Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread
Feb 8, 2023 at 6:21 AM Post #676 of 1,355
Finally received my Lyr +.

Its built like a tank and very heavy which I like. I do not like how there are no balanced inputs or outputs but its not the end of the world as there is plenty of power in this amp to drive the LCD 4.

First impressions compared to the A90D:

Much warmer presentation and not as piercing in the treble. The bass hits harder and it has a more relaxed overall presentation that is very enjoyable. I would say the A90D presents small details better and the stereo imaging is also better on that amp however, I am only using the stock tube and I have more tubes on the way which should change the sound.

I ran the unit without any issues for quite a few hours and then I got a weird humming noise and I tried to locate the issue for maybe an hour to no avail. I have the unit plugged into my DAC which is then plugged directly via USB B to my gaming desktop PC. I found the issue and it was actually a game running in the background which created the humming noise. Closed the game and everything was as silent as a church mouse so I am glad I located that issue.

Overall, I am impressed by the build quality and sound of the unit and I hope that tube rolling will improve the sound even more so.


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Feb 8, 2023 at 12:57 PM Post #677 of 1,355
Finally received my Lyr +.

Its built like a tank and very heavy which I like. I do not like how there are no balanced inputs or outputs but its not the end of the world as there is plenty of power in this amp to drive the LCD 4.

First impressions compared to the A90D:

Much warmer presentation and not as piercing in the treble. The bass hits harder and it has a more relaxed overall presentation that is very enjoyable. I would say the A90D presents small details better and the stereo imaging is also better on that amp however, I am only using the stock tube and I have more tubes on the way which should change the sound.

I ran the unit without any issues for quite a few hours and then I got a weird humming noise and I tried to locate the issue for maybe an hour to no avail. I have the unit plugged into my DAC which is then plugged directly via USB B to my gaming desktop PC. I found the issue and it was actually a game running in the background which created the humming noise. Closed the game and everything was as silent as a church mouse so I am glad I located that issue.

Overall, I am impressed by the build quality and sound of the unit and I hope that tube rolling will improve the sound even more so.
Just some general advice, getting a little air between your stacks will keep temps down a lot. I 3d printed some spacers for my schiit stack but you can buy larger feet or something as well.

Also after the amp is fully warmed and been running a good long time, check you low and high gain. My high gain was broke on right channel only when fully warmed and completely fine on low gain.
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Feb 8, 2023 at 2:36 PM Post #678 of 1,355
So I reached out to VivaTubes about the differences between the hifi and UK PSVane 6sn7's. They happily explained the differences as quoted below.

"The UK was specifically modeled after the British Mullard ECC32 (and the Brimar) and includes more premium gold pins and the original black plate construction that the old British 6SN7s had. Their Hifi version is their own design (although similar) but does not include the more premium aspect like gold pins."

Seems like the UK version might be more interesting for the extra $2-3 as a NOS inspired tube.
Feb 8, 2023 at 2:47 PM Post #679 of 1,355
So I reached out to VivaTubes about the differences between the hifi and UK PSVane 6sn7's. They happily explained the differences as quoted below.

"The UK was specifically modeled after the British Mullard ECC32 (and the Brimar) and includes more premium gold pins and the original black plate construction that the old British 6SN7s had. Their Hifi version is their own design (although similar) but does not include the more premium aspect like gold pins."

Seems like the UK version might be more interesting for the extra $2-3 as a NOS inspired tube.
Thanks for sharing.
Feb 8, 2023 at 6:49 PM Post #680 of 1,355
I got another tube for my Lyr + today which is the Sylvania 6SN7GTB. My Goodness! I am in love!

It keeps all the detail and possibly add more than the A90D because it pushes the midrange forward so you hear the instruments even clearer and the clarity in the vocals pop out and it sounds magical. The A90D had great vocals but this tube engulfs you with the vocals and because they are more forward it creates a euphoric type of experience I didn't get with the stock tube or the A90D. The bass is great but not as punchy as the stock tube however, the Sylvania has much better detail and even surpasses the A90D. Again I will state the mid range is brought forward so maybe its perceived detail but this is the kind of experience I was looking for with a tube. Stereo imaging is now on par with the A90D compared to the stock tube which was very hazy in that department.

Its a NOS tube so this is the sound just as is without any burn in and I am amazed. I will burn it in tonight and leave it running with some music and I highly recommend this tube. I believe I paid £40 for it so it was a great deal also.

