General Information

Brand Softears - high-end flagships IEM "RS10" (REFERENCE SOUND 10BA)

I guess this is probably the big hitter and Softear's showcase design. A really popular IEM that is considered to be near-perfect in every way. Softears is not without competition, though. There are other Chinese high-end brands. But this one gets a lot of praise.

complex 5-way design with 10 BA drivers
linear-tuned frequency response with sub-bass boost
flat impedance
near-linear acoustic phase
available as custom or universal-fit
built-in pressure relief through passive speakers (not counted towards driver count)
quite power-hungry for an IEM
price around 2,000 - 2,200 USD

Latest reviews


Headphoneus Supremus
Big Disappointment
Pros: - Mids
- Details and Resolution
- Fancy Shell
Cons: - Bass performance
- Cold and Lifeless
- Treble Peaks
- Treble Dips
- Harsh Treble
- Soundstage
- Layering
- Turthy Sound Signature :D :D :D
I did ask Softears for a demo unit, but they were not willing to provide me one as soon as i told them what In-Ear i already own. Crazy, i never got a reply from them back. But a friend of mine (who does not want to be called out because he is ashamed) lent me his unit for review.

If Softears wants >=2000€ for this. I _have_ to compare it against the IER-M9. Its not my fault, they are asking for that high price, they have to compete against the best. Because I have it here right now, I’ll also throw the FiiO FA9 into the mix, why not. Also (its not an All-BA Though) because of the price, I’ll throw the IER-Z1R into the mix.

I am surprised that it is that expensive, because SoftEars is an unkown chinese company with no reputation who doesn't even tell you who made their drivers... very strange.

But unlike UlitmateEars, VisionEars, FitEar or JustEar, they don’t offer Custom IEM. They say on their homepage they do, but this is just marketing, they don’t. Ask them, they don’t. They just lie.

Its my duty to protect you from horrendous chinese rip-offs, and that is what I am going to do.

First of all, I don’t know how the graph of this In-Ear looks like, I will watch it after I finished listening to it, but I did already do my mandatory frequency response test by ear (which is more important than graphs to me).

So I am listening to a frequency response test file that sweeps from 20Hz to 20Khz and, except for tuning(!) I expect it to be flat.

I test the IER-M9 → perfectly flat, no peaks, no dips whatsoever. Just perfect.

I test the IER-Z1R → almost perfectly flat not as good as the M9 but no significant peaks or dips. A tiny bit wonky.

I test the FiiO FA9 → almost perfectly flat. Its a bit wonky too (more than the Z1R) in the treble, but very very good, especially given its price and that a single (double) BA covers its whole treble.

I test the RS10 → There is an unpleasant peak in the lower treble that is painful to listen to and right after the peak, there is an dip that is that strong, that the treble completely disappears for a short time. I've heard single DD that perform better, given that this is an 10 BA... this is pretty bad.

The overall sound after listening to a few songs can best be described as monitoring like… I guess. But (I am 100% sure of that) you can not use it for monitoring or mixing or mastering. This In-Ear gives you nowhere the accuracy needed for that. It is not an professional Tool.

The first song I always start my reviews with is “Let it die” from ReoNa (96kHz, 24bit, for those who care). The first thing I instantly notice is an issue, the FA9 also does have and the Monarch Mk2 does have, there is 0 Soundstage. Nothing.

The guitars sound a little… oh man that's hard to describe. Disconnected is the best term. Not bad but… wait, its an >2000€ In-Ear. Its bad. They sound disconnected. Disconnected from the piano and also disconnected from the Drumkit. This is an issue I also had with the Dusk (which comes instantly into mind) where I called it “All over the place layering”. Things are in different layers that are not supposed to be in different layers. It gives you the illusion that you can hear it more clearly/in detail, but the resolution is actually worse than with the IER-M9 and i'd even say below the level of the FA9.

You can already hear it when the guitars play, but as soon the Drum kicks in, its like “In your face” obvious. Not everyone is an soundstage guy and of course, the IER-Z1R is an insane competitor with maybe the biggest soundstage at all (of In-Ear) but the IER-M9 soundstage is significantly larger too. It makes everything sound a bit claustrophobic and it starts to get very noisy fast.

