Introducing HIFIMAN EF600--Desktop DAC/AMP Featuring HYMALAYA Pro Modules
Jul 21, 2023 at 7:28 AM Post #196 of 264
No. I am streaming from Qobuz mostly. How would I address the imbalance from a software side? Thanking you in advance!
I mean by artificially creating a software channel imbalance that counteracts the hardware channel imbalance. Any EQ software or Windows sound settings allow this. Maybe Google how to do this for your particular device.
Jul 21, 2023 at 8:16 AM Post #200 of 264
I just did a quick test of turning my headphones around and wearing them backwards to see if the volume changed up on the other side (left side) - and it did
You did the test with a monophonic track, didn't you? Stereo tracks are not always mixed with the same volume on both channels.
Jul 22, 2023 at 11:19 PM Post #201 of 264
I just discovered an issue with my EF600 unit. I always found the 4-pin XLR output extremely tight, making me have to push some cables disconcertingly hard to get them in, and wiggle endlessly to get them out, but now I discovered this means some cables don’t make sufficient contact because of it. A brand new Lavri Grand cable produced an oddly smallish soundstage, and sounded timbrally somewhat monochrome compared with other cables I connected to it, which I assumed was the cable’s fault, but when I connected the cable to my Naim Uniti Atom HE, where the cable fit snugly but without any exaggerated tightness, soundstage and timbre fell right into a place where you’d normally expect them, and were now similar to other cables I connected to the Naim… but I prefer the sound signature of the EF600 over the Naim when cables *do* fit sufficiently (the Naim’s a bit too bright). Have any other owners encountered issues with this?

UPDATE next day: For entirely unclear reasons the issue is not happening now. The fit is also less tight now, although still on the tight side. Going to enjoy listening now, while wondering what the hell happened…
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Jul 26, 2023 at 8:55 AM Post #203 of 264
Quick impressions after 1 week of ownership and about 20 hours of use (this is an R2R so I will withold all judgement until at least 100 hours). Also these impressions only relate to my favored genre - String Quartet / Chamber Music. May also apply to soft jazz. I am listening with the Audivina which is good for string music - a planar sound with a closed-back flavor. I also prefer the R2R sound compared to other DACs and tubes.

The EF600 (when sufficiently warmed up - maybe at least 30 minutes? I leave mine on all day):
- sounds clean, with low distortion, nicely organic and natural, has good balance across the frequencies
- on high gain, NOS, the volume knob is at 7:00 (Audivina has low impedance)
- I like the headphone stand aspect and the Audivina fits well
- more testing needed but the USB inputs sounds better than the bluetooth input (not a surprise)
- when you leave the unit on with the headphones on it it warms up the earpads to a comfortable level - will be nice in the winter :)
- this is a good value and a desktop space saver

So far pretty happy (until the EF800 comes out)
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Jul 27, 2023 at 6:43 PM Post #204 of 264
Quick impressions after 1 week of ownership and about 20 hours of use (this is an R2R so I will withold all judgement until at least 100 hours). Also these impressions only relate to my favored genre - String Quartet / Chamber Music. May also apply to soft jazz. I am listening with the Audivina which is good for string music - a planar sound with a closed-back flavor. I also prefer the R2R sound compared to other DACs and tubes.

The EF600 (when sufficiently warmed up - maybe at least 30 minutes? I leave mine on all day):
- sounds clean, with low distortion, nicely organic and natural, has good balance across the frequencies
- on high gain, NOS, the volume knob is at 7:00 (Audivina has low impedance)
- I like the headphone stand aspect and the Audivina fits well
- more testing needed but the USB inputs sounds better than the bluetooth input (not a surprise)
- when you leave the unit on with the headphones on it it warms up the earpads to a comfortable level - will be nice in the winter :)
- this is a good value and a desktop space saver

So far pretty happy (until the EF800 comes out)
Thanks for your impressions. The EF600 has finally arrived in AV One in Singapore. To put a fox amongst the chickens, as has the HifiMan Serenade, another R2R DAC/Amp. Decisions decisions. :)
Jul 28, 2023 at 4:20 AM Post #206 of 264
Jul 28, 2023 at 8:44 AM Post #208 of 264
Aug 7, 2023 at 3:42 PM Post #210 of 264
Joshua Valour has now posted this full review on his YouTube channel. A lot is covered in what I feel is too short a time. My feeling is that this reflects how he feels about the product. I‘m getting a bit of a ‘HiFiMan, you can do better than this, NEXT!’ vibe here.

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