Violectric HPA V550 - Blue's Brother and the successor to the V281
Mar 22, 2024 at 7:22 PM Post #1,036 of 1,136
Just wanted to say: after around 40 hours of burn-in it's getting more and more obvious to me: this device is bringing the source and the technical destination step forward, I would feel confident to state: this amplifier might not be able to make the DAC better(of course he is not), but he's very well capable of improving the capabilities of the headphone, even if it's low-impedance and does not perform on the same financial level as the amplifier (+50%) does. I heard this album hundreds of times since it was released in '94, but I never felt the bass, the guitar and even the voice of the singer as much vibrating, so lively as with this amplifier. And I heard it at least 30 times with the same chain, just without the v550. Thanks to The Jesus And Mary Chain and not the least @fdg and his team. Sometimes it fits better the other way around, especially if you're quite a bit fed up finding a suitable closed back and you decided to better save your money for HE-R10P. finally I'm very happy with the v550, and Mojo2 and 9200 maybe don't cut it like a buffalo, but they cut it well.
Mar 22, 2024 at 7:32 PM Post #1,037 of 1,136
Just wanted to say: after around 40 hours of burn-in it's getting more and more obvious to me: this device is bringing the source and the technical destination step forward, I would feel confident to state: this amplifier might not be able to make the DAC better(of course he is not), but he's very well capable of improving the capabilities of the headphone, even if it's low-impedance and does not perform on the same financial level as the amplifier (+50%) does. I heard this album hundreds of times since it was released in '94, but I never felt the bass, the guitar and even the voice of the singer as much vibrating, so lively as with this amplifier. And I heard it at least 30 times with the same chain, just without the v550. Thanks to The Jesus And Mary Chain and not the least @fdg and his team. Sometimes it fits better the other way around, especially if you're quite a bit fed up finding a suitable closed back and you decided to better save your money for HE-R10P. finally I'm very happy with the v550, and Mojo2 and 9200 maybe don't cut it like a buffalo, but they cut it well.
Enjoyed this read very much! I have a similar experience, the v550 is a resolution monster
Mar 22, 2024 at 8:19 PM Post #1,038 of 1,136
Enjoyed this read very much! I have a similar experience, the v550 is a resolution monster
Thanks, you're welcome! As this is a neutral amp and because of his -let's say philosophy- to do less but do it well, I got to notice this one. As we know he's performing neutral, but I had to tame down my +3dB configuration at the 20-125Hz peak in the DAC (so no EQ necessary), because of bass-frequencies came to life with this headphones because of the sheer power/voltage/current of this amp.
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Mar 22, 2024 at 8:21 PM Post #1,039 of 1,136
I forgot: Finally I would encourage the reader to invest in a good amplifier, even if it does obviously overperform in comparison to your current gear. As always, the whole chain shines more with one better component.
This way did it -at least for me. YMMV, as always…
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Mar 23, 2024 at 6:48 AM Post #1,041 of 1,136
Device has arrived and is in use since yesterday.
Just a question, a thought and a fact/an information, from what I remember I didn't come across these during reading the thread:
Fact: the remote control doesn't need to be pointed at the receiver on the device to address the function you desire by pressing the button on the remote.
Thougt: it seems to be possible to connect two different amplifiers to the line output (XLR/RCA) with two different amplifiers letting the amplifier work by switching on or off the desired targeted amplifier.
Question: how many hours approximately do you consider the device to be burned in?
Question#2: do you think every output and input of the amplifier does need burn-in?
Fact#2: this device is a functionality monster, even if the motto do less BUT DO it well is preserved.

1) What's the exact use case for hooking up other amps to the V550? Are you hooking up power amps?
2) Are you asking if you can select ON/OFF independantly between XLR and RCA out via the remote?

In any case remember that you have to make a choice if the V550 Pro outputs a fixed output or if the output is regulated by its volume control and thus you have to accomodate for it by regulating the other amps behind it. Don't use PRE FADER on a poweramp.

Q 1) 300h should be safe, personally I advise just to listen along the way and don't worry about any number.
Q 2) Absolutely.
Mar 23, 2024 at 2:33 PM Post #1,042 of 1,136
1) What's the exact use case for hooking up other amps to the V550? Are you hooking up power amps?
2) Are you asking if you can select ON/OFF independantly between XLR and RCA out via the remote?

In any case remember that you have to make a choice if the V550 Pro outputs a fixed output or if the output is regulated by its volume control and thus you have to accomodate for it by regulating the other amps behind it. Don't use PRE FADER on a poweramp.

