Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jan 23, 2015 at 7:58 AM Post #16,576 of 24,687
I'm under 25yrs old, never watched a single star wars film ever.

Maybe I got this wrong but I thought star wars was like a guy thing?

I quite like science fiction but not especially so to speak, so unsure really if star wars is worth it but then again I didn't think I would like Guardians of the Galaxy but was surprised to find it actually pretty good, so if star wars is as good as GOTG then maybe I should give it a go perhaps?

Be sure to keep in mind that it is a late 70s to early 80s movie, so don't expect a lot of special effects and any other modern movie gimmicks..
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:12 AM Post #16,578 of 24,687
That's actually pretty old for a movie, I thought they were way more recent than that so maybe I'll just give it a miss afterall

If you don't mind watching older movies, you shouldn't have any trouble with Star Wars. Great movies, definitely worth your time.
Jan 23, 2015 at 11:45 AM Post #16,579 of 24,687
Be sure to keep in mind that it is a late 70s to early 80s movie, so don't expect a lot of special effects and any other modern movie gimmicks..

You seem to be forgetting that Star Wars, INVENTED all the special effects and gimmiks that we see today. Yes they have gotten better over the years but they wouldnt exist if Lucas and Dykstra had not created ILM for Star Wars.
Jan 23, 2015 at 3:25 PM Post #16,580 of 24,687
I'm under 25yrs old, never watched a single star wars film ever.

Maybe I got this wrong but I thought star wars was like a guy thing?

I quite like science fiction but not especially so to speak, so unsure really if star wars is worth it but then again I didn't think I would like Guardians of the Galaxy but was surprised to find it actually pretty good, so if star wars is as good as GOTG then maybe I should give it a go perhaps?

You should watch Star Wars. They may not be the "best" movies but they are alot of fun and they really take you into their world. You would be doing yourself a great disservice if you don't atleast give it (them) a chance
Jan 23, 2015 at 3:54 PM Post #16,581 of 24,687
The Imitation Game - 10/10
I was a bit worried this would be too similar to the lousy movie called "Enigma", but it's not.
Loved this one. It's entertaining, has some comedy in it and makes you think. There's a lot of history in here that most Americans are probably not aware of.
It's not an action movie with lots of special effects or anything like that. It's mostly about the people who broke the WWII enigma codes.
I've seen all but 2 of the Best Picture nominees and this is the only one that deserves to win or even be nominated.
It'll be a sad day for me if this loses out and brain dead "American Sniper" wins over this.
Benedict also is now my pick for best actor. Yep, even over Steve Carrell.
Surprised that in my city I went to the first day showing and it was packed! It took a long time for it to show up.

Jan 23, 2015 at 4:55 PM Post #16,582 of 24,687
I'm under 25yrs old, never watched a single star wars film ever.

Maybe I got this wrong but I thought star wars was like a guy thing?

I haven't watched any of the Star Wars films either. When I was young and a target audience for the enterprise there was Iron Curtain. When it became available I wasn't interested though I watched many other sci-fi films like Aliens, Terminator etc. I also watched Kubrick's Space Odyssey for the first time only last year.
Birdman ( 2014) 9/10
In my opinion Birdman doesn't give any chance to it's rival in creativity The Grand Budapest Hotel. I didn't particularly like the latter but thought that in terms of creativity and imagination it was probably the best in 2014. No! The Hotel is a one trick pony. It's a theater which is pretending to be a life. Birdman is full of life. It's a perfect blend of fantasy and a real drama.
Jan 23, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #16,583 of 24,687
  Yeah, Hellraiser was pretty good. It's a shame they ruined it and haven't made a good one in over a decade. And, yeah, I've watched all 9 movies in hope that things will change. Personally, my favorites are probably 1 and 5 Inferno but hopefully the upcoming reboot will make up for all the crap they made

