Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread
May 14, 2018 at 6:45 PM Post #1,413 of 6,886
I don't remember having to adjust the gain out of jRiver with the 2Qute. I would just leave the volume at 100%, I get some pretty bad distortion even if the Qutest is set at 2V. It's like my microRendu/jRiver set to DLNA is overloading the Qutest's input. Move the volume slider in jRiver down to 55-70% and distortion goes away. Anyone else have this issue? Guess adjusting the volume as I did is fine? This seems to only happen with redbook files. So strange.
May 15, 2018 at 9:56 AM Post #1,414 of 6,886
In case anyone interested in specs and wants to compare between the different models.

Mojo Artix XC7A25T 26,000 Tap 4 Element Pulse DAC .00017% THD N/A A Noise 115db S/N 120db Sep. 0.075Ohm Output Z
+/- .2db 20Hz – 20KHz Response .72W into 8Ohms Max. Damping w/ Utopia 1,133x 90 DSP Cores

Qutest Artix XC7A15T 49,152 Tap 10 Element Pulse DAC .00013% THD2.6uV A Noise 126db S/N 138db Sep. 0.09Ohm Output Z
+/- .2db 20Hz – 20KHz Response Max. Out N/A Damping w/ Utopia 944x 45 DSP Cores

Hugo 2 Artix XC7A15T 49,152 Tap 10 Element Pulse DAC .0001% THD 2.6uV A Noise 126db S/N 135db Sep. 0.025Ohm Output Z
+/- .2db 20Hz – 20KHz Response 1.05W into 8Ohms Max. Damping w/ Utopia 3,400X 45 DSP Cores

Hugo TT 2 Artix Model N/A 93,304 Tap 10 Element Pulse DAC .00008%THD 1.7uV A Noise 127db S/N 138db Sep. 0.042Ohm Output Z
+/- .2db 20Hz – 20KHz Response 18W into 8Ohms Max. Damping with Utopia 2,023X 90 DSP Cores

Dave Spartan XC65SLXX75 164,000Tap 20 Element DAC .00004% THD1.6uV A Noise 127.5db S/N 125db Sep. 0.055Ohm Output Z
+/- .1db 20Hz – 20KHz Response 1.4W into 33 Ohm Max. Damping w/ Utopia 1,545X 166 DSP Cores (but some are in the FPGA Fabric)
May 15, 2018 at 9:58 AM Post #1,415 of 6,886
I don't remember having to adjust the gain out of jRiver with the 2Qute. I would just leave the volume at 100%, I get some pretty bad distortion even if the Qutest is set at 2V. It's like my microRendu/jRiver set to DLNA is overloading the Qutest's input. Move the volume slider in jRiver down to 55-70% and distortion goes away. Anyone else have this issue? Guess adjusting the volume as I did is fine? This seems to only happen with redbook files. So strange.

Zek4U - I am using JRiver in my setup as well, but with my main source PC not via DLNA to a HTPC or other networked machine. My Qutest is set to 2V. I do not get any distortion at 100% volume in JRiver. I am assuming that it shouldn't matter whether you are going through DLNA or not because the music files are played the same either way. I may check your settings in terms of output formats etc. and maybe go back to default to trouble shoot it. BTW I have noticed that background noise / noise floor is much higher and more noticeable on poorly recorded tracks through the Qutest. However, in my experience, it is because the Qutest is revealing and unforgiving in that regard. Well done recordings with low noise floor sound pretty black through the Qutest, so I know its the recording, not the DAC. If I was getting distortion, I would also check your physical connections. Do you still have the 2Qute to use as a reference?
May 15, 2018 at 10:25 AM Post #1,416 of 6,886
Zek4U - I am using JRiver in my setup as well, but with my main source PC not via DLNA to a HTPC or other networked machine. My Qutest is set to 2V. I do not get any distortion at 100% volume in JRiver. I am assuming that it shouldn't matter whether you are going through DLNA or not because the music files are played the same either way. I may check your settings in terms of output formats etc. and maybe go back to default to trouble shoot it. BTW I have noticed that background noise / noise floor is much higher and more noticeable on poorly recorded tracks through the Qutest. However, in my experience, it is because the Qutest is revealing and unforgiving in that regard. Well done recordings with low noise floor sound pretty black through the Qutest, so I know its the recording, not the DAC. If I was getting distortion, I would also check your physical connections. Do you still have the 2Qute to use as a reference?

