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Jan 21, 2015 at 5:58 PM Post #4,846 of 6,972
  Thanks for that. Seems easy enough. Pretty much the same way WoW used to be before Curse came out.
And is Steam the best place to DL from for Origins? Or does it matter. It's the same price there as it is on Amazon or GameStop. Those are the only places I looked. I didn't see any of the other Dragon Age titles on Steam though, only Origins. 

That's because DA is an EA game, which means Origin instead of Steam and of course you can always use kinguin 
Jan 21, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #4,847 of 6,972
  That's because DA is an EA game, which means Origin instead of Steam and of course you can always use kinguin 

Thanks. Sorry for the newbism....like I said before, computer gaming is essentially new to me even though I've been gaming casually since the 1980's when I got an Atari 2600 for Christmas...lol...but it's been 95% console.
Jan 21, 2015 at 6:28 PM Post #4,848 of 6,972
  Thanks for that. Seems easy enough. Pretty much the same way WoW used to be before Curse came out.
And is Steam the best place to DL from for Origins? Or does it matter. It's the same price there as it is on Amazon or GameStop. Those are the only places I looked. I didn't see any of the other Dragon Age titles on Steam though, only Origins. 

I'd go with Steam due to its convenience.  And I recommend Ultimate Edition because it has all of the expansions/DLC.  Inquisition is Origin exclusive, so no matter where you get it from it needs an Origin account and has to be launched through Origin.  Note that this only applies to Inquisition: DA:O and DA2 don't need Origin.
Jan 21, 2015 at 7:08 PM Post #4,849 of 6,972
I'd go with Steam due to its convenience.  And I recommend Ultimate Edition because it has all of the expansions/DLC.  Inquisition is Origin exclusive, so no matter where you get it from it needs an Origin account and has to be launched through Origin.  Note that this only applies to Inquisition: DA:O and DA2 don't need Origin.

Sounds good. DLing now. 2 hours to go.
Jan 21, 2015 at 10:40 PM Post #4,850 of 6,972
  Yeah, Inquisition is pointless to play on a console and also the pc version has controller support so one can jump in with his 360 controller if that's what he desires.
Btw, did anyone else try Alchemilla? It' a free Half-Life 2 mod - specifically a Silent Hill mod and from what I played so far it seems to be heavily based on the first Silent Hill game. LIke literally the second minute in the game I was "That's straight from Silent Hill 1"


Great mod ..
Jan 22, 2015 at 4:52 AM Post #4,851 of 6,972
  Sounds good. DLing now. 2 hours to go.

Origins in my opinion was quite amazing, so Im glad you decided to play it.
In my opinion from baldurs gate saga there was nothing that could beat the game until DA: Origins. I would not say that Origins is better than baldurs gate but at least at the same level.
Jan 22, 2015 at 8:44 AM Post #4,852 of 6,972
DA:O was indeed great. I was getting ready to play DA 2 but all my friends said it was so terrible (in relation to DA:O) that I skipped it. Looking forward to DA:I oonce I get through some of my backlog.
Jan 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM Post #4,856 of 6,972
Been playing Insanity's Blade a lot lately; It's an interesting sidescroller. Really hard though, its very castlevania...maybe 7/10? I have a streaming channel now and if anyone would like to watch or suggest games for me to play feel free!
Jan 31, 2015 at 9:04 PM Post #4,860 of 6,972
I've been playing lots of far cry 4 love the series beautiful big open world. Next on the menu dying light really like the dead island series. PC gaming only for me I think i'm the worst gamer on consoles ever I love them just no good on them..

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