Update on the detail. The instruments are actually much better separated and doesn't sound smoothed over like the A90D.
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Feb 8, 2023 at 7:07 PM Post #681 of 1,355
You guys need to get away from modern tubes. Go look at the lyr 3 tube rolling thread. None of the modern tubes compare to the vintage tubes. Even something like a 1950s or 1960s Foton 6n8s is amazing.
Feb 9, 2023 at 11:53 AM Post #682 of 1,355
Question: How long does power-up take to a) trigger the relay to enable LEDs, b) from there enable power output to the jack, and c) switch to/ from SS/ Tube mode? For me, it's 3s from power up to the initial relay and associated LEDs coming on, and then another 40 seconds for power output to the jack (and associated relay). Switching from Tube to SS and vice versa takes just under 40s as well. High/ Low gain toggling takes 8-10s.

Of course this means nothing to me, but it's significantly different post-repair i.e. 2x for all circuits and I've no clue what, "standard" is...(before or after or variable across the board)...

My Lyr+ has not been in for repair.

Here is the breakdown of times for my unit:

a) 3 seconds to enable LEDs
b) 20 seconds (23 seconds total from power on) to enable power output to the jack
c) 20 seconds to switch between tube and SS modes
4) 5 seconds to toggle between high and low gain
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Feb 9, 2023 at 4:35 PM Post #683 of 1,355
My Lyr+ has not been in for repair.

Here is the breakdown of times for my unit:

a) 3 seconds to enable LEDs
b) 20 seconds (23 seconds total from power on) to enable power output to the jack
c) 20 seconds to switch between tube and SS modes
4) 5 seconds to toggle between high and low gain
Interesting - aligns with my before/ after - 20s before, 40s after so far. Makes one wonder...yea there's gonna be variation but 2x is a little more than variation, and even with 3 data points it starts to paint a picture...or does it?
Feb 9, 2023 at 6:32 PM Post #684 of 1,355
Yes....this is a daytime tube for sure. In the evening I need my desk lamp, so for now I switched back to the Psvane. I did listen to a few tracks in the dark though, and it sounds REALLY interesting. Really airy and spacious, almost ethereal. Fantastic detail and separation. A little less forward in the mids compared to the Psvane.

I did more listening with the Raytheon 6F8G. My experience thus far still follows closely with my first impressions. Mids (especially vocals) are pulled back a little compared to the Psvane 6SN7, so a bit less in-your-face and aggressive sounding, but in exchange you get a more spacious presentation with better separation. It's easier to notice background elements since they sit basically in line with the foreground elements. It's not more detailed or anything, but just a touch more clarity. This is especially apparent in the treble. VERY airy and extended with long decay that somehow manages to stand out even in busy tracks. Mids are very nice and lush, bass is tight and detailed. Very pleasing to listen to, but very sensitive to RFI and it doesn't like my desk lamp being on for some reason.

I think overall I like the more aggressive presentation of the Psvane more. It just adds fun to everything I listen to, while the Raytheon 6F8G is much more for laid back listening.
Feb 9, 2023 at 7:34 PM Post #685 of 1,355
I did more listening with the Raytheon 6F8G. My experience thus far still follows closely with my first impressions. Mids (especially vocals) are pulled back a little compared to the Psvane 6SN7, so a bit less in-your-face and aggressive sounding, but in exchange you get a more spacious presentation with better separation. It's easier to notice background elements since they sit basically in line with the foreground elements. It's not more detailed or anything, but just a touch more clarity. This is especially apparent in the treble. VERY airy and extended with long decay that somehow manages to stand out even in busy tracks. Mids are very nice and lush, bass is tight and detailed. Very pleasing to listen to, but very sensitive to RFI and it doesn't like my desk lamp being on for some reason.

I think overall I like the more aggressive presentation of the Psvane more. It just adds fun to everything I listen to, while the Raytheon 6F8G is much more for laid back listening.
Wanna sell that Raytheon? I'll buy it off ya'. I want a bit less forward...though I just got my Kevin's Stash EH and my first impressions are positive over the Tung Sol. Some of the initial magic I heard in the amp before it blew...seems back. I can't help but wonder if this might have somehow affected the tube I have because that magic was gone from that point forward. I honestly don't know enough about tubes and how they work to have any idea if that's even a possibility, but ...something surely seems different. I don't think it's me but's hard to know.

First impressions are that it's a more full presentation, more natural, less forward. Highs are there but a bit more subdued than the Tung Sol which by comparison sounds a lot thinner. The lows are deeper and extended but still tight, and I suspect that will change a bit as will the highs and stage open a bit. The stage isn't quite as wide but it may be deeper. Hard read to get in 10m - I let it run for a couple hours before I had time to put my cans on (stupid phone calls)...

Overall is just sound very pleasant to me - maybe it's not entirely different from that Raytheon, though I don't think I'd say it's airy. Not yet anyway...
Feb 9, 2023 at 7:49 PM Post #686 of 1,355
Wanna sell that Raytheon? I'll buy it off ya'. I want a bit less forward...though I just got my Kevin's Stash EH and my first impressions are positive over the Tung Sol. Some of the initial magic I heard in the amp before it blew...seems back. I can't help but wonder if this might have somehow affected the tube I have because that magic was gone from that point forward. I honestly don't know enough about tubes and how they work to have any idea if that's even a possibility, but ...something surely seems different. I don't think it's me but's hard to know.