Q 1) 300h should be safe, personally I advise just to listen along the way and don't worry about any number.
Q 2) Absolutely.
Thanks for caring again. I'm planning to perform the following scenario: I would still like to connect my RNHP via XLR with the 550. One of the next steps would be to connect a tube headphone amplifier (non-OTL) via RCA-also with the V550. My two goals would be: temporarily power on the tube headphone amplifier (mandatory). The RNP remains on the XLR output of the 550, is switched on temporarily but _only_ at times while the tube headphone amplifier is switched off. My understanding is, switching on/off of both tube and solid-state headphone amplifier has to be done manually anyway, _so remotely switching between XLR/RCA-output isn't necessary_. (sorry for pumping up this part of the text, could've been much shorter)
I have chosen POST at the back of the V550 in order to use his remote control as volume regulator for my physically following headphone amplifier(s) (currently only RNHP, tube Headphone amp will follow as stated above).
I don't think I have ever come across the PRE FADER option. I think anyway, with the term poweramp you're speaking about an amplifier capable of powering speakers, or is this also meant for Headphone amplifiers? In any case, I will look out for this option and be prepared to deal with it in the way you recommended it.
I'm also aware, my prosaic writing style is a bit time-consuming for the reader too, but I'm working on that. So I'll stop here, but will come back with questions later for sure.

Burn-in should not concern me really any more? because SQ already extremely good!!
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Mar 23, 2024 at 4:45 PM Post #1,043 of 1,136
Prefader is needed for passthrough so that the following device regulates the volume. Some guys use poweramps to drive cans like the HE-6/Susvara etc. so in that case only POST Fader should be active, else you'll blow your headphones. Afair one guy blew his Susvara (connected to a Benchmark power amp) by pressing the pre/post on his US4.
Mar 23, 2024 at 7:25 PM Post #1,044 of 1,136
Prefader is needed for passthrough so that the following device regulates the volume. Some guys use poweramps to drive cans like the HE-6/Susvara etc. so in that case only POST Fader should be active, else you'll blow your headphones. Afair one guy blew his Susvara (connected to a Benchmark power amp) by pressing the pre/post on his US4.
Just to get it right for me: I adjust to POST (has already happened) on the v550 (please see attached picture from my installation process), to guarantee, that _only_ the V550's volume-knob is able to determine the power output of the following amp? (in order not to blow my headphones in a following amp). It's in any case safe to start out the volume adjustment process with the volume at 0, I got that straight already, aren't I right? Nice story with blowing headphones you told BTW


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Mar 25, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #1,045 of 1,136
of course I read the manual and am confident to handle every aspect of this amp's functionality correctly. Thanks for your help and hints!

During yesterday's listening session amongst other qualities the black background (and a more Live stage/natural but intimate sound) stood out with Lou Reed/John Cale's "Songs For Drella". Although having the already mentioned simple chain, apart from the v550, the listening experience was so intense that I couldn't just listen to another album. I listened to that mostly acoustic album very very, very often in the last 30+ years, and the difference for me got very apparent again. Enough of praise, I get used to it, OK.
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Mar 26, 2024 at 4:43 AM Post #1,046 of 1,136
I saw your post on Denon D9200 topic. May I ask what headphones do you pair with V550? I tried Denon D9200 with V550 but unfortunately I feel bright and fatigue and the scale was just little compare to HD650 scales up alot with this amp. In the end I just use HD650 with V550 exclusively.
Mar 26, 2024 at 7:49 AM Post #1,047 of 1,136
I saw your post on Denon D9200 topic. May I ask what headphones do you pair with V550? I tried Denon D9200 with V550 but unfortunately I feel bright and fatigue and the scale was just little compare to HD650 scales up alot with this amp. In the end I just use HD650 with V550 exclusively.
Someone already prepared me in advance that the 9200 wouldn't scale that much(someone in a conversation not in this thread), this is somewhat true on one hand in my case, too, on the other hand, it's enough (XLR to headphone) to leave an immersive impression. I did not feel fatigued, but the presentation was so vivid and left me stunned about what I just heard. It may be due to the genre/style of the music, so is my thinking to date. I also put in some softer tunes, was stunned nevertheless, presentation vivid and immersive.

I'm much too early in the burn-in process (50 hours approximately) to say fatigue is appearing or gets persistent. My other headphones cannot assist me in the process, because the 9200 is the only one I can drive via XLR, and I wanted to burn-in the best sounding path first to be able to reach 300 hours before my timeframe of returning back would end.

(my first above €200 Headphone (RS2e) some years ago I (very unhappily, I hope they have other not so bright sounding ones) had to send back because of the fact that his brightness left a persistent and very physical impression, but it took me three weeks to get realistic about it, I desperately would have kept them, but I couldn't keep them just to look at them. I guess I'm still reacting to too much brightness and resulting fatigue.)
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Mar 27, 2024 at 5:05 PM Post #1,049 of 1,136
What the v550 is doing to my Elysian annihilator right now is honestly remarkable … just WOW 🤯
Mar 27, 2024 at 5:35 PM Post #1,050 of 1,136
:wink: well remembered. I thought about buying the 600 or 650, but I wasn't sure. Especially about the resolution in comparison to the 9200. Scaling with a 550 is one thing, but if it's only scaling to 90% of the 9200, this isn't enough in my eyes(years). To which number would you specify the final 550-supported scaling factor, 6XX to 9200, are they even on resolution?


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