  1. meeklo062704

    Custom iem vs universal reshell value?

    I have been doing reading on iem, and have seen numerous threads about reshells of universal iem's. Is there an advantage to buying universal to reshell vs a custom? I am trying to make a decision between a triple.fi 10 vs westone 4r vs westone um3x, and see that the price of them with a reshell...
  2. tushi

    cable with remote control and mic for Um3x-rc ?

    Hello,   Is it possible to diy cable from shure accessory cable or the UE inline remote & microphone?   I really need the remote controls for my Android phone (Htc One)   P.S. I bought a cable from lunashops but it is not a quality one and don't have volume up/down.
  3. deftonez

    Upgrade Rig

    Hi, Im currently running on an iPod classic paired with a C421 and westone um3x. I was thinking of getting a high def DAP or getting a set of CIEMs. The thing is I have around 20% of songs bought from iTunes, would i be able to still play that on a DAP like an iBasso DX50 or something from...
  4. iscorpio71

    IEM customs reshell inearz vs inearcentral, my experience.

    Hello Forum!   I sent a couple of month ago two iem (UM3X and TripleFi5) to inearz and inearcentral respectively.   Right of the bat both cost the same, so no difference there. But inearcentral charges the money upfront while inearz charge you when they're about to ship! so that is a better...
  5. Fungus

    Westone UM series housing size

    Are all the housing of the um1, um2 & um3x the same size?   Or does the size increase with each additional driver added? 
  6. Fungus

    westone um3x vs um pro 40 & 50

    Would the pro 40 and 50 improve on the um3x sound signature or sound totally different.  I'm looking for an pair of iem that will retain the forward mids and instrument separation of the um3x but improve on the treble detail.  
  7. nobby1234

    Recommend me something similiar to the UM3X - Rc... similiar budget as that model.

    I was told to stay clear of shure termination IEMS(looking at you um30pro). i audited the UM3x and i really liked the clear vocals and the closed soundstage, sadly they are no longer produced. I'm mostly a Punk/Hardcore  person ,occasional EDM and classical. Isolation is a must! Thanks for...
  8. Schokolade bar

    RX MK2 noise with high sensitivity IEMS

    Aye, I am using a Audioquest dragonfly connected to an RX M2 via 3.5mm and outputting to my UM3X monitors, and when audio is paused I get this crackling kind of noise, but when I use a westone and shure volume attenuator and move the volume on it to about 3/4 of max it goes away. Not sure what...
  9. RamGuy

    Custom In-Ear / IEMS comparable to Westone 4R?

    I recently got a mold of my ears and some custom ear tips for my Westone 4R from my local supplier "Hantek" but sadly their offerings are aimed towards Shure and not Westone (as Westone is not sold in Norway I'm not surprised at all) but they gave it a go as the nozzle of Westone and Shure are...
  10. Schokolade bar

    Fitear A111, InEar Stagediver 2, and UM3x

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I already have in mind what I want to purchase and am primarily seeking a concise comparison between the IEM's mentioned in the title of this post.    Anyhow, I want to purchase some new IEMs that are similar to the UM3's and have a generally solid...
  11. D


      Hi everyone, I am glad to say that I received my beautiful 8-wire Hybrid  "Copper(Type 2 Litz) - Clear sleeving 26awg/SilverGold (black sleeving) 26awg" 2 weeks ago. Hence bare in mind, below are my initial sound impressions that don't take the Burn-in period into account. As always when...
  12. halodude23

    Headphones similar to the sound signature of the Westone UM3X

    Hello, I'm currently looking for a headphone that has the same sound signature as the Westone UM3X, if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thank you!   I listen to various genres, e.g. K-Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B and sometimes classical. 
  13. piggypinggy

    New to here, need some suggestions, thanks!

