NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus Release/Impressions Thread
Apr 9, 2024 at 11:46 AM Post #436 of 482
Oh oddly enough I didn't have this issue on my older phone, but my new phone is picky about USB C cable.

The longer USB C cable is buggy, while the shorter ones never have issue.

I wonder if it's similar to this. Never run into this with USB B / Mini B / Micro B cable though. Very odd.....
Apr 9, 2024 at 12:14 PM Post #437 of 482
I was having issues with usb recognition.

Went to settings, sounds and haptics, headphone safety, reset accessories. Then plug in again and it will ask you if you’re plugging in a headphone. Put no and it will work.
Apr 9, 2024 at 2:13 PM Post #439 of 482
I just ordered myself a Pietus Max, for my desk at work. :gs1000smile:

I plan to run it from my old iBasso DX220 with the NuTube AMP9 module.

This should make my Atticus really shine. :)
Apr 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM Post #440 of 482
I just ordered myself a Pietus Max, for my desk at work. :gs1000smile:

I plan to run it from my old iBasso DX220 with the NuTube AMP9 module.

This should make my Atticus really shine. :)
I’ll be debating between the PM and Modi Mulitbit and Vali 3 for my desk.
Apr 9, 2024 at 3:06 PM Post #441 of 482
I’ll be debating between the PM and Modi Mulitbit and Vali 3 for my desk.
For my home listening, where quality is most important to me, I have a Violectric V281 Resissue on its way to me. Very excited to finally upgrade from this old Audio-GD NFB-28, which has served me very well over the years.
Apr 14, 2024 at 9:54 AM Post #442 of 482
Just joined the Pmax club this weekend. Really excited to see what this little box can do. I LOVED what the little Magny Piety did with the sound especially when considering its tiny form factor. Been burning in my Pmax for little over 48 hours before any critical listening. So far I love the warmish sound signature of this amp, a slight but noticeable difference between this and the Piety. Not as tubey sounding but very enjoyable so far. Will report back with more in-depth impression in a few day but overall very excited to listen to this yet another awesome amp from Schiit X Nitsch.
Apr 16, 2024 at 8:17 AM Post #443 of 482
Not getting as much power from this Amp as I thought.

There's no line-out from AMP9 on the DX220 so I have it set to High Gain full volume, and I still need to turn the PiMax almost to full at High Gain as well.

Am I doing something wrong?

Apr 16, 2024 at 9:08 AM Post #444 of 482
Not getting as much power from this Amp as I thought.

There's no line-out from AMP9 on the DX220 so I have it set to High Gain full volume, and I still need to turn the PiMax almost to full at High Gain as well.

Am I doing something wrong?

I had the same "issue" Pietus itself is not a super powerful amp. If you read through the manual you can see it a bit. It becomes a bit more of an allrounder amp


On low gain, the amp is actually in negative gain with medium gain being 0 and high gain 5x gain +15db. At max whack, Pietus is only outputting about 600mw into 300 ohms which is "enough" but also not exactly a powerhouse. You're definitely not crazy though.
Apr 16, 2024 at 9:15 AM Post #445 of 482
I had the same "issue" Pietus itself is not a super powerful amp. If you read through the manual you can see it a bit. It becomes a bit more of an allrounder amp


On low gain, the amp is actually in negative gain with medium gain being 0 and high gain 5x gain +15db. At max whack, Pietus is only outputting about 600mw into 300 ohms which is "enough" but also not exactly a powerhouse. You're definitely not crazy though.
Turns out I was also thrown off by my DAP. The iBasso D220 goes up to 150, and I understandably put it to 100 and thought it was MAX. lol

I'm now getting plenty of volume at 11 o'clock. :L3000:
Apr 16, 2024 at 9:32 AM Post #446 of 482
By the way...

This setup sounds amazing! Atticus has never sounded more lush.

I may bring in my Cayin N6ii with the BurrBrown module tomorrow, and see how that pairs. But right now, I'm loving the NuTubes from AMP9>PIMax>Atticus!
Apr 18, 2024 at 7:54 PM Post #447 of 482
Glad you are loving it! My Pietus has outlasted many amps that have come across my desk. Including one that won't be named at a $2,000 price point. The Pietus reacts very well to source changes so there is definitely plenty to be squeezed out of it. More importantly while I've had other amps that at a brush are more detailed, or a touch more expansive, etc - they all lose out in fatigue or have other issues. Pietus is the every-day amp that is just ready to be listened to, enjoyed and most importantly - can just be left on and forgot about.

I recently did the demo for MJ3 and the Pietus held on. While MJ3 had some technical merit the value proposition wasn't there and the MJ3 would fatigue on longer listening sessions. Pietus had a more ethereal type sound and never wears me down. It was also a touch smoother and wasn't so bass focused - there are other differences but being suitable for long term listening is hugely important.
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Apr 18, 2024 at 9:11 PM Post #448 of 482
Glad you are loving it! My Pietus has outlasted many amps that have come across my desk. Including one that won't be named at a $2,000 price point. The Pietus reacts very well to source changes so there is definitely plenty to be squeezed out of it. More importantly while I've had other amps that at a brush are more detailed, or a touch more expansive, etc - they all lose out in fatigue or have other issues. Pietus is the every-day amp that is just ready to be listened to, enjoyed and most importantly - can just be left on and forgot about.

I recently did the demo for MJ3 and the Pietus held on. While MJ3 had some technical merit the value proposition wasn't there and the MJ3 would fatigue on longer listening sessions. Pietus had a more ethereal type sound and never wears me down. It was also a touch smoother and wasn't so bass focused - there are other differences but being suitable for long term listening is hugely important.
Well, my Violectric V281 Reissue arrived today, so I can definitely say there are "better" amps, but for my work desk setup, the PieMax is more than enough and a pure joy.
Apr 18, 2024 at 10:07 PM Post #449 of 482
To my absolute surprise, the Pmax is giving my $3500 Holo Bliss KTE a run for its money and i think in some occasions, it on par with the Bliss. I think Nitsch has done it again with the Pmax. Its a worthy upgrade over the Magny Piety.
Apr 18, 2024 at 10:41 PM Post #450 of 482
To my absolute surprise, the Pmax is giving my $3500 Holo Bliss KTE a run for its money and i think in some occasions, it on par with the Bliss. I think Nitsch has done it again with the Pmax. Its a worthy upgrade over the Magny Piety.
I have a GS-X Mini that I bought to be the last best SS hpa I’d ever need. I had no desire for super demanding planars like Susvara, and I didn’t even know the Tungsten was in development. I bought the PMax immediately, just because, as soon as it was released. I think the Mini might be going back in the box. I just don’t use it much. I like tubes and high Z sources better for my high Z headphones. The PMax does everything I ever asked of the Mini, plus I can use it with my growing collection of IEMs. I’m going to keep the Mini just in case though,

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