Thank you @Rhinomyte76 . Think I just got unlucky with my Qutest. I actually hear distortion with my DSDs and of course you can't lower the volume if you have jRiver ser to playing original output. I can compensate for the distortion by lowering the volume in jRiver to 55% for PCM files. It is definite distortion and you can hear it in any dynamic vocal content. Have had multiple Chord 2Qutes in my configuration and know it isn't my setup. Tried coming straight out of computer, Peachtree 24/192 USB/Optical converter and my microRendu. I'll send it in for someone to take a look. This is something on the input gain. Changing the output from 2V to 3V just makes the distortion louder.
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May 16, 2018 at 9:05 AM Post #1,418 of 6,886
Question for those of you using the Qutest with headphones...

I normally listen without crossfeed (via JRiver) because I like to be able to isolate the various instruments and sounds as much as possible.

The qutest is very revealing which is great, however, in my opinion, the isolation and detail almost takes away from the fluidity of the music. It also seems fast or lively compared to DACs I am used to. The combo of these traits has made listening through headphones without crossfeed very fatiguing compared to what I am used to. Has anyone else found this? Am I just getting old?

I haven't tried the Qutest with my LS50's yet, but I am assuming these circumstances wouldn't be an issue at all through speakers because the sound would naturally blend.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
May 17, 2018 at 3:03 PM Post #1,419 of 6,886
I'm using the Uptone LPS 1.2 and the regular Regen and it's a worthwhile improvement.

have a look on CA for more consensus.

Uptone LPS 1.2 and Iso Regen bundle:

DC29 Oyaide DC-2.1G/2.5G to USB(2.0) DC Cable:

No it dosent. Stop saying other psu sound better when chord themselves said it dosent. Beside if chord qutest goes bad for whatevet reason while you have different psu plugged in it voids warranty the second you plug in that different psu. These cheap ass companies should stop trying to make money off chord. Its so direct then online shills come on these boards then make it sound like the other psu is what make chord qutest sound not even the DAC anymore. But their new custom psu they built is whats making the sound. Atleast ask fot permission before trying to make money off chord.

The other day i was looking for used amplofier then this guy pm me saying he is willing to sell it etc. It has 35 wpc SET amp 300B tubes so i was kinda intetested but ultimately decided not to then lo and behold after a few missed email he emails me from another account and turns out this amplifier is actually made by himself. The whilr time he playing it off as a 3rd person so much praise for the amp. Shills so many shills
May 17, 2018 at 3:07 PM Post #1,420 of 6,886
Question for those of you using the Qutest with headphones...

I normally listen without crossfeed (via JRiver) because I like to be able to isolate the various instruments and sounds as much as possible.

The qutest is very revealing which is great, however, in my opinion, the isolation and detail almost takes away from the fluidity of the music. It also seems fast or lively compared to DACs I am used to. The combo of these traits has made listening through headphones without crossfeed very fatiguing compared to what I am used to. Has anyone else found this? Am I just getting old?

I haven't tried the Qutest with my LS50's yet, but I am assuming these circumstances wouldn't be an issue at all through speakers because the sound would naturally blend.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

Do you come from Tubes? Ive had a few Chord DACS and many other Solid State DACS and Chord was always fluid & musical while having high level of details. I didn't hear the Qutest yet but I plan to order one soon so I can concur with you then so you know it may be your speakers or other stuff in your chain. One thing for sure, the LS50 is a bad choice for Chord products. There is more from what you can get with Chord DACS. I have had the LS50's with the Hugo and when I changed out the speakers then Hugo came alive. LS50 is very unclear w/ lots of distortion and there is no detail in bass at all.
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May 17, 2018 at 6:39 PM Post #1,425 of 6,886
I have listened to the Qutest extensively with the stock power supply($0), ifi iPower 5v ($55) and the Uptone Audio UltraCap LPS-1.2. ($435)

iPower is the best, seconded by Stock and followed by UltraCap (waste of money)

with ultracap the noise floor seems the worst, a lot less detail, everything is that possible? so much for these boutique power supplies


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