    Hi guys, I have been using my Westone UM3x for 3 years. I am using my iphone to listen music, I purchases music from iTunes. All of my music are applelossless format. I am a 100% new guy, I haven't watched any news for 3 years. I am wondering: 1. If I want to get a new device to play music...
  14. edz81

    UM3X very low volume

    I stopped using my UM3X for a short wile as the jack wouldn't connect to my iPhone with it's case on - first word problems, I know.  Anyway, I've dusted them off and have used them with my MacBook, iPhone and iPad.  On all three devices, the volume is terribly low.  I need to set the volume to...
  15. halodude23

    IEMs similar to Westone UM3X's

    A few days ago I dropped my Westone UM3Xs somewhere and I really miss them for the time being but I was wondering if there were any cheap alternatives, let's say under under 150$ that can replicate the sound signature. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great, Thanks...
  16. Fungus

    Anybody successfully managed to disconnected the stock Westone UM3X RC cable connectors with out breaking them in the process.

    I've just bought a pair and can't seem to pull the connectors out. Should I use some tweezes?  Are the pins really that tight and will the sockets expand after successive replacements and get loose and loose connection over time like the universal ultimate ears series? . 
  17. zebRAW

    Custom Arts Music Two CIEM Review

    Review Custom Art Music Two   Warning: This is an „amateur“ review. DUE TO LACK OF EXPERIENCE AS WELL AS LACK OF GEAR FOR COMPARISON, TAKE THIS AS AN SUJECTIVE OPINION RATHER THAN AS AN OBJECTIVE TEST. This said I will be trying my best to be as objective as possible in my situation. Please...
  18. Superdrag81

    Upgrade advice from Westone um3x

    Long time reader, but i don't post much. After having the Westone um3x for quite some time, i was wondering what the next logical upgrade would be?  I've tried 535's, and w4's - while both were good, i didn't necessarily like them enough over the um3x to justify buying them (borrowed each of...
  19. CareyPrice31

    Westone UM Pro 30 vs Westone W40

    Are there any comparisons of these two IEM's?   If not, can someone give me a brief summary of the two and compare them if they tried both? Thanks!
  20. Sonichaos

    Westone comparisons: 3 vs um3x vs 4

    I've been looking at these three headphones in particular and I have a few questions about how they compare.   For starters, I currently do not own any portable headphones. Also, the cans I do own (AKG K240s) do not isolate at all. Where I am now, I would much rather listen to music than my...
  21. classycalatrava

    Looking for IEM Advice - Analytical & Detailed & Balanced & New

    Hi Headfiers, I have been a lurker for a while now and decided to join the group. I am looking for my first high end IEM under $200. I listen to a variety of music including hip hop, classical, jazz, soul, R&B. Previously, I have listened to the JVC FXT90 and the Etymotic HF5. I prefer the HF5...
  22. mervinteo

    UM3X vs Weston 3

    Seems like no one had post any reviews on the UM3X and I am hoping someone would give their opinion on the New UM3X against the Weston 3. So far, I have heard the UM3X and it sounds great. Very good clarity, good soundstage and sounds wide in most of the frequency. I like it better than the...
  23. whatahii

    Monster Beats by Dr Dre or Monster turbines?

    I heard Dr dres "aren't really audiophile" i dont understand that statement because dr dre's headphones are from monster... Beats™ by Dr. Dre™ Tour High Resolution In-Ear Headphones From Monster® help me out guys, im leaning towards the turbines, but after some researching, arent the...
  24. shotgunshane

    Universals Modded with Recable or Removable Cables! ***Sony MH1 Recable added! (Fischer Audio DBA-02, Brainwavz B2, UM3X, Sleek Audio)

    Recently I made a trade and acquired an older set of Fischer Audio DBA-02's.  It still had it's original twisted cable, which had become unruly and obstinately stiff (a previous owner had re-terminated it with a straight Neutrik connector) but was still in good working condition.  Due to the...
  25. T

    Mobile Earphones/IEMs for AK100

    Hi guys, I'm looking for mobile earphones or iem's to wear on the street/transit with iRiver AK100, I know it can be a bit tricky as the player has 22 ohm on the way out. I picked a few iem's below, maybe someone tested some of them with ak100 and finds it working quite well with no sound...