Even though they are all in different layers, they mush together as soon everything plays. The instruments have no space, the sound is not expanding, its just there. Resolution and detail take a big hit at that point but, given the situation, it is still surprisingly well resolving. But i think this is mostly due to its weird tuning. Tune the In-Ear in a way where a lot of things are no longer strongly audible, especially lower mids, and it gives you the feeling of an more resolving In-Ear.

In reality you hear the same (or less) amount of resolution, its just easier to focus on. Because its easier to focus on, you hear it better and you think you hear more of it. But this also causes everything to sound dead and sterile because important informations of the song that give body to the instruments are suddenly missing.

Nowhere near the Z1R or M9, but still. I’d say its at the level of the FA9. The FA9 sounds warmer but it also makes the guitars sound disconnected.

So by listening to the first 15 seconds of a song, I can already say, the RS10 is comparable to the FA9 and is nowhere near the M9 or Z1R, not even close. It makes no sense comparing these but this is the price Softear is asking for. Again, they want it, they get it.

I like the attack on the snare drum, but only the attack. The impact on the snare is pretty dead and it has no character. The second where all instruments start to play at once caused a painful sound in my ears. Only this specific moment, but it was there every time.

The voice sounds extremely sharp and the “s” hurt my eardrum, I assume (?) this is the peak I heard in the frequency response, but not sure. Her voice isn’t that high… maybe its just more forward in that frequency range where she is singing. I don't get it, but its painful.

But actually the voice is louder with the IER-M9, so somehow its more forward on the M9, but just less piercing. I don’t know what exactly the issue is here, but its not good.

Another big issue is, everything sounds pretty dead and lifeless. The impact of the bass drum is nowhere close to the M9 or Z1R. The attack, again, sounds pretty nice as its very clear and high resolved, but the impact is just lost. Especially the guitars that play in the lower mids sound very very dead. Highly disappointing.

The FA9 is no match at all for the M9, but compared to the RS10, it performs surprisingly well! It inherits most issues the RS10 has, but the guitars have much more body and the layering isn’t as bad. Its still more disconnected, but not to that high degree.

The performance of the bass (the instrument) is very disappointing too. Its constantly changing volume and layers. I can’t stand that. The bassist is not moving! Please China, stop developing In-Ear that makes one and the same instrument constantly changing places and volume.

Did nobody test hear this? Who approved this?

But(!) this issue doesn’t persist with the FA9. The bass (instrument, again) performance on the FA9 is much better. Not perfect, but _much_ better. It lacks the vibration of the string, but the sound is where it belongs.

What disappoints the most is the part at 2/3 of the song.

It starts at 2:43 and is supposed to increase tension. This works with Z1R, M9 and FA9, but not with the RS10. The lower mids are just not there. There is a lot of information missing in the lower mids which is very sad, because this song needs it.

And then 03:39 and especially the bass at 03:50. This is so sad. This is the goosebump section of the song, but there is no emotion, no feeling, nothing.

I have nothing against analytic sound signatures, but the IER-M9 is more analytic than the RS10. The RS10 just sounds dead.

Dead != analytic. I don't know why people mix that up that often. Its not the same. I can analyze the song perfectly with the IER-M9, i can not with the RS10. It is not an analytic In-Ear.

Its not flat either, its just dead. The Bass is pretty strong, so its far from flat, it just has no body.

The voice and the piano are too disconnected, they don’t player together. The bass performance is lacking the lower mids. Everything is just a big disappointment. Next song.

Second (and last) Song from ReoNa is ANIMA.

Oh my god the lower mids, common. Where are they? Starting with 00:27 there is the piercing treble again and the impact of the bass drum is still not where it belongs, the bass (instrument) is way to low in volume. It constantly drops in volume depending on the notes played (doesn’t happen with Z1R, M9 and FA9).

And this is not an defect, I heard no dips in the frequency response in the mids, this seems to be on its tuning. It is supposed to sound like that, supposed to sound bad.

Resolution and Details drop to an much lower level than with “Let it die” and the cymbals of the drum kit start to get really really annoying. If it wouldn’t destroy the level match, I would long have lowered the volume (which would kill the bass and lower mids even more).

The part at 03:00 again sounds very disappointing. I don’t understand why the treble constantly sounds annoying and is piercing, but that the same time is not forward enough to present this part as it is supposed to be.

Finally done with ReoNa, the Voice… oh my god. I had to take a small break after these two songs, I feel like I listened to music way to loud (even though I didn’t).

