Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Apr 23, 2015 at 1:38 PM Post #17,041 of 24,687
V For Vendetta. 10/10.

Why a 10? I would rate it 5 at best.

While I probably would not give the movie a 10, I think it is close. The movie is entertaining and thought provoking with great writing and an excellent performance by Hugo Weaving. It raises the question of how to respond to totalitarian oppression, giving a different perspective than the "peace-at-all-costs" mentality espoused and revered by the likes of Gandhi. I think this is an interesting perspective that diverges from the "violence is always wrong" type of thinking and instead addresses how acts of "evil" can ultimately be for the greater good while also addressing the potential fallout that such a mindset can result in. Ultimately what makes it great are the parallels between the evils perpetrated by the government in the fictional world and what is actually happening in the real world. The film encourages viewers not to blithely accept what the government does and instead actually think critically about the policies we have enacted and where they are leading us. 
Apr 24, 2015 at 5:32 AM Post #17,042 of 24,687
Moebius Scared for life/10
If you ever wake up and think to yourself: "I want to watch some disturbing crazy crap, that makes almost no sense and will make me fear for my penile well being" this is the movie for you! It's about a family and a particular penis........ Anything more and the "plot line" is ruined.

Apr 24, 2015 at 3:30 PM Post #17,043 of 24,687
Ex-Machina - 6/10
This was a waste of time and kind of a bore. Kept waiting forever for something interesting to happen and not much does.
Sort of felt like it had the pacing of "Foxcatcher" but not as interesting. "Foxcatcher" was at least somewhat entertaining.
Ending is disappointing too. Somehow there's actually not really much in here to think about.
There will be a lot of fans of this movie i'm sure. It's one of those that might not deserve a 6 but I just can't like it at all.

A movie doesn't have to be constant entertainment for me to like it.

Apr 24, 2015 at 6:20 PM Post #17,044 of 24,687
  Ex-Machina - 6/10
This was a waste of time and kind of a bore. Kept waiting forever for something interesting to happen and not much does.
Sort of felt like it had the pacing of "Foxcatcher" but not as interesting. "Foxcatcher" was at least somewhat entertaining.
Ending is disappointing too. Somehow there's actually not really much in here to think about.
There will be a lot of fans of this movie i'm sure. It's one of those that might not deserve a 6 but I just can't like it at all.
A movie doesn't have to be constant entertainment for me to like it.

I haven't seen it yet, but one thing that concerned me was on the preview they used a descriptor of "sensual" or something like that...there couldn't be a less interesting word for them to use in terms of what I look for in a film, and it just struck me as a red flag. I know that sounds like a bit of a leap, but in terms of my own taste in movies, there has been a correlation between descriptors like that and the degree to which I enjoyed the film. So I'm less interested in seeing it than I was at first. 
Apr 25, 2015 at 12:07 AM Post #17,045 of 24,687
While I probably would not give the movie a 10, I think it is close. The movie is entertaining and thought provoking with great writing and an excellent performance by Hugo Weaving. It raises the question of how to respond to totalitarian oppression, giving a different perspective than the "peace-at-all-costs" mentality espoused and revered by the likes of Gandhi. I think this is an interesting perspective that diverges from the "violence is always wrong" type of thinking and instead addresses how acts of "evil" can ultimately be for the greater good while also addressing the potential fallout that such a mindset can result in. Ultimately what makes it great are the parallels between the evils perpetrated by the government in the fictional world and what is actually happening in the real world. The film encourages viewers not to blithely accept what the government does and instead actually think critically about the policies we have enacted and where they are leading us. 

