Linux users unite!
Sep 26, 2015 at 4:30 PM Post #421 of 481
Started using Red Hat and Mandrake back in middle school, then switched to Debian 64 bit in high school when I built my first 64 bit PC. Right before going to college, I switched to using Gentoo. To this day, my main PC still runs Gentoo, but the other machines run Arch since I didn't want to "micro maintain" all of my machines.
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:22 PM Post #422 of 481
just found this thread, yeay!! I'm thrilled to join in.
I've been a Linux user since 2007, all started out with Ubuntu and after some distro hopping (who doesn't, right?) I finally landed at the OpenSUSE part of the galxy. working with it for two years now, and thinking about going over to tumbleweed...

already have a question:
anyone here using streaming to an A&K DAP? got the AK240 next to me, and I don't want to use WINE to get the MQS streaming... maybe with mpd? but then I'd have to use pulseaudio... 
Oct 2, 2015 at 6:11 AM Post #423 of 481
me too, @WayneWoondirts just told me about this thread.
Ubuntu Server here with mpd and upmpdcli for playing music, on an old Atom D510 with a linear power supply.
I appreciate freedom from USB Audio proprietary drivers.
All my servers are debian/ubuntu.
My two htpcs are Kodi Linux (again, an ubuntu derivative).
Oct 7, 2015 at 8:49 PM Post #424 of 481
I am a recent convert - running OpenSUSE leap beta at the moment. On both my deskop and laptop. Might make the jump to Fedora when 23 is released in a few weeks time. I enjoy gnome.
What music players are you all using? I really like Quodlibet. It isn't quite Foobar but it's ability to handle big libraries, custom tags and the panel display make it a good fit. The only thing I truly miss from Foobar is ability to browse by cover and discogs tagger but to be honest the panel lay out is probably more functional.
Oct 8, 2015 at 2:12 AM Post #425 of 481
  I am a recent convert - running OpenSUSE leap beta at the moment. On both my deskop and laptop. Might make the jump to Fedora when 23 is released in a few weeks time. I enjoy gnome.
What music players are you all using? I really like Quodlibet. It isn't quite Foobar but it's ability to handle big libraries, custom tags and the panel display make it a good fit. The only thing I truly miss from Foobar is ability to browse by cover and discogs tagger but to be honest the panel lay out is probably more functional.

Leap, nice. I expect great things from it, why do you want to jump to fedora?

I'm using mpd with cantata as client. lightweight and flexible. also has DSD support
Oct 31, 2015 at 5:26 PM Post #426 of 481
Of possible amusement to the folks on here:
May 26, 2016 at 7:43 PM Post #427 of 481
Cowsay quotes from the Great Turtle, through vim-startify.
Sometimes Futurama quotes come out.

And then sometimes, Koans come out.

Files with fortune cookies for Futurama can be found here. I'm also using fortune cookies with Dhammapada quotes. The koans are from a Perl module on CPAN, and contains (most of?) everything from the Shaseki-shu, the Gateless Gate, and the Blue Cliff. You can find all of them together, bundled with a wrapper script, zen, that helps with printing to the terminal, over here. This is separate from fortune. I shuffle between zen and a separate script, fort, which shuffles between futurama and dhammapada quotes for fortune:
$(shuf -n 1 -e zen fort) | cowsay -W 80 -f turtle

One can then set it as a custom header for startify.
let g:startify_custom_header = map(split(system('$(shuf -n 1 -e zen fort) | cowsay -W 80 -f turtle), '\n'), '"   ". v:val') + ['']

If you want to work on koans, for whatever reason, but find yourself struggling to make a habit of it, this is a novel approach.
Jul 19, 2016 at 11:37 PM Post #429 of 481

Tried out OpenRC on the main laptop running Arch (s6 as the supervisor). Great fun. Haven't played with Linux (as in configuring and distro-hopping) in a good long time. For the most part, things just "work", but having found that things "work" rather well off of systemd as well, well, that makes me more confident in migrating to Void and playing with runit. And I've seen the musl stuff come a long way as well, so I think it's time. Just waiting for a drive to come in so I can back some stuff up.

I also had the time to spruce up my desktop and panel.