Initially I wanted to continue with something different, but I need some relaxing music. I continue with ユメガタリ and the Album ユメの喫茶店.

I was looking forward to this but. Again, layering is all over the place. Soundstage is not existing whatsoever (i was hoping at least with this song…).

The rattles (or whatever they are called) are like directly beside my ears. This sounds so annoying. Like someone is standing right here and rattling them right beside my ear… Whats up with this funky layering?

The double bass has no body, the piano rings way to hard everything sounds annoying.

This is a very smooth album with warm and pleasant songs, i am actually surprised how they made it sound that bad. Im impressed.

But i have to say, the FA9 also fails at this for the same reasons. The double bass sounds better with the FA9, but the piano and the rattle sound as bad. So its not that the RS10 is significantly bad, a lot of In-Ear have issues with this Album because it is very very demanding.

But the RS10 is an 2000€ In-Ear, it is supposed to not fail at this album at this price.

Unlike the IER-M9 which plays this album perfectly. The instruments are not forcefully ripped apart into pieces, they are layerd, but they are in the layer the belong to. The space between instruments is much bigger, there is actually travel of sound. And there is a soundstage. Its not as big as with the Z1R but significantly bigger than with the RS10 or FA9.

The instruments sound much more like they are really there, here in the room. I press play, close my eyes and i'm in the club and they are playing for me.

With the RS10 it sounds like i'm in the mixing studio and the mixing is in the middle. Everything is still all over the place and someone needs to do the mixing and mastering to make it sound good.

It makes no sense to continue this review. I’ve planned 2 hours and made a pretty long playlist but it makes no sense. No song could save it at this point, no album could rescue this.

My review is harsh, i know. I am absolutely not forgiving which might be unfair… or not. It is an >2000€ In-Ear, i expect perfection at that price point. Other In-Ear and IEM at this price point are so much better, close to perfection. This is what i expect at this price point.

This In-Ear performs on the Level of the FA9 (at most) which, given its BA count, is very disappointing.

It is nowhere close to the IER-M9, far from that. Even though both are 5way all-BA and the RS10 has the double BA count, its worse in all areas for the higher price. Not just a bit... its significantly worse. Its a whole different class of In-Ear.

And unlike the IER-M9 drivers which are developed, designed and Made in Japan by Sony, the RS10 uses average, modified, hearing aid BAs which are manufactured by an 3rd party company. Its, as you would think, Made in China.

I do not understand the price point at all. Nothing justifies the price, nothing. Not the build, not the sound, not the accessories. The BAs cost 200$ in total, at most (they are not that expensive, i’d bet my soul for that). 2-pin connector (are you kidding me?) and a resin shell…

Actually everything in this In-Ear, the Tuning, the Look&Fell and so on screams Moondrop to me. Moondrop says they have no relation to Softears but... i don't know. If Moondrop would suddenly reveal they made it, i would say "Not surprised at all. This is an 400€ In-Ear that just sells for a high price. Exactly what i expected. Good job, you made fun of us all"

I can not recommend to get this In-Ear at all. You can get In-Ear that sound almost identical or better for 10-20% of the price.

As source i used the Sony TA-ZH1ES and the FiiO M11 Plus (ESS).

Oh wait, the graphs. I promised, i deliver.

graph (6).png

graph (7).png

lol even the XBA-N3 performs better in the treble with just one single BA...
graph (9).png

Lessons learned here. More is not always better.

But in the end, i was wrong at all! Softears advertises with "Hear the turth" on their Homepage. And no this is not a joke, go look at their homepage (


And this is absolutely correct. This In-Ear sounds very Turth. So if you like a Turthy sound signature, this is a 10 out of 10. Oh my god this is gold! An big, fat spelling error on the main image on the homepage of an 2000€ In-Ear. This just screams "Scam" so hard to an level, i am no longer sure if the people who made this (Moondrop? Is that you?) are actually making fun of the people who buy this.

One last thing, i mentioned earlier, that i would not be surprised if Moondrop would suddenly say, Softears is their brand.

graph (10).png

I was just joking around but this makes me think...
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@AmericanSpirit Part 3
Anyway reported user simply because he/she is crossing beyond the line of the head-fi code of conduct. Racism isn’t gonna be tolerated on international community.
I highly recommend to lookup the word racism on wikipedia and refrain from using words you did not understand.

tl;dr: Racism means givnig races an value, especially a lower one. I did not do that anywhere in my review. As you might have noticed, you report was ignored, i assume for exactly this reason.