It's been a long time since I've seen the movie or read the comics, but from memory I would settle on a happy middle ground, at about a 7/10. My two cents, for what they are worth: I do have the distinct impression that the comics were vastly superior, particularly with regards to their setting and characterizations. Some of the performances in the film were pretty great (especially Hugo Weaving), but I remember being disappointed by how morally unambiguous the movie was, at least in comparison to the source material. In the movie, V was essentially painted as a liberal superhero with a bit of a violent streak, whose enemies were gross, Bush-era caricatures. It was rather significantly Hollywooded up, and lost not only the expansive moral grayness that I appreciated so much in the comics, but also the well-rounded characterization of all the major players and the more complex anarchism vs. fascism political angle that was so thoughtfully presented in the comics. Indeed, I recall the film's script being cringe-worthy at times, which tends to happen when film writers whitewash comic-writer Alan Moore's big, dangerous ideas. (See, for example: From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Watchmen, and, to some extent, Constantine.) The end result is that the film is essentially equal parts political thriller and teenager/young adult-oriented action/adventure, where the politics and character arcs have been heavily watered down, compared to the source material. Still, I can't fault it too much, because as memory serves it did a lot of things right, and I think it deserves a bonus point insofar as it might serve as a gateway drug to the 'real deal' of Moore's writing, or insofar as it offers some avenues for critical thought alongside its action-oriented set pieces. And the more I think about it, the more I remember just how impressed I was with Hugo Weaving's faceless performance. Nonetheless, I would strongly encourage people who liked the film to get their hands on the collected comic series (or graphic novel).
Apr 25, 2015 at 4:34 AM Post #17,047 of 24,687
It Follows: 10/10
Saw this a few weeks ago actually; and really can't stop thinking about it. It's not a horror movie..more of a thriller. A seriously good movie is a perfect script from start to finish; it never really seems to drag or move to fast. In my mind this was the perfect movie; nothing in it that doesn't need to be and not missing anything.
Spoilers kinda
A great movie centered around the lives of 20 something year old friends, a really realistic movie in all facets other than the "monster" which was also expertly done and very creepy despite just being a person. The clear parallels between the consequences of anonymous sex with strangers and just unprotected sex in general are well handled and don't really make this a corny flick. My friend and I were gushing about the cinematography and over all direction of the film, just on point every step of the way and really heightened the feelings of the scenes; though the time period was really hard to place. Subtlety was masterful in this movie and it rewards you for paying attention both in big payoffs and little details about the characters every day lives that otherwise are inconsequential. The monster it's self wasn't scary as it was disturbing, it had a clear motivation and a way of achieving its goals..its just is and it does what it does; it has one singular focus and it won't be stopped.
Apr 25, 2015 at 12:54 PM Post #17,048 of 24,687
Starred Up
One of the best prison dramas I've come across. Down to earth, brutal, and superb acting. 8/10
Apr 25, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #17,049 of 24,687
Avengers Age of Ultron: 9.8/10

It's too long and chemistry is kind of tedious to watch. But once it's action time, it kicks ass! Also it's edgier with exploration of themes such as peace and order, and Scarlett Johansson is so hot... Now I can't wait for the next avengers movie.
Apr 26, 2015 at 11:13 PM Post #17,050 of 24,687
2001: A Space Odyssey (10/10): Finally got around to seeing this... The book was one of my top 5 of all time so I was interested to see how the movie would compare. It was definitely different but in a very good/complimentary way to the book. Movies based on books do not always seem to go so well (with several notable exceptions), largely because the mediums vary to such great extents, resulting in aspects of a book that may be difficult to convey in a movie. The fact that the book and movie were worked on concurrently lends it a uniqueness in how they compliment each other, specifically allowing the movie to sort of gloss over parts of the story and focus on making a more visceral impact and letting the book fill in the details. I think that if I had seen the movie before the book, I may not of have appreciated it as much but with that background it was one of the most enjoyable film experiences of my life, particularly the opening sequence (which is equally as great in the book). Pure greatness.
Citizen Kane (9/10): Just a great story. Kane is maybe the best character I've seen in a movie. I docked a point because it did seem to drag in the middle (which may be more of an indictment on my attention span than the movie.) 
Apr 26, 2015 at 11:42 PM Post #17,051 of 24,687
Avengers Age of Ultron: 9.8/10

It's too long and chemistry is kind of tedious to watch. But once it's action time, it kicks ass! Also it's edgier with exploration of themes such as peace and order, and Scarlett Johansson is so hot... Now I can't wait for the next avengers movie.

After watching this film I've come to the conclusion that I don't think I enjoy the avengers as much as most people. Sadly. I say 6/10

2001: A Space Odyssey (10/10): Finally got around to seeing this... The book was one of my top 5 of all time so I was interested to see how the movie would compare. It was definitely different but in a very good/complimentary way to the book. Movies based on books do not always seem to go so well (with several notable exceptions), largely because the mediums vary to such great extents, resulting in aspects of a book that may be difficult to convey in a movie. The fact that the book and movie were worked on concurrently lends it a uniqueness in how they compliment each other, specifically allowing the movie to sort of gloss over parts of the story and focus on making a more visceral impact and letting the book fill in the details. I think that if I had seen the movie before the book, I may not of have appreciated it as much but with that background it was one of the most enjoyable film experiences of my life, particularly the opening sequence (which is equally as great in the book). Pure greatness.

10/10? Even though I've never read the book I'm going to watch this tonight after I watch the godfather and I'll report back.
Apr 27, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #17,054 of 24,687
Yeah, so? What could anyone possibly expect from another Avengers movie, seriously? The part when Ironman was repeatedly punching Hulk was pretty funny.

And Space Odyssey is fantastic!

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