RC to?
Dec 13, 2012 at 10:22 PM Post #3,971 of 4,413
"Fun" really depends on expectations and taste.
If you ask me for example (only using top-tier examples), FX700s are fun, and in comparison UM3X are rather sweet and flat, so I would expect Westone 4 to be boring (never heard them but from reading I wouldn't spend a dime on them).
Take people who like W4 a lot, they would probably find UM3X fun or a bit tiring, and FX700 would just be unbearable.
And just for the record, I got my UM3X one months ago, and beside the average comfort for my big ears, they are HOT!
I value separation and clarity above all, and they are just awesome in those departments.

Salut, tu as les cables fixé ou le RC? Si oui, as tu déjà rencontrer des problèmes de connections ?? If you got the RC type, did you get some cables issues? Merci!
Dec 13, 2012 at 10:36 PM Post #3,972 of 4,413
Or you can go after the Westone ES3X. 

Yep good one! ES5 even more fun!?
Dec 13, 2012 at 10:50 PM Post #3,973 of 4,413
I want to keep the universal options. This hobby is expensive enough to keep me away from the custom options. 



You can go half  custom with UM56 custom ear canal mold! For less than 850$ (ES3x)
Dec 14, 2012 at 7:56 AM Post #3,975 of 4,413
W4 with a flat EQ would be unlistenable.  Kind of like a 70's 12 transister radio.
Cable change is a tough purchase after spending $400 on a universal.

What kind of iem you are using now ?

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