Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC
Jul 4, 2023 at 4:56 AM Post #16 of 794
Concur. My system setup currently uses a digital DSP for room correction EQ. There are Android EQ apps which, if one could be loaded into A6, would eliminate the need for that DSP. So my question: could such a 3rd party app be loaded into and used by the A6? Thanks in advance.
Over on the ASR forum thread for the A6, this issue has cropped up as well. Some people have had success sideloading android APKs into the A6 and getting them to operate. The process to do this has been detailed by one of these users over there. I have not seen anyone reporting an EQ sideloading as yet.
Jul 5, 2023 at 4:34 PM Post #17 of 794
About the upsampling options on the Eversolo DMP-A6. I couldn't get anything to work in this regard until the Eversolo Audio Engine setting is set to OFF. Then the different sampling rate options work as they should from original sampling rate to 192 kHz. This is using the internal music player playing local PCM 2ch FLAC files, I am not sure what happens if you use streaming services as the source. The digital outputs if you have enabled them reflect the new sampling rate, I have checked the SPDIF coax and USB Audio OUT, presumably HDMI follows this as well. One thing to note that if you are currently actively playing a track and change the sampling rate in the A6 settings, it will not take effect until the next track in the play queue is started. So maybe halt any music playback, change the rate, then start music playback again to avoid any confusion. Need to listen a lot more before offering any opinion on whether upsampling on this device alters the sound quality.
Jul 5, 2023 at 11:11 PM Post #18 of 794
Hey folks! Just picked up the Eversolo DMP-A6 Master Edition from Jaben Singapore yesterday. I saw Wilson post it on their FB page. Piqued my curiosity. Read the rave reviews. And the rest is history. :)

Love the UX and the great app! All that is missing is probably NAA under HQPlayer.
Jul 7, 2023 at 7:39 AM Post #19 of 794

QQMusic on the Eversolo DMP A6. This version is the one which works beautifully on the display: https://y.qq.com/download/download.html

Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and download the apk highlighted. Copy over to the Eversolo. Under file manager, click on the file and it will install. Once installed, it will be in the Apps folder of the home page. You can then log into your account and do the necessary like set the default sound quality, day/night interface etc.


Jul 7, 2023 at 7:44 AM Post #20 of 794
I picked up my master edition today from post office. Will listen later to day for first time.
Jul 8, 2023 at 3:45 AM Post #21 of 794
I did listen with Hugo2 as DAC coax out i did find the sound bright and sibilant on bad recordings so it will not smooth things out more sharp ssss then i was used to with what i was listening before the streamer arrived and that was sending Bluetooth from the Qobuz app direct to my Hugo2 DAC. This is probebly not the streamers fault because recently i have tried another power conditioner that brightened things up.

But i did notice a blacker background with A6 with new details i haven't heard before, so cleaner yes.

Things that is bothersome with the EverSolo control app is how many back steps i need to press when listening to Qobuz favourite albums and when i want to go back to the main menu with all settings. Surely there could be shortcuts at bottom row like on the Cambridge app i used before with my CXNv2 streamer(which is hard to compare sound with now because i have changed to much things in between from when i sold it to buy the A6.

Also i cant get notification on whats playing on the Android phones lock screen or anywhere so i could change tracks easily. But i read my xiaomi software is most bad at properly working notifications.

BubbleUPnP vs EverSolo control app with Qobuz streaming.
The sound quality i thought it was a tiny bit better on the EverSolo app more relaxed and less bright imo. To BubbleUPnP advantage though is a much higher resolution in the album art cover and the lock screen notification works fine. I think the EverSolo app has to poor resolution on the album art.

