Introducing HIFIMAN Ananda Nano
Mar 13, 2024 at 8:30 AM Post #662 of 857
Mar 15, 2024 at 11:07 AM Post #663 of 857
I'm a fan of the Sundara's and Electrostatics like L300/L500mkii/Jade II - so that's my taste in headphones and these are similar to the electrostatics if not better due to the ability to get louder and have more bass. (I mostly use headphones for mixing music type things)

Could you compare the Nano to the L500 MKII? I'm especially interested if the L500 is well above it in speed and how the spatial presentation compares. Oh, and also that 'ethereal' quality that Estats are known for.
Mar 18, 2024 at 9:09 PM Post #664 of 857
Could you compare the Nano to the L500 MKII? I'm especially interested if the L500 is well above it in speed and how the spatial presentation compares. Oh, and also that 'ethereal' quality that Estats are known for.
I've owned the L500 mk 2 and it's in a completely different league. Sorry meant the L700 mk 2
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Mar 19, 2024 at 11:53 AM Post #665 of 857
I'm sure the L500 isn't that far behind. It's like comparing oranges to Donald Trump. Completely different. Demo with your own ears and come back here and let us all know what your opinion is. Reading what ppl text on here is using your eyes not your ears. One is a fruit the other is a pr__k
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Mar 19, 2024 at 12:08 PM Post #666 of 857
I've just received the verum 1 from Ukraine and it sounds amazing with the ttoby. A couple of bullet holes through the leather strap but that's visual doesn't affect the listening. The moral of the story is.... you're born with a pair of ears that are unique to you so use them.
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Mar 19, 2024 at 2:03 PM Post #667 of 857
I'm starting to work through a comparison of the Nanos with the HE100SE. I had compared them briefly at CanJam NYC and at that time with the same source, amp, cables, everything the same, the HE100SE blew me away with how much more expansive and epic the sound stage was. To the point that even though they are ridiculously more expensive, The set a hook in me and wouldn't let go. Then a week later, HiFiMan listed some refurbs on the sight for $1700 so I bought them. I also got talked into carrying home the demo VMV D2R and VMV P2 DAC and amp that the SMSL booth had discounted so they didn't have to drag them home to China.

Now that I have both headphones home and can hear them without the noisy room, and with the immensely powerful amp, I would say the Nanos are really good. I had also compared them carefully to the Meze 109 (the Nanos are more transparent and revealing, the Meze are more sonically comfortable and romantic) and the Audeze M500 (both have a nice transparent sound as much as I could tell but their music file was lacking). I noticed that the Nano can really sound better on a powerful amp. ifi had their flagship $3500 amp which takes an accurate grip of the Nanos and makes them sound their best. Which is maybe what I am hearing at home now with the VMV stack. The HE1000SE no longer has a night and day advantage over the Nanos that I heard at the show through the HiFiMan amp. Or maybe the refurb HE100SE that I have is somehow a little tired already.

The HE still presents with a wider stage, both are fairly deep and high. The Nanos don't have quite as natural a timbre and don't flesh out the instruments quite as well. They are well placed and black in between but smaller in their image size within the stage. And somewhat less real sounding, having less body. The Nanos have a slight rise in the upper midrange which gives a slight coloration that the HEs don't have. But for 1/4 the price are very good. I would think that at the new price of $500, their is nothing that comes close at twice the price. I would easily choose the Nanos over the Arya Organics which were more neutral but smaller and more condensed in a tighter stage.

I'm going to spend some more time going back and forth with my slightly thinner and more crystalline Burson electronics to get a better idea but in this VMV system the Nano and The HE1000 SE are closer than i would have thought.
Mar 19, 2024 at 2:16 PM Post #668 of 857
I'm starting to work through a comparison of the Nanos with the HE100SE. I had compared them briefly at CanJam NYC and at that time with the same source, amp, cables, everything the same, the HE100SE blew me away with how much more expansive and epic the sound stage was. To the point that even though they are ridiculously more expensive, The set a hook in me and wouldn't let go. Then a week later, HiFiMan listed some refurbs on the sight for $1700 so I bought them. I also got talked into carrying home the demo VMV D2R and VMV P2 DAC and amp that the SMSL booth had discounted so they didn't have to drag them home to China.

Now that I have both headphones home and can hear them without the noisy room, and with the immensely powerful amp, I would say the Nanos are really good. I had also compared them carefully to the Meze 109 (the Nanos are more transparent and revealing, the Meze are more sonically comfortable and romantic) and the Audeze M500 (both have a nice transparent sound as much as I could tell but their music file was lacking). I noticed that the Nano can really sound better on a powerful amp. ifi had their flagship $3500 amp which takes an accurate grip of the Nanos and makes them sound their best. Which is maybe what I am hearing at home now with the VMV stack. The HE1000SE no longer has a night and day advantage over the Nanos that I heard at the show through the HiFiMan amp. Or maybe the refurb HE100SE that I have is somehow a little tired already.