First impressions are that it's a more full presentation, more natural, less forward. Highs are there but a bit more subdued than the Tung Sol which by comparison sounds a lot thinner. The lows are deeper and extended but still tight, and I suspect that will change a bit as will the highs and stage open a bit. The stage isn't quite as wide but it may be deeper. Hard read to get in 10m - I let it run for a couple hours before I had time to put my cans on (stupid phone calls)...

Overall is just sound very pleasant to me - maybe it's not entirely different from that Raytheon, though I don't think I'd say it's airy. Not yet anyway...
So as to mislead, I have to correct that. I threw on Patricia Barber's Cafe Blue and the Nardis drum solo ...pretty left/ right and flat right now. As I understand it this will open up a bit. Separation is fine but the depth isn't there. For me to enjoy this long term I'm going to need that, but for EDM background stuff I have zero sibilance and probably can re-adjust my EQ back closer to normal on mid-highs for my chain...

Keep in mind this is as a preamp only and I'm rendering depth with a Burson Soloist which offense to Schiit but is in this regard far superior to the jack on the Lyr+. It's not even a competition, so straight out of the Lyr+ jack, I'd have a hard time thinking the differences would be that much from one tube to another. At least with my Grado cans. Maybe others are a better fit, planars being less reactive loading but I don't have any to try.
Feb 10, 2023 at 7:55 AM Post #687 of 1,355
So as to mislead, I have to correct that. I threw on Patricia Barber's Cafe Blue and the Nardis drum solo ...pretty left/ right and flat right now. As I understand it this will open up a bit. Separation is fine but the depth isn't there. For me to enjoy this long term I'm going to need that, but for EDM background stuff I have zero sibilance and probably can re-adjust my EQ back closer to normal on mid-highs for my chain...

Keep in mind this is as a preamp only and I'm rendering depth with a Burson Soloist which offense to Schiit but is in this regard far superior to the jack on the Lyr+. It's not even a competition, so straight out of the Lyr+ jack, I'd have a hard time thinking the differences would be that much from one tube to another. At least with my Grado cans. Maybe others are a better fit, planars being less reactive loading but I don't have any to try.

Why would you buy or keep a Lyr+ when you have the almost double the price Burson Soloist? An integrated amp as a preamp for an integrated amp?

By the way I have had many Grado headphones for decades including X series. While Grados still have their niche for me, the planars that I recently got are in a different league IMO (HE6SE & HE1000 V2).
Feb 10, 2023 at 1:21 PM Post #688 of 1,355
Why would you buy or keep a Lyr+ when you have the almost double the price Burson Soloist? An integrated amp as a preamp for an integrated amp?

By the way I have had many Grado headphones for decades including X series. While Grados still have their niche for me, the planars that I recently got are in a different league IMO (HE6SE & HE1000 V2).
Yea it sounds brainless but believe it or not, it's quite different when you insert the Lyr+ into the chain. Someone mentioned it on a forum and I thought I'll try but expected nothing and...the end-result was mindblowing. I sometimes listen to the Lyr+ direct, depending on the cut but usually the Burson is better. I've also got it setup to switch between that chain and a direct EF-400 DAC that I like for certain things too...but the Bifrost 2/64 direct to the Burson just doesn't quite work for me with these cans. It's nice but lacking in ways I can't describe.

Yes I realize that is brainless and for the cost go get something different - which I strongly considered but the result is exceptionally pleasing to me, why swap it out for a replacement only to find that it's not as enjoyable? Maybe I like it more. But it's not about a cost-savings budget for me. I dont have endless money but...if I find a combination that works, that I love, I'm not sure I care how diametric it is to all logic and budgeting considerations.

On the planars, I appreciate the input - I've been considering going out to give them a shot. I haven't heard the X drivers, thought about going to the 3000e but...back to what you're saying about the seemingly senseless configuration I'm using (I agree, it's absolutely brainless in logical consideration)...on the cans, I think it's probably wiser to go w/ planars and open a whole new world of other things I end up discovering. I listened to them a long time ago when they were first made, and quite liked aspects of them but wasn't sold on the cost at the time. It was just too much, obviously not so much anymore.
Feb 10, 2023 at 1:55 PM Post #689 of 1,355
Yea it sounds brainless but believe it or not, it's quite different when you insert the Lyr+ into the chain. Someone mentioned it on a forum and I thought I'll try but expected nothing and...the end-result was mindblowing. I sometimes listen to the Lyr+ direct, depending on the cut but usually the Burson is better. I've also got it setup to switch between that chain and a direct EF-400 DAC that I like for certain things too...but the Bifrost 2/64 direct to the Burson just doesn't quite work for me with these cans. It's nice but lacking in ways I can't describe.

