  1. marcmart94

    Need some advice: Sennheiser HD 419 or JVC HA RX700?

    Hi, I'm doing some online shopping for some headphones. I'm not an expert on audio in any sense of the word, but I do appreciate good sound. After researching, two headphones have caught my eye: sennheiser hd 419 and jvc harx700. Both of these fit my budget ($40-45, which i realize is a...
  2. zyzz

    Sennheiser HD 419 for the Gym?

    Trying to find a decent set of headphones for the gym.  Stumbled upon this forum when reviewing these on amazon.  I am pretty low impact in the gym and am not a sweaty guy lol.  Reccomendations are appreciated.  I listen to music like
  3. HipHopHead

    Sennheiser HD 419 vs Monoprice 8323

    Which headphone sounds better? I mostly listen to Old School Hip Hop, some Rock.
  4. -xX-Mew-Xx-

    Best Quality For Absolute Lowest Price

    I dont need advice but for the new head-fiers needing some suggestions! I think the Koss PortaPros are the best for the lowest price :) i dont like them but they have such good value! No specific genres or type, just all out best value!
  5. SunTzu1983

    My thoughts Sennheiser eH-150 vs HD 419

    Alrighty, where to begin. Firstly, I would like to say I am not an audiophile, as in to say that I am not very technical with all the terminology and words for describing sound quality etc that is common place for serious audiophiles, and that this thread is just my own opinions and way for...
  6. ZaberEss


    Hi, I'm a 15 year old male teen who has some knowledge on headphones, but I need your help, I want a new pair of headphones and I really like the style of the beats studios, but the sound quality is terrible, after I looked into this I found sennheisers HD419's but I really don't like the...
  7. BikeSnatcher

    Need low budget headphones

      So my friend gave me 30 bucks to buy some headphones. He plans to mostly use them for gaming, but maybe also some music. He listens to all kinds of music so that isn't much of a big deal. I've been looking around, and the JVC HARX700 sounds like the best dead i'm not completely sure though.
  8. StewieMonSta

    HD 419 vs HD 202 Sennheiser

    I currently have some Bose headphones and I want to get a cheaper alternative pair of headphones. I like bass, I am a bass head  . I have been looking the Hd 202 and HD 419. I have heard the 202's today in HMV and I must say I am very impressed. I had no intention of buying a new pair of...
  9. Ruckus10

    new sennheisers hd 419

    Sennheiser came out with some new cans the hd 419 here's a link anybody hear if there any good??
  10. eQuadro

    First "big" headphones under $100 - AUDIO-TECHNICA ATH-T400 vs Sennheiser HD 419 vs Pioneer SE-M390

    Hi there.  Right now I'm using Sound Magic PL-30 when I'm outdoors or in my room. So I use them on my notebook. I wanted to buy some headphones < $100 and have only one of these 3 to choose: AUDIO-TECHNICA ATH-T400, Sennheiser HD 419, Pioneer SE-M390. This's gonna be my first "big"...
  11. henrymil

    best compatible fiio amplifier for sennheiser hd-439 and hd-419

    hello sir will you help me to decide between e6 and fiio e11. im using sennheiser hd-419 and a nokia n8 12 megapixel smartphone.. im having a hard time deciding and reading reviews and choosing between the two amplifiers. im looking for a more balanced sound and yet powerful amplifier to drive...
  12. soxorz

    Which are better, Klipsch s4i vs. Sennheiser HD 419?