Your personal opinion don't make things a fact, you should keep that in mind, especially as an review. Just because you have an certain opionin, doesn't make you right and prejustice is also an very bad attitude for an reviewer.
Thanks for your additional input.

With those circumstantial info you provided, that makes a better understanding of your review.

I suggest you including those info in your review so people would have a better idea of that’s not personal rants and is a subjective point of view👍
Good review.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Mesmerizing clear shell
Nice supple cable
Beautiful leather case

Technical prowess
Detail retrieval
Neutral sound
Cons: No cable slider
Requires more power to drive
Softears RS10 ($2099)


Driver(s): 10 BA (4 x Low, 2 x High, 4 x General) + 1 Passive unit
Connector: 0.78mm 2-pin (with 3.5mm default plug)


Impedance: 25Ω @ 1kHz
Sensitivity: 100dB/100mV @ 1kHz
Frequency range: 20Hz~40kHz


(1)Acrylic transparent shell + White stripe faceplate



・Silicone tips
・Cable tie x 2
・Wiping cloth
・Cloth pouch x 2 (for each monitor)
・Round leather case
・User manual
・Warranty card


Softears RS10 was purchased by me for my own personal use and collection. Sound impressions were obtained based on what I hear, using the stock cable and Azla SednaEarfit Light tips. I am not affiliated with Softears nor any brands mentioned in this review



RS10 came packaged in a simple cube-shaped small black carton box. It's a simple lightweight minimal packaging, very pragmatic and formal-looking, befitting its 'studio reference' title/theme

The box can be opened by sliding it outwards like a drawer. Upon opening, you're greeted with a black round leather case embossed elegantly with 'Softears' logo and white thread stitched encircling the case

Inside the leather case, you can find the two monitors resting nicely wrapped in cloth pouches, with cable already attached and neatly tied with two small velcro ties

There are several accessories bundled together beneath the case. They include a microfiber wiping cloth, a complete set (S, M, L size pairs) of silicone eartips, a user manual, and a warranty card


Looking at the stock cable, the RS10 came paired with a 2-wire 24AWG cable. The length is approximately 1.25 meters long. And terminated with a standard 0.78mm 2-pin connector, and 3.5mm straight stereo mini plug

The cable itself feels nice, soft and elastic. It's not too thick nor heavy in size, allowing its preformed earhooks to sit comfortably around the ear. There is also a red rubber ring indicator near the right connector of the cable to help quickly identify which side


One thing to note though, is that the stock cable doesn't come with a slider to adjust from the splitter upwards. Which may be a little annoying to some, especially those who move around frequently while listening



Focusing on the build of the monitors themselves, the RS10 was built with an acrylic material shell. You can gleam into the internals through its transparent clear shell, and see them neatly arranged clearly as if they're submerged frozen under still water and time

The shells are fully-filled with extreme attention to details, leaving no trace of bubbles, blemishes or glue excess to be found anywhere. It's clean, simple, and neutral in color, not much is left to want with the faceplate also uniform in color. It's attached at the bottom of each faceplate a silver 'Softears' logo, as well as several vertical white stripes decorating the front. Minimal and tasteful

The shell size is somewhat on the larger side, especially on the thickness aspect. In addition, the RS10 has also quite a long stem, which may favor those who listen with a deeper insert. But for use on the go, I think the RS10 a less inconspicuous choice, due to the thickness of the shell. Which may cause the monitor to appear to protrude out of your ears more than average in-ears would

But that thickness do come with a reason, as the RS10 are equipped with quite a numerous 10 BA drivers + 1 passive unit per side. They're connected together via this complex bespoke 5-way crossover system. This crossover consists of 2-band pass filter, a low pass, and a 4th order LC filter to match even higher-end loudspeaker designs. Its meticulous impedance control system is said to allow for phase consistency across the audible range, indifferent to varying sources and in output power

10 BA driver units are placed in each side, 4 units responsible for low frequencies, 2 for highs, and the remaining 4 for the entire spectrum. And besides the BA, the RS10 are also equipped with a passive unit, which despite not capable of emitting any sound, it's said to aid in air pressure regulation, wear fatigue relief, hearing protection, and even bass texture enhancement

Overall high-quality resin shell material and build/assembly. Aesthetically pleasing, the RS10 is also very much suitable for professional studio monitoring setting. It's elegant, simple and transparent design especially is a lovely to look at