Yes I realize that is brainless and for the cost go get something different - which I strongly considered but the result is exceptionally pleasing to me, why swap it out for a replacement only to find that it's not as enjoyable? Maybe I like it more. But it's not about a cost-savings budget for me. I dont have endless money but...if I find a combination that works, that I love, I'm not sure I care how diametric it is to all logic and budgeting considerations.

On the planars, I appreciate the input - I've been considering going out to give them a shot. I haven't heard the X drivers, thought about going to the 3000e but...back to what you're saying about the seemingly senseless configuration I'm using (I agree, it's absolutely brainless in logical consideration)...on the cans, I think it's probably wiser to go w/ planars and open a whole new world of other things I end up discovering. I listened to them a long time ago when they were first made, and quite liked aspects of them but wasn't sold on the cost at the time. It was just too much, obviously not so much anymore.

I tried using the Lyr+ as a preamp to my Corda Classic, but the problem is the Corda Classic is a lesser amp to the Lyr+, so all it ends up doing is holding back the performance you get straight out of the Lyr+. And the Lyr+ being a hybrid with a transformer-coupled, low-impedance output, it really doesn't have any drawbacks compared to an SS amp.

And now that I've had mine working for close to a month, I'm really appreciating it's do-all nature. It really is all the amp most people need. Just wish it were more reliable so I could recommend it to people.
Feb 10, 2023 at 2:34 PM Post #690 of 1,355
Yea it sounds brainless but believe it or not, it's quite different when you insert the Lyr+ into the chain. Someone mentioned it on a forum and I thought I'll try but expected nothing and...the end-result was mindblowing. I sometimes listen to the Lyr+ direct, depending on the cut but usually the Burson is better. I've also got it setup to switch between that chain and a direct EF-400 DAC that I like for certain things too...but the Bifrost 2/64 direct to the Burson just doesn't quite work for me with these cans. It's nice but lacking in ways I can't describe.

Yes I realize that is brainless and for the cost go get something different - which I strongly considered but the result is exceptionally pleasing to me, why swap it out for a replacement only to find that it's not as enjoyable? Maybe I like it more. But it's not about a cost-savings budget for me. I dont have endless money but...if I find a combination that works, that I love, I'm not sure I care how diametric it is to all logic and budgeting considerations.

On the planars, I appreciate the input - I've been considering going out to give them a shot. I haven't heard the X drivers, thought about going to the 3000e but...back to what you're saying about the seemingly senseless configuration I'm using (I agree, it's absolutely brainless in logical consideration)...on the cans, I think it's probably wiser to go w/ planars and open a whole new world of other things I end up discovering. I listened to them a long time ago when they were first made, and quite liked aspects of them but wasn't sold on the cost at the time. It was just too much, obviously not so much anymore.

I would normally just put the money into a more expensive and hopefully better amp. However if it is working for you, it does make sense and it is all that matters. One thing nice about a stepped attenuator is that it minimizes a volume knob's degradation to the signal. Wonder what it would be like putting the less expensive Saga+ preamp through your Burson? Saga+ being similar to the Lyr+ but more tuned or specialized to be a preamp.

Regarding Grados I love them. Especially with acoustic music and they got as much or more time than my HD800S before I got planars. I saw the Hifiman HE6SE on sale for about $700 on Amazon and it was enough to satisfy a long term curiosity and just try them. One would at first think the Lyr+ sounds like it is driving them fine but not really especially when compared to the Schiit Ragnarok. The HE6SE sound amazing on the Ragnarok and it makes it clear that the Lyr+ does not have the power the HE6SE needs. I prefer them over my HD800S and every other headphone in my collection at the time. It seems very neutral in bass until the music calls for it then the punch and extension are super impressive. They are just ear candy to me on the Ragnarok but not so on the Lyr+. I then bought a pair of Hifiman Arya Stealths. These sound great on the Lyr+! Better in some ways than the Ragnarok and overall just a few steps back. I then noticed the new price for the Hifiman HE1000 V2 and just had to at least try it. It was like goldilocks. Better than both the HE6SE and the Arya. Now the HE1000 V2 is harder to drive than the Arya but the Lyr+ (with 2/64) has no problems driving the HE1000 to its potential or very close to it. They do still sound better on the Ragnarok (with Yggdrasil) technically though they are complementary as the Lyr+ is smother and more emotive. I send the Arya back and kept the HE6SE and the HE1000 V2. Different enough to justify keeping both for me. I keep the HE6SE with the Ragnarok in my main system and the HE1000 with the Lyr+ in my home office.

I would recommend at some point trying a good pair of planers especially since you have an amp with the power to drive them (excluding the HE6SE of course which is crazy power hungry).

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