Hugo M Scaler by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Sep 30, 2018 at 12:24 AM Post #1,576 of 18,560
They spend all their time arguing as to why the hugo1 just happens to sound better than naim gear even though it shoudn't.

And what about me it was just over 12 months ago that my hugo2's failed to work and i returned single handedly this week pioneering the way forward empowering all those who dream the dream. The hugo2+mscaler dream. Seriously though the results are excellent as reported on the hugo 2 thread.:top:And yes it was my dream as 5K is serious serious coin for me but well worth it.
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Sep 30, 2018 at 12:40 AM Post #1,577 of 18,560
They spend all their time arguing as to why the hugo1 just happens to sound better than naim gear even though it shoudn't.

And what about me it was just over 12 months ago that my hugo2's failed to work and i returned single handedly this week pioneering the way forward empowering all those who dream the dream. The hugo2+mscaler dream. Seriously though the results are excellent as reported on the hugo 2 thread.:top:And yes it was my dream as 5K is serious serious coin for me but well worth it.
Thank you Sir Musickid! I too dreamed the dream but thought it was impossible. WINDMILL.jpg
Sep 30, 2018 at 12:47 AM Post #1,578 of 18,560
The difference being that for Don Quixote the windmills were an excursion into fantasy but for us it is real.:flushed:
Sep 30, 2018 at 12:51 AM Post #1,579 of 18,560
The difference being that for Don Quixote the windmills were an excursion into fantasy but for us it is real.:flushed:
Very true. I'm hoping my real arrives late October or November.
Sep 30, 2018 at 12:55 AM Post #1,580 of 18,560
Are you pairing it with hugo2 minus the veiled super sophistication?? If you are rid yourself of all preconceptions. :L3000: It really is stunning. If you're pairing it with dave then until then i'm better than you....:L3000:
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Sep 30, 2018 at 1:09 AM Post #1,581 of 18,560
Are you pairing it with hugo2 minus the veiled super sophistication?? If you are rid yourself of all preconceptions. :L3000: It really is stunning. If you're pairing it with dave then until then i'm better than you....:L3000:
I will be using it mainly at home with Dave and will use it with Hugo 2 when I go on beach vacations. I am so impressed with Dave + Utopia and look forward to what adding HMS will sound like. Stunning would be awesome!
Sep 30, 2018 at 1:11 AM Post #1,582 of 18,560
Technically you will have the world's best dac and i'm currently ranking third with mscaler added to dave/hugo2.
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Sep 30, 2018 at 2:04 AM Post #1,583 of 18,560
Edit your posts much ? I Think that is iteration number 4, however, I preferred bait post number 1.

Let he (or she) who hasn’t edited they’re own posts cast the first stone.
It is hard work being the sole member of the People’s Front of Judea.
Let us not forget, today I took a bullet for 3 other forum members to defend their right to talk absolute rubbish here - also known as having a laugh. I personally don’t even play golf.
So after the films over, I hope you remember me kindly at least.
But in all seriousness,the mods should reflect. If they arbitrate what’s off topic - the majority of head-fi would be erased. It’s not good enough that a community can be moderated in such a secretive manner. If people want to ban / erasure others comments they should have to convince those that are actually reading the comments rather then clicking the report button.....

As I’m sure there is next To no support for his anti-golf joke tirade, but yet, collectively, we rewrote history to accommodate him.

