
Is Philphone legit?

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Jul 2, 2022 at 10:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 50


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 14, 2007
Compromised of an Audio Technica ATH AD700x and Fostex TH600 drivers. I do not understand how the builder of the phone is able to source the Fostex drivers. Fostex will not sell drivers and requires some sort of proof of purchase in order to obtain a pair of replacement drivers within the warranty period. To get these drivers you'd have to either use unscrupulous means or you'd have to buy knock-offs from Aliexpress. I've also seen the prices vary in the used classifieds section here on Head-Fi. Some users will say they paid $825 and some say $600. I wish there was a website for ordering and for learning more about the Philphone! @Zerousen
I would rather not say where I source the drivers from but it is not easy
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Jul 2, 2022 at 11:34 AM Post #2 of 50
The headphones are legit, but never have I seen phil say the headphone be using foster drivers. They use biodynamics, but I would like to see where your source of this claim came from, knowing phil myself.
Jul 2, 2022 at 11:58 AM Post #3 of 50
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:06 PM Post #4 of 50
On Den-Fi, says they used to use Foster drivers:
If you read it, it says it has been changed, and this change was longer ago
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:09 PM Post #5 of 50
If you read it, it says it has been changed, and this change was longer ago
I said they "used to" use Foster drivers.
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:18 PM Post #7 of 50
Then my mistake, I apologise.
However, with current philphones, ones that are avaiilable do not use them. Ones in the past during testing stages have but I dont recall him ever selling a philphone with foster drivers.
No worries
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:20 PM Post #8 of 50
Thank you for trying to help clear things up @ValSuki . btw what is Valphonics? Do you have a website?
Ones in the past during testing stages have but I dont recall him ever selling a philphone with foster drivers.
All of them did when you search Philphone.


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Jul 2, 2022 at 12:28 PM Post #9 of 50
Getting replacement drivers was indeed troublesome, however by no means impossible. Those who have been modding fostex headphones here on headfi for a long time should know that there are various channels to obtain them, such as through full compass systems or other audio equipment/replacement parts companies. With that being said, while I did at one point use drivers coming direct through foster/fostex, the tediousness of chiseling the drivers out from their baffles and the problems with using replacement drivers that have not been driver matched was becoming an issue, and consistency would become necessary if I were to want to make sure each unit I made was equal to one another. Thus, I would eventually cut out the middleman, and using information I obtained from friends and connections in the industry, I eventually started working with an oem manufacturer and receive supplies directly from them. Having said all of that, while I may have mentioned earlier on in my endeavors that I used fostex drivers, I would eventually begin to phase out that keyword with fostex driver equivalent, and eventually the more generic term "biodynamic driver". I have never tried to mislead anyone and I have generally always operated on a personal level rather than some sort of business entity. I am not some sort of scammer who has acted on false pretenses as some people, who have either acted in bad faith in the past (and there is plenty of evidence of them doing so), or those who do not know me and are simply parroting what they've heard from these bad actors, have claimed.

I initially did not intend on ever selling Philphone. It was made to fill in what I felt I had been missing, having been in the audio hobby for several years and yet never being able to settle or be satisfied with anything I had tried or purchased. Early on, I ran into many problems. I did not have the money or the equipment necessary for me to troubleshoot some things such as channel matching or tuning other than to use my own ears. I had many drivers sitting around at that point and figured that since I had friends with ties in the audio industry, I might as well build a couple of sets and send them to those who could give me measurements and feedback, and to my surprise, these early Philphone prototypes were very well received, and I was encouraged to start making them for others who were interested.

Now here is where the price discrepancies get addressed. At the time (roughly Fall of 2019), I was occasionally making detachable cable mods to fund my hobbies, an MH755 here, a KSC75 there. I was still going to school and I worked a job at the local UPS store. I was nowhere near established or well known enough to start selling any real product, so it wouldn't have made any sense for me to start selling something for too much, right?
So, when people first started catching on about my projects (friends, family, acquaintances), I started out with a price that I considered to have been fair enough for people who liked me and wanted to support what I was doing, and as early adopters. I operated solely based on a community level, and slowly people would come to know of me and my headphones through word of mouth. As time went on, the world was hit with the COVID-19 pandemic. All sorts of costs would go up, whether it be everyday necessities, materials, or shipping. Work hours were cut, and people were made to stay in their homes. As these costs would ramp up, so too did the demand for my headphones and services, so I would eventually come to rely on this as my primary source of income, and the early adopter prices that I initially offered would not suffice for the amount of time, labor, and costs that were required for me to keep everything going.