There is beauty in simplicity. There is grace in complexity presented simply and truthfully

The RS10 was tuned with a reference sound in mind, resembling the 'real' and with very few coloration in between. Combined with ultra-high resolution and immense staging, the RS10 possess one of the most technically proficient and tonally accurate monitors I've heard thus far

One of the standout, is how the sound is capable of surgically deliver details especially in the midrange. And at a level that is fit for even mastering, mixing, or monitoring purposes

As mentioned, the RS10 have a relatively uncolored timbre. Neutral across the midrange, with slight elevation in mid-bass and upper-mids (slightly emphasizing the latter)

The bass remains relatively quiet unless called for. And it stays behind the mids supporting it nicely. It has a distinct BA characteristics to it, quick, and not bloated in any way. The bass amount feels just right never hindering or overshadowing the mids, and its texture blends well together with the mids, avoiding any sense of bleed or incoherency

The mids has this clear sound that is very capable delivering even the minute details present in the track. Pristine vocals that is portrayed on a still dark background. It makes for a clean sense or feel to its sound. The timbre too is neither too warm nor cold. Ambivalent, being just right in the middle, and slightly on the drier side in terms of texture

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Another excellent review!
@drftr Hey J! :) RS10's dynamics are quite a wonder as its resolution alike, especially when fed with proper amount of driving power. The detail retrieval to me stood out more, but the dynamics from its lows to treble are also one of its stronger suit. As a result of this, you can also hear how neatly all instruments are arranged, and layered in a wider more expansive scale than most/less technical monitors. It'is a technical marvel, and tonally it also delivers the sound as is with very few colorations. As for its soundstage, I felt the RS10 are a bit on the wider side, with slightly above average rectangular box-shaped stage size. The sound presented felt grand and large, but not too distant, well positioned perhaps slightly more forward due to its elevation and pronounciation in its upper-mids

@Wildcatsare1 Thank you for your kind comment! :)
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Pretty lackluster packaging given the price tag.


100+ Head-Fier
Softears RS10: the whole truth about sound!
Pros: Sound, design, technical implementation, kit.
Cons: Price
Softears RS10: the whole truth about sound!

Hi friends!
After a short off-season, we return with a spring mood and an unquenchable desire to once again tell you about the most interesting devices from the world of portable audio. This time, two very interesting IEM models from the Chinese brand Softears - RS10 and RSV - arrived at our editorial office.

To say that this pair of in-ear monitors surprised me is to tell the truth only partially, and our today's release is devoted only to 100% truth. Seriously, these IEMs are wonderful for everyone, starting with the kit, the chic design, and the main thing that makes them especially impressive is the sound and the competent approach to the implementation of the technical part.
In general, these earphones can compete even with competitors from the A-brands. Do you think I was joking? Not at all. To be honest, I am still impressed by what I heard, and I can't wait to tell about everything in detail, but first, a short excursion into history.

Softears was founded in 2017 and worked exclusively for the domestic market. By 2018, the brand is announcing two very serious IEM models - the RS10 and the Cerberus. These are two flagships: the first is built on 10 BA drivers, the second is a hybrid model: 1DD + 4BA + 2EST. Then, quite recently, the TURII model, built on a dynamic driver, followed, and now, as they say, in the heat of the moment, their novelty has been released - absolutely unmatched five-driver (5BA) - RSV.
Due to its exclusive focus on the domestic market of the Middle Kingdom, the Softears company was little known on the international market until recently. Fortunately, now the brand is confidently gaining momentum and decided to push the boundaries of its presence, and this, believe me, is great news for all lovers of great sound.
Well, today we will take a look at the chic ten-driver model IEM RS10 from Softears, and a little later - its younger brother, no less interesting RSV.

Everything, turn off the lights, sit back, we begin. On stage - Reference Sound 10!


Text by Alexey Kashirskey aka Hans Barbarossa


Type: IEM
Shell material: acrylic
Drivers: 10 (BA) + 1 (passive) + 5-way crossover.
Technology: flat impedance / linear phase
Frequency Response Range: 20Hz-40KHz
Sensitivity: 100dB / 100MV
Impedance: 25ohm @ 1KHz
Detachable cable: 1.2 m, 2pin / jack 3.5 mm – straight

Appearance kit and ergonomics

The RS10 is packaged in an eye-catching black cardboard cube with an embossed silver Softears logo on one side and the company's ringing "Hear the Truth" motto on the other. And this is the case when the slogan, despite its some pompousness, characterizes the products in the most correct way: in these IEMs, I really listened only to pure and true, not distorted, sound.