speaking of which.
Hellraise inferno. 6/10. I had to re-watch it on account of being black out drunk the first time. A pretty good movie and oddly cerebral for a hellraise movie; the fact that the 4-8 were re-purposed horror movie scripts is why they were all so different. Not a bad movie really; has little to do with...well anything hellraiser related until the end. But after that it's pretty good.
Hellraise Hellseeker 5/10. once again an oddly cerebral Hellraiser movie. A lot of twists and turns; also taking it back to the sexual drama thing which was nice...because body horror and sex is always creepy and disturbing. The twist ending totally made the movie so that was pretty great.
Hellraiser 7 DEADER 3/10. Pretty bad...in all regards. NOT THE WORST IN THE SERIES THOUGH!
Hellraise 8 0/10. The worst movie in the series from top to bottom. Lance Henriksen straight up said "its like a bad horror movie"...and it was. Just a mess from start to end; a total stupid mess.
Hellraiser 9 Revelation 4/10. not the worst; not the best. a return to the "Hellraiser" formula but still nothing to be excited about. Some interesting parts in it and all that; the acting wasn't awful...but holy hell was Pinhead bad...they used a different actor and it was disappointing to say the least.
Jan 23, 2015 at 9:50 PM Post #16,584 of 24,687
You seem to be forgetting that Star Wars, INVENTED all the special effects and gimmiks that we see today. Yes they have gotten better over the years but they wouldnt exist if Lucas and Dykstra had not created ILM for Star Wars.

For any of us old movie buffs, seeing Star Wars at 16 was mind blowing. I wonder how few here truly understand how different and technologically advanced the movie was in the mid 1970s.

From the first opening with the giant ship coming down from the top of the screen along with those laser blasts, most had their jaw dropped to the floor.

First movie I remember with surround sound, first with that frame by frame computer controlled model animation.

Movies were changed from then on.
Jan 23, 2015 at 9:58 PM Post #16,585 of 24,687
You seem to be forgetting that Star Wars, INVENTED all the special effects and gimmiks that we see today. Yes they have gotten better over the years but they wouldnt exist if Lucas and Dykstra had not created ILM for Star Wars.

I have to admit I didn't know that - I'm 23 and I watch the trilogy in the 90s when I was about 8 years old.
Funny thing is, even today I still get ridiculously joyful when those little bear things appeared on the 3rd (or should I say 6th?) movie 
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:03 PM Post #16,586 of 24,687
I have to admit I didn't know that - I'm 23 and I watch the trilogy in the 90s when I was about 8 years old.

Funny thing is, even today I still get ridiculously joyful when those little bear things appeared on the 3rd (or should I say 6th?) movie :D

Get your own.......

Jan 23, 2015 at 10:08 PM Post #16,587 of 24,687
For any of us old movie buffs, seeing Star Wars at 16 was mind blowing. I wonder how few here truly understand how different and technologically advanced the movie was in the mid 1970s.

From the first opening with the giant ship coming down from the top of the screen along with those laser blasts, most had their jaw dropped to the floor.

First movie I remember with surround sound, first with that frame by frame computer controlled model animation.

Movies were changed from then on.

I have to admit I didn't know that - I'm 23 and I watch the trilogy in the 90s when I was about 8 years old.
Funny thing is, even today I still get ridiculously joyful when those little bear things appeared on the 3rd (or should I say 6th?) movie 

My friends and I all camped out to see that film. Was probably the first movie party ever. There were hundreds of us from all over the city at the doors to the theatre. The staff were overwhelmed as they had T shirts  to give out to the first hundred or so patrons.
So radical a film this was effects wise that it hit the cover of Time magazine long before it premiered. For once hype was a good thing and having said that it probably set the precedent for overhyping films in advance that we see today. The closest thing effects wise was 2001 ten years earlier and every SciFi fan on earth was literally dying to see  something hit the Silver with more than "spaceship on a string" effects.
The Moose is dead on. That first cruiser coming on screen and being sooooooo BIG had the theatre at a gasp and then utter silence. We stayed and watched the second showing.
It was an awesome experience and the introduction of 3D cannot hold a match let alone candle to the shock it delivered to the audiences at the time.
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:12 PM Post #16,588 of 24,687
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:30 PM Post #16,589 of 24,687
I love the fact that Star Wars was literally my first theater memory. Have been a diehard fan ever since. Always will be. Even named my dog "Obi". 
Jan 23, 2015 at 10:51 PM Post #16,590 of 24,687
DAMN mate, what dog breed is that? He (or she) looks incredibly similar to the little bear things :D

They cut the Terrier breed dog to have the face look like an Ewok.

Here is my Terrier. Coco. A five year old female. Acts just like an Ewok only smarter.


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