I will try the internal DAC today and maybe connect my tv up with optical.
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Jul 8, 2023 at 10:09 AM Post #22 of 794
About CD rips performed on the A6. I have noticed that these do not integrate into an existing library of rips properly, some at least seemed to be orphaned without artist info. I have found that if I rip using my old system, a slow Brennan B2, then these versions can be copied over fine with no problems as regards library construction and integration. So there is some issue on the A6 as regards ripping , the artist metadata info is not being handled properly. Until this is resolved, I will continue to rip using the B2 system. I have detailed this over on the Zidoo Eversolo Forum as well. So watch out with new CD rips on the A6 and integration issues with pre-existing libraries of rips. The files will be there but the Library especially at Artist level may not be correct on the A6.
Jul 8, 2023 at 10:15 AM Post #23 of 794
The internal dac on master edition is further taking down the background noise showing me more cleaner details while also sounding less sibilant compared to Coax out to Hugo2. So all in all there is good value on this product. But might suspect maybe slightly not as deep sounding as Hugo2 not a deal breaker though. Its more important that the internal dac sounds cleaner and less sibilant i think the internal dac is the winner when streaming. Also listening with great RCA cables but specs show Xlr is the way to go. Might invest on some great ones one day.

So biggest concern for me is it would be nice with higher album art resolution on Qobuz streaming on EverSolo app. Also app dont have any memory when pressing sort favorite albums so need to do this every time BubbleUPnP remmembers.
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Jul 9, 2023 at 8:50 AM Post #24 of 794
Still enjoying the Eversolo very much. One issue I found is trying to input Chinese words for searches in the various music apps. So, I tried downloading the GBoard apk, copying over to the internal memory and clicking on the apk file. Installation was pretty easy. Then once you open the app, it will ask you to set up the GBoard preferences. Done! :)
Jul 9, 2023 at 3:48 PM Post #25 of 794
I got a notification today that mine is arriving a week early and will be delivered tomorrow! Good timing because my Zen Stream died the other day.
Jul 11, 2023 at 12:42 AM Post #28 of 794
Hi all, I have been considering this product for awhile but would like to ask a newbie question as someone who never tried streamer before. When you add streamer into your chain, do you think that the benefit is mostly SQ by adding lower noise source or mostly easiness of handling streaming services like tidal, qobuz etc? If the former is true, do you notice sound quality improvement vs direct USB connection to macbook pro?
Jul 11, 2023 at 3:23 AM Post #29 of 794
Hi all, I have been considering this product for awhile but would like to ask a newbie question as someone who never tried streamer before. When you add streamer into your chain, do you think that the benefit is mostly SQ by adding lower noise source or mostly easiness of handling streaming services like tidal, qobuz etc? If the former is true, do you notice sound quality improvement vs direct USB connection to macbook pro?
Speaking from my own personal experience, undoubtedly sound quality is usually an improvement over direct USB. On my R26 only IIS being fed by a U18 DDC can match/slightly exceed streaming (others have said LAN is best by far on the R26). Streaming convenience is obviously major as well, I've been in the Bluesound eco system for a while and have thoroughly enjoyed how easy and convenient it and am looking forward to comparing it to Eversolo's environment when my order comes in. But for me sound quality over LAN is generally a decent improvement over USB all things being equal.
Jul 14, 2023 at 6:36 AM Post #30 of 794
Roon works good, sees the DMP-A6 right away. One issue I have is there is noise/pop between every song. I was streaming Qobuz via Roon. If I stream Qobuz via the Eversolo app I don’t get the noise between songs and sounds very good. I’m finding the USB output to my Yggdrasil is very bright. Last night I switched to coax out and it sounded fantastic. I haven’t tried changing the filters yet. That might make a difference. The internal DAC does not come anywhere near the Yggdrasil. It’s extremely bright and hard to listen to in comparison. You can download and sign into Qobuz directly from the DMP-A6. I haven’t tried that yet. Last night I had a little trouble getting the app to find the player. On app start up it could not find the player. I pressed reconnect twice and it still could not find the player. I closed out the app, opened and it could not find the player. Pressed reconnect and this time it found the player. I’ll keep an eye on this and report if it keeps happening. On initial use, I was not impressed with the internal DAC at all or the output from USB. After last night switching to the COAX output, I am very impressed with the sound output, and of course the display is awesome.

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