Inside the box we find a stylish cover-washer in black with an embossed brand logo, a metal business card-warranty card (even here you can feel the seriousness of the company's approach to its product), an instruction booklet and a bag with three pairs of silicone tips of different sizes (S / M / L ).


Inside the case, made of genuine leather, the RS10 itself neatly fit, carefully placed in two soft pouches, a detachable cable and a branded microfiber napkin. How I like this scrupulous approach, when all the little things are taken into account and everything is done just flawlessly. Why is there a rich set - I was lost in only one smell of expensive leather, which exudes this very round box, as if you were wearing custom-made Italian shoes delivered straight from Florence. Okay, scusi, let's move on.





So we got to the RS10 itself. The completely transparent shell is made of acrylic. Through it, in the smallest detail, you can see all the internal content: wires, crossover, resistors, capacitors, acoustic tubes and a symmetrical plexus of BA drivers. Beautiful and frozen, like a butterfly in amber, engineering thought is a fascinating sight!

The shape of the IEM is completely reminiscent of custom monitors (CIEM), made from an individual ear impression. Indeed, the ergonomics are at a fairly high level, the main thing is to choose the right tips size.

On the outside of the IEM, there is a faceplate with two diagonal snow-covered lines, and just below their embossed Softears logo. On the inner side of the case, there is a sound tube with three outlets, to which acoustic tubes are connected. In the upper part there are connectors for a 2pin cable plug.

In addition to the aforementioned convenience and a very remarkable appearance, I would like to note that these IEMs are even just pleasant to hold in your hands - there is some kind of special appeal in them.
In general, I made detailed illustrations for you, see for yourself. The RS10 looks awesome in my opinion.

The RS10 is expected to be worn behind the ear. The sound insulation is above average, which allows you to enjoy listening to your favorite songs even in noisy city transport.





Silver-white cable, extremely lightweight and resilient, with soft silicone earhooks. The cable length is 1.2 meters, the connectors are 2pin / jack 3.5mm. If you wish, you can replace this cable with any other with 2pin connectors, although personally to me it seems very attractive and effective.

Inside each of the IEMs, ten BA drivers fit (to be precise, there are 11 of them in total - plus one more passive driver) and a 5-way hybrid crossover of Softears' own design. The RS10 also features “Flat impedance” technology, which allows the headphones to maintain their frequency response regardless of the output impedance of the amplifier / sound source.

This approach is certainly impressive. The developer has wisely applied both all the most modern technologies and his own long-term developments. Even the most eminent manufacturers can envy such bells and whistles.



So, the kit, design, workmanship, technical implementation and ergonomics of the RS10 evoke extremely positive emotions in me. Do not say anything, well done Softears!

But the most important thing is ahead of us: let's move on to sound impressions, let's go listen to a clean, genuine sound - "Hear the Truth!"

Sound impressions

Listening (audio testing) was conducted on: MyST DAC 1866OCU V.2, Lotoo paw Gold, iBasso 220 MAX, QLS QA-361, iFI micro iDSD BL, iFi HIP DAC & iFI iDSD Diablo.
With all of the audio devices the RS10 performed well enough, their "voice" varied slightly depending on the sound source.

I would like to point out one important feature of the RS10 right away. The sound of these IEMs is strongly dependent on the power of the sound source. The better the path of the audio device and the more powerful its amplifier, the more worthy the Softears RS10 can show itself in all its glory.

I also strongly recommend that you take a responsible approach to the process of selecting tips, as it makes a noticeable contribution to the creation of a sound picture.


The RS10's sound is well-balanced, clean, smooth and unusually detailed. These IEMs have excellent speed characteristics and a fairly wide dynamic range. The lower and part of the mid-range register, including the upper mids, are elegantly forced, which gives the sound an enviable dynamism, expressiveness and accurate display of all the smallest details of the composition. It is a technical, dry, massive, conscientious and extraordinarily accurate way of delivering sound. RS10, like a surgical scalpel, cut through the audio canvas, revealing the whole essence of the composition, and at the same time, truthfully reflect the quality of recording and mastering.