I moved to the offset branch of the xft fork for lemonbar, in order to replace what had previously been the Termsyn font, to Source Code Pro. Smoothed, antialiased fonts! Looks spiffy. Eats up a couple of MiBs more but c'est la vie.
I had removed the desktop indicates off of the left side during what must have been a year or two back, but I made the left icon clickable this time around. The time/date on the right side is also clickable, and spawns a "Scratchpad"-y terminal running Wyrd (ever since I moved to a paper planner, Wyrd and Remind have been getting less and less use, so I might just replace that with weather via Wego).
In terms of the window manager, I finally finished cleaning up some bspwm keybindings that had been left unfunctional from the 0.9.1 changes. Now equalize and circulate keybindings are working again! I've also started changing the opacity of preselections with compton, and found a neat way to cancel presels by reapplying the same keybinding (credit to whoever it was on GH). I've also adopted a script I found on GH for double borders on windows. Looks great! I have a 2bwm desktop set up on a rPi somewhere, and I've always liked the look of double borders. I could probably extend the script and have the inner/outer panel change color during urgent, or when a window is marked sticky/private. Right now I have a seperate script that changes the entire border colour momentarily.
I've also moved to xst, a fork of st. Generally, I do not mind the config.h way of compiling options in, so the main reason for moving had been the bundled patches. And for whatever reason, hintslight finally seems to be applied on xst. Most like it is an issue with X specific to this machine, from some leftover configuration.
Not very Linux-specific, but I've started using multirust for managing my Rust install. I've been building and installing from git manually all this time. I had considered trying out Nix to manage all of my local installs of language libs, but halfway through, I figured it wasn't worth the effort.
I've had rofi-pass installed for the longest time but never set up autotype options. What a timesaver! Now I don't have to type in my usernames (which have gotten increasingly longer...)
There are a couple of machines downstairs - the only one with Arch installed being a big honking desktop plugged into the TV, meant for watching movies, Youtube, and general entertainment. Yes, it's a waste of resources, but there's not much else I need it for. Although, sometimes guests come by and this is typically the machine they use when they ask for a computer (this has been getting less and less frequent what with smartphones being more common, but it used to happen all the time), so I've had a habit of setting up a traditional-looking desktop, with the panel at the bottom, etc, etc. Previously I had been using a stripped XFCE install, but recently I've moved it (and other installs with XFCE) with a lookalike setup running JWM. All I have to do is match the colours with the Arc-Darker GTK theme, and I'm set. Initially I had switched for an Openbox + lxpanel-gtk3 setup, but JWM comes with a panel out of the box and runs with the same amount of memory with that panel (8MiB, most of it due to Xft being enabled; Openbox ran ~8MiB and LXpanel ran ~13-20MiB). Sure, 8MiB is a mere pittance these days, but I guess old habits die hard. I've also moved from using inox-bin from the AUR, to a prebuilt inox using GTK3, to Firefox (Aurora, GTK3 build). And the circle is complete. I've really been enjoying JWM. We use it on Puppy all of the time without much thought, but perhaps sometimes we forget how comparable it is to the popular *boxes.
Jul 30, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #430 of 481
I started using stumpwm as my WM, with the intention of getting familiar with common lisp, beyond the exercises of my textbook. As it happens the default configuration of stumpwm is pretty much perfect for my needs (excluding some minor mode-line configuration); thus crushing my aspirations of doing *useful* things with the language.
Having some audio-related issues at the moment though. For some reason I can't get mpv to disable its software volume filter (which is utterly redundant considering I'm using my Fiio X3 for audio output, due to my laptop's inbuilt audio being compromised by hiss); as it claims not to have hardware volume control regardless as to whether the device being use possesses that capability. Plus for some reason the X3 only seems to be accepting s32 format samples, which I struggle to understand.
The software volume matter only seems to be an issue on my debian install; I don't recall ever facing this with ubuntu (incompatible with stumpwm) or fedora (installer functions terribly with chromebook touchpads).
Jul 30, 2016 at 8:11 PM Post #431 of 481
The option to turn off softvol was removed in 0.18.1.
Deprecated/unfunctional. Before mpv 0.18.1, this used to control whether to use the volume controls of the audio output driver or the internal mpv volume filter.
The current behavior is as if this option was set to yes. The other behaviors are not available anymore, although auto almost matches current behavior in most cases.
The no behavior is still partially available through the ao-volume and ao-mute properties. But there are no options to reset these.

Plus for some reason the X3 only seems to be accepting s32 format samples, which I struggle to understand.

If you've haven't seen this thread yet, might be worth a look. This had also been linked in that thread.
Jul 31, 2016 at 4:16 PM Post #432 of 481
Thanks for the response.
I appear to be using a much older version (0.8.1) despite using the deb multimedia repositories, in which the feature has yet to be deprecated. So that doesn't explain its misbehavior beyond that it may have been deprecated for that reason. 
The arch forums thread was useful, but unfortunately offered no solution beyond the assumption (that I'd already made) that the data was being padded, and that besides forcing s32 output there's little I can do.
I'm considering getting a Topping NX2 soon anyway, which I imagine will remedy my newfound issues of the (incorrect) assignment of a 192 KHz sample rate to the output when using mopidy, which produces garbled nonsense, from when playback is initialised until I pause and unpause it. As well as the issue of permanent USB charging making the device unnervingly hot.
Dec 20, 2016 at 2:45 AM Post #433 of 481
Hi guys, fedora 24 (25 in few days) user! Also use Debian, but it doesn't seem to like me at all, the longer I use it, the more error messages I get. Time to upgrade I think.

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