Sugden Headmaster??? MBriant???
Aug 24, 2001 at 6:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 13, 2001
I know a few of you own this amp and I would like some more information on it. I like British gear, Arcam, Cambridge Audio and Wharfedale so why not Sugden.

I was looking at the MG HEAD(to go with my HD600s) as it's more in my budget...but I would not mind upgrading the pre amp section of my Arcam Delta 290 as well. I would have bought the AQ2004 preamp from ASL....Total cost of both units in Canada would be $900.00...So the Sugden's price difference may not be that large.

I like the Tube idea but some have complained a bit about bass response...and frankly when you start adding up tube replacement costs and reliability issues etc then perhaps SS is the way to go...despite what Stereophile claims.

However, I don't want to sacrifice sound quality.

I listen to a fair bit of Classical and Jazz, but I also listen to Sarah McLaughlin(like that new Trance CD...lots of bass), Madonna(I admit it) and other dance and pop rock....basically everything except rap.

I need to know how well the headmaster performs as a pre-amp...because I may eventually seel my Integrated to get a power amp. Does it outperform the MG HEAD?

Sugden has always made excellent (and sometimes giant killing) equipment. So if you know of some reviews I could check out and how much it retails in Canada for, I would much appreciate it.

I live in Nanaimo,BC. so hopefully Sugden is sold in the Greater Victoria area.
Aug 24, 2001 at 6:55 PM Post #2 of 24
The MG Head DT, while it can function as a pre-amp, only has a mini-jack line out. I think that shows that they didn't really design it as a high-quality pre-amp. My Wheatfield HA-1, however, works wonders as a pre-amp.

I, too, am considering the Sugden Headmaster because it has three inputs, vs. the HA-1's 1 input. If there aren't any stores in Canada selling the Headmaster for a reasonable price, you can order from -- they will sell you a demo Headmaster for around $630 US, shipped. A new one from them goes for about $700 US, I believe.

I also listen almost exclusively to classical and jazz (but, I'm proud to say, no Sara McLaughlin or Madonna
), so if I get the Headmaster first, I'll be sure to let you know what I think.

EDIT: Please notice that I fixed the link. Enjoy!
Aug 24, 2001 at 7:35 PM Post #3 of 24
I don't think it's available anywhere in the country. At least it wasn't when I bought mine.

The Sugden is a great amp. It is extremely transparent and revealing. Get ready to hear the poor mastering job on your pop cd's for the first time. Likewise well recorded discs will take your breath away. And the build quality is just exquisite. The main weakness is it lacks just a bit on the bottom end.

So, if you like your bass and Britney Spears, look elsewhere.

BTW tube amps can deliver incredible lower registers, you just have to pay a little more to get the total package.
Aug 24, 2001 at 7:44 PM Post #4 of 24
I've never used the Headmaster as a pre-amp, but based on it's performance as a headphone amp, I'd imagine it's quite good. It's dead silent, and extremely transparent. It doesn't appear to colour the sound at all. The build quality is excellent.

I very much like both the MG Head and the Headmaster even though they are definately different amps. The MG Head (like most tube equipment) is a little more forgiving of poorer sources as ( like most tube equipment ) it adds a certain "smoothness" to the sound. The Headmaster is extremely powerful and more than able to power and bring the best out of any of my headphones from the high efficiency Denon 950's to the low efficiency AKG 501's.

Personally, I like the bass that both amps produce....and don't find either to be weak as others have found. Perhaps if you're bass hungry you can add some sort of equalization ( although I know that's frowned upon in some circles.)

Like Joelongwood, I've aquired too much headphone equipment in too short a period of time to be able to critically A-B each piece against each other, but the Headmaster is without a doubt my favourite amp. The three inputs are handy if you have multiple sources and of course the pre-amp option is a bonus.

DanG: The MG Head doesn't have a line out. It has 2 line inputs....a 1/8" mini-jack ( which is handy for hooking up portable sources) and standard RCA jacks and has a 1/4" and 1/8" headphone jacks.
Aug 24, 2001 at 8:51 PM Post #5 of 24
Madonna sucks. She's a bipedal terrorist corporation created to drain the lunch money from bazillions of teenagers. She's #4 on my top ten things I could do without... right below #3: small scale nuclear attacks. Come to think of it, most pop music is horrendously lame. It grates my eardrums into swiss cheese topping.

Here's a link to a sound file I created. This is what you would hear if you could crawl into my brain and listen to Britney Spears:
Aug 24, 2001 at 9:06 PM Post #6 of 24
don't compare Madonna to Britney. One will be around still putting out albums in 5 won't.

Yes, Madonna got me in my teen years(got me through puberty in the nicest, if not aliitle warped, way as well).

Madonna is an average singer, average dancer, with average looks .... But she is terrific at putting on a show.

At least Madonna can sing a bit in her own limited octaves....which is far more than the like of Michael Jackson, Britney spears, The Spice Girls and every boy group from New Kids on the Block to whatever flavour is out this month.

You can say a lot about Madonna, but alas she has stood the test of time ... almost twenty years...and whether I like a band or not...if you last 20've done a bit more than marketing.

One could easily argue the same about the Stones...but I would likely get thrashed.
Aug 24, 2001 at 9:11 PM Post #7 of 24
I noticed you have the HD580s...Stereophile said they prefered these phones with tubes. I realise you like the Headmaster best...but mentioned them with other phones.

I have to say the 3 inputs are a plus especially if it has a phono input.