Come on guys, you’re better then that.
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Sep 30, 2018 at 5:38 AM Post #1,584 of 18,560
I understand moderating is a thankless task. But as a non American I demand my first amendment rights.
Why are the majority lurkers, why do a vocal pencil necked minority want to impose their standards of decency on the rest of us.
These people truly are the worst, we should tolerate them, but not empower them.
It is a fact of life for online communities.
The metrics for Followers presented during several training courses that I have attended, are:
90% of Followers are just lurkers
9% do post
1% are 'active' in posting in the community

Those metrics do not seem too far from the mark, based on my experience managing several communities. It is common to have several hundred Followers, but only a handful of Followers regularly posting or entering into discussions.
Of course that does not prevent employers, from regularly insisting that community managers should devote even more effort, into making communities more attractive so that lurkers get converted to posters.
Sometimes it does feel like pushing boulders uphill. :wink:
Sep 30, 2018 at 6:14 AM Post #1,585 of 18,560
Well I can say as a once active poster the ‘community’ here has deterred my interest in posting. But then maybe I thought differently as to what the community here is. After posting for years, starting forum threads on products, familiarity can lead to casual remarks, I guess this is not the place for this.
Sep 30, 2018 at 10:20 AM Post #1,586 of 18,560
Well I can say as a once active poster the ‘community’ here has deterred my interest in posting. But then maybe I thought differently as to what the community here is. After posting for years, starting forum threads on products, familiarity can lead to casual remarks, I guess this is not the place for this.

I also think that culturally we’ve seen an increase is self directive thinking.

I had a team of Ivy League post grads. They thought alike & placed great emphasis on their own emotions; almost like a “right.”

Learning is confrontational. They expressed offense at “that’s not correct.” They quickly receded from others present who were older and had military backgrounds. Since this was a specific assignment, they failed.

Locally, mental health treatment has abandoned elements of reality. “We celebrate your truth” as a posted sign. The ramifications are chilling.

Tricky here is the subjectivity of musical enjoyment coupling w objective science.

I like to read opposing views (even after spending $ :) )

I look to learn and look to not fall in love w my opinion.

I don’t always succeed.
Sep 30, 2018 at 10:42 AM Post #1,587 of 18,560
I wouldn't call feeding into or even against fanboy fanaticism, being a good post. Have something credible to add, technical, or even a good comparison, by all means post. Otherwise it's just noise. Like this post. Don't have anything good to contribute, don't post. Back to silence.
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Sep 30, 2018 at 12:14 PM Post #1,588 of 18,560
It is a fact of life for online communities.
The metrics for Followers presented during several training courses that I have attended, are:
90% of Followers are just lurkers
9% do post
1% are 'active' in posting in the community

Those metrics do not seem too far from the mark, based on my experience managing several communities. It is common to have several hundred Followers, but only a handful of Followers regularly posting or entering into discussions.
Of course that does not prevent employers, from regularly insisting that community managers should devote even more effort, into making communities more attractive so that lurkers get converted to posters.
Sometimes it does feel like pushing boulders uphill. :wink:
well i have to get my hms first....before posting right? i can talk about my dave here......but no....cheers
Sep 30, 2018 at 12:24 PM Post #1,589 of 18,560
I wouldn't call feeding into or even against fanboy fanaticism, being a good post. Have something credible to add, technical, or even a good comparison, by all means post. Otherwise it's just noise. Like this post. Don't have anything good to contribute, don't post. Back to silence.
I enjoyed your off topic post - I think the people on the forum and the interaction are more worthwhile then the micro enhancements through cable x or y.
I suppose I’m more interested in people then tec or dry situation reports.
I’ve actually made a few friends on this forum, which for me, is an achievement.
Sep 30, 2018 at 1:52 PM Post #1,590 of 18,560
Must be one of the first owners of the M Scaler in Scandinavia. After 2 seconds listening I understood that this one is really special. There are not many upgrades which are so easy to decern after just two seconds. The M Scaler gives so much more information about the recording room that I got a little dizzy in my head in the first minutes (but my brain adjusted after a short time). I was not prepared that you get so much more depth in the soundstage using the M Scaler. It´s like the listening room gets one more dimension. It´s just much more real. The acoustical information you get from the room is so much greater than using the Dave alone. That´s my first impression about listening with M Scaler for two hours. BTW I never skip to the next track, just continue listening as I try to grab what I am hearing - that must be a good sign.
Will get a very special new BNC-cable tomorrow and will se if it makes some difference.
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