I hope this helps shed light on some things and that some of the questions that people have been asking about have been answered. Before my aspirations to start my a business to support myself and my family, I am an avid audio community member. All of the support I have been getting so far has been unprecedented, and I will always be grateful for all of my friends in the audio discord and reddit communities, as well as those in the industry. On the other hand, the animosity and vitriol that has been both subtly and unsubtly directed towards me and those who support me has been recognized, but I refuse to let that become an issue for me and I will soon be taking countermeasures towards these threats in order to protect myself. I hope that everyone is getting by well enough in these trying times and I am looking forward to when things will get better.

By the way, I will be attending Canjam SoCal 2022 this year, not as an exhibitor or press but as a regular attendee. So, if you see a random guy carrying around a Philphone that's been painted red, feel free to stop by to say hi! :darthsmile:
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:35 PM Post #10 of 50
Compromised of an Audio Technica ATH AD700x and Fostex TH600 drivers. I do not understand how the builder of the phone is able to source the Fostex drivers. Fostex will not sell drivers and requires some sort of proof of purchase in order to obtain a pair of replacement drivers within the warranty period. To get these drivers you'd have to either use unscrupulous means or you'd have to buy knock-offs from Aliexpress. I've also seen the prices vary in the used classifieds section here on Head-Fi. Some users will say they paid $825 and some say $600. I wish there was a website for ordering and for learning more about the Philphone! @Zerousen

Alot of us know Phil. So while it may come out with a conflict-of-interest, I would still like to act as a guarantor that the person isn't shady.

I am not trying to bully if lots of responses build up on you about this. I am sorry if so. It is a fair question that you are asking.
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Jul 2, 2022 at 12:46 PM Post #11 of 50
Those who have been modding fostex headphones here on headfi for a long time should know that there are various channels to obtain them, such as through full compass systems or other audio equipment/replacement parts companies.
Would you mind sharing this info on how to source that way I may build my own Fostex Frankensteins? Thank you! From what I've gathered, Full Compass hasn't sold replacement drivers in a long while without proof of ownership.

the tediousness of chiseling the drivers out from their baffles
Nevermind then. I'd rather buy some from Aliexpress too.

I would eventually begin to phase out that keyword with fostex driver equivalent, and eventually the more generic term "biodynamic driver"
So for awhile the keyword "Fostex" was incorrect?

I am not some sort of scammer who has acted on false pretenses as some people, who have either acted in bad faith in the past (and there is plenty of evidence of them doing so)
Oh wow that sucks. I dont use reddit or discord so Ive not seen these accusations. Would you mind linking to some of these evidences because Id like to know who is spreading these vile rumors.

so I would eventually come to rely on this as my primary source of income, and the early adopter prices that I initially offered would not suffice for the amount of time, labor, and costs that were required for me to keep everything going.
I see. So what was the original price and what is the price now? And do you have a website for ordering?

On the other hand, the animosity and vitriol that has been both subtly and unsubtly directed towards me and those who support me has been recognized, but I refuse to let that become an issue for me and I will soon be taking countermeasures towards these threats in order to protect myself.
What do you plan to do? There is no cure for internet trolls afaik unless you own the website and have powers to censor.

Alot of us know Phil. So while it may come out with a conflict-of-interest, I would still like to act as a guarantor that the person isn't shady.

I am not trying to bully if lots of responses build up on you about this. I am sorry if so. It is a fair question that you are asking.
I appreciate that and I trust you. Thanks.
Jul 2, 2022 at 12:55 PM Post #12 of 50
Thanks for the clarification Phil! I’m glad there’s a thread on this now, so people can have a place to discuss what is (IMO) the best “basshead” headphone out there.

For those curious about the product (as there’s been surprisingly little discussion about the sound itself) i’ll drop some impressions here. This is Head-fi after all! :)


Basically… I don’t think I’ve ever heard a better basshead/V-shape headphone.

Not only was it more slammy/thumpy than the TH900, Focal Clear, and Aurorus Borealis (from memory), but it also had incredible bass texture. Yes, it’s elevated quite a bit in the bass, but like its biodynamic brethren, when yr listening to it, you wouldn’t have it any other way.

