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  1. Audio-Me

    Sennheiser 600: How can I get some more bass and punch?

    I prefer the bass of Grado SR-225 over HD600, it's tighter and isn't so heavy/accentuated, very groovy sounding, although they seriously lack extension.
  2. Audio-Me

    Remastering quality

    Maybe the original recording isnt too hot, and the "high fidelity" remasters are simply revealing that where as the original mastering was produced to cover up the flaws? I say this because most of the jazz remasters I have sound awesome.
  3. Audio-Me

    Gilmore Class A Headphone Amp V2

    sacd lover - which other pre amps have you tried in your system? The main interest I have in the gilmore dynamic is for preamp duty.
  4. Audio-Me

    disappearing post?

    It's the mods again with their lame ass power trip stuff... Could have just moved the thread to the correct forum, but since it's gilmore amp related, they just do the prejudice thing. Wait, he posted it again in the correct forum after realizing the mistake, but was also deleted? What?
  5. Audio-Me

    Sennheiser 600: How can I get some more bass and punch?

    I suggest that you try a different amp, perhaps an Audiovalve RKV. If you're looking for dynamics, the Headroom amp isn't it. Also, some people have commented that the CNR cables are of a laid back nature. Maybe try some silver ones? If you are crazy enough, read about power cords and their...
  6. Audio-Me

    Ordering a new PC, got any advice?

    g-lo, update: This case seems good, it's suposedly quiet. Terratec EWX 24/96
  7. Audio-Me

    Ordering a new PC, got any advice?

    Hey g-lo, pm me for advice, I'll tell you about a kick ass custom rig company that's cheap.
  8. Audio-Me

    24 bit CD played on mediocre equipment...

    24bit mastering won't help poor recordings, let alone crappy music...
  9. Audio-Me

    Beer you can't stand. (while still sober anyways)

    The only free beer I will not drink is Corona, any mexican alcohol is evil.
  10. Audio-Me

    E-Mail programs

    I love Opera's browser, but the email sucks. What are some good open source programs that are really small and minimalistic?
  11. Audio-Me

    Half Life 2 video - You won't believe it!!!

    HL was one of the best single player games I've ever played. After watching the HL2 20+min video of ingame footage, the game looks massively deep with full of fun adventures to come... Can't wait. idsoft lost their interest with me when they released Quake3, they went commercial meaning hype...
  12. Audio-Me

    rega planet 2000

    I love the Planet, a truely awesome source, it's a love it or hate it player, it happened to move me. I think its best trait is that it just swings, makes music very enjoyable to listen to. It has a pretty sound, beautiful you could also call it, soft touch without the nasties of digital like...
  13. Audio-Me

    Suggestion: sales alerts forum

    I am so down for it, I hate how all these newbies keep flooding the for sale forum of useless crappy junk, which makes it hard for people to find out about stuff actually worth getting.
  14. Audio-Me

    The perfect affordable amp for the hd600's

    ...over it, and don't play this "you are young putz" crap on me, that's so friggin lame. A lot of people recommend stuff they don't actually own. *roll eyes* Take it easy Mac, ok so maybe I should have separated the two amps I've heard and the one I have my bets on, jeesh, tone down the...
  15. Audio-Me

    The perfect affordable amp for the hd600's

    To order, go here: for pics, go here:
  16. Audio-Me

    The perfect affordable amp for the hd600's

    Am I an elitist? I suppose, but I mostly just hate dolts, and the arrow points straight to... Anyway, I've heard both the Melos and MID and thought they sounded awesome. I've talked to enough people who's opinion I respect that's heard the gilmore to give it the benifit of the doubt, not to...
  17. Audio-Me

    The perfect affordable amp for the hd600's

    I normally wouldn't post a blind recommendation because it's stupid, but I feel that it's relevant because the amp that I haven't heard is one that will be my next amp. Based on a friend's honest thoughts on it whom is the only one I trust completely not only because he is one of the few who's...
  18. Audio-Me

    The perfect affordable amp for the hd600's

    I used to own a Supreme, it was a pos. I listened to the recent Cosmic amp as well, and thought it too sucked. I honestly don't like any of HeadRooms amps. Also, keep in mind Tim has one of the weirdest taste of all the people I've talked to... I doubt there are many others like him. Heh...
  19. Audio-Me

    Slummin' in NYC

    We want headamp's Gilmore V2 impressions!
  20. Audio-Me

    Archiving format: RAR

    neil what kind of compression rates does it get for multimedia files?
  21. Audio-Me

    Archiving format: RAR

    neil I don't use linux, Win XP Pro only. Is bzip2 available for windows? Anyway, this is for archiving, I want to make the most efficient use of my disk space for storing ****. I used to use the store option cause my old computer was slower than Biggie's dumb mental thought process.
  22. Audio-Me

    Good computer speakers or 2.1 system?

    That's cause you two listen to the sucky models, you need to try the Planar Media series.
  23. Audio-Me

    Archiving format: RAR

    Why does it take so friggin long to compress at max compression? My new laptop is blazing fast, so why does it still take forever?
  24. Audio-Me

    Good music, whoa what an addiction

    Please don't go off topic, do that privately. Anyway, I recently bought Lee Morgan: Candy LP, I have it on CD also. I was supposed to pick it up today, but I forgot, lol, maybe tomorrow.
  25. Audio-Me

    Good computer speakers or 2.1 system?

    Both Klipsch and Logitech multimedia speakers are pretty ****ty, I feel bad for people who buy them thinking it's good. If you want a damn good deal for the best sounding computer speakers, follow this link to the Monsoon Planar Media 9.