It seems like both are good products and I won't go too far wrong with either.
Aug 24, 2001 at 9:20 PM Post #8 of 24
Gotta agree w/ RGA about Madonna. She's no fad, unlike most of the boy/girl-bands nowadays. And I like some of her songs.
Aug 24, 2001 at 10:21 PM Post #10 of 24

Originally posted by Nikolai Dot Org
Madonna sucks. She's a bipedal terrorist corporation created to drain the lunch money from bazillions of teenagers. She's #4 on my top ten things I could do without... right below #3: small scale nuclear attacks. Come to think of it, most pop music is horrendously lame. It grates my eardrums into swiss cheese topping.

Here's a link to a sound file I created. This is what you would hear if you could crawl into my brain and listen to Britney Spears:

I used to hate Madonna when I was younger. Now, I have more ballanced opinion about her. I wouldn't put her name and sucks in one sentance nowadays. "Music" is a very mature album in any respect, sound included. I think she is trying to turn from a pop girl to a mature artist (it's about a time) and she is doing just fine.
Nikolai Dot Org, i don't know how old are you, but trust me, you'll change your opinion in 10 years. About Britney, yeah don't dare to compare them, it's like comparind Beethowen to Vagner
Aug 24, 2001 at 11:18 PM Post #11 of 24
Excuse me? I hope you aren't insinuating that due to my tender age of 30, I lack the maturity to fully appreciate Madonna's musical sensibilities. I have indeed given the subject a comprehensive, objective review... which only strengthens my opinion that Madonna, while a brilliant marketer and media icon, lacks critical substance in her work.

If Madonna's style has "matured" according to many, I question why the continuous reliance upon other genres and styles? Does donning a cowboy hat, kimono, S&M gear, or holy robes confer the essence of what such fashion was born from? Looking around my neighborhood at the masses of bejewelled, SUV-driving pig women (thank you George Carlin), I think not. Indeed, the success of Madonna's turnaround album, Ray of Light, can largely be attributed to William Orbit. Check out his Strange Cargo series. Strangely familiar vibe, huh?

I guess I'm not impressed by the endless stream of mainstream media hype surrounding her. The multiple jump-cuts, big hooks, and overblown stage productions is just more of the same old thing in a new wrapper.

In America, packaging is everything.

It has been said that good artists create, and great artists steal. If this definition of genius is correct, Madonna is the greatest artist the world has ever known.

Granted, this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


P.S. I'm not trying to start a flame war. This forum is about high fidelity audio... which I have much respect for. That, assuredly, is something we all have in common here.
Aug 24, 2001 at 11:32 PM Post #12 of 24
No joke Nikolai, I wish I could put my thoughts in such a high level English, unfortunately it is my third language.
Abot the hat I dunno man, you're from Dallas. We in Europe tend to think that everyone in Texas (some folks generalize this statement to all Ameica) wear a hat like that all the time.
Ofcourse, it is a taste issue. I didn't want to insult you and if I have done so, my appologies. You're right, Madonna or not this is a head-fi forum.
Aug 24, 2001 at 11:36 PM Post #13 of 24
RGA: I know I'm going against the grain here but IMO, the Senn 580's benefit most from the Headmaster's transparancy and high power. I find the Senn's to be a little on the warm side ( compared to my favourites....Grado 325's) and the SS Headmaster seems to compliment them nicely.
Aug 24, 2001 at 11:53 PM Post #14 of 24
No offense taken, mon. At all. My opinions are strong, I'll admit. Having George Carlin's sense of humor contributes to that. I hope I didn't burn anyone else's eardrums around here. It's a serious faux pas to belittle audioheads. We know our schtuff!

By the way, if you liked the direction Madonna took with Ray of Light... electronica embraced in a pop-friendly format... why not go directly to the source?

William Orbit's Strange Cargo series is a good place to start. Another pop-friendly artist is Howie B... although his latest album is suprisingly experimental and challenging (but good). For a deeper journey into the genre, there's always Beacoup Fish by Underworld. The track "Jumbo" is... undeniably exceptional. Deeper still is Music Has The Right To Children by Boards of Canada. Near the ocean floor lies amazing electronic works such as the classic 2-CD set Lifeforms by Future Sound of London. Their ISDN CD is also worth getting.

The deeper you go, the more challenging it gets. Dive slowly to avoid getting the bends.

I just picked up a very limited edition CD by Bola called Soup. Bola Soup... get it? It's from a meager 2000-CD run on the Skam label... a label which all industry insiders revere with awe.

Needless to say, it's positively incredible. Find it!

Ok... back to discussions of the Sugden...
Aug 24, 2001 at 11:57 PM Post #15 of 24
This always seems to go back to who stole what from who and whether they have "critical substance," or are "mainstream" or not.

I suppose it comes down to what you are taking from a song or artist. If I want a political messege I'll read the news or take a History course at University(both of which I do). I suppose I could get it from Jackson Browne as well - but really it's just a song.

I laugh at the arguments over Mainstream music cause as soon as anyone gets popular they're mainstream....regardless of what music they play. So in other words the non talent hacks are good cause they're not mainstream??

Or we could all worship Bob Dylan the rock GOD...Never mind that the guy couldn't carry a tune to save his life...after all it's the lyrics that count more right? Wait a minute...If lyrics is what counts more and the substance of those lyrics - then why aren't people reading poetry - there are FAR FAR better poets tha Dylan.

Music IMO can be more than just a meaningless song...if it has a message that's fine( I like Jackson Browne) but that's cause I like his sound...if all he had was a message...I wouldn't buy.

Getting back to Madonna...She is not trying to make a big statement on life(although Like A Prayer may have been a start to some depth with regards to religious issues and then following with more personnal work). I believe she has vastly grown up past her first 2 or 3 albums. That said, she is a pop singer aiming at Dance and soft rock crowds.

I don't believe she should be penalised for her popularity, or be ripped apart as a singer because she happens to love the camera...She is a far better singer than people give her credit for and her tunes are easy to listen and dance to. Yes there are better singers that don't gain the popularity...but hey, that ain't Madonna's fault.

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