The HE still presents with a wider stage, both are fairly deep and high. The Nanos don't have quite as natural a timbre and don't flesh out the instruments quite as well. They are well placed and black in between but smaller in their image size within the stage. And somewhat less real sounding, having less body. The Nanos have a slight rise in the upper midrange which gives a slight coloration that the HEs don't have. But for 1/4 the price are very good. I would think that at the new price of $500, their is nothing that comes close at twice the price. I would easily choose the Nanos over the Arya Organics which were more neutral but smaller and more condensed in a tighter stage.

I'm going to spend some more time going back and forth with my slightly thinner and more crystalline Burson electronics to get a better idea but in this VMV system the Nano and The HE1000 SE are closer than i would have thought.
That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing. If you ever find a sound profile from the same source but for both devices, I’d really love to know your opinion when the frequency response is out of the equation.
Mar 19, 2024 at 3:11 PM Post #669 of 857
@sendler2112 interesting.

I bought the Ananda Nanos along with the Arya Stealth. I already had the Edition XS. I compared them all on the Aune S17 Pro connected to the HFM EF400 in DAC mode.

I compared the Ananda Nano with the Edition XS while waiting for the Aryas to arrive. For me, the Ananda Nanos are significantly better than the Edition XS as they are much more resolving and transparent. After a while with the Nanos, the XS sounded a little muddy in the mids. The soundstage, while not necessarily wider, was more precise and more "3D." They created a slightly bigger "wall of sound" as well. The Nanos weren't stomping the Edition XS, but it's a bigger upgrade than I expected.
However, they could be razor sharp and sterile, on the verge of being too shouty and fatiguing with certain music. I found myself sometimes swapping back to the XS in the evenings, even though the Ananda Nanos are technically superior.

Then the Aryas arrived. Well, they're on a whole different level than the other two. Soundstage, technical performance, dynamics, sound decay, the fullness and richness of the soundscape, details retrieval, transparency.

After a few days with the Aryas, when I got used to them and they broke in a little, the Ananda Nano sounded much thinner, harsher, and drier. I returned them and sold the Edition XS last week.

Don't get me wrong, all three are great pairs of cans in their class. But overall I think HiFiMAN positioned their headphones very accurately. The Ananda Nanos, being a relatively new pair, don't outperform the older, but higher-tier Aryas.

Based on that, I'm really looking forward to trying the HE1000SE in the future, my next target pair :)
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Mar 19, 2024 at 4:10 PM Post #670 of 857
That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing. If you ever find a sound profile from the same source but for both devices, I’d really love to know your opinion when the frequency response is out of the equation.
I generally quit using the Math EQ plugin and just go with ASIO output which Foobar and Qobuz both seem to effortlessly offer as an option with every new DAC I connect Math Audio plays out through WASAPI but the level is like 12db lower even in bypass for some reason which pushes me toward having to select a higher gain in the amp. Which never sounds quite as good when you have to do that. I started going crazy with the parametric EQ with 20-30 filters so I decided to just walk away from it for now.
Mar 19, 2024 at 4:43 PM Post #671 of 857
Been a while since I commented on here.

Been using my Ananda Nano more and more lately, alongside my Thieaudio Prestige LTD. I still use eq, but bit by bit I've realised I actually find the stock tuning great. All it really needs is a low shelf of 3 db at 100hz, you could push it to 5db for guilty pleasures haha, I do. And just a peak around 8k that needs a little taming and thats it. But even stock I love. I am using it with an Xduoo XD05Pro with upgraded Sparkos SS3602 Op Amps. But this combo to me. Is the best I heard so far. Dynamics, clarity, staging is just amazing. And the XD05 injects amazing musicality, truly a extremely technical yet fun and highly engaging experience. My Prestige LTD I don't eq. Its perfect stock. Highly technical, extremely clear. Amazing soundstage for an iem, and detail beyond what a human can hear. I don't know if there's other iems that can genuinly bring more to the table. Maybe make it clearer, but more? Nah, I can't imagine it. Overall though, the Anands Nano is very dependent on source. It can change heaps depending the dac, amp etc etc. I won't lie, the urge to upgrade is there. But the Ananda Nano is extremely special. It's presentation is large and spacious. Yet it can be intimate. No it won't stage like a Arya Organic, HE1000, Susvara or HD800/800s. But in the realm of headphones. It's high up there. Meze Empyrean 2, LCD-5, ZMF Caldera, Abyss Diana .... etc, you get what I'm trying to say? The staging is amazing on the Ananda Nano, especially for the price. It's big, very very big sounding. Bigger than those other headphones just not as big as highend Hifimans or HD800/800s. But also considering dynamics, speed, detail and all that. It performs at such a high level. I've said it before. It's potential endgame for some. I like it over the LCD-X/M500, Focal Clear/MG, Meze 109 Pro/Empyrean and so many others costing more. Can it be bright? Yes. But is there brighter headphones? Hell yes. HD800S...... DT1990 Pro....... and more. Overall, I love the Ananda Nano. It won't break the bank but will break your expectations of higher end headphones... So far, yes Hifiman is what so far shows me, ok it's an upgrade the more I pay. But nothing yet has come to show me. Ok, this headphone is giving me 50% more than what the Nano gives especially considering the price increase, and yes Susvara included.
Mar 20, 2024 at 2:25 AM Post #673 of 857
I'm starting to work through a comparison of the Nanos with the HE100SE. I had compared them briefly at CanJam NYC and at that time with the same source, amp, cables, everything the same, the HE100SE blew me away with how much more expansive and epic the sound stage was. To the point that even though they are ridiculously more expensive, The set a hook in me and wouldn't let go. Then a week later, HiFiMan listed some refurbs on the sight for $1700 so I bought them. I also got talked into carrying home the demo VMV D2R and VMV P2 DAC and amp that the SMSL booth had discounted so they didn't have to drag them home to China.