The powerful subbass response excites the ear with vibrations, the midbass is worked out clearly and accurately in a linear manner, and the competently accented upper mids are delivered smoothly, technically, in detail and moderately emotionally, without excessive brightness and annoying factors. High-frequency response is clean and unobtrusive. High register is served accurately and comfortably, clearly fulfilling its own and smoothly dying out.
It is a dynamic and well-balanced manner where sound images intertwine to form a hyper-realistic soundscape. At the same time, the headphones do not "shrink", on the contrary - the audio images are "weighty" and are filled with corporeality. It is a dense substance, it is a sound, like a gust of a fabulous wind of wanderings, knocking you off your feet with its pressure, taking you to wonderful distances, simultaneously charging you with musical adrenaline, which soon circulates throughout your body.

In fact, the RS10 continues the sound philosophy of the legendary Etymotic ER-4S, but here it is brought to near perfection. The hero of our today's review has done everything more seriously, multifaceted, meaningfully, in an adult way.

It is also worth noting the perfect consistency of the BA drivers and the complete absence of phase distortion.


The bass is tight, fast and accurate, with good texture and great control. The sub-bass response strikes with vibrations and a powerful blow that goes to the very bottom.
The bass practice in Brian Bromberg's "Freedom jazz dance" just shocked me with the precise reproduction of the kick, the convex relief, the tension, the beat of the strings and the tonal accuracy. The bass is firm and deep enough. He clearly plays out his own, in relief and harmoniously filling the middle with a rich and weighty substance.
The midbass area is served linearly, smoothly and unobtrusively in a neutral manner.

The mids are clean, precise, moderately emotional and incredibly detailed. The register is transmitted dryly, technically and reliably, accurately and in detail displaying all the small nuances of the composition. Despite the forced section in the upper middle area with a peak at 3k, the sound is not perceived as bright or excessively sharp, here this "hump" is made quite competently, as a result of which the register is transmitted smoothly and listens quite comfortably. But if you suddenly have a special excessive sensitivity in this particular part of the frequency range, then perhaps the RS10 may not suit you.
Although, personally, I am one of such "sensitive" persons to the peaks on the upper mids, but for me this setting turned out to be quite favorable and comfortable. But at the same time, I won't be able to listen to RS10 all day long. From such pressure and amount of information, the head gets tired over time and asks for rest. But listening to your favorite music for 2-4 hours with the RS10 delivers incredible pleasure.
Working in tandem with a competently forced low-frequency register, the mid-frequency range is perceived clearly and fully, densely and harmoniously. This is an extremely detailed, refreshing and rather massive, full of information, manner of performance.

High frequencies are reproduced cleanly, clearly and plastically. Their quantity and quality also does not cause any serious complaints. They harmoniously contribute to the overall sound picture, precisely matching the play of the entire frequency range. The register is transmitted smoothly, accurately and clearly, without harshness and distortion. This is an authentic and maximally correct manner, with good articulation, served in a light, graceful and comfortable manner.

In terms of genre preferences, the RS10s confidently show their versatility. They play quite interestingly and unusually reliably as instrumental music, jazz, electronics, rock, and they are especially good at working out brutal genres. These IEMs are designed to play fast, heavy tracks.


Softears RS10 is a terrific model of in-ear monitors that is at the forefront of the latest technology.
These IEMs have a chic design, high-quality assembly, excellent ergonomics, a rich package, outstanding technical implementation and, as a result, a unique sound: genuine, technical and accurate with detailed display of all the smallest details. There is no doubt that Softears engineers are extremely commendable, and their product - the closest attention. I sincerely hope that Softears will gain worldwide recognition in the portable audio market.

Yes, the cost of this pleasure is also impressive. Breathe in deeply and open your eyes - the RS10 has a suggested retail price of $ 2,037.
Naturally, this IEM model is not for everyone, but only for the most notorious and reckless audiophiles, connoisseurs of clean, technical, dry and honest sound, as well as sound engineers. Here I recommend to them without the slightest hesitation to make every effort, but to purchase these headphones. I will not hide, I am just one of those.

Well, we do not say goodbye to Softears, because we still have an acquaintance with a more musical, "digestible" in terms of sound tuning and more flexible in terms of price - the younger brother - Softears RSV. All the Best, see you, friends!
Like it! Your pics are like the sound of the RS10 - clean, clear and uncolored.
Fantastic photos.


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