    In terms of bass? I've read (in these forums) about them already, but i'm still not sure what the jip is. I have came to the conclusion that the HD 419's are not that bad, but the S4i's are better and "punchier" bass? Anyone have expericance with any of theses phones or advice? thanks in advance.
  13. nithin2e

    Sennheiser HD 419/429/439

    Hi,  I'm planning to buy a new headphone. I hear to a lot of music, all kinds of. I like bass, not too much, but bass should be thumby and tight. This headphone is for movies as well. Which among the HD 4xx series would be best for me. I have tried HD 449, i didn't like it (bass was too low). ...
  14. ages_devil

    sennheiser buying advice (hd419, hd201, hd203, hd229) which one should i get ?

    i want to get one of them, will there be any big differences in sound quality? my setup until now is my ipod touch 3g, but i'll be getting the fiio e5 soon and might upgrade to an ipod touch 5g   i want a full size headphone (or a big one whatever the name is) for home use and these are the...
  15. dimcreed

    Sennheiser HD439 or HD419?

    which one you think it's better value for money and better as sound? I'm between those two the HD439 cost 70€ and the HD419 cost 45€ and I just saw the HD215 65€
  16. AudioHeaven

    New Sennheiser HD 419 MOD

    Hi all   Just joined to share my modding tale with you.   I usually use Sennheiser HD 598s, however wanted an extra / cheaper closed-back headphone so decided to try the HD 419 for comfort reasons (felt instead of pleather, over ear etc).   Anyway, Sennheiser sell the 419 for the...
  17. xkldx

    Sennheiser HD 419

    hello , first of all im sorry that my first post here is a question , but i'm not so good in understanding headphones specs up till a few days ago i've been happy with my in ears which came with my samsung galaxy s plus , operating them at 80-90% volume because higher than that the sound gets...
  18. fairlycrass

    Closed headphone recommendations, under $50.

    Looking for some advice on closed headphones.  My wife and I share a home office (3 feet apart), and I need something to drown out the little, distracting noises, so I would like something that is sealed well.  I listen to just about anything, music-wise, and appreciate decent sound.  I have...
  19. squirrelboy1210

    crave for muddy sound! help!!!

    okay two years back i got the beats tours, then i read a couple of reviews by audio professionals and did some research and found out they really suck... for the price, anyway (plus, i had to get them fixed 6 times.. 6 TIMES!!!!!). so then i got myself an ATH-M50 and a UE500 and was quite...
  20. The Hairy Yak

    Noob went and gone dun it again. I need some help/recommendations, not digging my new HD 598s.

    So I bought some HD 598s since I have a new work schedule and was I hoping for an immersive late night listening experience. As it turns out, I was not adequately respecting the perspective of who commonly writes reviews for these and they don't really pertain to my music tastes and desires. I...
  21. Niall1990

    Advice on Sennheiser HD400 series

    Hi guys,   I'm currently looking at getting a pair of headphones from the Sennheiser HD400 series, the 419, 429 or 439 as I like the reviews they get and they are within my price range.    I listen to a lot of Drum n' Bass, dubstep, house, that kind of music, so I'm a real fan of bass...
  22. IgorEscodro

    Sennheiser HD 419 vs JBL J55i

    Hello!   I think about changing my current headphone (a broken Philips Shibuya) for a new one and I found two headphones with the same price here in my country (around US$70 - Brazil is an expensive country :/ ): The first one is the Sennheiser HD419 and the other is a JBL J55i.   I most use...
  23. trisha23

    HD 429 vs. HD 419 vs. ATH SJ55 vs. ATH RE70

    Only recently have I discovered this world that audiophiles have been living in. I'm a music lover, much like any other teenager in this world, and I'm an instrumentalist. For the past few weeks I've been getting more and more into the EDM genre, HD songs (not settling for mp3 files now!), DJ...
  24. DaOneAndOnly

    Comparing Headphones: Which One Is Good? Suggestions?

    Well I'm about to buy new headphones but I have a bunch that i've researched and don't know which is better. *(Usually listen to mainly pop and occasionally soft and rap) (I don't listen to dubstep or other heavy bass needed music)* And play games (Foot steps in game) Audio-Technica ATH-M30...
  25. Eleazar6

    senn hd 518 more comfortable than hd 419? or other manufacture?

    my old sennheiser HD 485 are getting uncomfortable for some reason, never were awesome in that area. got some HD 419s and they feel about the same. feel like the earcup is too small. would the hd518 be better? another brand maybe? really like the sound of my sennheiser but comfort is important...