Now that I have both headphones home and can hear them without the noisy room, and with the immensely powerful amp, I would say the Nanos are really good. I had also compared them carefully to the Meze 109 (the Nanos are more transparent and revealing, the Meze are more sonically comfortable and romantic) and the Audeze M500 (both have a nice transparent sound as much as I could tell but their music file was lacking). I noticed that the Nano can really sound better on a powerful amp. ifi had their flagship $3500 amp which takes an accurate grip of the Nanos and makes them sound their best. Which is maybe what I am hearing at home now with the VMV stack. The HE1000SE no longer has a night and day advantage over the Nanos that I heard at the show through the HiFiMan amp. Or maybe the refurb HE100SE that I have is somehow a little tired already.

The HE still presents with a wider stage, both are fairly deep and high. The Nanos don't have quite as natural a timbre and don't flesh out the instruments quite as well. They are well placed and black in between but smaller in their image size within the stage. And somewhat less real sounding, having less body. The Nanos have a slight rise in the upper midrange which gives a slight coloration that the HEs don't have. But for 1/4 the price are very good. I would think that at the new price of $500, their is nothing that comes close at twice the price. I would easily choose the Nanos over the Arya Organics which were more neutral but smaller and more condensed in a tighter stage.

I'm going to spend some more time going back and forth with my slightly thinner and more crystalline Burson electronics to get a better idea but in this VMV system the Nano and The HE1000 SE are closer than i would have thought.
Highly agree. The Nano gives impressive price to performance. Ultimately, yes the HE1000 will be the better headphone giving more stage, clarity, detail etc but I at times prefer the slightly more intimate and in your face sound of the Nano, I also find the Nano to slam a little harder in the low end. I rate it like this. The Nano does 90% - 92% of what the Arya Organic does. And 85% - 87% of what the HE1000 can do in terms of technicalities. But with a little EQ, you can make it sound more to your liking.
Mar 20, 2024 at 7:22 AM Post #674 of 857
Highly agree. The Nano gives impressive price to performance. Ultimately, yes the HE1000 will be the better headphone giving more stage, clarity, detail etc but I at times prefer the slightly more intimate and in your face sound of the Nano, I also find the Nano to slam a little harder in the low end. I rate it like this. The Nano does 90% - 92% of what the Arya Organic does. And 85% - 87% of what the HE1000 can do in terms of technicalities. But with a little EQ, you can make it sound more to your liking.
This is an interesting comparison.:thumbsup:

Two years ago I auditioned the Hifiman Arya, HE1000SE and Susvara. I REALLY liked the Susvara but neither my rig or wallet was ready for it so I ended up with none of the three… Going only from memory, I can totally understand that the HE1000SE is technically better than the Nano. It’s kind of odd that despite that I have zero interest in upgrading from the Nano to any of the HE1000’s. The Nano just has so much of what those offers but at a much lower price!
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Mar 20, 2024 at 10:18 AM Post #675 of 857
Then the Aryas arrived. Well, they're on a whole different level than the other two. Soundstage, technical performance, dynamics, sound decay, the fullness and richness of the soundscape, details retrieval, transparency.
I think a lot depends on the music genre and preferences. I also had the opportunity to compare Arya Stealth with Ananda Nano for a few weeks. I chose the Ananda Nano because of its speed, high-band detail and a soundstage that is more deep than wide. I hear rock and metal from ifi Gryphon and Sabaj Da3 DAC. The Arya Stealth found its new home with my father-in-law, who mainly listens to Jazz and orchestral music. BTW, for this type of music I would also choose Arya Stealth due to the richer sound of the midrange.

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