Introducing Shanling M7 - Portable Hi-Fi Android Player
Dec 5, 2023 at 9:01 PM Post #496 of 527
1701737628950.pngImagen de WhatsApp 2023-12-04 a las 22.03.32_8278b948.jpg
I was wondering If they shadow tinkered something with the new blue version, since another Chinese reviewer also noticed that the new blue version was way less warmer than the first silver version.
Logical and correct.
Dec 5, 2023 at 9:24 PM Post #497 of 527
1701737628950.pngImagen de WhatsApp 2023-12-04 a las 22.03.32_8278b948.jpg
Hi guys, I'm also joining to the club.
I'm really liking it. It sounds clean and the responsiveness is fast. The bad thing is that I can't figure out how to make my Ibasso dx160 m3u playlist to work on the device...
Anyway, I have played local HiRes files/High gain/Wifi on/Minimum phase Hybrid fast roll-off filter for some continuous hour but I don't find the device unbearably hot at all as some people pointed out, just slightly warm, which is very impressive; It's even colder than my DX160.
I was wondering If they shadow tinkered something with the new blue vesion, since another chinese reviewer also noticed that the new blue version was way less warmer than the first silver version.
Can we get some more pics of this Blue M7 it looks really good! 👀 👀
Dec 6, 2023 at 7:00 AM Post #498 of 527
Can we get some more pics of this Blue M7 it looks really good! 👀 👀
I'm not very good with photos tho. Here you have some:
Dec 6, 2023 at 7:35 AM Post #499 of 527
So far, I'm still holding the same impressions, very happy with it's built quality and the smooth and neutral sound quality.
The dap doesn't turn as hot as I expected; I really expected this to be a nice hand-warmer "winter dap" lol. It does get hotter when I play mqa and dsd files (again, nothing exagerated), but for hires 24bit 96khz flac it's just warm.
I primarily use It in prime mode, which I preferred over using USB player and Neutron. What I really hate about Eddict player is that It doesn't have a scroll slider, so when I have a huge play list (I can't either put them in alphabetical order to search things easier), I have to swipe like no tomorrow in order to get to the bottom which is ofc very tiring and inconvenient to find things without typing them on the search bar (not to mention that I can't remember 1000+ names from the list :rolling_eyes:).
@Shanling please ask the software team to add a slider in order to preserve your users sanity lol :skull:.
Dec 6, 2023 at 9:48 AM Post #500 of 527
So far, I'm still holding the same impressions, very happy with it's built quality and the smooth and neutral sound quality.
The dap doesn't turn as hot as I expected; I really expected this to be a nice hand-warmer "winter dap" lol. It does get hotter when I play mqa and dsd files (again, nothing exagerated), but for hires 24bit 96khz flac it's just warm.
I primarily use It in prime mode, which I preferred over using USB player and Neutron. What I really hate about Eddict player is that It doesn't have a scroll slider, so when I have a huge play list (I can't either put them in alphabetical order to search things easier), I have to swipe like no tomorrow in order to get to the bottom which is ofc very tiring and inconvenient to find things without typing them on the search bar (not to mention that I can't remember 1000+ names from the list :rolling_eyes:).
@Shanling please ask the software team to add a slider in order to preserve your users sanity lol :skull:.
I didn't realize until I got a FiiO M11 Plus ESS as a sort of complementary DAP to my M6 Pro 21, that I really, really like the button layout on the Shanling vs. the FiiO. Having those track buttons on the left and a wheel volume up on the right is so intuitive for me, as everything can be done with the left hand. Having to wrap your fingers all the way around to the right side of the FiiO to change tracks is just so inferior, but I guess it's all what you get used to, and the FiiO layout probably works better for some. But man, the main thing--the Shanling just has synergy with everything and has that Shanling house sound, even with the ESS DAC. Just warm and musical. Not to dis the FiiO, it has a fine sound, but just not quite as musical to my ears.
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Dec 6, 2023 at 12:06 PM Post #501 of 527
I didn't realize until I got an FiiO M11 Plus ESS as a sort of complementary DAP to my M6 Pro 21, that I really, really like the button layout on the Shanling vs. the FiiO. Having those track buttons on the left and a wheel volume on up on the right is so intuitive for me as everything can be done with the left hand. Having to wrap your fingers all the way around to the right side of the FiiO to change tracks is just so inferior for me but I guess it's all what you get used to and the FiiO layout probably works better for some. But man, the main thing--the Shanling just has synergy with everything and has that Shanling house sound, even with the ESS DAC. Just warm and musical. Not to dis the FiiO, it has a fine sound, but just not quite as musical to my ears.
My problem with Fiio mid tier and high end daps is also the hissing; the noise floor is high enough that some of my sensitive IEMs pick the white noise, so I can only play things on low gain. With Shanling It's just pitch black even on high gain.
Another one has to do with ergonomics; square daps are just painful to hold, specially if they have some weight like the M17. The M15S is the only good one in that regard.
Dec 6, 2023 at 1:14 PM Post #502 of 527
My problem with Fiio mid tier and high end daps is also the hissing; the noise floor is high enough that some of my sensitive IEMs pick the white noise, so I can only play things on low gain. With Shanling It's just pitch black even on high gain.
Another one has to do with ergonomics; square daps are just painful to hold, specially if they have some weight like the M17. The M15S is the only good one in that regard.
I usually use over-ears so haven't experienced the hiss, could also be some hifreq hearing loss too! Yes, the square architecture...Shanling's rounded frame is way more comfortable. I have seen the M15S's shape--nice. I wonder if they're going that way going forward. Everyone's anxious to see the M23.
Dec 7, 2023 at 12:13 AM Post #503 of 527
So far, I'm still holding the same impressions, very happy with it's built quality and the smooth and neutral sound quality.
The dap doesn't turn as hot as I expected; I really expected this to be a nice hand-warmer "winter dap" lol. It does get hotter when I play mqa and dsd files (again, nothing exagerated), but for hires 24bit 96khz flac it's just warm.
I primarily use It in prime mode, which I preferred over using USB player and Neutron. What I really hate about Eddict player is that It doesn't have a scroll slider, so when I have a huge play list (I can't either put them in alphabetical order to search things easier), I have to swipe like no tomorrow in order to get to the bottom which is ofc very tiring and inconvenient to find things without typing them on the search bar (not to mention that I can't remember 1000+ names from the list :rolling_eyes:).
@Shanling please ask the software team to add a slider in order to preserve your users sanity lol :skull:.
You want a hand warmer? Wanna swap with mine? 🤪
Apr 10, 2024 at 3:52 AM Post #504 of 527
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 6, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #506 of 527
I recently updated firmware to the latest version. Did Shanling change the sound signature in this update?
I am noticing very hot treble, infact sibilant. The buttery smooth treble is gone.

Any fix ?
Jun 6, 2024 at 5:08 PM Post #507 of 527
M7 has always been more treble-esque
Jun 6, 2024 at 8:26 PM Post #508 of 527
I recently updated firmware to the latest version. Did Shanling change the sound signature in this update?
I am noticing very hot treble, infact sibilant. The buttery smooth treble is gone.

Any fix ?
We don't do sound changes with firmware updates.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Aug 19, 2024 at 2:38 PM Post #510 of 527
After some testing through the weekend, I've decided to jump on the M7 train. It sounds just amazing as I've remembered it from the first listening session some... two years ago? Anyway, the dynamic, the energy, the hard-hitting but layered bass, the energetic mids and the crispy but not overpowering highs are just too addictive. Compared it to M6 Ultra (which was suprisingly good!) and Hiby R6 Pro II, M7 truly stood out as a weapon of a DAP.

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