The mids, while a little scooped in the center midrange, never really bothered me or made me feel like things were missing, likely due to its slightly W-shaped frequency response. The textural coherence and shape of overtones all seemed to be close enough to where I like it that I wasn’t bothered in the slightest.

My only gripe (and even this is just a nitpick) is the mid-treble, which was a little too elevated for my taste, but weirdly i’ve even heard certain Sennheiser HD6x0 series headphones have more bothersome treble than Philphone did.

The biggest surprise for me was actually the imaging/stage though; it was very very coherent and panoramic in the presentation of front-left and front-right and overall sounded super big! The bass does crowd the center stage slightly, but it’s such awesome bass that it’s almost like that’s a benefit rather than a detriment.

As far as other intangibles like detail/res, it’s hard to say for sure because my time was brief, but I actually think it’s more resolving than TH900, especially because the imaging is so so much better.

The TL;DR is that Philphone is the best open back dynamic driver basshead/V-shape headphone out there, and beats most if not all closed back dynamics in that arena too.

For $750 it is an absolute steal relative to its competition. There is truly nothing else like it.
Last edited: Stay updated on at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 2, 2022 at 1:25 PM Post #13 of 50
Would you mind sharing this info on how to source that way I may build my own Fostex Frankensteins? Thank you! From what I've gathered, Full Compass hasn't sold replacement drivers in a long while without proof of ownership.
There are many items that may not be listed on their website, but if you can obtain the part numbers you should be able to contact them through email or phone and order your own. They may or may not ask for a serial number depending on the model but if you know someone with a serial number then that's not so hard to do.
So for awhile the keyword "Fostex" was incorrect?
Yes, you could say that. As I no longer receive the drivers specifically from fostex, either directly or indirectly, they are not fostex drivers.
Oh wow that sucks. I dont use reddit or discord so Ive not seen these accusations. Would you mind linking to some of these evidences because Id like to know who is spreading these vile rumors.
I would rather not give these individuals any more recognition than they deserve, so I will only provide such evidence in retaliation or self defense. With that being said, those who have been a part of some audio discord communities or even reddit are likely to know who some of them are.
I see. So what was the original price and what is the price now? And do you have a website for ordering?
I don't believe my original price would be very relevant now, but the current pricing for a set is $750 USD shipped within the US, before any further modifications such as custom paint or balanced cable support. I do not currently have any plans to increase or decrease it, however that is up to the future to decide. I do not have a public listing for them as I am not yet prepared for a bigger order volume than I am currently at, so I would need to be contacted directly for such inquiries and orders, however I do run a small etsy shop for KSC75 detachable cable mods:
What do you plan to do? There is no cure for internet trolls afaik unless you own the website and have powers to censor.
I would rather not disclose the steps I will be taking in order to protect myself, as I feel that would defeat the purpose.
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Jul 2, 2022 at 2:03 PM Post #14 of 50
There are many items that may not be listed on their website, but if you can obtain the part numbers you should be able to contact them through email or phone and order your own. They may or may not ask for a serial number depending on the model but if you know someone with a serial number then that's not so hard to do.
So you dont need proof of purchase, just a serial no.? Which serial no.? Like the one thats on the headband? If so, then images of those are easy to find with a google. If its a serial no. printed on the box then that would require some sharp eyes, I probably would start by looking at classifieds on eBay.

Are you only allowed one replacement pair per serial no.? That would be important info to know if youre buying a set of Fostex.

Yes, you could say that. As I no longer receive the drivers specifically from fostex, either directly or indirectly, they are not fostex drivers.
So just to be clear, for a period you were selling non-Fostex drivers while claiming Fostex drivers? Im glad that is no longer the case.

I would rather not give these individuals any more recognition than they deserve, so I will only provide such evidence in retaliation or self defense. With that being said, those who have been a part of some audio discord communities or even reddit are likely to know who some of them are.
Will anyone link? What did they say? I cant imagine why they’d target you @Zerousen . You said you have ties in the industry, could it be salty competitors?

I would rather not disclose the steps I will be taking in order to protect myself, as I feel that would defeat the purpose.
Im guessing you have some secret dirt or personal info. I hope those villians dont continue to push their luck.
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Jul 2, 2022 at 2:10 PM Post #15 of 50
The textural coherence and shape of overtones all seemed to be close enough

What do those words mean? Im not familiar with all the audio lingo... And even within the adjectives Im familiar I know there is still plenty definition discrepancies even amongst veteran amateurs. Professionals on the other hand are without reproach (please dont ban me).
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