Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 8, 2018 at 1:15 PM Post #28,156 of 153,820
I would rather (kissing up ALERT) buy some Schitt for family (and me if they would just put a RED LED on a black Valhalla2) or a matching Emotiva CD-100 or ERC-3(!) for my XDA-2 (the simple addition of a RED LED would put Schiit ahead, you know because I need another CD single box player like I need another...Well...any thing. But I do not have any thing tube-ish right now. Nor with a RED LED. I have plenty of CD players. And turntables. And stuff... Ah, but "want" is another thing entirely.


Just grab a Red Sharpie...
Jan 8, 2018 at 1:26 PM Post #28,157 of 153,820
Wow. Discovered this last week and just finished reading it. The whole "good audio does not have to be a jewelry" thing sounds very reasonable. I would definitely buy something from Schiit, at least because I`m curious if Jason-engeneer is as good as Jason-writer :)

Looking forward to new chapters, thank you.
Jan 8, 2018 at 2:32 PM Post #28,159 of 153,820

At least your XDA-2 has a pretty awesome remote control!

I have an XDA-2 Gen1 and Gen2. Gen2 remote is much slimmer, but still of hefty metal.

Jan 8, 2018 at 5:08 PM Post #28,164 of 153,820
Well now, info@Schiit was certainly quick. No on (a split palindrome?) the red LED. If that is a permanent thing written if you will, in Schiit, then I will just not buy one for my self. My brothers do not mind the light color, or so I think. Besides, I have enough stuff any way and Schiit has plenty of good people buying their other wise excellent products!


Ummm...I am a male toad. :ksc75smile: Besides, if I can not get at least some of what I want, I will just not get any thing for me. For others, yes. For me? Nope. I can compromise but not this much, LOL!.

Back to Jane Olivor and Johnny Mathis. I can listen to that song a lot. Actually, the cut is on her "Best Of" album but I am all so a tremendous admire of Mathis' singing. Next up Karen Carpenter. "Sigh"...


Just think of it as a free night light!

Jan 8, 2018 at 5:25 PM Post #28,166 of 153,820
I would guess that no one with a Fulla2 needs a remote. Is that not the little desk top DAC/Amp? It should be right in front of the user plugged in to the computer. In my case, I had to find the remote for my XDA-2 because I was going to give it to my older brother. I had plugged the Emotiva in after having it sit on the floor for a few years. I did so to make certain it still worked and then finally found the remote. I then decided to give my brother a new Vali 2 because it looks pretty cool with a tube sticking out of the top and he likes tube-ish stuff.

So per the recommendation of friends here I am using my Emotiva XDA-2 again rather that letting it sit on the floor. It looks cool and that is sufficient for me right now. I hear music through it fine and like its looks (wish it had VU Meters!) okie dokie. I do not care for the dinky jack though. It looks cheapo to me.

The XDA-2 sits right next to me. I do not need the remote at all, but it is there. I use it for wrist curls to build my teensie toadish fore arms. Cool looking earbuds you have there! The Fulla2 looks kinda bitchin' too. It is far more substantial than the original Fulla or those Dragonfly Red/Black DAC/Amps and that is some thing I can appreciate being a masculine toad and all that appertains to that, LOL! It is still quite portable too, is it not? I listened to music via both Dragonfly versions and could not hear a difference between them and so if I were to ever buy one (highly doubtful) it would be the RED (hint! hint! to Jason) one because it looks more fab. I just can not see my self ever walking around with a DAP (or my cell phone) Siamese-Twinified to a DAC/Amp or Triplified to a separate DAC & Amp combo. That's a lot of crap to be carrying around just to listen to some music on the go.

I would rather (kissing up ALERT) buy some Schitt for family (and me if they would just put a RED LED on a black Valhalla2) or a matching Emotiva CD-100 or ERC-3(!) for my XDA-2 (the simple addition of a RED LED would put Schiit ahead, you know because I need another CD single box player like I need another...Well...any thing. But I do not have any thing tube-ish right now. Nor with a RED LED. I have plenty of CD players. And turntables. And stuff... Ah, but "want" is another thing entirely.

I all so have the flu. And my eyes hurt.

Enjoy that Fulla2 good sir! It looks sweet. Much cooler than a USB dingle-thingle. To me, at least.


I am enjoying the fulla2 big time about a year now, mainly at work with a AKG K551. But i feel too isolated at work with them and i look like princes i thought let’s go for earbuds and see if they are better than the shity Apple buds. I loved my Shure IEM but the left channel died on me. I am not a mono kind of guy. Also in-ear is not comfortable enough for me to listen a long time. Shall Let you guys know about VE Monk+ experience, i read they need 200 hours playing in, like the Yggdrasil.

Another story fulla(2)schiit: My good friend has a studio A and B, one building two spaces and also works on stuff at home. Gave him some schiit for his birthday. I thought he would like to use it at home but he had some changes in studio B and now uses his fulla2 in his studio and does a fabulous job, very well indeed! Lovely Schiit indeed.
Jan 8, 2018 at 5:37 PM Post #28,167 of 153,820
Just grab a Red Sharpie...
Nail polish also very effective
What are your experiences using these? I am trying to dim some LEDs and can't use Light Dims film because they are round LEDs that protrude out from the surface. When I try a marker or painting with nail polish, I can't get it to go on evenly, and it looks splotchy. The problem is that the surface of the LED is slick and the pigment doesn't adhere evenly, and the liquid tends to pool into blobs.
Jan 8, 2018 at 7:14 PM Post #28,168 of 153,820
What are your experiences using these? I am trying to dim some LEDs and can't use Light Dims film because they are round LEDs that protrude out from the surface. When I try a marker or painting with nail polish, I can't get it to go on evenly, and it looks splotchy. The problem is that the surface of the LED is slick and the pigment doesn't adhere evenly, and the liquid tends to pool into blobs.

Yes it is slick nasty. Practiced a lot till hapiness occurred. A careful drop of thick nail polish did the job in the end. You can also slightly pass some fine sand paper to speed things up. And oh yeah the right colour! Got my daughters strange gray purple on it. My bright green Furman-led is gone but the result is not ecstatically marvelous IMHO. My wife was very happy with the result. Worse were the replacement Leds after a repair, useless leds anyhow so black nail polish doing a great job there. You need a non shaking hand though ‍
Jan 8, 2018 at 7:15 PM Post #28,169 of 153,820
What are your experiences using these? I am trying to dim some LEDs and can't use Light Dims film because they are round LEDs that protrude out from the surface. When I try a marker or painting with nail polish, I can't get it to go on evenly, and it looks splotchy. The problem is that the surface of the LED is slick and the pigment doesn't adhere evenly, and the liquid tends to pool into blobs.

I am a big proponent of blue painters tape and a hole punch. If one layer isn't just right do two. Try a couple types also for translucent qualities. Painters is a bit stretchy hole punch size so should work.

Ok, here is the tricky part if you can't live with that: The LEDs are just there sticking through a hole. You can gently push them flush. To get perfect you may need to very very very carefully nudge them a tad below the surface so they can spring back flush. If you mess up and push too far then they may end up behind the cover!!!! Do not do this!:L3000:
If you try this and mess up, then this tape will self destruct in 60 seconds!
Jan 8, 2018 at 8:08 PM Post #28,170 of 153,820
I used the blue 3M painters tape punched into small circles to make the lights blue. Enough shines through. There’s the green painters tape from the Frog brand. Not sure about red though.

This is similar to what I did, I use 2 layers of it on my Vidar, they are no longer beacons in the night...

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